< Revelation 4 >

1 Aftir these thingis Y say, and lo! a dore was openyd in heuene. And the firste vois that Y herde, was as of a trumpe spekinge with me, and seide, Stye thou vp hidur, and Y shal schewe to thee whiche thingis it bihoueth to be don soone aftir these thingus.
MURIN mepukat i kilanger kasansal eu: Kilang, wanim eu ritidar nanlang, o ngil, me i ronger mas, dueta koronete eu kasokasoi ong ia: Koda dong met! I pan kasale ong uk, me pan wiaui mur en mepukat.
2 Anoon Y was in spirit, and lo! a seete was sett in heuene, and vpon the seete oon sittynge.
Ngai pitipit katia Ngen. A kilang, mol eu mi nanlang, o amen kotidi pon mol o.
3 And he that sat, was lijk the siyt of a stoon iaspis, and to sardyn; and a reynbowe was in cumpas of the seete, lijk the siyt of smaragdyn.
A sansal en me kotidi poa rasong takai Iaspis o Sardis o aia me liteui mol o, me sansal dueta takai smarakd.
4 And in the cumpas of the seete weren foure and twenti smale seetis; and aboue the troones foure and twenti eldre men sittinge, hilid aboute with whijt clothis, and in the heedis of hem goldun corouns.
O mol o kapilki pena mol rieisok paieu, o lapalap riek pamen kotikot poa, likau kida likau puetepuet o nin kida nin kold.
5 And leitis, and voices, and thundringis camen out of the trone; and seuene laumpis brennynge bifore the trone, whiche ben the seuene spiritis of God.
O sang ni mol o liol, o ngil akai, o nansapwe kai use wei sang, o lamp isu umpumpul mon mol o, iei Ngen isu en Kot.
6 And bifor the seete as a see of glas, lijk a crystal, and in the myddil of the seete, and in the cumpas of the seete, foure beestis ful of iyen bifore and bihynde.
O mon mol o dueta sed eu, me rasong klas o kristal, o nan warong en mol o, o impan mol o man maur pamen, me rok ki por en mas mo ar o mur ir.
7 And the firste beeste lijk a lyoun; and the secounde beeste lijk a calf; and the thridde beeste hauynge a face as of a man; and the fourthe beeste lijk an egle fleynge.
Man en mas me rasong laien amen, o man kariamen rasong kau ol amen, o man kasilimen kar i rasong aramas, o man kapamen rasong manpir ikel.
8 And the foure beestis hadden euery of hem sixe wyngis; and al aboute and with ynne thei weren ful of iyen; and thei hadden not reste dai and nyyt, seiynge, Hooli, hooli, hooli, the Lord God almyyti, that was, and that is, and that is to comynge.
O man maur pamen ko pa en pir wonu mi ren amen amen, me rokki por en mas ni kaila o lole, o re sota nenenla ni ran o ni pong, indinda: Me saraui, me saraui, me saraui, Kaun Kot, Kaun en meakaros, me kotikot mas, o me kotikot met, o me pan kotin pwarado.
9 And whanne tho foure beestis yauen glorie, and honour, and blessing to hym that sat on the trone, that lyueth in to worldis of worldis, (aiōn g165)
Ari man maur oko, lao pan kalinganada, o kakaki, o danke i me kotidi pon mol o, me ieias soutuk, (aiōn g165)
10 the foure and twenti eldre men fellen doun bifor hym that sat on the trone, and worschipiden hym that lyueth in to worldis of worldis. And thei casten her corouns bifor the trone, and seiden, (aiōn g165)
Me lapalap riek pamen ap pan poridi ong i, me kotidi pon mol o, o re pan pongi i, me ieiasata kokolata, o re pan pwilikidi mar ar mon mol o, indada: (aiōn g165)
11 Thou, Lord `oure God, art worthi to take glorie, and onour, and vertu; for thou madist of nouyt alle thingis, and for thi wille tho weren, and ben maad of nouyt.
Komui Maing, at Kaun, o at Kot, me kon ong, en linganla, o kakala, o manaman, pwe ir me kotin kapikadar meakan karos o pweki kupur omui re mia kier o wiaui kidar.

< Revelation 4 >