< Nehemiah 7 >

1 And it cometh to pass, when the wall hath been built, that I set up the doors, and the gatekeepers are appointed, and the singers, and the Levites,
Pea naʻe hoko ʻo pehē, ʻi he langaʻi ʻae ʻā maka, pea kuo ʻosi ʻeku fokotuʻu hake ʻae ngaahi matapā, pea mo e kau leʻo matapā mo e kau hiva mo e kau Livai kuo tuʻutuʻuni,
2 and I charge Hanani my brother, and Hananiah head of the palace, concerning Jerusalem — for he [is] as a man of truth, and fearing God above many —
Naʻaku tuku ki hoku tokoua ko Hanani, mo Hanania ko e pule ʻoe fale lahi, ke na pule ki Selūsalema: he ko e tangata angatonu ia, pea manavahē lahi ia ki he ʻOtua ʻi he tokolahi.
3 and I say to them, 'Let not the gates of Jerusalem be opened till the heat of the sun, and while they are standing by let them shut the doors, and fasten, and appoint guards of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, each in his guard, and each over-against his house.'
Pea ne u pehē kiate kinaua, “ʻOua naʻa tuku ke ava ʻae ngaahi matapā ki Selūsalema kaeʻoua ke mafana ʻae laʻā: pea ʻi heʻena tuʻu ʻo ofi, tuku kenau tāpuni ʻae ngaahi matapā, pea ʻai ki ai ʻae ʻakau fakamaʻu: pea fakanofo ʻae kau leʻo ʻi he kakai ʻo Selūsalema, taki taha ʻi hono lakanga, pea taki taha hangatonu ki hono fale ʻoʻona.”
4 And the city [is] broad on both sides, and great, and the people [are] few in its midst, and there are no houses builded;
Pea naʻe ʻataʻatā ʻae kolo pea lahi: ka naʻe tokosiʻi ʻae kakai naʻe ʻi ai, pea naʻe ʻikai langa ʻae ngaahi fale.
5 and my God putteth it unto my heart, and I gather the freeman, and the prefects, and the people, for the genealogy, and I find a book of the genealogy of those coming up at the beginning, and I find written in it: —
Pea naʻe tuku ki hoku loto ʻe hoku ʻOtua ke tānaki fakataha ʻae houʻeiki, mo e kau pule, mo e kakai, koeʻuhi ke lau fakahokohoko pē ʻakinautolu. Pea ne u ʻilo ʻae tohi ʻoe hokohoko ʻokinautolu naʻe muʻaki ʻalu hake pea u ʻilo kuo tohi ai;
6 These [are] sons of the province, those coming up of the captives of the removal that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon removed — and they turn back to Jerusalem and to Judah, each to his city —
Ko e ngaahi fānau eni ʻoe fonua, ʻaia naʻe ʻalu hake mei he pōpula, ʻakinautolu naʻe fetuku ʻo ʻave pōpula, ʻaia naʻe fetuku ʻe Nepukanesa ko e tuʻi ʻo Papilone, ʻonau toe haʻu ki Selūsalema mo Siuta, takitaha ki heʻene kolo;
7 who are coming in with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamani, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispereth, Bigvai, Nehum, Baanah. Number of the men of the people of Israel:
‌ʻAkinautolu naʻe ʻalu hake mo Selupepeli, mo Sesua, mo Nehemaia, mo ʻAsalia, mo Leamia, mo Nehamani, mo Motekiai, mo Pilisani, mo Misipeleti, mo Pikivai, mo Nehumi, mo Paʻana. Ko eni ʻa hono lau ʻoe kau tangata ʻoe kakai ʻo ʻIsileli:
8 Sons of Parosh: two thousand a hundred and seventy and two.
Ko e fānau ʻa Palosi, ko e toko ua afe mo e teau ma fitungofulu ma ua.
9 Sons of Shephatiah: three hundred seventy and two.
Ko e fānau ʻa Sifatia, ko e toko tolungeau ma fitungofulu ma ua.
10 Sons of Arah: six hundred fifty and two.
Ko e fānau ʻa ʻAla, ko e toko onongeau ma nimangofulu ma ua.
11 Sons of Pahath-Moab, of the sons of Jeshua and Joab: two thousand and eight hundred [and] eighteen.
Ko e fānau ʻa Pehati-Moape, ko e fānau ʻa Sesua mo Soape, ko e toko ua afe ma valungeau ma hongofulu ma valu.
12 Sons of Elam: a thousand two hundred fifty and four.
Ko e fānau ʻa ʻIlami, ko e taha afe ma uangeau ma nimangofulu ma fā.
13 Sons of Zattu: eight hundred forty and five.
Ko e fānau ʻa Satu, ko e toko valungeau ma fāngofulu ma nima.
14 Sons of Zaccai: seven hundred and sixty.
Ko e fānau ʻa Sakai, ko e toko fitungeau ma onongofulu.
15 Sons of Binnui: six hundred forty and eight.
Ko e fānau ʻa Pinui, ko e toko onongeau ma fāngofulu ma valu.
16 Sons of Bebai: six hundred twenty and eight.
Ko e fānau ʻa Pepai, ko e toko onongeau ma uofulu ma valu.
17 Sons of Azgad: two thousand three hundred twenty and two.
Ko e fānau ʻa ʻAsikati, ko e toko ua afe ma tolungeau ma uofulu ma ua.
18 Sons of Adonikam: six hundred sixty and seven.
Ko e fānau ʻa ʻAtonikami, ko e toko onongeau ma onongofulu ma fitu.
19 Sons of Bigvai: two thousand sixty and seven.
Ko e fānau ʻa Pikivai, ko e toko ua afe ma onongofulu ma fitu.
20 Sons of Adin: six hundred fifty and five.
Ko e fānau ʻa ʻAtini, ko e toko onongeau ma nimangofulu ma nima.
21 Sons of Ater of Hezekiah: ninety and eight.
Ko e fānau ʻa ʻAteli ʻia Hesekaia, ko e toko hivangofulu ma valu.
22 Sons of Hashum: three hundred twenty and eight.
Ko e fānau ʻa Hasumi, ko e toko tolungeau ma uofulu ma valu.
23 Sons of Bezai: three hundred twenty and four.
Ko e fānau ʻa Pisai, ko e toko tolungeau ma uofulu ma fā.
24 Sons of Hariph: a hundred [and] twelve.
Ko e fānau ʻa Halife, ko e toko teau ma hongofulu ma ua.
25 Sons of Gibeon: ninety and five.
Ko e fānau ʻa Kipione, ko e toko hivangofulu ma nima.
26 Men of Beth-Lehem and Netophah: a hundred eighty and eight.
Ko e kau tangata ʻo Petelihema mo Nitofa, ko e toko teau ma valungofulu ma valu.
27 Men of Anathoth: a hundred twenty and eight.
Ko e kau tangata ʻo ʻAnatoti, ko e toko teau mā uofulu mā valu.
28 Men of Beth-Azmaveth: forty and two.
Ko e kau tangata ʻo Pete-ʻAsimavete, ko e toko fāngofulu mā ua.
29 Men of Kirjath-Jearim, Chephirah, and Beeroth: seven hundred forty and three.
Ko e kau tangata ʻo Kesa-Sialimi, mo Kifila, mo Piheloti, ko e toko fitungeau mā fāngofulu mā tolu.
30 Men of Ramah and Gaba: six hundred twenty and one.
Ko e kau tangata ʻo Lama ʻo Kepa, ko e toko onongeau mā uofulu mā taha.
31 Men of Michmas: a hundred and twenty and two.
Ko e kau tangata ʻo Mikimasi, ko e toko teau mā uofulu mā ua.
32 Men of Bethel and Ai: a hundred twenty and three.
Ko e kau tangata ʻo Peteli mo ʻAi, ko e toko teau mā uofulu mā tolu.
33 Men of the other Nebo: fifty and two.
Ko e kau tangata ʻo Nipo ʻe taha, ko e toko nimangofulu mā ua.
34 Sons of the other Elam: a thousand two hundred fifty and four.
Ko e fānau ʻae ʻIlami ʻe taha, ko e toko taha afe, mā uangeau, mā nimangofolu mā fā.
35 Sons of Harim: three hundred and twenty.
Ko e fānau ʻa Halimi, ko e toko tolungeau mā uofulu.
36 Sons of Jericho: three hundred forty and five.
Ko e fānau ʻa Seliko, ko e toko tolungeau mā fāngofulu mā nima.
37 Sons of Lod, Hadid, and Ono: seven hundred and twenty and one.
Ko e fānau ʻa Loti, mo Hatiti, mo Ono, ko e toko fitungeau mā uofulu mā taha.
38 Sons of Senaah: three thousand nine hundred and thirty.
Ko e fānau ʻa Sinaʻa, ko e toko tolu afe mā hivangeau mā tolungofulu.
39 The priests: sons of Jedaiah: of the house of Jeshua: nine hundred seventy and three;
Ko e kau taulaʻeiki eni: ko e fānau ʻa Sitaia, ʻi he fale ʻo Sesua, ko e toko hivangeau mā fitungofulu mā tolu.
40 sons of Immer: a thousand fifty and two;
Ko e fānau ʻa Imeli, ko e toko taha afe mā nimangofulu mā ua.
41 sons of Pashur: a thousand two hundred forty and seven;
Ko e fānau ʻa Pasuli, ko e toko taha afe mā uangeau mā fāngofulu mā fitu.
42 sons of Harim: a thousand and seventeen.
Ko e fānau ʻa Halimi, ko e toko taha afe mā hongofulu mā fitu.
43 The Levites: sons of Jeshua, of Kadmiel: of sons of Hodevah: seventy and four.
Ko e kau Livai eni: ko e fānau ʻa Sesua, ʻo Katimieli, pea mo e fānau ʻa Hoteva, ko e toko fitungofulu mā fā.
44 The singers: sons of Asaph: a hundred forty and eight.
Ko e kau hiva eni: ko e fānau ʻa ʻAsafi, ko e toko teau mā fāngofulu mā valu.
45 The gatekeepers: sons of Shallum, sons of Ater, sons of Talmon, sons of Akkub, sons of Hatita, sons of Shobai: a hundred thirty and eight.
Ko e kau leʻo matapā eni: ko e fānau ʻa Salumi, ko e fānau ʻa ʻAteli, ko e fānau ʻa Talimoni, ko e fānau ʻa ʻAkupi, ko e fānau ʻa Hatita, ko e fānau ʻa Sopai, ko e toko teau mā tolungofulu mā valu.
46 The Nethinim: sons of Ziha, sons of Hasupha, sons of Tabbaoth,
Ko e kau Netenimi eni: ko e fānau ʻa Siha, ko e fānau ʻa Hasufa, ko e fānau ʻa Tapaoti,
47 sons of Keros, sons of Sia, sons of Padon,
Ko e fānau ʻa Kilosi, ko e fānau ʻa Sia, ko e fānau ʻa Patoni.
48 sons of Lebanah, sons of Hagaba, sons of Shalmai,
Ko e fānau ʻa Lipana, ko e fānau ʻa Hakapa, ko e fānau ʻa Salimei,
49 sons of Hanan, sons of Giddel, sons of Gahar,
Ko e fānau ʻa Hanani, ko e fānau ʻa Kiteli, ko e fānau ʻa Kehaa,
50 sons of Reaiah, sons of Rezin, sons of Nekoda,
Ko e fānau ʻa Liaia, ko e fānau ʻa Lesini, ko e fānau ʻa Nikota,
51 sons of Gazzam, sons of Uzza, sons of Phaseah,
Ko e fānau ʻa Kasami, ko e fānau ʻa Usa, ko e fānau ʻa Pasea,
52 sons of Bezai, sons of Meunim, sons of Nephishesim,
Ko e fānau ʻa Pesai, ko e fānau ʻa Mehunimi, ko e fānau ʻa Nifisimi,
53 sons of Bakbuk, sons of Hakupha, sons of Harhur,
Ko e fānau ʻa Pakipuki, ko e fānau ʻa Hakufa, ko e fānau ʻa Hahua,
54 sons of Bazlith, sons of Mehida, sons of Harsha,
Ko e fānau ʻa Pasiliti, ko e fānau ʻa Mehita, ko e fānau ʻa Halisa,
55 sons of Barkos, sons of Sisera, sons of Tamah,
Ko e fānau ʻa Pakosi, ko e fānau ʻa Sisila, ko e fānau ʻa Tama,
56 sons of Neziah, sons of Hatipha.
Ko e fānau ʻa Nisia, ko e fānau ʻa Hatifa.
57 Sons of the servants of Solomon: sons of Sotai, sons of Sophereth, sons of Perida,
Ko e fānau eni ʻae kau tamaioʻeiki ʻa Solomone: ko e fānau ʻa Sotei, ko e fānau ʻa Sofeleti, ko e fānau ʻa Pelita.
58 sons of Jaala, sons of Darkon, sons of Giddel,
Ko e fānau ʻa Sala, ko e fānau ʻa Takoni, ko e fānau ʻa Kiteli,
59 sons of Shephatiah, sons of Hattil, sons of Pochereth of Zebaim, sons of Amon.
Ko e fānau ʻa Sifatia, ko e fānau ʻa Hatili, ko e fānau ʻa Pokileti ʻo Sipemi, ko e fānau ʻa ʻAmoni.
60 All the Nethinim and the sons of the servants of Solomon [are] three hundred ninety and two.
Ko e kakai Netimimi kotoa pē, mo e fānau ʻae kau tamaioʻeiki ʻa Solomone, ko e toko tolungeau mā hivangofulu mā ua.
61 And these [are] those coming up from Tel-Melah, Tel-Harsha, Cherub, Addon, and Immer — and they have not been able to declare the house of their fathers, and their seed, whether they [are] of Israel —
Pea ko kinautolu eni ʻaia naʻe ʻalu hake foki mei Telimela mo Telihalesa, mo Kilupi, mo ʻAtoni, mo Imeli: ka naʻe ʻikai te nau faʻa fakahā ʻae fale ʻo ʻenau tamai, pe ko honau hoko, pe naʻe ʻo ʻIsileli ʻakinautolu pe ʻikai.
62 sons of Delaiah, sons of Tobiah, sons of Nekoda, six hundred forty and two.
Ko e fānau ʻa Tilaia, ko e fānau ʻa Topaia, ko e fānau ʻa Nikota, ko e toko onongeau mā fāngofulu mā ua.
63 And of the priests: sons of Habaiah sons of Koz, sons of Barzillai, who hath taken from the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite a wife, and is called by their name.
Pea ʻi he kau taulaʻeiki: ko e fānau ʻa Hopaia, ko e fānau ʻa Kose, ko e fānau ʻa Pasilai, ʻaia naʻa ne ʻave ʻae ʻofefine ʻe taha ʻo Pasilai ko e tangata Kiliati ko hono uaifi, pea naʻe ui ia ki hono hingoa ʻoʻona.
64 These have sought their register among those reckoning themselves by genealogy, and it hath not been found, and they are redeemed from the priesthood,
Naʻe kumi ʻekinautolu honau hohoko fakataha mo kinautolu naʻe lau ʻi he hokohoko, ka naʻe ʻikai ʻilo ia: ko ia naʻe tukuange ai ʻakinautolu ʻo hangē ha taʻemaʻa mei he ngāue fakataulaʻeiki.
65 and the Tirshatha saith to them that they eat not of the most holy things till the standing up of the priest with Urim and Thummim.
Pea naʻe pehē ʻe he pule kiate kinautolu, ke ʻoua naʻa nau kai ʻi he ngaahi meʻa māʻoniʻoni lahi, ke ʻoua ke tuʻu hake ha taulaʻeiki mo e ʻUlimi mo e Tumemi.
66 All the assembly together [is] four myriads two thousand three hundred and sixty,
Ko hono tokolahi ʻoe kakai kātoa ko e toko fā mano mo e toko ua afe mo e toko tolungeau mā onongofulu.
67 apart from their servants and their handmaids — these [are] seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven; and of them [are] singers and songstresses, two hundred forty and five.
Ka naʻe lau kehe ʻenau kau tamaioʻeiki mo honau kau kaunanga, ko e toko fitu afe mo e toko tolungeau, mā tolungofulu mā fitu: pea naʻe ʻiate kinautolu ʻae kau tangata hiva mo e kau fefine hiva ko e toko uangeau mo e toko fāngofulu mā nima.
68 Their horses [are] seven hundred thirty and six; their mules, two hundred [and] forty and five;
Ko ʻenau fanga hoosi, ko e fitungeau mo e tolungofulu mā ono: ko ʻenau fanga miuli, ko e uangeau mo e fāngofulu mā nima:
69 camels, four hundred thirty and five; asses, six thousand seven hundred and twenty.
Ko ʻenau fanga kāmeli, ko e fāngeau mo e tolungofulu mā nima: ko e fanga ʻasi ko e ono afe mo e fitungeau mo e uofulu.
70 And from the extremity of the heads of the fathers they have given to the work; the Tirshatha hath given to the treasure, of gold, drams a thousand, bowls fifty, priests' coats thirty and five hundred.
Pea naʻe foaki meʻa ki he ngāue ʻe he niʻihi ʻoe kau mātuʻa tuʻukimuʻa. Naʻe foaki ʻe he pule ki he fale koloa ʻae koula ko e talami ʻe taha afe, mo e ipu luoluo ʻe nimangofulu, mo e kofu fakataulaʻeiki ʻe nimangeau ma tolungofulu.
71 And of the heads of the fathers they have given to the treasure of the work, of gold, drams two myriads, and of silver, pounds two thousand and two hundred.
Pea naʻe foaki ʻe he kau tuʻukimuʻa niʻihi ʻoe kau mātuʻa ki he koloa ʻoe ngāue ko e talami koula ʻe ua mano, mo e paunite siliva ʻe ua afe ma uangeau.
72 And that which the rest of the people have given [is] of gold, drams two myriads, and of silver, pounds two thousand, and of priests coats, sixty and seven.
Pea ko ia naʻe foaki ʻe he kakai naʻe toe ko e talami koula ʻe ua mano, mo e paunite siliva ʻe ua afe, mo e kofu fakataulaʻeiki ʻe onongofulu ma fitu.
73 And they dwell — the priests, and the Levites, and the gatekeepers, and the singers, and [some] of the people, and the Nethinim, and all Israel — in their cities, and the seventh month cometh, and the sons of Israel [are] in their cities.
Ko ia naʻe nofo ʻi honau ngaahi kolo ʻae kau taulaʻeiki, mo e kau Livai, mo e kau leʻo matapā, mo e kau hiva, mo e kakai niʻihi, mo e kau Netenimi, mo ʻIsileli kotoa pē: pea ʻi he hokosia hono fitu ʻoe māhina, naʻe nofo ʻae fānau ʻa ʻIsileli ʻi honau ngaahi kolo.

< Nehemiah 7 >