< Psalms 137 >

1 By rivers of Babylon — There we did sit, Yea, we wept when we remembered Zion.
Teo amoron’ ny onin’ i Babylona no nipetrahanay, Sady nitomanianay, raha nahatsiaro an’ i Ziona.
2 On willows in its midst we hung our harps.
Teo amin’ ny hazomalahelo teo afovoan’ i Babylona No nanantonanay ny lokanganay.
3 For there our captors asked us the words of a song, And our spoilers — joy: 'Sing ye to us of a song of Zion.'
Fa teo dia nangataka anay hihira izay namabo anay; Ary izay nampahory anay nangataka anay hanao fifaliana ka nanao hoe: Manaova hiran’ i Ziona eto anatrehanay.
4 How do we sing the song of Jehovah, On the land of a stranger?
Nefa ho nataontsika ahoana no fihira ny fihiran’ i Jehovah Tany an-tany nivahiniana?
5 If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, my right hand forgetteth!
Raha manadino anao aho, ry Jerosalema ô, Aoka kosa ny tanako ankavanana mba hanadino.
6 My tongue doth cleave to my palate, If I do not remember thee, If I do not exalt Jerusalem above my chief joy.
Raha tsy mahatsiaro anao aho, Aoka ny lelako hiraikitra amin’ ny lanilaniko, Raha tsy Jerosalema no ataoko ambony indrindra amin’ ny fifaliako rehetra.
7 Remember, Jehovah, for the sons of Edom, The day of Jerusalem, Those saying, 'Rase, rase to its foundation!'
Jehovah ô, tsarovy amin’ ny taranak’ i Edoma Ny andron’ i Jerosalema, Dia ireo izay nanao hoe: Ravao, ravao izy Hatramin’ ny fanorenany.
8 O daughter of Babylon, O destroyed one, O the happiness of him who repayeth to thee thy deed, That thou hast done to us.
Ry Babylona zanakavavy izay efa resy, Sambatra izay mamaly anao Araka izay nataonao taminay.
9 O the happiness of him who doth seize, And hath dashed thy sucklings on the rock!
Sambatra izay maka ny zanakao madinika ka manjera azy ho torotoro, Amin’ ny harambato.

< Psalms 137 >