< Proverbes 27 >

1 Ne te félicite pas du jour de demain, car tu ne sais ce que peut apporter chaque jour.
Do not boast about [what you will do] tomorrow, because you do not know what will happen [PRS] on any day.
2 Qu’un autre fasse ton éloge et non ta propre bouche; un étrangers et non tes lèvres à toi.
Do not praise yourself [MTY, PRS]; allow others to praise you. If someone else praises you, that is okay.
3 Lourde est la pierre, pesant le sable; mais le dépit d’un sot pèse plus lourd que les deux.
[It causes pain to our bodies to carry heavy] stones or [a pail full of] sand, but doing something stupid/foolish [can cause] great [pain to other people’s spirits.]
4 Cruelle est la colère, violent le courroux; mais qui peut tenir devant la jalousie?
It is cruel to be angry [with others], and our being angry sometimes destroys [others], but being jealous of someone is [RHQ] often more cruel than that.
5 Mieux vaut une réprimande ouverte qu’une amitié qui se dérobe.
It is better to correct someone openly than to show that you l don’t love that person [by not correcting him].
6 Les blessures faites par un ami sont preuve d’affection, un ennemi est prodigue de caresses.
If a friend criticizes you, [he is a good friend and] you can trust him; but if one of your enemies kisses you, he is [probably wanting to] deceive you.
7 La satiété fait fi du miel; la faim trouve doux ce qui est amer.
When someone’s stomach is full, he does not want to eat honey; but when someone is [very] hungry, he thinks that [even] bitter things taste sweet.
8 Comme l’oiseau qui erre loin de son nid, tel est l’homme qui erre loin de son pays.
Anyone who wanders [far] from his home/family is like [SIM] a bird that is far from its nest.
9 Huile et parfum réjouissent le cœur; de même la bonté suave d’un ami qui donne de sincères conseils.
[Putting olive] oil and perfume on a person’s skin causes him to feel good, but having a friend [who gives] good advice [is even better].
10 N’Abandonne ni ton ami ni l’ami de ton père, ne franchis pas le seuil de ton frère au jour de ton malheur; mieux vaut un voisin qui est près de toi qu’un frère qui se tient à l’écart.
Do not neglect your friends or your parents’ friends; and at a time when you are experiencing a disaster, do not go to a relative [who lives far away to request his help]; someone who lives near you can help you more than relatives who live far away.
11 Sois sage, mon fils, tu réjouiras mon cœur, et j’aurai de quoi répliquer à qui m’insulte.
My child/son, cause me to be happy by becoming wise, in order that I will [know how to] reply to those who would criticize me [about your behavior].
12 L’Homme avisé aperçoit le danger et se met à l’abri; les niais passent outre et en pâtissent.
Those who have good sense will realize that there is something dangerous ahead, and they will hide; those who do not have good sense [just] keep going, and later they will suffer because of [doing] that.
13 Il s’est porté garant pour un autre: saisis son vêtement; il a cautionné une étrangère: nantis-toi de son gage!
[You deserve to] have your property taken from you if you [foolishly] promise to a stranger (OR, a strange woman) that you will pay what she owes if she is unable to pay it [DOU].
14 Assourdir de grand matin son prochain par de bruyants saluts, c’est comme si on lui disait des injures.
If you rise early in the morning and call out a greeting to your neighbor [while he is still sleeping], he will consider it to be a curse, [not a blessing].
15 Une gouttière qui se déverse par un jour d’orage et une femme acariâtre, c’est tout un.
[Having] a wife that is [constantly] nagging is as [bad as listening] to rain continually dripping on a rainy day.
16 Vouloir la retenir, c’est retenir le vent ou recueillir de l’huile dans sa main.
[Trying] to restrain/stop her [from doing that] is as [difficult] [SIM] [as trying] to stop the wind or [trying] to hold oil in your hand.
17 Le fer devient poli au contact du fer et l’homme au contact de son prochain.
[We can use one] iron tool to sharpen [another] iron [tool]; similarly [SIM], [when one person shares] what he is thinking, it can help other people [to think more clearly].
18 Qui veille sur le figuier jouira de ses fruits qui veine sur son maître recueillera de l’honneur.
Those who take care of fig trees will have figs to eat; [similarly], servants who protect their master will be honored [by him].
19 Comme dans l’eau le visage répond au visage, ainsi chez les hommes les cœurs se répondent.
[When a person looks] in the water, he sees his own face; similarly [SIM], [when we look at] a person’s behavior, we know what he is thinking.
20 Cheol et abîme sont insatiables; les yeux de l’homme le sont également. (Sheol h7585)
[It is as though] the place where the dead people are is always wanting more people to [die and] come there; and humans [SYN] are always wanting to acquire more things, [too]. (Sheol h7585)
21 La fournaise, pour l’argent, le creuset pour l’or, et l’homme est prisé d’après sa réputation.
[Workers put] silver and gold in a very hot furnace [to burn out what is impure], and [SIM] people learn [what we are really like when they see how we react when people] praise us.
22 Tu broierais le sot dans un mortier avec le pilon, comme on fait des graines, que sa sottise ne se détacherait pas de lui.
Even if you beat/crush a fool severely [like] [MET] you pulverize grain with a pestle, you [probably] will not be able to cause him to stop (being foolish/doing foolish things).
23 Tâche de bien connaître l’état de tes brebis, porte ton attention sur tes troupeaux.
Take good care of your flocks of sheep and herds of cattle,
24 Car les biens ne dureront pas toujours: les dignités se transmettent-elles de génération en génération?
because the money [that you acquired from selling animals previously] will not (last/stay with you) forever; similarly [SIM], governments [MTY] certainly do not [RHQ] last forever.
25 Que la végétation se fasse jour, que la verdure apparaisse, que les herbes des hauteurs soient recueillies,
After you cut the hay [DOU] and [store it to feed the animals in the winter while] a new crop of hay is growing,
26 et tu auras des brebis pour te vêtir, des béliers pour payer le prix d’un champ,
you will be able to [shear the sheep and] make clothes from the wool, and you will get money from selling [some of] the goats to buy [more] land,
27 du lait de chèvres en abondance, pour te nourrir toi et ta famille et faire vivre tes domestiques.
and you will get enough milk from the [other] goats for you and your family and your female servants.

< Proverbes 27 >