< Philemon 1 >

1 Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timotheus the brother, to Philemon our beloved and fellow-worker,
παυλος δεσμιος χριστου ιησου και τιμοθεος ο αδελφος φιλημονι τω αγαπητω και συνεργω ημων
2 and Apphia the beloved, and Archippus our fellow-soldier, and the assembly in thy house:
και απφια τη αγαπητη και αρχιππω τω συστρατιωτη ημων και τη κατ οικον σου εκκλησια
3 Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ!
χαρις υμιν και ειρηνη απο θεου πατρος ημων και κυριου ιησου χριστου
4 I give thanks to my God, always making mention of thee in my prayers,
ευχαριστω τω θεω μου παντοτε μνειαν σου ποιουμενος επι των προσευχων μου
5 hearing of thy love and faith that thou hast unto the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints,
ακουων σου την αγαπην και την πιστιν ην εχεις προς τον κυριον ιησουν και εις παντας τους αγιους
6 that the fellowship of thy faith may become working in the full knowledge of every good thing that [is] in you toward Christ Jesus;
οπως η κοινωνια της πιστεως σου ενεργης γενηται εν επιγνωσει παντος αγαθου του εν ημιν εις χριστον ιησουν
7 for we have much joy and comfort in thy love, because the bowels of the saints have been refreshed through thee, brother.
χαριν γαρ εχομεν πολλην και παρακλησιν επι τη αγαπη σου οτι τα σπλαγχνα των αγιων αναπεπαυται δια σου αδελφε
8 Wherefore, having in Christ much boldness to command thee that which is fit —
διο πολλην εν χριστω παρρησιαν εχων επιτασσειν σοι το ανηκον
9 because of the love I rather entreat, being such an one as Paul the aged, and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ;
δια την αγαπην μαλλον παρακαλω τοιουτος ων ως παυλος πρεσβυτης νυνι δε και δεσμιος ιησου χριστου
10 I entreat thee concerning my child — whom I did beget in my bonds — Onesimus,
παρακαλω σε περι του εμου τεκνου ον εγεννησα εν τοις δεσμοις μου ονησιμον
11 who once was to thee unprofitable, and now is profitable to me and to thee,
τον ποτε σοι αχρηστον νυνι δε σοι και εμοι ευχρηστον ον ανεπεμψα
12 whom I did send again, and thou him (that is, my own bowels) receive,
συ δε αυτον τουτ εστιν τα εμα σπλαγχνα προσλαβου
13 whom I did wish to retain to myself, that in thy behalf he might minister to me in the bonds of the good news,
ον εγω εβουλομην προς εμαυτον κατεχειν ινα υπερ σου διακονη μοι εν τοις δεσμοις του ευαγγελιου
14 and apart from thy mind I willed to do nothing, that as of necessity thy good deed may not be, but of willingness,
χωρις δε της σης γνωμης ουδεν ηθελησα ποιησαι ινα μη ως κατα αναγκην το αγαθον σου η αλλα κατα εκουσιον
15 for perhaps because of this he did depart for an hour, that age-duringly thou mayest have him, (aiōnios g166)
ταχα γαρ δια τουτο εχωρισθη προς ωραν ινα αιωνιον αυτον απεχης (aiōnios g166)
16 no more as a servant, but above a servant — a brother beloved, especially to me, and how much more to thee, both in the flesh and in the Lord!
ουκετι ως δουλον αλλ υπερ δουλον αδελφον αγαπητον μαλιστα εμοι ποσω δε μαλλον σοι και εν σαρκι και εν κυριω
17 If, then, with me thou hast fellowship, receive him as me,
ει ουν με εχεις κοινωνον προσλαβου αυτον ως εμε
18 and if he did hurt to thee, or doth owe anything, this to me be reckoning;
ει δε τι ηδικησεν σε η οφειλει τουτο εμοι ελλογει
19 I, Paul did write with my hand, I — I will repay; that I may not say that also thyself, besides, to me thou dost owe.
εγω παυλος εγραψα τη εμη χειρι εγω αποτισω ινα μη λεγω σοι οτι και σεαυτον μοι προσοφειλεις
20 Yes, brother, may I have profit of thee in the Lord; refresh my bowels in the Lord;
ναι αδελφε εγω σου οναιμην εν κυριω αναπαυσον μου τα σπλαγχνα εν κυριω
21 having been confident in thy obedience I did write to thee, having known that also above what I may say thou wilt do;
πεποιθως τη υπακοη σου εγραψα σοι ειδως οτι και υπερ ο λεγω ποιησεις
22 and at the same time also prepare for me a lodging, for I hope that through your prayers I shall be granted to you.
αμα δε και ετοιμαζε μοι ξενιαν ελπιζω γαρ οτι δια των προσευχων υμων χαρισθησομαι υμιν
23 Salute thee doth Epaphras, (my fellow-captive in Christ Jesus, )
ασπαζονται σε επαφρας ο συναιχμαλωτος μου εν χριστω ιησου
24 Markus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lukas, my fellow-workmen!
μαρκος αρισταρχος δημας λουκας οι συνεργοι μου
25 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [is] with your spirit! Amen.
η χαρις του κυριου ημων ιησου χριστου μετα του πνευματος υμων αμην

< Philemon 1 >