< Psalms 89 >

1 An instruction, by Ethan the Ezrahite. Of the kind acts of Jehovah, to the age I sing, To all generations I make known Thy faithfulness with my mouth,
Esrahini Etan ɔhaw ne amanehunu dwom. Mɛto Awurade adɔe ho dwom daa daa; mede mʼano bɛda wo nokwaredi adi awo ntoatoaso nyinaa mu.
2 For I said, 'To the age is kindness built, The heavens! Thou dost establish Thy faithfulness in them.'
Mɛka se wʼadɔe no tim hɔ daa nyinaa, na woatim wo nokwaredi wɔ ɔsoro hɔ ankasa.
3 I have made a covenant for My chosen, I have sworn to David My servant:
Wokae se, “Mene onipa a mayi no no ayɛ apam; maka ntam akyerɛ me somfo Dawid.
4 'Even to the age do I establish thy seed, And have built to generation and generation thy throne. (Selah)
‘Mɛma wʼase atim hɔ daa na wʼahengua nso atim wɔ awo ntoantoaso nyinaa mu.’”
5 and the heavens confess Thy wonders, O Jehovah, Thy faithfulness also [is] in an assembly of holy ones.
Awurade, ɔsorosorofo kamfo wʼanwonwade, na wo nokwaredi nso, wɔkamfo wɔ ahotefo asafo mu.
6 For who in the sky, Compareth himself to Jehovah? Is like to Jehovah among sons of the mighty?
Na hena na ɔne wo Awurade sɛ wɔ ɔsoro hɔ? Hena na ɔte sɛ Awurade wɔ ɔsoro abɔde mu?
7 God is very terrible, In the secret counsel of His holy ones, And fearful over all surrounding Him.
Akronkronfo agyinatufo mu, wosuro Onyankopɔn; wɔde osuro kɛse ma Onyankopɔn wɔ akronkronfo nhyiamu ase.
8 O Jehovah, God of Hosts, Who [is] like Thee — a strong Jah? And Thy faithfulness [is] round about Thee.
Asafo Awurade Nyankopɔn, hena na ɔte sɛ wo? Wo, Awurade, woyɛ ɔkɛse na wo nokwaredi atwa wo ho ahyia.
9 Thou [art] ruler over the pride of the sea, In the lifting up of its billows Thou dost restrain them.
Wudi po a ɛworo no so; nʼasorɔkye bobɔ kɔ soro a, wobrɛ no ase.
10 Thou hast bruised Rahab, as one wounded. With the arm of Thy strength Thou hast scattered Thine enemies.
Wodwerɛw Rahab sɛ atɔfo no mu baako; wode wo basa dennen no bɔɔ wʼatamfo pansamee.
11 Thine [are] the heavens — the earth also [is] Thine, The habitable world and its fulness, Thou hast founded them.
Ɔsoro wɔ wo, na asase nso wɔ wo; wiase ne nea ɛwɔ mu nyinaa wo na wufii ase.
12 North and south Thou hast appointed them, Tabor and Hermon in Thy name do sing.
Wobɔɔ atifi ne anafo. Tabor ne Hermon de ahosɛpɛw to dwom ma wo din.
13 Thou hast an arm with might, Strong is Thy hand — high Thy right hand.
Tumi ayɛ wo basa ma; wo nsam wɔ ahoɔden, woama wo nsa nifa so.
14 Righteousness and judgment [Are] the fixed place of Thy throne, Kindness and truth go before Thy face.
Wʼahengua no fapem yɛ trenee ne atɛntrenee; adɔe ne nokwaredi di wʼanim.
15 O the happiness of the people knowing the shout, O Jehovah, in the light of Thy face they walk habitually.
Nhyira nka wɔn a wɔasua sɛnea wɔbɔ wo abodin, wɔn a wɔnantew wʼanim hann no mu, Awurade.
16 In Thy name they rejoice all the day, And in Thy righteousness they are exalted,
Wogye wɔn ani wɔ wo din mu da mu nyinaa; wodi ahurusi wɔ wo trenee mu.
17 For the beauty of their strength [art] Thou, And in Thy good will is our horn exalted,
Wone wɔn anuonyam ne ahoɔden, na wʼadom nti yɛyɛ nkonimdifo.
18 For of Jehovah [is] our shield, And of the Holy One of Israel our king.
Ampa ara, yɛn kyɛm wɔ Awurade, na yɛn hene wɔ Israel Kronkronni no.
19 Then Thou hast spoken in vision, To Thy saint, yea, Thou sayest, I have placed help upon a mighty one, Exalted a chosen one out of the people,
Da bi wokasaa wɔ anisoadehu mu, kyerɛɛ wʼahotefo se, “Madom ɔkofo bi ahoɔden; mapagyaw aberante bi afi nnipa no mu.
20 I have found David My servant, With My holy oil I have anointed him.
Mahu Dawid, me somfo; mede me ngo kronkron no asra no.
21 With whom My hand is established, My arm also doth strengthen him.
Me nsa bɛwowaw no; ampa ara me basa bɛhyɛ no den.
22 An enemy exacteth not upon him, And a son of perverseness afflicteth him not.
Ɔtamfo biara renhyɛ no sɛ ontua tow; omumɔyɛfo biara rentumi nhyɛ no so.
23 And I have beaten down before him his adversaries, And those hating him I plague,
Mɛdwerɛw nʼatamfo wɔ nʼanim na mabobɔ nʼahohiahiafo ahwe fam.
24 And My faithfulness and kindness [are] with him, And in My name is his horn exalted.
Me nokware adɔe bɛka ne ho, na me din mu, wɔbɛma nʼabɛn so.
25 And I have set on the sea his hand, And on the rivers his right hand.
Mɛtrɛw nʼahye mu akosi po so, na ɔde ne nsa nifa bɛto nsubɔnten so.
26 He proclaimeth me: 'Thou [art] my Father, My God, and the rock of my salvation.'
Ɔbɛfrɛ me aka se, ‘Wone mʼagya, me Nyankopɔn, me nkwagye botan.’
27 I also first-born do appoint him, Highest of the kings of the earth.
Mɛyɛ no mʼabakan, asase so ahene nyinaa no mu ɔkɛse.
28 To the age I keep for him My kindness, And My covenant [is] stedfast with him.
Mɛma mʼadɔe a mewɔ ma no no atena hɔ daa, na apam a me ne no ayɛ nso bɛtena hɔ daa.
29 And I have set his seed for ever, And his throne as the days of the heavens.
Mɛma nʼase atim afebɔɔ, nʼahengua nso betim hɔ akosi sɛ ɔsoro betwa mu.
30 If his sons forsake My law, And in My judgments do not walk;
“Sɛ ne mmabarima po me mmara na sɛ wɔanni mʼahyɛde so,
31 If My statutes they pollute, And My commands do not keep,
sɛ wobu mʼahyɛde so na sɛ wɔanni me hyɛ nsɛm so a,
32 I have looked after with a rod their transgression, And with strokes their iniquity,
ɛno de mede abaa bɛtwe wɔn aso wɔ wɔn bɔne ho na wɔn amumɔyɛ nso mede mmaatwa atwe wɔn aso;
33 And My kindness I break not from him, Nor do I deal falsely in My faithfulness.
Nanso merennyae mʼadɔe a meyɛ ma no no na mɛkɔ so adi no nokware.
34 I profane not My covenant, And that which is going forth from My lips I change not.
Meremmu mʼapam no so na merensesa nea mede mʼano aka no.
35 Once I have sworn by My holiness, I lie not to David,
Menam me din kronkron no so aka ntam prɛko, na merentwa Dawid atoro da,
36 His seed is to the age, And his throne [is] as the sun before Me,
meremma nʼase ntɔre da na nʼahengua nso betim wɔ mʼanim te sɛ owia;
37 As the moon it is established — to the age, And the witness in the sky is stedfast. (Selah)
ebetim hɔ daa te sɛ ɔsram, ɔdanseni nokwafo a ɔwɔ wim no.”
38 And Thou, Thou hast cast off, and dost reject, Thou hast shown Thyself wroth With Thine anointed,
Nanso woapo no, woapa nʼakyi, wo bo afuw nea woasra no ngo no.
39 Hast rejected the covenant of Thy servant, Thou hast polluted to the earth his crown,
Woagu apam a wo ne wo somfo pamee no, woagu nʼahenkyɛw ho fi wɔ mfutuma mu.
40 Thou hast broken down all his hedges, Thou hast made his fenced places a ruin.
Woabubu nʼafasu nyinaa ama nʼabandennen adan nnwiriwii.
41 Spoiled him have all passing by the way, He hath been a reproach to his neighbours,
Wɔn a wotwa mu wɔ hɔ nyinaa fow no fa; na wayɛ aniwude ama ne mfɛfo.
42 Thou hast exalted the right hand of his adversaries, Thou hast caused all his enemies to rejoice.
Woama nʼatamfo nsa nifa so; ama wɔn nyinaa di ahurusi.
43 Also — Thou turnest back the sharpness of his sword, And hast not established him in battle,
Woama nʼafoa ayɛ ɔkwa, na woannyina nʼakyi wɔ ɔko mu.
44 Hast caused [him] to cease from his brightness, And his throne to the earth hast cast down.
Wode nʼanuonyam aba awiei na woatow nʼahengua akyene fam.
45 Thou hast shortened the days of his youth, Hast covered him over [with] shame. (Selah)
Woatwa ne mmerantebere nna so na wode animguase nguguso akata no so.
46 Till when, O Jehovah, art Thou hidden? For ever doth Thy fury burn as fire?
Awurade, enkosi da bɛn? Na wode wo ho behintaw? Wʼabufuwhyew bɛkɔ so adɛw akosi da bɛn?
47 Remember, I pray Thee, what [is] life-time? Wherefore in vain hast Thou created All the sons of men?
Kae sɛnea me nkwanna twa mu ntɛm so. Efisɛ woabɔ yɛn nyinaa sɛ ade a etwa mu ntɛm so!
48 Who [is] the man that liveth, and doth not see death? He delivereth his soul from the hand of Sheol. (Selah) (Sheol h7585)
Hena na ɔbɛtena ase a ɔrenwu da? Anaasɛ hena na obetumi agye ne ho afi owu tumi nsam? (Sheol h7585)
49 Where [are] Thy former kindnesses, O Lord. Thou hast sworn to David in Thy faithfulness,
Awurade, ɛhe na wo tete adɔe kɛse no wɔ, nea wufi wo nokwaredi mu de kaa ntam kyerɛɛ Dawid no?
50 Remember, O Lord, the reproach of Thy servants, I have borne in my bosom all the strivings of the peoples,
Kae, Awurade, sɛnea wɔadi wo somfo ho fɛw ne sɛnea manya koma ama amanaman no akutiabɔ,
51 Wherewith Thine enemies reproached, O Jehovah, Wherewith they have reproached The steps of Thine anointed.
Awurade, akutiabɔ a wʼatamfo de adi fɛw de adi nea woasra no ngo no anammɔntu biara ho fɛw.
52 Blessed [is] Jehovah to the age. Amen, and amen!
Ayeyi nka Awurade daa!

< Psalms 89 >