< Luka 4 >

1 Azɔ Yesu si me Gbɔgbɔ Kɔkɔe la yɔ fũu la dzo le Yɔdan tɔsisi la to, eye Gbɔgbɔ la kplɔe yi ɖe Yudea ƒe gbedadaƒo afi aɖe.
Now Jesus being full of the holy Spirit, returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, being forty days tempted by the devil;
2 Enɔ afi ma ŋkeke blaene, eye Abosam va tee kpɔ le ŋkeke siawo katã me. Meɖu naneke le ŋkeke siawo katã me o, ale dɔ wui vevie.
and He did eat nothing in all those days: and when they were ended, at last He was hungry.
3 Abosam gblɔ nɛ be, “Nenye be Mawu vie nenye tututu la, ekema ɖe gbe na kpe siawo be woatrɔ zu abolo.”
And the devil said to Him, If thou art the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.
4 Yesu ɖo eŋu nɛ be, “Woŋlɔ ɖe Ŋɔŋlɔ Kɔkɔea me be, Menye nuɖuɖu ɖeɖe ko ŋuti ame nanɔ agbe ɖo o.”
And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, that man shall not live by bread only, but on every word of God.
5 Abosam kplɔe yi teƒe kɔkɔ aɖee, eye wòɖe xexea me fiaɖuƒewo katã fiae le ɣeyiɣi kpui aɖe ko me,
And the devil taking Him up into an high mountain, shewed Him all the kingdoms of the world in an instant,
6 eye wògblɔ na Yesu be, “Wòe matsɔ ŋusẽ sia katã kple ŋutikɔkɔe ana; elabena tɔnyewoe, eye mate ŋu atsɔ wo na ame sia ame si melɔ̃.
and said to Him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for it is committed to me, and I give it to whomsoever I will.
7 Eya ta ne èdze klo de ta agu nam ko la, matsɔ wo na wò.”
Therefore, if thou wilt but worship me, they all shall be thine.
8 Yesu ɖo eŋu nɛ be, “Abe ale si woŋlɔ ɖe Ŋɔŋlɔ Kɔkɔea mee ene la, Mawu ɖeka hɔ̃ɔ ko wòle be míasubɔ.”
And Jesus answering him said with indignation, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.
9 Azɔ Abosam gakplɔe yi Yerusalem, eye wòtsɔe ɖo gbedoxɔ la ƒe kɔkɔƒe kekeake. Egblɔ nɛ be, “Nenye Mawu vie nènye vavã la, ti kpo tso afi sia.
And he brought Him to Jerusalem, and set him on a battlement of the temple, and said to Him, If thou art the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence;
10 Elabena woŋlɔ ɖi be, “‘Ade se na eƒe dɔlawo le ŋutiwò be woakpɔ tawò nyuie
for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee,
11 woatsɔ wò ɖe woƒe asiwo me, ale be màtsɔ wò afɔ axlã ɖe kpe aɖeke o.’”
to keep thee, and they shall bear thee up in their hands, least thou dash thy foot against a stone.
12 Yesu ɖo eŋu nɛ be, “Ŋɔŋlɔ Kɔkɔe la gblɔ be, ‘Mègate Mawu wò Aƒetɔ la kpɔ o.’”
And Jesus answered him, it is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
13 Esi Abosam wu tetekpɔwo katã nu la, egblẽ Yesu ɖi dzo le egbɔ hena ɣeyiɣi bubu.
And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from Him for a time.
14 Gbɔgbɔ Kɔkɔe la ƒe ŋusẽ yɔ Yesu me fũu azɔ ale wòtrɔ yi Galilea. Eteƒe medidi o la, amewo nyae le nuto sia me kpe ɖo.
And Jesus returned by the influence of the Spirit into Galilee: and a fame was spread through all the country round about concerning Him:
15 Le mawunya deto siwo wògblɔna le woƒe ƒuƒoƒewo ta la, ame sia ame kafunɛ ŋutɔ.
and He taught in their synagogues with universal applause.
16 Eva Nazaret, afi si wonyii le, eye wòyi woƒe ƒuƒoƒe le Dzudzɔgbe ŋkekea dzi abe ale si wòwɔnɛ ene. Esi wòtso be yeaxlẽ mawunya la,
And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up: and according to his custom He went into the synagogue on the sabbath-day, and stood up to read.
17 wotsɔ Nyagblɔɖila Yesaya ƒe agbalẽ nɛ be wòaxlẽ. Eʋu teƒe si woŋlɔ ɖo be,
And there was delivered to Him the book of the prophet Esaias; and opening the book, He found the place where it was written,
18 “Aƒetɔ la ƒe Gbɔgbɔ le dzinye, eya ta wosi ami nam ɖo, edɔm ɖa be magblɔ nyanyui la na ame dahewo, edɔm ɖa be maɖe gbeƒã be woaɖe ga aboyomenɔlawo, eye ŋkunɔwo ƒe ŋkuwo aʋu. Ame siwo wote ɖe anyi la, ado le wo teɖeanyilawo si me,
"The spirit of the Lord is upon me to the end, for which He hath anointed me: He hath sent me to publish good tidings to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim deliverance to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to release them that are bruised,
19 eye maɖe gbeƒã Aƒetɔ la ƒe ƒe nyui la.”
and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord."
20 Esi wòxlẽ nya siawo vɔ la, etu agbalẽa, tsɔe na dɔla la, eye eya ŋutɔ yi ɖanɔ anyi. Ke ame siwo katã nɔ ƒuƒoƒea la fɔ ŋku ɖe edzi gãa.
And He folded up the book, and gave it again to the minister, and sat down: and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed upon Him.
21 Yesu gagblɔ na ameawo be, “Mawunya sia va eme le egbeŋkeke sia dzi.”
And He said unto them, this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.
22 Ame siwo katã nɔ xɔa me la kafui, eye woƒe mo wɔ yaa le amenuvevenya siwo wògblɔ la ta. Wobia wo nɔewo be, “Nya kae nye esia? Alo menye Yosef vie oa?”
And they all bare witness to Him, and wondered at the gracefulness of the words, which proceeded from his mouth, and said, Is not this the son of Joseph?
23 Yesu ɖo eŋu na wo be, “Ɖewohĩ miaɖo ŋku lododo sia adzi be, ‘Gbedala, da gbe le wò ŋutɔ ɖokuiwò ŋu’ esi gɔmee nye be, ‘Nu ka ta mèwɔ nukunuwo le wò ŋutɔ wò dedu me abe ale si nèwɔe le Kapernaum ene o?’
And He said unto them, No doubt ye will apply to me this proverb, "Physician, cure thyself, and do here in thy own country what we have heard were done at Capernaum."
24 “Vavã mele egblɔm na mi be, bubu menɔa nyagblɔɖila aɖeke ŋu le eya ŋutɔ ƒe dedu me o.
But, said He, indeed I must tell you, that no prophet is well received in his own country.
25 Mele egblɔm na mi kple kakaɖedzi be ahosi geɖewo nɔ Israel le Eliya ŋɔli, esi wotu dziƒo nu ƒe etɔ̃ kple afã, eye dɔwuame sesẽ aɖe va anyigba blibo la dzi.
And I assure you, there were many widows in Israel, in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up for three years and six months, and there was a great famine through all the land;
26 Gake womeɖo Eliya ɖe wo dometɔ aɖeke gbɔ o, ke boŋ woɖoe ɖe ahosi aɖe si tso Zarefat le Sidon nuto me la gbɔ.
but Elias was sent to none of those widows, but to a widow-woman at Sarepta in the territory of Sidon.
27 Mibu Nyagblɔɖila Elisa, ame si da gbe le Naaman si nye Siriatɔ la ŋu kpɔ. Togbɔ be kpodɔléla geɖewo hã nɔ Israel siwo hiã gbedada vevie hã, Elisa meda gbe le woawo ŋu o, negbe Naaman Siriatɔ la ko.”
There were also many lepers in Israel, in the time of Elisha the prophet, and none of them was cleansed; but Naaman the Syrian was.
28 Yesu ƒe nya siawo ve dɔ me na ameawo ŋutɔ le ƒuƒoƒea esi wose wo.
And all the synagogue were filled with rage, when they heard these things,
29 Woƒe dziwo ho ɖe eŋu ale wotso hetutu asi ʋu me nɛ do goe le xɔa me. Wokplɔe yi togbɛ si dzi wotu dua ɖo la ƒe kɔkɔƒe be yewoatutui tso teƒe sia wòayi aɖadze agame.
and they rose up and drove Him out of the city, and dragged Him to the brow of the hill, on which their city was built, in order to throw Him down the precipice.
30 Gake ezɔ to amehawo dome hedzo le wo gbɔ kɔ̃ɔ.
But He passed through the midst of them, and went away.
31 Yesu trɔ yi Kapernaum si nye du aɖe si le Galilea nuto me la me, eye le afi sia egblɔ mawunya na amewo le Dzudzɔgbe ŋkeke ɖe sia ɖe dzi le woƒe ƒuƒoƒewo.
And He came down to Capernaum a city of Galilee, and taught them on the sabbath-days,
32 Eƒe nyagbɔgblɔwo wɔ nuku na ameawo katã le afi sia hã, elabena eƒo nu ŋusẽtɔe.
and they were astonished at his doctrine; for He spake with authority.
33 Gbe ɖeka esi Yesu nɔ mawunya gblɔm le ƒuƒoƒea la, ŋutsu aɖe si me gbɔgbɔ vɔ̃ aɖe le la de asi ɣlidodo me ɖe eta be,
And there was a man in the synagogue possessed by the spirit of an impure demon, and he cried out with a loud voice,
34 “Yesu Nazaretitɔ, nu ka ta nèle fu ɖem na mí ɖo? Ɖe nèva be yeatsrɔ̃ mía? Menya ame si nènye, wòe nye Mawu ƒe Vi Kɔkɔetɔ la.”
saying, Let us alone, what hast thou to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know who thou art, the holy one of God:
35 Yesu blu ɖe eta gblɔ be, “Zi ɖoɖoe!” Azɔ egblɔ na gbɔgbɔ vɔ̃ la be, “Do go le ame sia me!” Gbɔgbɔ vɔ̃ la tsɔ ŋutsua xlã ɖe anyi ŋɔdzitɔe, ameha la ƒo zi ɖe eŋu henɔ ekpɔm. Ke gbɔgbɔ vɔ̃ la do go le amea me, eye megawɔ nu vevi aɖekee o.
but Jesus rebuked him, saying, Be silent, and come out of him. And the demon threw him down in the midst of the assembly, and came out of him, having done him no hurt.
36 Esia wɔ nuku na ameawo ŋutɔ, ale wobia wo nɔewo be, “Ŋusẽ ka ƒomevie le ame sia ƒe nyawo ŋu, ale be gbɔgbɔ vɔ̃ ŋutɔwo gɔ̃ hã ɖoa toe?”
And they were all amazed, and said one to another, What a speech is this? for with authority and power He commandeth the impure spirits, and they come out!
37 Nukunu si Yesu wɔ la kaka ɖe nutoa katã me le ɣeyiɣi kpui aɖe ko me.
And his fame spread all over the country round about.
38 Esi Yesu do go le ƒuƒoƒea gbe ma gbe la, eyi Simɔn ƒe aƒe me, eye wòke ɖe Simɔn lɔ̃xo ŋu wònɔ ŋudza sesẽ aɖe lém. Ame sia ame kloe va ɖe kuku na Yesu gblɔ be, “Míeɖe kuku na wò da gbe le eŋu.”
And He rose up and went out of the synagogue, and came into the house of Simon: now Simon's wife's mother had a violent fever, and they intreated Him on her behalf.
39 Yesu yi ɖatsi tsitre ɖe dɔnɔa ƒe aba gbɔ, eye wòɖe gbe na dɔlélea be wòaɖe asi le eŋu. Dzoxɔxɔ sesẽ si nɔ nyɔnu la ƒe lãme la nu bɔbɔ enumake, eye eƒe lãme sẽ. Ale wòtso yi ɖaɖa nu va ɖo woƒe akɔme.
And he stood over her, and rebuked the fever, and it left her: and immediately she arose and waited upon them.
40 Le ɣetrɔ miaa la, kɔƒea me tɔwo katã kplɔ ame siwo katã nɔ dɔ vovovowo lém le woƒe aƒewo me la vɛ na Yesu, eye wòda asi ɖe wo katã dzi heyɔ dɔ wo.
And at sun-set all that had any persons sick of any diseases, brought them to Him: and He laid his hands on every one of them and healed them.
41 Gbɔgbɔ vɔ̃ tɔ aɖewo hã nɔ ameawo dome, ke Yesu ɖe gbe na gbɔgbɔ vɔ̃ siawo be woado go le ameawo me, eye wodo go le eƒe nya nu henɔ ɣli dom be, “Wòe nye Mawu Vi la.” Esi Yesu kpɔ be gbɔgbɔ vɔ̃wo nya be yee nye Kristo la, eɖe gbe na wo be woazi ɖoɖoe.
And demons also came out from many, crying out, Thou art the Messiah the Son of God. And He rebuked them, and suffered them not to say, that they knew Him to be the Christ.
42 Le ŋkeke evea gbe ƒe ŋdi kanyaa la, efɔ, eye wòɖe eɖokui ɖe aga. Ameha la dii vevie le teƒe geɖewo, eye esi wova ke ɖe eŋu mlɔeba la, woɖe kuku nɛ be megadzo o, ke boŋ wòanɔ yewo gbɔ le Kapernaum.
And when the day was coming on, He went out and retired into a solitary place; and the people sought for Him, and came to Him, and would fain have detained Him, that He might not go from them.
43 Ke Yesu ɖo eŋu na wo be, “Ele be magblɔ mawufiaɖuƒe la ƒe nyanyui la na du bubuwo hã, elabena esia tae wodɔm ɖo.”
But He said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.
44 Ale wòdzo henɔ tsatsam le Yudea nutowo katã me kpe ɖo, nɔ mawunya gblɔm na amewo le woƒe ƒuƒoƒewo.
So He went on preaching in the synagogues of Galilee.

< Luka 4 >