< Psalms 4 >

1 `To the victorie in orguns; the salm of Dauid. Whanne Y inwardli clepid, God of my riytwisnesse herde me; in tribulacioun thou hast alargid to me.
Nkunga Davidi, kayimbidila mu bisiku bi zitsinga mu diambu di pfumu minyimbidi. Wuphutudila mvutu bu ndilembo kutedi, a Nzambi ama yisonga ayi wutsadisa bu ndidi mu phasi; wumboni kiadi, wa lusambulu luama.
2 Haue thou mercy on me; and here thou my preier. Sones of men, hou long ben ye of heuy herte? whi louen ye vanite, and seken a leesyng?
Nate thangu mbi luela, tatamana fuisa nkembo ama tsoni e? Nate thangu mbi luela tatamana zodilanga vanga mambu ma phamba ayi tombanga zinzambi zi luvunu e?
3 And wite ye, that the Lord hath maad merueilous his hooli man; the Lord schal here me, whanne Y schal crye to hym.
Luzaba mboti ti Yave wukisobudidi mutu wumosi wunkinzikanga mambu mandi. Yave wela wa mu thangu ndiela kuntela.
4 Be ye wrothe, and nyle ye do synne; `and for tho thingis whiche ye seien in youre hertis and in youre beddis, be ye compunct.
Ku tsi nganzi eno, kadi vola masumu. Mu thangu luidi mu zimbuka zieno, lufiongunina mintima mieno bosi luba dio sui.
5 Sacrifie ye `the sacrifice of riytfulnesse, and hope ye in the Lord; many seien, Who schewide goodis to vs?
Lutambika makaba ma busonga, ayi lutula diana dieno mu Yave.
6 Lord, the liyt of thi cheer is markid on vs; thou hast youe gladnesse in myn herte.
Bawombo balembo tubi: “Nani wulenda kutumonisa mamboti e?” Bika kiezila ki zizi kiaku kitukienzula, a Yave!
7 Thei ben multiplied of the fruit of whete, and of wyn; and of her oile.
Wuwesidi khini yiwombo mu ntimꞌama, viokila yoyi yiba yawu mu thangu baba ble yiwombo ayi vinu kiwombo
8 In pees in the same thing; Y schal slepe, and take reste. For thou, Lord; hast set me syngulerli in hope.
Ndiela lambadala ayi ndiela leka tulu mu ndembama bila ngeyo veka kaka, a Yave bila ngeyo veka kaka wukuphuandisanga mu luvovomo.

< Psalms 4 >