< Romans 11 >

1 Therfor Y seie, Whether God hath put awei his puple? God forbede. For Y am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the lynage of Beniamyn.
pe niti, neke uNguluve alyavakanile avaanhu vake? nambe padebe. ulwakuva najune kange nili mwiSilaeli ghwa kikolo kya Abulahamu, ghwa kikolo kya Benyamini.
2 God hath not put awei his puple, which he bifor knew. Whether ye witen not, what the scripture seith in Elie? Hou he preieth God ayens Israel,
UNguluve nalyavakanile avaanhu vake, vano alyavamanyile kuhuma mu vwandilo. pe namukagula ililembe liti kiki kuhusu uEliya, ndavule alyansumile uNguluve kyanya ja Silaeli?
3 Lord, thei han slayn thi prophetis, thei han vndurdoluun thin auteris, and Y am lefte aloone, and thei seken my lijf.
Ntua vabudile avavili vako vope vanyemwile ilitekelo lyako. nijighe ene ne mwene, vope vinoghua uvwumi vwango”.
4 But what seith Goddis answere to hym? Y haue left to me seuene thousyndes of men, that han not bowid her knees bifore Baal.
neke ulwamulo lwa Nguluve luti kiki kuveene? “nivike vwimila jango avaanhu imbilima lekela lubale vano navikumfughamila uBaali”.
5 So therfor also in this tyme, the relifs ben maad saaf, bi the chesyng of the grace of God.
nambe lino unsiki ughu ghwa lino kange kwevale vano vasighile vwimila vusalusi vwa vumosi.
6 And if it be bi the grace of God, it is not now of werkis; ellis grace is not now grace.
neke nave vwe vumosi, sio kange kumaghendele,
7 What thanne? Israel hath not getun this that he souyte, but eleccioun hath getun; and the othere ben blyndid.
pe kiki? imbombo jino uIsilaeli alyale ilonda nakakyaghile looli havakemelua vakakyagha, navange vakaponesevua uvusito.
8 As it is writun, God yaf to hem a spirit of compunccioun, iyen that thei se not, and eeris, that thei here not, in to this dai.
ndavule jilyalembilue: “'uNguluve avapelile umwoojo ghwa ghano naghilila neke valekaghe kulola, ni mbughulutu neke navangapulikaghe kuhanga umusyughi iji.”
9 And Dauith seith, Be the boord of hem maad in to a gryn bifor hem, and in to catchyng, and in to sclaundre, and in to yeldyng to hem.
ghwope uDavidi iti, “leka imesa save sive vwafu, lutengo, lubale lwa kukuvala, na kuhombekesia uluhombo kuvene.
10 Be the iyen of hem maad derk, that thei se not; and bowe thou doun algatis the bak of hem.
leka aamaso ghaponekesivue ing'iisi neke vakunue kulola. ukaghaghunamisie amasana ghave ifighono fyoni”
11 Therfor Y seie, Whether thei offendiden so, that thei schulden falle doun? God forbede. But bi the gilt of hem helthe is maad to hethene men, that thei sue hem.
pe nijova, “pe vakuvile nambe kughua?” nalungavisaghe nahele ifighono fyoni. pepano kwa kukunua kuveene, uvuvangi vufikile ku iisi, neke vavuo vaponekesivue uvwifu
12 That if the gilt of hem ben richessis of the world, and the makyng lesse of hem ben richessis of hethene men, hou myche more the plente of hem?
lino nave kukunua kwave vwe vumofu vwa iisi, pe kalingi pwevuli uvukamilifu kwave kukila.
13 But Y seie to you, hethene men, for as longe as Y am apostle of hethene men, Y schal onoure my mynysterie,
na lino nijova numue mwevaanhu va pa iisi. ulwakuva muli vasung'ua va vaanhu va iisi isinge, nikujighinia mu mbombole jango inofu.
14 if in ony maner Y stire my fleisch for to folowe, and that Y make summe of hem saaf.
ndeponu nikuvaponia uvwifu ku vano valim'bili ghumo nune. pamo ndeponu tukuvapoka vamonga.
15 For if the loss of hem is the recouncelyng of the world, what is the takyng vp, but lijf of deede men?
ulwakuva nave kukanilua kwave ghe mapuling'ano gha pa iisi, pe luvisagha ndani kukwupilua kwave, looli vwumi kuhuma ku vafue?
16 For if a litil part of that that is tastid be hooli, the hool gobet is hooli; and if the roote is hooli, also the braunchis.
nave imheke isa kwanda sa kuvikilisia, pe jilivuo inonge ja vutine. nave ghuvikilisia amalela na gha matafi vulevule.
17 What if ony of the braunchis ben brokun, whanne thou were a wielde olyue tre, art graffid among hem, and art maad felowe of the roote, and of the fatnesse of the olyue tre,
neke nave amatafi ghadumulivue ndavule uve, ilitafi lya museituni ghukavwalilue mu vamonga, nave ulyavombile palikimo na vavo mu malela gha vumofu vwa mseituni,
18 nyle thou haue glorie ayens the braunchis. For if thou gloriest, thou berist not the roote, but the roote thee.
nungajighiniaghe ku matafi neke nave ghukughinia na veve ghwejuno ghukughatanga amalela, looli amalela ghikukutanga uve.
19 Therfor thou seist, The braunchis ben brokun, that Y be graffid in.
pe ghuliti, “amatafi ghakadumulivue neke nipate uvwalua mu limela”.
20 Wel, for vnbileue the braunchis ben brokun; but thou stondist bi feith. Nyle thou sauere hiye thing,
lino pe lweli vwimila kuleka kukwitika kwave vakadumulivue, neke uve ukimile ku lukangafu lwa lwitiko lwako. nungajisaghile juve ghwemwene mu lywa kwighinia kyongo, looli oghopagha.
21 but drede thou, for if God sparide not the kyndli braunchis, lest perauenture he spare not thee.
ulwakuva nave uNguluve nakaghalekila amatafi gha vutengulilo kange nailikusaghila najuve.
22 Therfor se the goodnesse, and the fersnesse of God; yhe, the feersnesse in to hem that felden doun, but the goodnesse of God in to thee, if thou dwellist in goodnesse, ellis also thou schalt be kit doun.
lola himbe amaghendele amaagholofu nu vukali vwa Nguluve. ku lubale lumo, uvukali vulyisile kyanya ja vaYahudi vano valyaghwile. neke kulubale ulunge uvugholofu vwa Nguluve vukwisa kulyuve, nave ghukukala mu vugholofu vwake. nave na uluo najuve vikukubudila kutali.
23 Yhe, and thei schulen be set yn, if thei dwellen not in vnbileue. For God is myyti, to sette hem in eftsoone.
nave avene navighendelela kuleka kukwitika vivyalilila kange. ulwakuva uNguluve aliningufu sa kuvwavyala kange.
24 For if thou art kit doun of the kyndeli wielde olyue tre, and ayens kynd art set in to a good olyue tre, hou myche more thei that ben bi kynde, schulen be set in her olyue tree?
ulwakuva nave umue mukadumulivue kunji ndavule umseituni ghwa mulisoli ughwa muvutengulilo, pe kusyetuka na kuvyalua mumseituni ghuno nono, nakwekukila kyongo ava Yahudi, vano hwene matafi gha muvutengulilo ghano ndeponu ghivwalua kange nkate ja mseituni gwave vene?
25 But, britheren, Y wole not that ye vnknowen this mysterie, that ye be not wise to you silf; for blyndenesse hath feld a parti in Israel, til that the plente of hethene men entride,
ulwakuva vanyalukolo nanilonda muleke kukagula sino sifisime neke kuuti namungavisaghe vakoola kwa kusagha kwinu jumue. ulufiso ulu kwe kuuti ulutalamu luhumile ku Isilaeli kuhanga kukamilika kwa iisi kyale kwisile.
26 and so al Israel schulde be maad saaf. As it is writun, He schal come of Syon, that schal delyuere, and turne awei the wickidnesse of Jacob.
lino avasilarli voni vilipokua ndavule jalembilue, “kuhuma ku saYuni ilikwisa uMpoki ivusia uvuhosi kuhuma ku Yakovo.
27 And this testament to hem of me, whanne Y schal do awei her synnes.
nili liiva lipuling'ano palikimo navo, unsiki ghuno kyale nikusivusia isambi save”.
28 Aftir the gospel thei ben enemyes for you, but thei ben moost dereworthe bi the eleccioun for the fadris.
ku lubale lumo kujova isa livangili vwimila jinu. ku lubale ulunge kuhumilanila nu vutavusi vwa Nguluve, vaghanilue vwimila avaghogholo,
29 And the yiftis and the cleping of God ben with outen forthenkyng.
ulwakuva ilitekelo nuvukemelo lwa Nguluve nalubadilika.
30 And as sum tyme also ye bileueden not to God, but now ye han gete mercy for the vnbileue of hem;
ulwakuva muvwasio umue mulyamuhokile uNguluve, neke lino mwupile ulusungu vwimila uvuhosi kwave.
31 so and these now bileueden not in to youre merci, that also thei geten merci.
ku sila jijijio lino avayahudi ava vahokile. amahumile ghake kwekuuti kuhumila mulusungu luno mulyapelilue umue ndeponu kange mukwupila ulusungu,
32 For God closide alle thingis togidere in vnbileue, that he haue mercy on alle. (eleēsē g1653)
ulwakuva uNguluve avapinyile avaanhu vooni ku vuhosi neke awesie kukuvasaghila voni. (eleēsē g1653)
33 O! the heiynesse of the ritchessis of the wisdom and of the kunnyng of God; hou incomprehensible ben hise domes, and hise weies ben vnserchable.
ndavule silivuo mbaha uvomofu nu vukoola nu luhala lwa Nguluve! nasiloleka inyigho sake na kusila sa mwene nasiloleka!
34 For whi who knew the wit of the Lord, or who was his counselour? or who formere yaf to hym,
ulwakuva ghwe veni juno ikagula uvufumbue vwa Mutwa? nambe ghwe veni umuvungi ghwake?
35 and it schal be quyt to hym?
neke ghweveni juno ampelile kimonga uNguluve, neke ahombue kange?
36 For of hym, and bi hym, and in hym ben alle thingis. To hym be glorie in to worldis. Amen. (aiōn g165)
ulwakuva kuhuma kwa mwene, na ku sila ja na kwamwene, ifinu fyoni kwefile. kwamwene kwevule uvwimike kusiala na kusila. Ameni. (aiōn g165)

< Romans 11 >