< Romans 16 >

1 And Y comende to you Feben, oure sister, which is in the seruyce of the chirche that is at Teucris,
I ap kakaliki ong komail ri atail li Pepe, me kin papan momodisou en Kenkrea,
2 that ye resseyue hir in the Lord worthili to seyntis, and `that ye helpe hir in what euere cause sche schal nede of you. For sche helpide many men, and my silf.
Pwe komail en kasamo i pan Kaun duen me kon ong saraui kan, o komail sauasa i ni meakaros, pwe i me sauas pan me toto o pil ngai.
3 Grete ye Prisca and Aquyla, myn helperis in Crist Jhesu,
Ai ranamau ong Prisila o Akwila, me sauas pai ren Kristus Iesus.
4 which vndurputtiden her neckis for my lijf; to whiche not Y aloone do thankyngis, but also alle the chirchis of hethene men.
Me inepai ia da, me kaidin ngai eta, me kin danke ira pwe pil momodisou akan karos nan pung en men liki kan.
5 And grete ye wel her meyneal chirche. Grete wel Efenete, louyd to me, that is the firste of Asie in Crist Jhesu.
Pil momodisou nan im ara. Ranamau ong kompoke pai Epenetus me tapiada momodisou en Kristus nan Asien.
6 Grete wel Marie, the whiche hath trauelid myche in vs.
Ranamau ong Maria, me kadek papa kit.
7 Grete wel Andronyk and Julian, my cosyns, and myn euen prisouneris, which ben noble among the apostlis, and whiche weren bifor me in Crist.
Ranamau ong Andronikus o Iunias, kompoke pai kan o me iang ia salidi, me masamas ren wanporon akan, me sau ong Kristus mo i.
8 Grete wel Ampliate, most dereworth to me in the Lord.
Ranamau ong Aplias, me kompoke pai ren Kaun o.
9 Grete wel Vrban, oure helpere in Crist Jhesus, and Stacchen, my derlyng.
Ranamau ong Urpan, sauasa pat ren Kristus, o Stakis kompoke pai.
10 Grete wel Appellem, the noble in Crist.
Ranamau ong Apeles, me dadaurata ren Kristus, ranamau ong toun im en Aristopulus.
11 Grete wel hem that ben of Aristoblis hous. Grete wel Erodion, my cosyn. Grete wel hem that ben of Narciscies hous, that ben in the Lord.
Ranamau ong Erodion kompoke pai. Ranamau ong toun im en Narsisus, me papa Kaun o.
12 Grete wel Trifenam and Trifosam, whiche wymmen trauelen in the Lord. Grete wel Persida, most dereworthe womman, that hath trauelid myche in the Lord.
Ranamau ong Tripäna o Triposa, me papa Kaun o. Ranamau ong kompoke pai Persis, me porisok ni a dodok ong Kaun o.
13 Grete wel Rufus, chosun in the Lord, and his modir, and myn.
Ranamau ong Rupus, me pilipildar ren Kaun o o in a pil in ai.
14 Grete wel Ansicrete, Flegoncia, Hermen, Patroban, Herman, and britheren that ben with hem.
Ranamau ong Asinkritus, Plekon, Ermas, Patropas, Ermes o ri atail akan, me mi re’rail.
15 Grete wel Filologus, and Julian, and Nereum, and his sistir, and Olympiades, and alle the seyntis that ben with hem.
Ranamau ong Pilolokus, o Iulia, o Nereus, ri ai li, o Olimpas, o saraui kan karos, mi re’rail.
16 Grete ye wel togidere in hooli coss. Alle the chirches of Crist greten you wel.
Komail ranamauki pena metik saraui. Momodisou en Kristus akan kin ranamau ong komail.
17 But, britheren, Y preye you, that ye aspie hem that maken discenciouns and hirtyngis, bisidis the doctryne that ye han lerned, and bowe ye awei fro hem.
Ari, ri ai kan, i panaui komail, komail en kileledi, me kin kamueit pasang o kamakar momodisou palian padak o me komail aleer; komail ari muei sang irail.
18 For suche men seruen not to the Lord Crist, but to her wombe, and bi swete wordis and blessyngis disseyuen the hertis of innocent men.
Pwe song pukat sota kin papa atail Kaun Iesus Kristus, a pein kaped arail o kotaueki ar kadek lokaia o widing mongiong en me lelapok kan.
19 But youre obedience is pupplischid in to euery place, therfor Y haue ioye in you. But Y wole that ye be wise in good thing, and symple in yuel.
Pwe omail peik me indand sili lel penang aramas karos. I me i peren kida komail. A i men, komail en koiokki ong me mau kan, ap sokoiokki ong me sued akan.
20 And God of pees tredde Sathanas vndur youre feet swiftli. The grace of oure Lord Jhesu Crist be with you.
A Kot popol pan kasuk pasang Satan pan nä omail eden. Mak en atail Kaun Iesus Kristus en mimieta re omail!
21 Tymothe, myn helpere, gretith you wel, and also Lucius, and Jason, and Sosipater, my cosyns.
Timoteus ai warok en dodok, o kompoke pai ko Lusius, o Iason, o Sosipater kin ranamau ong komail.
22 Y Tercius grete you wel, that wroot this epistle, in the Lord.
Iet ngai Tertius me intingiedier kisin likau wet, ranamau ong komail pan Kaun o.
23 Gayus, myn oost, gretith you wel, and al the chirche. Erastus, tresorere of the city, gretith you wel, and Quartus brother.
Kaius me kin apapwali ia o momodisou, a ranamau ong komail. Erastus, sile pan kanim wet, a ranamau ong komail, o ri atail Kwartus.
24 The grace of oure Lord Jhesu Crist be with you alle. Amen.
Mak en atail Kaun Iesus Kristus en mimieta re omail karos! Amen.
25 And onour and glorie be to hym, that is myyti to conferme you bi my gospel, and prechyng of Jhesu Crist, bi the reuelacioun of mysterie holdun stylle in tymes euerlastinge; (aiōnios g166)
A me manaman ong katinada komail duen ai rongamau, o duen padak iran Iesus Kristus, me kin kasaleda, me sota sansal sang nin tapin kaua kokodo lel met, (aiōnios g166)
26 which mysterie is now maad opyn bi scripturis of prophetis, bi the comaundement of God with outen bigynnyng and endyng, to the obedience of feith in alle hethene men, the mysterie (aiōnios g166)
A met a sansaledar, pwe kisin likau en saukop akan kaloki ong men liki kan karos duen kusoned en Kot ieias, pwe ren poson o peik; (aiōnios g166)
27 knowun bi Jhesu Crist to God aloone wiss, to whom be onour and glorie in to worldis of worldis. Amen. (aiōn g165)
I Kot eta me erpit, lingan en ko ong i ki Iesus Kristus kokolata! Amen. (aiōn g165)

< Romans 16 >