< Psalms 22 >

1 To ouercome, for `the morewtid hynd; the salm of Dauid. God, my God, biholde thou on me, whi hast thou forsake me? the wordis of my trespassis ben fer fro myn helthe.
Kwa mwimbishaji. Mtindo wa utenzi wa “Kulungu wa Alfajiri.” Zaburi ya Daudi. Mungu wangu, Mungu wangu, mbona umeniacha? Kwa nini uko mbali hivyo kuniokoa? Mbali hivyo na maneno ya kuugua kwangu?
2 Mi God, Y schal crye bi dai, and thou schalt not here; and bi nyyt, and not to vnwisdom to me.
Ee Mungu wangu, ninalia mchana, lakini hunijibu, hata usiku, sinyamazi.
3 Forsothe thou, the preisyng of Israel, dwellist in holynesse;
Hata hivyo umesimikwa katika kiti cha enzi kama Uliye Mtakatifu; wewe ni sifa ya Israeli.
4 oure fadris hopiden in thee, thei hopiden, and thou delyueridist hem.
Kwako wewe baba zetu waliweka tumaini lao, walikutumaini nawe ukawaokoa.
5 Thei crieden to thee, and thei weren maad saaf; thei hopiden in thee, and thei weren not schent.
Walikulilia wewe na ukawaokoa, walikutegemea wewe nao hawakuaibika.
6 But Y am a worm, and not man; the schenschip of men, and the outcastyng of the puple.
Mimi ni mnyoo wala si mwanadamu, wanaume wamenibeza, na watu wamenidharau.
7 Alle men seynge me scorneden me; thei spaken with lippis, and stiriden the heed.
Wote wanionao hunidhihaki, hunivurumishia matusi, wakitikisa vichwa vyao:
8 He hopide in the Lord, delyuere he hym; make he hym saaf, for he wole hym.
Husema, “Anamtegemea Bwana, basi Bwana na amwokoe. Amkomboe basi, kwa maana anapendezwa naye.”
9 For thou it art that drowist me out of the wombe, thou art myn hope fro the tetis of my modir;
Hata hivyo ulinitoa tumboni, ukanifanya nikutegemee, hata nilipokuwa ninanyonya matiti ya mama yangu.
10 in to thee Y am cast forth fro the wombe. Fro the wombe of my modir thou art my God; departe thou not fro me.
Nimekabidhiwa kwako tangu kuzaliwa, toka tumboni mwa mama yangu umekuwa Mungu wangu.
11 For tribulacioun is next; for noon is that helpith.
Usiwe mbali nami, kwa maana shida iko karibu na hakuna wa kunisaidia.
12 Many calues cumpassiden me; fatte bolis bisegiden me.
Mafahali wengi wamenizunguka, mafahali wa Bashani wenye nguvu wamenizingira.
13 Thei openyden her mouth on me; as doith a lioun rauyschynge and rorynge.
Simba wangurumao wanaorarua mawindo yao hupanua vinywa vyao dhidi yangu.
14 I am sched out as watir; and alle my boonys ben scaterid. Myn herte is maad, as wex fletynge abrood; in the myddis of my wombe.
Nimemiminwa kama maji, mifupa yangu yote imetoka katika viungo vyake. Moyo wangu umegeuka kuwa nta, umeyeyuka ndani yangu.
15 Mi vertu driede as a tiyl stoon, and my tunge cleuede to my chekis; and thou hast brouyt forth me in to the dust of deth.
Nguvu zangu zimekauka kama kigae, ulimi wangu umegandamana na kaakaa la kinywa changu, kwa sababu umenilaza katika mavumbi ya kifo.
16 For many doggis cumpassiden me; the counsel of wickid men bisegide me. Thei delueden myn hondis and my feet;
Mbwa wamenizunguka, kundi la watu waovu limenizingira, wametoboa mikono yangu na miguu yangu.
17 thei noumbriden alle my boonys. Sotheli thei lokiden, and bihelden me;
Naweza kuhesabu mifupa yangu yote, watu wananikodolea macho na kunisimanga.
18 thei departiden my clothis to hem silf, and thei senten lot on my cloth.
Wanagawana nguo zangu wao kwa wao, na vazi langu wanalipigia kura.
19 But thou, Lord, delaie not thin help fro me; biholde thou to my defence.
Lakini wewe, Ee Bwana, usiwe mbali. Ee Nguvu yangu, uje haraka unisaidie.
20 God, delyuere thou my lijf fro swerd; and delyuere thou myn oon aloone fro the hond of the dogge.
Okoa maisha yangu na upanga, uhai wangu wa thamani kutoka nguvu za mbwa.
21 Make thou me saaf fro the mouth of a lioun; and my mekenesse fro the hornes of vnycornes.
Niokoe kutoka kinywani mwa simba, niokoe kutoka pembe za mafahali mwitu.
22 I schal telle thi name to my britheren; Y schal preise thee in the myddis of the chirche.
Nitalitangaza jina lako kwa ndugu zangu, katika kusanyiko nitakusifu wewe.
23 Ye that dreden the Lord, herie hym; alle the seed of Jacob, glorifie ye hym.
Ninyi ambao mnamcha Bwana, msifuni! Ninyi nyote wazao wote wa Yakobo, mheshimuni yeye! Mcheni yeye, ninyi wazao wote wa Israeli!
24 Al the seed of Israel drede hym; for he forsook not, nethir dispiside the preier of a pore man. Nethir he turnede awei his face fro me; and whanne Y criede to hym, he herde me.
Kwa maana hakupuuza wala kudharau mateso ya aliyeonewa; hakumficha uso wake bali alisikiliza kilio chake ili amsaidie.
25 Mi preisyng is at thee in a greet chirche; Y schal yelde my vowis in the siyt of men dredynge hym.
Kwako wewe hutoka kiini cha sifa zangu katika kusanyiko kubwa, nitatimiza nadhiri zangu mbele ya wale wakuchao wewe.
26 Pore men schulen ete, and schulen be fillid, and thei schulen herie the Lord, that seken hym; the hertis of hem schulen lyue in to the world of world.
Maskini watakula na kushiba, wale wamtafutao Bwana watamsifu: mioyo yenu na iishi milele!
27 Alle the endis of erthe schulen bithenke; and schulen be conuertid to the Lord. And alle the meynees of hethene men; schulen worschipe in his siyt.
Miisho yote ya dunia itakumbuka na kumgeukia Bwana, nazo jamaa zote za mataifa watasujudu mbele zake,
28 For the rewme is the Lordis; and he schal be Lord of hethene men.
kwa maana ufalme ni wa Bwana naye hutawala juu ya mataifa.
29 Alle the fatte men of erthe eeten and worschipiden; alle men, that goen doun in to erthe, schulen falle doun in his siyt.
Matajiri wote wa dunia watasherehekea na kuabudu. Wote waendao mavumbini watapiga magoti mbele yake, wote ambao hawawezi kudumisha uhai wao.
30 And my soule schal lyue to hym; and my seed schal serue him.
Wazao wa baadaye watamtumikia yeye; vizazi vijavyo vitajulishwa habari za Bwana.
31 A generacioun to comyng schal be teld to the Lord; and heuenes schulen telle his riytfulnesse to the puple that schal be borun, whom the Lord made.
Watatangaza haki yake kwa watu ambao hawajazaliwa bado, kwa maana yeye ametenda hili.

< Psalms 22 >