< Ezekiel 14 >

1 And come in unto me do certain of the elders of Israel, and sit before me.
Israel mpanimfoɔ no mu bi baa me nkyɛn bɛtenatena mʼanim.
2 And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,
Afei Awurade asɛm baa me nkyɛn sɛ:
3 'Son of man, these men have caused their idols to go up on their heart, and the stumbling-block of their iniquity they have put over-against their faces; am I inquired of at all by them?
“Onipa ba, saa mmarimma yi de ahoni ahyɛ wɔn akoma mu na wɔde amumuyɛ suntidua asisi wɔn anim. Ɛsɛ sɛ mema wɔbisa mʼase koraa anaa?
4 'Therefore, speak with them, and thou hast said unto them: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Every one of the house of Israel who causeth his idols to go up unto his heart, and the stumbling-block of his iniquity setteth over-against his face, and hath gone in unto the prophet — I Jehovah have given an answer to him for this, for the abundance of his idols,
Enti kasa kyerɛ wɔn na ka sɛ, ‘Yei ne deɛ Otumfoɔ Awurade seɛ: Sɛ Israelni biara de ahoni hyehyɛ nʼakoma mu na ɔde amumuyɛ suntidua sisi nʼanim, na afei ɔkɔ odiyifoɔ nkyɛn a, me Awurade, mɛma no mmuaeɛ a ɛfata nʼahonisom no kɛseyɛ.
5 in order to catch the house of Israel by their heart, in that they have become estranged from off me by their idols — all of them.
Mɛyɛ yei de atwe Israelfoɔ a wɔagya me akɔdi wɔn abosom akyi no akoma aba bio.’
6 'Therefore say unto the house of Israel: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Turn ye back, yea, turn ye back from your idols, and from all your abominations turn back your faces,
“Enti ka kyerɛ Israel efie sɛ, ‘Yei ne deɛ Otumfoɔ Awurade seɛ: Monsakra mo adwene. Momfiri mo ahoni ho na monnyae mo nneyɛeɛ a ɛyɛ akyiwadeɛ no!
7 for every one of the house of Israel, and of the sojourners who doth sojourn in Israel, who is separated from after Me, and doth cause his idols to go up unto his heart, and the stumbling-block of his iniquity setteth over-against his face, and hath come in unto the prophet to inquire of him concerning Me, I, Jehovah, have answered him for Myself;
“‘Sɛ Israelni bi anaa ɔnanani a ɔte Israel twe ne ho firi me nkyɛn na ɔde ahoni hyɛ nʼakoma mu de amumuyɛ suntidua si nʼanim, na afei ɔkɔ odiyifoɔ nkyɛn kɔbisa mʼase a, me, Awurade ankasa bɛbua no.
8 and I have set My face against that man, and made him for a sign, and for similes, and I have cut him off from the midst of My people, and ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.
Mɛtu mʼani asa onipa no na mede no ayɛ nhwɛsoɔ ne akasabɛbuo. Mɛyi no afiri me nkurɔfoɔ mu. Afei mobɛhunu sɛ mene Awurade no.
9 'And the prophet, when he is enticed, and hath spoken a word — I, Jehovah, I have enticed that prophet, and have stretched out My hand against him, and have destroyed him from the midst of My people Israel.
“‘Na sɛ odiyifoɔ no ma wɔdaadaa no ma ɔhyɛ nkɔm a, me Awurade na madaadaa odiyifoɔ no, mɛtene me nsa wɔ ne so na matwa no afiri me nkurɔfoɔ Israelfoɔ mu.
10 And they have borne their iniquity: as the iniquity of the inquirer, so is the iniquity of the prophet;
Wɔbɛsoa wɔn afɔdie; odiyifoɔ no ne deɛ ɔkɔhunuu no no nyinaa bɛdi fɔ.
11 so that the house of Israel do not wander any more from after Me, nor are defiled any more with all their transgressions, and they have been to Me for a people, and I am to them for God — an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.'
Na Israelfoɔ renkwati me bio, na wɔremfa wɔn nnebɔne no ngu wɔn ho fi bio. Wɔbɛyɛ me nkurɔfoɔ na mɛyɛ wɔn Onyankopɔn, Otumfoɔ Awurade asɛm nie.’”
12 And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,
Awurade asɛm baa me nkyɛn sɛ:
13 'Son of man, the land — when it sinneth against Me to commit a trespass, and I have stretched out My hand against it, and broken for it the staff of bread, and sent into it famine, and cut off from it man and beast —
“Onipa ba, sɛ ɔman bi anni me nokorɛ na enti wɔyɛ bɔne de tia me, na metene me nsa wɔ wɔn so na megyae wɔn aduane ma, na mema ɛkɔm ba bɛkunkum emu nnipa ne wɔn mmoa a,
14 and these three men have been in its midst, Noah, Daniel, and Job — they by their righteousness deliver their own soul — an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.
mpo sɛ saa nnipa baasa a wɔyɛ Noa, Daniel ne Hiob wɔ ɔman no mu a, wɔn tenenee bɛgye wɔn nko ara nkwa, Otumfoɔ Awurade asɛm nie.
15 'If an evil beast I cause to pass through the land, and it hath bereaved, and it hath been a desolation, without any passing through because of the beast —
“Anaa sɛ mema wiram mmoa kɔ saa asase no so na wɔkunkum ɛso nnipa nyinaa na asase no sɛe a obiara ntumi mfa so ɛsiane wiram mmoa no enti a,
16 these three men in its midst: I live — an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah — neither sons nor daughters do they deliver; they alone are delivered, and the land is a desolation.
sɛ mete ase yi, Otumfoɔ Awurade asɛm nie, mpo sɛ saa mmarima baasa yi wɔ asase no so a, wɔrentumi nnye wɔn ankasa mmammarima ne mmammaa nkwa. Wɔn nko ara na wɔbɛgye wɔn nkwa na asase no bɛsɛe.
17 'Or — a sword I bring in against that land, and I have said: Sword, thou dost pass over through the land, and I have cut off from it man and beast —
“Sɛ nso metwe akofena wɔ asase no so, na meka sɛ, ‘Ma akofena no nkɔ asase no so nyinaa,’ na mekunkum ɛso nnipa ne wɔn mmoa,
18 and these three men in its midst: I live — an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah — they deliver not sons and daughters, for they alone are delivered.
sɛ mete ase yi, Otumfoɔ Awurade asɛm nie, mpo sɛ saa mmarima baasa yi wɔ asase no so a, wɔrentumi nnye wɔn ankasa mmammarima ne mmammaa nkwa. Wɔn nko ara na wɔbɛnya nkwa.
19 'Or — pestilence I send unto that land, and I have poured out My fury against it in blood, to cut off from it man and beast —
“Sɛ nso mesoma ɔyaredɔm kɔ asase no so na menam mʼabufuhyeɛ so hwie mogya gu wɔ asase no so, kunkum ɛso nnipa ne wɔn mmoa a,
20 and Noah, Daniel, and Job, in its midst: I live — an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah — neither son nor daughter do they deliver; they, by their righteousness, deliver their own soul.
sɛ mete ase yi, Otumfoɔ Awurade asɛm nie, sɛ Noa, Daniel ne Hiob mpo wɔ hɔ a, wɔrentumi nye ɔbabarima anaa ɔbabaa nkwa. Wɔn tenenee enti wɔbɛgye wɔn ho nkwa.
21 'For thus said the Lord Jehovah: Although My four sore judgments — sword, and famine, and wild beast, and pestilence — I have sent unto Jerusalem, to cut off from it man and beast,
“Na sei na Otumfoɔ Awurade seɛ: Ɛbɛyɛ hu mmorosoɔ sɛ mɛma mʼatemmuo huuhuuhu ɛnan, a ɛyɛ akofena, ɔkɔm, wiram mmoa ne ɔyaredɔm akɔ Yerusalem so akɔkunkum ne mmarima ne wɔn mmoa!
22 yet, lo, there hath been left in it an escape, who are brought forth, sons and daughters, lo, they are coming forth unto you, and ye have seen their way, and their doings, and have been comforted concerning the evil that I have brought in against Jerusalem, all that which I have brought in against it.
Nanso ebinom bɛka, mmammarima ne mmammaa a wɔbɛyi wɔn afiri mu no. Wɔbɛba mo nkyɛn wɔ Babilon, na sɛ mohunu wɔn su ne wɔn nneyɛɛ a, mo bo bɛtɔ mo yam wɔ amanehunu a me de aba Yerusalem so no ho.
23 And they have comforted you, for ye see their way and their doings, and ye have known that not for nought have I done all that which I have done in her — an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.'
Sɛ mohunu wɔn su ne wɔn nneyɛɛ a, mo bo bɛtɔ mo yam, ɛfiri sɛ mobɛhunu sɛ, menyɛɛ biribiara wɔ hɔ a ɛnni farebae, Otumfoɔ Awurade asɛm nie.”

< Ezekiel 14 >