< Romans 9 >

1 Truth I say in Christ, I lie not, my conscience bearing testimony with me in the Holy Spirit,
Nijobha bhukweli mu Kristu. Nijobha lepi udesi, ni dhamira jha nene jhishuhudila pamonga ni nene mu Roho Mtakatifu,
2 that I have great grief and unceasing pain in my heart —
kwamba jhijhelepi huzuni mbaha ni maumifu ghaghabeli kumalika mugati mu muoyo bhwa nene.
3 for I was wishing, I myself, to be anathema from the Christ — for my brethren, my kindred, according to the flesh,
Kwamba ninogheleghe ne muene kulaanibhwa ni kutengibhwa patali ni Kristu kwa ndabha jha bhalongo bhangu, bhala bha jamii jha nene mu mb'el'e.
4 who are Israelites, whose [is] the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the lawgiving, and the service, and the promises,
Bhene ndo Bhaisraeli. Bhabhajhe ni hali jha kujha bhana, bha utukufu, bhwa maaganu, ni zawadi jha sheria, kumwabudu K'yara, ni ahadi.
5 whose [are] the fathers, and of whom [is] the Christ, according to the flesh, who is over all, God blessed to the ages. Amen. (aiōn g165)
Bhene bhalongolesi ambako Kristu ahidili kwa litengu kufuala mb'el'e obho - ambajhe muene ndo K'yara ghwa fyoha. Ni muene atufibhwajhi milele. Amina. (aiōn g165)
6 And it is not possible that the word of God hath failed; for not all who [are] of Israel are these Israel;
Lakini sio kujha ahadi sya K'yara sisindilu kutimila. Ndabha sio khila munu jha ajhele Israeli ndo Mwisraeli halisi.
7 nor because they are seed of Abraham [are] all children, but — 'in Isaac shall a seed be called to thee;'
Naha lepi, hata kwa bhuzao bhwa Abrahamu kujha ndo bhanamunu halisi. Lakini, “ni kup'et'ela Isaka uzao bhwa jhobhi wibetakukutibhwa.”
8 that is, the children of the flesh — these [are] not children of God; but the children of the promise are reckoned for seed;
Ejhe ndo kwamba, bhana bha mb'el'e sio bhana bha K'yara. Lakini bhana bha ahadi bhilolelibhwa kujha kama uzao.
9 for the word of promise [is] this; 'According to this time I will come, and there shall be to Sarah a son.'
Ndabha e'le ndo lilobhi lya ahadi: “Mu majira agha nibetakuhida, ni Sara ibetakupelibhwa muana.”
10 And not only [so], but also Rebecca, having conceived by one — Isaac our father —
E'le lepi tu, lakini baada jha Rebeka kukabha luleme kwa munu mmonga, Isaka dadi jhitu-
11 (for they being not yet born, neither having done anything good or evil, that the purpose of God, according to choice, might remain; not of works, but of Him who is calling, ) it was said to her —
kwamba bhana bhajhe bhakhona kuhogoleka na ajhele akhetilepi khenu kyokyoha khela kinofu au kibhibhi, ili kwamba kusudi lya K'yara kul'engana na bhusalanu lijhemajhi, Bhwali kwa matendo lepi, lakini kwa ndabha jha jhola jhaikhuta.
12 'The greater shall serve the less;'
Lijabhibhu kwa muene, “Mbaha ibetakun'tumikila n'debe.”
13 according as it hath been written, 'Jacob I did love, and Esau I did hate.'
Kama kyajhalembibhu: “Yakobo nan'ganili, lakini Esau nan'dadili.”
14 What, then, shall we say? unrighteousness [is] with God? let it not be!
Basi kabhele twibetakujobha kiki? Je bhujhe bhudhalimu kwa K'yara? La hasha.
15 for to Moses He saith, 'I will do kindness to whom I do kindness, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion;'
Kwa kujha ijobha kwa Musa, “nibetakujha ni rehema kwa jhola jhanibetakundehemu, na nibetakujha ni k'esa kwa jhola jhanibetakun'hurumila.”
16 so, then — not of him who is willing, nor of him who is running, but of God who is doing kindness:
Henu basi, kwandabha jha muene lepi jhailonda, wala ndabha jha muene lepi jhaijumba, lakini kwandabha jha K'yara, ambajhe ilasya rehema.
17 for the Writing saith to Pharaoh — 'For this very thing I did raise thee up, that I might shew in thee My power, and that My name might be declared in all the land;'
Kwa kujha majhandiku ghijobha kwa Farao, “Kwa kusudi e'le maalumu nakujhimuli, ili kwamba nilasiajhi nghofu sya nene kwa bhebhe, ni kabhele ili lihina lya nene litangasibhwayi mu nchi jhioha.”
18 so, then, to whom He willeth, He doth kindness, and to whom He willeth, He doth harden.
Henu basi, K'yara huwa ijha ni rehema kwa jhejhioha jhaan'ganili, ni kwa ambajhe akan'gana akambeka kujha mkaidi.
19 Thou wilt say, then, to me, 'Why yet doth He find fault? for His counsel who hath resisted?'
Kabhele wibetakujobha kwa nene, “Kwandabha jha kiki wako na wibhona likosa? Jholeku jha abhwahili kustahimili matakwa gha muene?”
20 nay, but, O man, who art thou that art answering again to God? shall the thing formed say to Him who did form [it], Why me didst thou make thus?
Kinyume kyake, mwanadamu, bhebhe ghweniani jhaghwijibu kinyume ni k'yara? Kujha ni bhuwesekanu bho bhuoha bhwa kyakifyogholibhu kujobha kwa mfanyanzi, “Kwandajhakiki ghwanikhetili nene naha?”
21 hath not the potter authority over the clay, out of the same lump to make the one vessel to honour, and the one to dishonour?
Je mfinyazi huwa ijha ni haki panani pa bhud'opi kutengenesya khenu kwa matumizi maalumu kufwatana ni libonge lelalela, ni khenu kheng'e kwa matumizi gha khila ligono?
22 And if God, willing to shew the wrath and to make known His power, did endure, in much long suffering, vessels of wrath fitted for destruction,
Bhuli kama K'yara, ambajhe ajhe ni bhutayari bhwa kulasya gadhabu jha muene kumanyikana, asindemele kwa bhuvumilifu bhwa kutosha fenu fya gadhabu fyafyaandalibhu kwa kujhangamisibhwa?
23 and that He might make known the riches of His glory on vessels of kindness, that He before prepared for glory, whom also He did call — us —
Bhuli kama abhombili naha ili kwamba alasiajhi bhwingi bhwa bhutukufu bhwa muene panani pa fenu fya rehema ambafyo amalikufiandala kwa ndabha jha utukufu?
24 not only out of Jews, but also out of nations,
Bhuli kama abhombi naha ni kwa muenga kabhele, ambajhe ndo jhaatukhutili sio tu kuhoma kwa Bhayahudi, lakini kabhele kuhoma kwa bhanu bha Mataifa?
25 as also in Hosea He saith, 'I will call what [is] not My people — My people; and her not beloved — Beloved,
Kama kyaijobha kabhele kwa Hosea: “Nibetakubhakuta bhanu bha jhoni, ambabho bhajhelepi bhanu bhangu, ni mpendwa ghwa muene ambajhe aganikibhu lepi.
26 and it shall be — in the place where it was said to them, Ye [are] not My people; there they shall be called sons of the living God.'
Na jhibeta kujha kwamba pala ajobhibhu kwa bhene, 'Muenga mwebhanu bha nene lepi,' pala bhibete kukutibhwa bhanu bha K'yara jhaajhe muomi.”
27 And Isaiah doth cry concerning Israel, 'If the number of the sons of Israel may be as the sand of the sea, the remnant shall be saved;
Isaya ilela kuhusiana ni Israeli, “Kama hesabu jha bhana bha Israeli ngajhijhele kama n'sanga bhwa bahari, jhibetakujha ndo masalu ambagho bhibetakiokolibhwa.
28 for a matter He is finishing, and is cutting short in righteousness, because a matter cut short will the Lord do upon the land.
Kwa kujha Bwana ibetakulitola lilobhi lya muene panani pa nchi, manyata ni kwa bhutimilifu.
29 and according as Isaiah saith before, 'Except the Lord of Sabaoth did leave to us a seed, as Sodom we had become, and as Gomorrah we had been made like.'
Ni kama Isaya kyaajobhili kubhuandu, “Kama Bwana ghwa majeshi atulekilepi kumbele uzao kwa ndabha jha tete, ngatujhele kama Sodoma, na ngatubhombibhu kama Gomora.
30 What, then, shall we say? that nations who are not pursuing righteousness did attain to righteousness, and righteousness that [is] of faith,
Tubetajobha bhuli? kwamba bhanu bha Mataifa ambabho bhajhele bhilondalepi haki, bhakabhili haki, haki kwa amani.
31 and Israel, pursuing a law of righteousness, at a law of righteousness did not arrive;
Lakini Israeli, ambajhe elondili sheria jha haki, ajhifikilepi.
32 wherefore? because — not by faith, but as by works of law; for they did stumble at the stone of stumbling,
Kwandajhakiki naha lepi? Kwandabha bhajhilondilepi kwa imani, bali kwa matendo. Bhakhobhele panani pa liganga lya kukhobhala,
33 according as it hath been written, 'Lo, I place in Sion a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence; and every one who is believing thereon shall not be ashamed.'
kama kyajhelembibhu, “Langayi, niligonisi liganga lya kwikungufula mu Sayuni ni mwamba bhwa kudula. Muene ambajhe ikiera kwa e'le ibetalepi kwikosya soni.”

< Romans 9 >