< Psalms 82 >

1 — A Psalm of Asaph. God hath stood in the company of God, In the midst God doth judge.
アテフのうた かみは神のつどひの中にたちたまふ 神はもろもろの神のなかに審判をなしたまふ
2 Till when do ye judge perversely? And the face of the wicked lift up? (Selah)
なんぢらは正からざる審判をなし あしきものの身をかたよりみて幾何時をへんとするや (セラ)
3 Judge ye the weak and fatherless, The afflicted and the poor declare righteous.
4 Let the weak and needy escape, From the hand of the wicked deliver them.
5 They knew not, nor do they understand, In darkness they walk habitually, Moved are all the foundations of earth.
かれらは知ることなく悟ることなくして暗中をゆきめぐりぬ 地のもろもろの基はうごきたり
6 I — I have said, 'Gods ye [are], And sons of the Most High — all of you,
我いへらく なんぢらは神なりなんぢらはみな至上者の子なりと
7 But as man ye die, and as one of the heads ye fall,
8 Rise, O God, judge the earth, For Thou hast inheritance among all the nations!
神よおきて全地をさばきたまへ 汝もろもろの國を嗣たまふべければなり

< Psalms 82 >