< Ecclesiastes 10 >

1 Dead flies cause a perfumer's perfume To send forth a stink; The precious by reason of wisdom — By reason of honour — a little folly!
Huddi ɵlük qiwinlǝr ǝttarning ǝtirini sesitiwetidiƣandǝk, azraⱪⱪinǝ ǝhmǝⱪliⱪ tarazida danaliⱪ wǝ izzǝt-ⱨɵrmǝttinmu eƣir tohtaydu.
2 The heart of the wise [is] at his right hand, And the heart of a fool at his left.
Danaliⱪning kɵngli ongƣa mayil, ǝhmǝⱪningki solƣa.
3 And also, when he that is a fool Is walking in the way, his heart is lacking, And he hath said to every one, 'He [is] a fool.'
Əhmǝⱪ kixi ⱨǝtta yolda mengiwatⱪandimu, uning ǝⱪli kǝm bolƣaqⱪa, u ǝhmǝⱪ ikǝnlikini ⱨǝmmigǝ ayan ⱪilidu.
4 If the spirit of the ruler go up against thee, Thy place leave not, For yielding quieteth great sinners.
Ⱨɵkümdarning sanga aqqiⱪi kǝlsǝ, ornungdin istepa bǝrmǝ; qünki tinq-sǝwriqanliⱪ hata-sǝwǝnliktin bolƣan zor hapiliⱪni tinqitidu.
5 There is an evil I have seen under the sun, As an error that goeth out from the ruler,
Ⱪuyax astida yaman bir ixni kɵrdumki, u ⱨɵkümdardin qiⱪⱪan bir hata ixtur —
6 He hath set the fool in many high places, And the rich in a low place do sit.
ǝhmǝⱪlǝr yuⱪiri mǝnsǝptǝ, xuning bilǝn tǝng baylar pǝs orunda olturidu;
7 I have seen servants on horses, And princes walking as servants on the earth.
mǝn ⱪullarning atⱪa mingǝnlikini, ǝmirlǝrning ⱪullardǝk piyadǝ mangƣanliⱪini kɵrdum.
8 Whoso is digging a pit falleth into it, And whoso is breaking a hedge, a serpent biteth him.
Orini koliƣan kixi uningƣa yiⱪilixi mumkin; tamni buzƣan kixini yilan qeⱪixi mumkin;
9 Whoso is removing stones is grieved by them, Whoso is cleaving trees endangered by them.
taxlarni yɵtkigǝn kixi tax tǝripidin yarilinixi mumkin; otun yaridiƣan kixi hǝwpkǝ uqraydu.
10 If the iron hath been blunt, And he the face hath not sharpened, Then doth he increase strength, And wisdom [is] advantageous to make right.
Palta gal bolsa, birsi tiƣini bilimisǝ, paltini küqǝp qepixⱪa toƣra kelidu; biraⱪ danaliⱪ adǝmni utuⱪ-muwǝppǝⱪiyǝtkǝ erixtüridu.
11 If the serpent biteth without enchantment, Then there is no advantage to a master of the tongue.
Yilan oynitilmay turup, yilanqini qaⱪsa, yilanqiƣa nemǝ payda?
12 Words of the mouth of the wise [are] gracious, And the lips of a fool swallow him up.
Dana kixining sɵzliri xǝpⱪǝtliktur; biraⱪ ǝhmǝⱪning lǝwliri ɵzini yutidu.
13 The beginning of the words of his mouth [is] folly, And the latter end of his mouth [Is] mischievous madness.
Sɵzlirining bexi ǝhmǝⱪliⱪ, ayiƣi rǝzil tǝlwiliktur;
14 And the fool multiplieth words: 'Man knoweth not that which is, And that which is after him, who doth declare to him?'
ǝmma ǝhmǝⱪ yǝnila gǝpni kɵpǝytidu. Biraⱪ ⱨeqkim kǝlgüsini bilmǝydu; uningdin keyinki ixlarni kim uningƣa eytalisun?
15 The labour of the foolish wearieth him, In that he hath not known to go unto the city.
Əhmǝⱪlǝr japasi bilǝn ɵzlirini upritidu; qünki ular ⱨǝtta xǝⱨǝrgǝ baridiƣan yolnimu bilmǝydu.
16 Woe to thee, O land, when thy king [is] a youth, And thy princes do eat in the morning.
I zemin, padixaⱨing bala bolsa, ǝmirliring sǝⱨǝrdǝ ziyapǝt ɵtküzsǝ, ⱨalingƣa way!
17 Happy art thou, O land, When thy king [is] a son of freemen, And thy princes do eat in due season, For might, and not for drunkenness.
I zemin, padixaⱨing mɵtiwǝrning oƣli bolsa wǝ ǝmirliring kǝyp üqün ǝmǝs, bǝlki ɵzini ⱪuwwǝtlǝx üqün muwapiⱪ waⱪtida ziyapǝt ɵtküzsǝ, bu sening bǝhting!
18 By slothfulness is the wall brought low, And by idleness of the hands doth the house drop.
Ⱨurunluⱪtin ɵyning torusi ƣulay dǝp ⱪalidu; ⱪollarning boxluⱪidin ɵydin yamƣur ɵtidu.
19 For mirth they are making a feast, And wine maketh life joyful, And the silver answereth with all.
Ziyapǝt külkǝ üqün tǝyyarlinar, xarab ⱨayatni hux ⱪilar; lekin pul ⱨǝmmǝ ixni ⱨǝl ⱪilar!
20 Even in thy mind a king revile not, And in the inner parts of thy bed-chamber Revile not the rich: For a fowl of the heavens causeth the voice to go, And a possessor of wings declareth the word.
Padixaⱨⱪa lǝnǝt ⱪilma, ⱨǝtta oyungdimu tillima; ⱨujrangdimu baylarni tillima; qünki asmandiki bir ⱪux awazingni taritidu, bir ⱪanat igisi bu ixni ayan ⱪilidu.

< Ecclesiastes 10 >