< John 11 >

1 And there was a certain one ailing, Lazarus, from Bethany, of the village of Mary and Martha her sister —
Azɔ eva eme be ŋutsu aɖe si woyɔna be Lazaro la dze dɔ. Etso Betania, Maria kple nɔvia Marta ƒe du me.
2 and it was Mary who did anoint the Lord with ointment, and did wipe his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was ailing —
(Maria si kɔ amiʋeʋĩ ɖe Aƒetɔ ƒe afɔwo ta, eye wòtutui kple eƒe taɖa la nɔvie nye Lazaro si le dɔ lém la.)
3 therefore sent the sisters unto him, saying, 'Sir, lo, he whom thou dost love is ailing;'
Eya ta nɔvinyɔnu siawo dɔ ame ɖo ɖe Yesu gblɔ be, “Aƒetɔ, ame si nèlɔ̃ vevie la le dɔ lém.”
4 and Jesus having heard, said, 'This ailment is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.'
Esi Yesu se nya sia la, egblɔ be, “Dɔléle sia menye kudɔe o, ke boŋ to eme la, woakafu Mawu, eye woakɔ Mawu ƒe Vi la ŋuti.”
5 And Jesus was loving Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus,
Yesu lɔ̃ Marta kple nɔvia nyɔnu Maria kpakple Lazaro,
6 when, therefore, he heard that he is ailing, then indeed he remained in the place in which he was two days,
gake esi wòse be Lazaro nɔ dɔ lém la, eganɔ afi si wòle la ŋkeke eve hafi dze mɔ.
7 then after this, he saith to the disciples, 'We may go to Judea again;'
Azɔ eyɔ eƒe nusrɔ̃lawo gblɔ na wo be, “Mina míatrɔ ayi Yudea.”
8 the disciples say to him, 'Rabbi, now were the Jews seeking to stone thee, and again thou dost go thither!'
Nusrɔ̃lawo gblɔ nɛ be, “Nufiala, nyitsɔ laa ko Yudatɔwo di be yewoaƒu kpe wò le Yudea, nu ka ta nèdi be yeagayi afi ma ɖo?”
9 Jesus answered, 'Are there not twelve hours in the day? if any one may walk in the day, he doth not stumble, because the light of this world he doth see;
Yesu ɖo eŋu na wo be, “Kekeli nɔa anyi gaƒoƒo wuieve le ŋkeke me, eye le ɣeyiɣi siawo me la, ame ate ŋu azɔ numaklimaklii, elabena ele xexe sia me ƒe kekeli kpɔm.
10 and if any one may walk in the night, he stumbleth, because the light is not in him.'
Gake ne ele zɔzɔm le zã me la, akli nu, elabena viviti do.”
11 These things he said, and after this he saith to them, 'Lazarus our friend hath fallen asleep, but I go on that I may awake him;'
Esi wògblɔ nya sia vɔ la, eyi edzi be, “Mia xɔlɔ̃ Lazaro le alɔ̃ dɔm, eya ta meyina be maɖanyɔe.”
12 therefore said his disciples, 'Sir, if he hath fallen asleep, he will be saved;'
Nusrɔ̃lawo ɖo eŋu be, “Aƒetɔ, ne ele alɔ̃ dɔm la, ekema eƒe lãme asẽ.”
13 but Jesus had spoken about his death, but they thought that about the repose of sleep he speaketh.
Yesu nɔ nu ƒom tso eƒe ku ŋuti, ke nusrɔ̃lawo ya bu be alɔ̃dɔdɔ ŋutɔ gblɔm wòle.
14 Then, therefore, Jesus said to them freely, 'Lazarus hath died;
Yesu ɖe eme na nusrɔ̃lawo be, “Lazaro ku,
15 and I rejoice, for your sake, (that ye may believe, ) that I was not there; but we may go to him;'
eye le miawo ta la, edzɔ dzi nam ŋutɔ be nyemenɔ afi ma o, be miaxɔ dzinye ase. Miva míayi egbɔ.”
16 therefore said Thomas, who is called Didymus, to the fellow-disciples, 'We may go — we also, that we may die with him,'
Toma (si wogayɔna hã be Didymus) la gblɔ na nusrɔ̃la bubuawo be, “Mina míayi ale be míawo hã míaku kplii.”
17 Jesus, therefore, having come, found him having been four days already in the tomb.
Esi Yesu ɖo Betania la, wogblɔ nɛ be Lazaro ku, eye woɖii ŋkeke ene sɔŋ va yi xoxo.
18 And Bethany was nigh to Jerusalem, about fifteen furlongs off,
Betania anɔ abe agbadroƒe eve kple afã ene tso Yerusalem gbɔ,
19 and many of the Jews had come unto Martha and Mary, that they might comfort them concerning their brother;
eya ta Yudatɔ geɖewo va kua teƒe be yewoado baba na Marta kple Maria siwo nye ameyinugbe la nɔviwo.
20 Martha, therefore, when she heard that Jesus doth come, met him, and Mary kept sitting in the house.
Esi Marta se be Yesu gbɔna la, edo go be yeaɖakpee le mɔa dzi. Ke Maria ya meyi o.
21 Martha, therefore, said unto Jesus, 'Sir, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died;
Marta gblɔ na Yesu be, “Aƒetɔ, nenye ɖe nènɔ afi sia la, anye ne nɔvinye la meku o.
22 but even now, I have known that whatever thou mayest ask of God, God will give to thee;'
Gake menya be, nu sia nu si nèbia Mawu la, ana wò.”
23 Jesus saith to her, 'Thy brother shall rise again.'
Yesu gblɔ nɛ be, “Nɔviwò la atsi tsitre.”
24 Martha saith to him, 'I have known that he will rise again, in the rising again in the last day;'
Marta gblɔ nɛ be, “Ɛ̃, menya be nɔvinye la atsi tsitre le tsitretsitsi la kple nuwuwuŋkeke la dzi.”
25 Jesus said to her, 'I am the rising again, and the life; he who is believing in me, even if he may die, shall live;
Yesu gblɔ nɛ be, “Nyee nye Tsitretsitsi la kple Agbe la. Ame si xɔa dzinye sena la, togbɔ be aku hã la, aganɔ agbe;
26 and every one who is living and believing in me shall not die — to the age; (aiōn g165)
eye ame si le agbe, eye wòxɔ dzinye se la maku gbeɖe o. Èxɔ nya siawo dzi sea?” (aiōn g165)
27 believest thou this?' she saith to him, 'Yes, sir, I have believed that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming to the world.'
Marta ɖo eŋu nɛ be, “Ɛ̃, Aƒetɔ, mexɔe se be, wòe nye Kristo, Mawu Vi la, ame si ava xexea me la.”
28 And these things having said, she went away, and called Mary her sister privately, saying, 'The Teacher is present, and doth call thee;'
Esi wògblɔ nya sia la, edzo yi aƒe me, eye wòyɔ nɔvia Maria ɖe kpɔe gblɔ nɛ be, “Nufiala la va ɖo, eye wòdi be yeakpɔ wò.”
29 she, when she heard, riseth up quickly, and doth come to him;
Esi Maria se nya sia la, etso enumake yi Yesu gbɔ.
30 and Jesus had not yet come to the village, but was in the place where Martha met him;
Yesu mege ɖe dua me haɖe o, eganɔ afi si Marta va kpee le.
31 the Jews, therefore, who were with her in the house, and were comforting her, having seen Mary that she rose up quickly and went forth, followed her, saying — 'She doth go away to the tomb, that she may weep there.'
Esi Yudatɔ siwo va aƒea me be yewoafa akɔ na Maria la kpɔe wòtso kpla do go yina la, wobu be Lazaro ƒe yɔdo to wòyina be yeaɖafa avi, eya ta wokplɔe ɖo.
32 Mary, therefore, when she came where Jesus was, having seen him, fell at his feet, saying to him, 'Sir, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died;'
Esi Maria zɔ va ɖo afi si Yesu nɔ, eye wòkpɔe la, edze klo ɖe eƒe afɔ nu gblɔ nɛ be, “Aƒetɔ, ɖe nèle afi sia la, anye ne nɔvinye la meku o.”
33 Jesus, therefore, when he saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her weeping, did groan in the spirit, and troubled himself, and he said,
Esi Yesu kpɔ ale si Maria nɔ avi fam, eye Yudatɔwo hã nɔ efam kplii la, ewɔ nublanui nɛ ŋutɔ, eye eƒe ta me ɖe fu.
34 'Where have ye laid him?' they say to him, 'Sir, come and see;'
Ebia be, “Afi ka woɖii ɖo?” Woɖo eŋu nɛ be, “Aƒetɔ, va kpɔ!”
35 Jesus wept.
Yesu fa avi.
36 The Jews, therefore, said, 'Lo, how he was loving him!'
Esia ta Yudatɔwo gblɔ na wo nɔewo be, “Mikpɔ ale si gbegbe wòlɔ̃e ɖa?”
37 and certain of them said, 'Was not this one, who did open the eyes of the blind man, able to cause that also this one might not have died?'
Gake wo dometɔ aɖewo gblɔ be, “Nu ka ta ame si ʋu ŋku na ŋkuagbãtɔ la mena be ame sia meku o ɖo?”
38 Jesus, therefore, again groaning in himself, cometh to the tomb, and it was a cave, and a stone was lying upon it,
Yesu gaʋuʋu le eɖokui me esi wòva yɔdo la gbɔ. Yɔdo la nye agado aɖe si nu wotsɔ kpe xee.
39 Jesus saith, 'Take ye away the stone;' the sister of him who hath died — Martha — saith to him, 'Sir, already he stinketh, for he is four days dead;'
Eɖe gbe na ameawo be, “Mimli kpe la ɖa.” Ke Marta, ame si nɔvi ku la gblɔ be, “Aƒetɔ, woɖii ŋkeke ene sɔŋ nye esi, eya ta anɔ ʋeʋẽm akpa.”
40 Jesus saith to her, 'Said I not to thee, that if thou mayest believe, thou shalt see the glory of God?'
Yesu gblɔ be, “Nyemegblɔ na wò be, ne èxɔ dzinye se la, àkpɔ Mawu ƒe ŋutikɔkɔe oa?”
41 They took away, therefore, the stone where the dead was laid, and Jesus lifted his eyes upwards, and said, 'Father, I thank Thee, that Thou didst hear me;
Ale womli kpe la ɖa. Azɔ Yesu wu mo dzi, eye wògblɔ be, “Fofo, meda akpe na wò be èɖoa tom.
42 and I knew that Thou always dost hear me, but, because of the multitude that is standing by, I said [it], that they may believe that Thou didst send me.'
Èɖoa tom ɣe sia ɣi, gake mele esia gblɔm le ame siwo katã le afi sia ta, ne woaxɔe ase be wòe dɔm.”
43 And these things saying, with a loud voice he cried out, 'Lazarus, come forth;'
Esi wògblɔ nya sia la, edo ɣli sesĩe be, “Lazaro, do go va!”
44 and he who died came forth, being bound feet and hands with grave-clothes, and his visage with a napkin was bound about; Jesus saith to them, 'Loose him, and suffer to go.'
Enumake ame kuku si ƒe afɔwo kple asiwo le babla la fɔ tso yɔdo la me do kple eye ameɖivɔ si me woblae ɖo, eye taku bla ŋkume nɛ. Yesu gblɔ na ameawo be, “Miɖe ameɖivɔawo le eŋu ne wòadzo.”
45 Many, therefore, of the Jews who came unto Mary, and beheld what Jesus did, believed in him;
Yudatɔ siwo va be yewoakpɔ Maria ɖa, eye wokpɔ nu si Yesu wɔ la xɔ edzi se.
46 but certain of them went away unto the Pharisees, and told them what Jesus did;
Gake wo dometɔ aɖewo yi Farisitɔwo gbɔ, eye wogblɔ nu si Yesu wɔ la na wo.
47 the chief priests, therefore, and the Pharisees, gathered together a sanhedrim, and said, 'What may we do? because this man doth many signs?
Esi nunɔlagãwo kple Farisitɔwo se nya sia la, woyɔ Sahendriwo ƒe takpekpe. Wobia wo nɔewo be, “Nɔviwo, nu ka wɔ ge míala? Elabena ame sia le nukunu geɖewo wɔm.
48 if we may let him alone thus, all will believe in him; and the Romans will come, and will take away both our place and nation.'
Enye nyateƒe be ŋutsu sia le nukunu geɖewo wɔm. Ne míeɖe mɔ nɛ alea la, ame sia ame axɔ edzi ase, eye Romatɔwo ava axɔ míaƒe nɔƒe kple dukɔ la le mía si.”
49 and a certain one of them, Caiaphas, being chief priest of that year, said to them, 'Ye have not known anything,
Wo dometɔ ɖeka si ŋkɔe nye Kayafa, ame si nye nunɔlagã le ƒe ma me la tsi tsitre gblɔ be, “Mienya naneke o.
50 nor reason that it is good for us that one man may die for the people, and not the whole nation perish.'
Mienya be enyo be ame ɖeka naku ɖe dukɔa ta wu be dukɔ la katã natsrɔ̃ oa?”
51 And this he said not of himself, but being chief priest of that year, he did prophesy that Jesus was about to die for the nation,
Megblɔ esia le eɖokui si o, ke boŋ abe nunɔlagã le ƒe ma me ene la, egblɔ nya ɖi be Yesu aku ɖe dukɔ la ta,
52 and not for the nation only, but that also the children of God, who have been scattered abroad, he may gather together into one.
eye menye ɖe Israel dukɔ la ɖeɖe ko ta o, ke boŋ ɖe Mawu ƒe vi siwo kaka ɖe xexea me katã la ta, be woaƒo wo katã nu ƒu woazu ame ɖeka.
53 From that day, therefore, they took counsel together that they may kill him;
Tso ema dzi la, wowɔ ɖoɖo be yewoawu Yesu.
54 Jesus, therefore, was no more freely walking among the Jews, but went away thence to the region nigh the wilderness, to a city called Ephraim, and there he tarried with his disciples.
Esia ta Yesu megayia dutoƒo le Yudatɔwo dome. Edzo yi dzogbekɔƒe aɖe si woyɔna be Efraim la me, afi si eya kple eƒe nusrɔ̃lawo nɔ.
55 And the passover of the Jews was nigh, and many went up to Jerusalem out of the country before the passover, that they might purify themselves;
Esi Yudatɔwo ƒe Ŋutitotoŋkekenyui la tu aƒe la, ame geɖewo tso du vovovowo me yi Yerusalem hena woƒe ŋutikɔklɔkɔnu la wɔwɔ hafi azã la naɖo.
56 they were seeking, therefore, Jesus, and said one with another, standing in the temple, 'What doth appear to you — that he may not come to the feast?'
Wo dometɔ geɖewo di be yewoakpɔ Yesu, eya ta esi wonɔ tsitre le gbedoxɔa me la, wobia wo nɔewo be, “Alekee nye miaƒe susu? Ele azã la ɖuƒe va gea?”
57 and both the chief priests and the Pharisees had given a command, that if any one may know where he is, he may shew [it], so that they may seize him.
Nunɔlagãwo kple Farisitɔwo ɖe gbe be ne ame aɖe kpɔ Yesu la, nena nyanya yewo, ne yewoalée.

< John 11 >