< Romans 7 >

1 Britheren, whethir ye knowun not; for Y speke to men `that knowen the lawe; for the lawe hath lordschip in a man, as long tyme as it lyueth?
DE ri ai kan, komail sota asa — i kin peidok ren me asa kapung o — me kapung o kin poedi aramas arain a memaur?
2 For that womman that is vndur an hosebonde, is boundun to the lawe, while the hosebonde lyueth; but if hir hosebonde is deed, sche is delyuered fro the lawe of the hosebonde.
Pwe li amen, me a warok mia, kin kaupingki kapung en a warok arain a memaur. A ma a warok melar, a muei sanger kapung en a warok.
3 Therfor sche schal be clepid auoutresse, if sche be with another man, while the hosebonde lyueth; but if hir hosebonde is deed, sche is delyuered fro the lawe of the hosebonde, that sche be not auoutresse, if sche be with another man.
A ma a pan paudeki amen ol ni a warok memaur, a pan adaneki kamal amen; a ma a warok melar, a muei sanger kapung, ap sota pan kamal amen, ma a pan pur ong amen ol.
4 And so, my britheren, ye ben maad deed to the lawe bi the bodi of Crist, that ye ben of another, that roos ayen fro deth, that ye bere fruyt to God.
Ari ri ai kan, iduen pil komail mekilar kapung o pweki war en Kristus, pwen wiala nain amen, iet, me iasadar sang ren me melar akan, pwen kaparapar ong Kot.
5 For whanne we weren in fleisch, passiouns of synnes, that weren bi the lawe, wrouyten in oure membris, to bere fruyt to deth.
Pwe ni at kekeideki tiak en pali uduk, inong en dip me kelail nan kokon atail pweki kapung o, pwen kaparapar ong mela.
6 But now we ben vnboundun fro the lawe of deth, in which we weren holdun, so that we seruen in newnesse of spirit, and not in eldnesse of lettre.
A met kitail muei sanger kapung o, pwe sal pat ong mela olar, pwe kitail en papa ong tiak kap en ngen, a kaidin ong tiak maring en inting.
7 What therfor schulen we seie? The lawe is synne? God forbede. But Y knew not synne, but bi lawe; for Y wiste not that coueitynge was synne, but for the lawe seide, Thou schalt not coueyte.
Ari, da me kitail en inda? Me dip kapung o? O so! A i pan sasa dip, ma so kapung. Pwe i pan sasa duen inong sued, ma kapung so kalok kidar: Koe der norok!
8 And thoruy occasioun takun, synne bi the maundement hath wrouyt in me al coueytise; for withouten the lawe, synne was deed.
A dip kadiarok kidar kusoned, ap kainong ong ia song en inong sued karos, pwe ma sota kapung dip mela.
9 And Y lyuede withouten the lawe sumtyme; but whanne the comaundement was comun, synne lyuede ayen.
Pwe mas o i sota mi pan kapung, ap mamaureta, a kusoned lao mia, dip ai ap diarokadar.
10 But Y was deed, and this comaundement that was to lijf, was foundun to me, to be to deth.
A ngai melar; kusoned, me loki dong ia, pwe i en maure kida, kare ong ia mela.
11 For synne, thorouy occasioun takun bi the comaundement, disceyuede me, and bi that it slow me.
Pwe dip kadiarok kidar kusoned liapai ia dar, ap kame ia lar.
12 Therfor the lawe is hooli, and the comaundement is hooli, and iust, and good.
Ari, kapung o me saraui o kusoned me saraui, a pung o mau.
13 Is thanne that thing that is good, maad deth to me? God forbede. But synne, that it seme synne, thorouy good thing wrouyte deth to me, that me synne ouer maner thorouy the comaundement.
A iaduen me mau kot kare ong ia mela? O so! A dip en sansale kida me kamau o ni a kare ong ia mela, pwe dip en sansale kida kusoned.
14 And we witen, that the lawe is spiritual; but Y am fleischli, seld vndur synne.
Pwe kitail asa, me kapung o me ngenin, a ngai me uduken o netilang dip.
15 For Y vndurstonde not that that Y worche; for Y do not the good thing that Y wole, but Y do thilke yuel thing that Y hate.
Pwe i sota asa, da me i en wia. Pwe kaidin me i mauki, me i kin wiada, a me i kin suedeki, iei me i kin wia.
16 And if Y do that thing that Y wole not, Y consente to the lawe, that it is good.
Ari, ma i kin wiada, me i kang wia, nan i kin kasansaleda, me kapung me mau.
17 But now Y worche not it now, but the synne that dwellith in me.
A ma i wiadar, me i sota men wia, kaidin ngai me wiadar, a dip me mimi lol i.
18 But and Y woot, that in me, that is, in my fleisch, dwellith no good; for wille lieth to me, but Y fynde not to performe good thing.
Pwe i asa, me sota mau kot mi lol i nan uduk ai, pwe i kin men wiada me mau, a en angada me pung i sota kak ong.
19 For Y do not thilke good thing that Y wole, but Y do thilke yuel thing that Y wole not.
Pwe me mau o, me i men wiada, i sota kin kapwaida, a me sued, me i kang, i me i kin wiada.
20 And if Y do that yuel thing that Y wole not, Y worche not it, but the synne that dwellith in me.
A ma i wiada, me i so men wiada, kaidin ngai me wiada, a dip me mi lol i.
21 Therfor Y fynde the lawe to me willynge to do good thing, for yuel thing lieth to me.
Iet me kapung kadiarok ong ia: Ni ai men wiada me mau, me sued mimi re i.
22 For Y delite togidere to the lawe of God, aftir the ynnere man. But Y se another lawe in my membris,
Pwe i kin mauki kapung en Kot pali lol en aramas.
23 ayenfiytynge the lawe of my soule, and makynge me caitif in the lawe of synne, that is in my membris.
I ap diaradar eu kapung ni ai kokon akan, me kin palian kapung en loli, ap kalua ia di pan kapung en dip, me mi nan ai kokon akan.
24 Y am an vnceli man; who schal delyuer me fro the bodi of this synne?
O ngai aramas luet amen! Is me pan kamaio wei ia sang ni war mela wet!
25 The grace of God, bi Jhesu Crist oure Lord. Therfor Y my silf bi the soule serue to the lawe of God; but bi fleisch to the lawe of synne.
I danke Kot pweki Iesus Kristus atail Kaun. Nan lol i i kin papang kapung en Kot, a ni pali uduk kapung en dip.

< Romans 7 >