< Matthew 16 >

1 And the Pharisees and Sadducees having come, tempting, did question him, to shew to them a sign from the heaven,
Gbe ɖeka la, Farisitɔwo kple Zadukitɔwo va be yewoado Yesu kpɔ; wobia tso esi be wòana dzesi yewo tso dziƒo.
2 and he answering said to them, 'Evening having come, ye say, Fair weather, for the heaven is red,
Yesu gblɔ na wo be, “Miawo la, nenye be fiẽ ɖo la, miegblɔna be, ‘Yame akɔ, elabena yame biã,’
3 and at morning, Foul weather to-day, for the heaven is red — gloomy; hypocrites, the face of the heavens indeed ye do know to discern, but the signs of the times ye are not able!
eye le ŋdi la, miegblɔna be, ‘Egbe ahom atu, elabena akpɔ̃ ɖo, eye yame biã.’ Mienya ale si miaɖe dziƒo ƒe nɔnɔme gɔme, gake mietea ŋu dzea si ɣeyiɣiwo ƒe dzesiwo o.
4 'A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign, and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet;' and having left them he went away.
Dzidzime vɔ̃ɖi, ahasitɔ sia le nukunu ƒe dzesi dim, ke womawɔ ɖeke na wo o, negbe Yona ƒe dzesi la ko.” Ale Yesu gblẽ wo ɖi, eye wòdzo.
5 And his disciples having come to the other side, forgot to take loaves,
Wogatso ƒu la yi ɖe go kemɛ dzi, ke nusrɔ̃lawo ɖo ŋku edzi le afi sia be, yewomeƒle nuɖuɖu ɖe asi o.
6 and Jesus said to them, 'Beware, and take heed of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees;'
Yesu xlɔ̃ nu wo vevie gblɔ be, “Mikpɔ nyuie le Zadukitɔwo kple Farisitɔwo ƒe amɔʋãnu ŋuti.”
7 and they were reasoning in themselves, saying, 'Because we took no loaves.'
Nusrɔ̃lawo bu be nuɖuɖu si yewometsɔ ɖe asi o la tae wògblɔ nya siawo ɖo.
8 And Jesus having known, said to them, 'Why reason ye in yourselves, ye of little faith, because ye took no loaves?
Ke Yesu ya nya nu si ŋuti bum wole ale wògblɔ na wo be, “O! Mi xɔse ʋɛ tɔwo! Nu ka ta miele nu xam be yewometsɔ nuɖuɖu ɖe asi o ɖo?
9 do ye not yet understand, nor remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many hand-baskets ye took up?
Nu ka ta miate ŋu ase nu gɔme o ɖo? Mieɖo ŋku edzi be menyi ame akpe atɔ̃ kple abolo atɔ̃, eye esi susɔ la yɔ kusiwo oa?
10 nor the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?
Esi menyi ame akpe ene ɖe, mieɖo ŋku edzi kple abolo gbogbo si susɔ míelɔ ɖe kusi me o mahã?
11 how do ye not understand that I did not speak to you of bread — to take heed of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees?'
Aleke wɔ miedze sii kpɔ be menye nuɖuɖu ŋutie mele nu ƒom le o mahã? Megale egblɔm na mi be, ‘Mikpɔ nyuie le Farisitɔwo kple Zadukitɔwo ƒe amɔʋãnu ŋuti.’”
12 Then they understood that he did not say to take heed of the leaven of the bread, but of the teaching, of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Ke azɔ la, wose nu si wòwɔnɛ be amɔʋãnu la gɔme, eyae nye alakpanu siwo Farisitɔwo kple Zadukitɔwo nɔa fiafiam la.
13 And Jesus, having come to the parts of Caesarea Philippi, was asking his disciples, saying, 'Who do men say me to be — the Son of Man?'
Esi Yesu kple eƒe nusrɔ̃lawo va ɖo Kaisarea Filipi la, ebia eƒe nusrɔ̃lawo be, “Ame ka amewo le gbɔgblɔm be Amegbetɔ Vi la nye mahã?”
14 and they said, 'Some, John the Baptist, and others, Elijah, and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.'
Woɖo eŋu nɛ be, “Ame aɖewo gblɔ be, Yohanes Mawutsidetanamela nènye. Ɖewo be Eliyae nènye, bubuwo hã be Yeremia alo nyagblɔɖila xoxoawo dometɔ ɖekae nènye.”
15 He saith to them, 'And ye — who do ye say me to be?'
Azɔ ebia nusrɔ̃lawo be, “Ke miawo ya ɖe, ame ka miebu be menye?”
16 and Simon Peter answering said, 'Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.'
Simɔn Petro ɖo eŋu nɛ be, “Wòe nye Kristo, Mawu gbagbe la ƒe Vi.”
17 And Jesus answering said to him, 'Happy art thou, Simon Bar-Jona, because flesh and blood did not reveal [it] to thee, but my Father who is in the heavens.
Yesu gblɔ nɛ be, “Mawu neyra wò, Simɔn Yona ƒe vi, elabena Fofonye si le dziƒo la ŋutɔe ɖe nu sia fia wò, ke menye amegbetɔ aɖeke gbɔe wòtso o.
18 'And I also say to thee, that thou art a rock, and upon this rock I will build my assembly, and gates of Hades shall not prevail against it; (Hadēs g86)
Nye hã mele egblɔm na wò be, wòe nye Petro si gɔmee nye kpe, eye nenem kpe gbadza sia dzi maɖo nye hame la anyi ɖo, eye tsiẽƒe ƒe ŋusẽwo gɔ̃ hã mate ŋu aɖu edzi o. (Hadēs g86)
19 and I will give to thee the keys of the reign of the heavens, and whatever thou mayest bind upon the earth shall be having been bound in the heavens, and whatever thou mayest loose upon the earth shall be having been loosed in the heavens.'
Matsɔ dziƒofiaɖuƒe la ƒe safuiwo na wò, ale be ʋɔ siwo nàtu le anyigba dzi afii la, woanɔ tutu le dziƒo, eye ʋɔ siwo nàʋu le anyigba dzi la, woanɔ ʋuʋu le dziƒo.”
20 Then did he charge his disciples that they may say to no one that he is Jesus the Christ.
Ke Yesu de se na nusrɔ̃lawo vevie be womegagblɔe na ame aɖeke be yee nye Kristo la o.
21 From that time began Jesus to shew to his disciples that it is necessary for him to go away to Jerusalem, and to suffer many things from the elders, and chief priests, and scribes, and to be put to death, and the third day to rise.
Tso azɔ dzi heyi la, Yesu ƒoa nu na eƒe nusrɔ̃lawo tso eƒe Yerusalem yiyi kple nu siwo adzɔ ɖe edzi le afi ma la ŋuti. Egblɔ na wo be, le Yerusalem la, Yudatɔwo ƒe nunɔlagãwo, agbalẽfialawo kple dumegãwo awɔ fu ye, eye woawu ye, gake yeagafɔ le ŋkeke etɔ̃a gbe.
22 And having taken him aside, Peter began to rebuke him, saying, 'Be kind to thyself, sir; this shall not be to thee;'
Esi Yesu gblɔ nya sia vɔ la, Petro ɖe kpɔe, eye wògblɔ nɛ be, “Mawu neɖe agba sia ɖa le dziwò; nu siawo madzɔ ɖe dziwò gbeɖe o!”
23 and he having turned, said to Peter, 'Get thee behind me, adversary! thou art a stumbling-block to me, for thou dost not mind the things of God, but the things of men.'
Yesu trɔ ɖe Petro ŋuti gblɔ nɛ be, “Te ɖa le gbɔnye, Satana! Ènye nukikli le mɔ me nam, elabena Mawu me nuwo mele susu me na wò o, negbe amegbetɔwo tɔ ko. Èle mɔ vɔ̃ɖi aɖe trem nam. Èle nya sia gblɔm le amegbetɔ ƒe nukpɔkpɔ nu, ke menye le ale si Mawu ɖoe la nu o.”
24 Then said Jesus to his disciples, 'If any one doth will to come after me, let him disown himself, and take up his cross, and follow me,
Esia megbe la, Yesu gblɔ na nusrɔ̃lawo be, “Ne ame aɖe di be yeadze yonyeme vavã la, ekema negbe nu le eɖokui gbɔ ne wòatsɔ eƒe atitsoga adze yonyeme,
25 for whoever may will to save his life, shall lose it, and whoever may lose his life for my sake shall find it,
elabena ame si lɔ̃a eƒe agbe, eye wòtia eƒe agbe yome le ŋutilã me la, abui; ke ame si ɖe asi le eƒe agbe ŋu faa ɖe tanye la, akpɔ agbe mavɔ.
26 for what is a man profited if he may gain the whole world, but of his life suffer loss? or what shall a man give as an exchange for his life?
Viɖe ka wòanye na mi nenye be xexea me katã zu mia tɔ, gake agbe mavɔ la bu ɖe mi? Nu kae le xexe sia me si asɔ kple agbe mavɔ?
27 'For, the Son of Man is about to come in the glory of his Father, with his messengers, and then he will reward each, according to his work.
Nye Amegbetɔ Vi la mava kple nye dɔlawo le Fofonye ƒe ŋutikɔkɔe me, eye madrɔ̃ ʋɔnu ame sia ame ɖe eƒe nuwɔnawo nu.
28 Verily I say to you, there are certain of those standing here who shall not taste of death till they may see the Son of Man coming in his reign.'
“Vavã mele egblɔm na mi bena, mi ame siwo le tsitre le afi sia la dometɔ aɖewo anɔ agbe, akpɔm mava kple nye mawufiaɖuƒe la.”

< Matthew 16 >