< Numbers 14 >

1 Therfor al the cumpeny criede, and wepte in that nyyt,
Hichun Israel mite abonchauvin aw-sang tah in akap un chu leh amaho chu jan khovah geijin akap’un hiche mipiho awgin chu lakisa’a ki thong bang in Mose leh Aaron dounan aboldoh tauvin ahi.
2 and alle the sones of Israel grutchiden ayens Moises and Aaron, and seiden,
Hiche mipi awgin lakisa chu akithong jing in Mose le Aaron douna kibol ahin Egypt gamah ana thidoh kihi le pha jonte tin asam uve.
3 We wolden that we hadden be deed in Egipt, and not in this waast wildirnesse; we wolden that we perischen, and that the Lord lede vs not in to this lond, lest we fallen bi swerd, and oure wyues and fre children ben led prisoneris; whether it is not betere to turne ayen in to Egipt?
Pakaiyin hilang gam lah ahi eipui doh jing’u ham gal’a thi bep dinga ka jite hou numei chapang jaona athigam bep dinga Egypt gamsunga konna nei hin puidoh u ham tin asei uve.
4 And thei seiden oon to another, Ordeyne we a duyk to vs, and turne we ayen in to Egipt.
Hi chun Amaho khat le khat aki hou khom mun eihon lamkai thah lheng u hitin Egypt lamah kinung le tauhite tin akihou lim tauvin ahi.
5 And whanne this was herd, Moises and Aaron felden lowe to erthe, bifor al the multitude of the sones of Israel.
Hichun Mose le Aaron chu Israel mite jouse masang tol lang ngan akun lha lhon tan ahi.
6 And sotheli Josue, the sone of Nun, and Caleph, the sone of Jephone, whiche also cumpassiden the lond, to renten her clothis,
Pasal mini gam kholla che teni chu Nun chapa Joshua le Jephanneh chapa Caleb chun aponsil lhon abotkeh lhon tai.
7 and spaken to al the multitude of the sones of Israel, The lond which we cumpassiden is ful good;
Ama nin Israel mipi teho lah’a asei lhon tan, keini’n ka khol chil lhon gam ho chu ki dang tah le loupi tah ahiye, tin asei lhon’e.
8 if the Lord is merciful to vs, he schal lede vs in to it, and schal yyue `to vs the lond flowynge with mylk and hony.
Chule Pathen hi eiho dinga hiche gamsung khu eiphatsah peh uva ahi tan Pakai chun agamsunga ei pui lut diu, khoiju le bongnoi lonna gam ahiye.
9 Nyle ye be rebel ayens the Lord, nether drede ye the puple of this lond, for we moun deuoure hem so as breed; al her help passide awei fro hem, the Lord is with vs, nyle ye drede.
Pakai chu douhih un, chule hiche gamsunga chengte jong kicha hih un. Eiho a ding in amaho khu apanpi ding umlou anchah a pang tobangbep ahiuve! Avengtup ding aneipouve, Pathen thahat chungnung aum in aman abanthahat in ei panpi jing diu ahiye.
10 And whanne al the multitude criede, and wolde oppresse hem with stonys, the glorie of the Lord apperide on the roof of the boond of pees, while alle the sones of Israel sien.
Amavang Mipi jouse chu Joshua le Caleb chu songa se lih ding agong tauvin Pakai, Pathen loupina chungnung chu Israelte chunga ahung kitah lang tan houbuh thingkong chu ahung kilah tan ahi.
11 And the Lord seide to Moises, Hou long schal this puple bacbite me? Hou longe schulen thei not bileue to me in alle `signes, whiche Y haue do bifor hem?
Chu in Pathen in Mose chu a houlimpi tan itih chan hiche Israel mite hin donlou nahsah louva eikoi diu hitam? Thet-um tah thil ki dang tampi aboldoh tauvin ahi.
12 Therfor Y schal smyte hem with pestilence, and Y schal waste hem; forsothe Y schal make thee prince on a greet folk, and strongere than is this.
Keiman amaho chu ka kihet mosah ding chule ka suh mang ding ahiuve. Ahinlah keiman nangma mihat tah ka so ding, Amaho sanga hat jo phajo ka so ding na hi, ati.
13 And Moises seide to the Lord, Egipcians `here not, fro whos myddil thou leddist out this puple,
Ahin lah Mose vang chu anom pon a lung phamo lheh in Egypt miten ipi agel diuvem hiche thil um dan ahin het teng ule Mose’n Pathen chu adong tan Egypte ahat soh hel lin nangma tha hatna Israel mite na hin pui doh’a Egypt apat na hung sohchat’u ahiye.
14 and the dwelleris of this loond, whiche herden that thou, Lord, art in this puple, and art seyn face to face, and that thi cloude defendith hem, and that thou goist bifore hem in a pilere of cloude bi dai,
Pakai, Pathen nangma tun hiche Israel mite hi na suhmang le Egypt miten agamma cheng ho lah’a alhut diu, nangma toh kimai to ahiuvin chule jan teng meikonga napui jun sun teng meilhang in na pui jiuve.
15 and in a piler of fier bi nyyt, that thou hast slayn so greet a multitude as o man,
Pakai nangman amaho hi ilou theh a nasuh mang leh hiche nam mite na puidan kidang tah ana hesa nam mite chun, sei uvintin,
16 and seie thei, He myyte not brynge this puple in to the lond for whiche he swoor, therfor he killide hem in wildirnesse;
Pakaiyin Amaho chu a suhgam na ajeh chu atep peh na’u gamsung chu apui lhung jou tahlou jeh ahi ati diu ahi.
17 therfor the strengthe of the Lord be magnified, as thou hast swore. And Moises seide,
Pakaiyin nangma boltheina natoh chu jom in vetsah kit in. Pakai nangma in kiphong doh kit inlang,
18 Lord pacient, and of myche mercy, doynge awei wickidnesse and trespassis, and leeuynge no man vngilti, which visitist the synnes of fadris in to sones in to the thridde and fourthe generacioun, Y biseche,
Pakai, Pathen hi lung neng tah lunghang vahlou chuleh ngailutna dim jing chonset ngaidam them ahin suhkhel neite angaidam jing Pakai hi chonsetna ho ngaidam themji ahi kiti chu musah in.
19 foryyue thou the synne of this thi puple, aftir the greetnesse of thi merci, as thou were merciful to men goynge out of Egipt `til to this place.
Ngaidam min hiche mite chonset nahi keima Mose ka taona nei ngai peh inlang nami hepina leh ngailutna jal’a nangman hiche mite Egypt apatna na hin ngaidam jing sa bang chun.
20 And the Lord seide, Y haue foryouun to hem, bi thi word.
Hichun Mose chu Pathen in ahin houlim pitan nangma thusei dung juiyin ka ngaidam tai, ati.
21 Y lyue; and the glorie of the Lord schal be fillid in al erthe;
Tahbeh’a kasei ahi Keima hingjing Pathen chu kahi jeh in vannoi Leiset hi ka loupina dimset jing ding ahi.
22 netheles alle men that sien my mageste, and my signes, whiche Y dide in Egipt and in the wildirnesse, and temptiden me now bi ten sithis, and obeieden not to my vois,
Hiche Israel chate ho lah’a hi koima jong katep peh gam lhung jou talou diu ahi. Ajeh chu Amaho jousen ka loupina chu ahetsoh hel’u ahin, chule thil kidang tah melchihna Egypt gam’a jong ka bol lin chule gamthip lah’a jong ka bol lin ahin lah amahon tun avel lin ima lou tah in awgin sangtah in asam un, aki phin uvin ahi.
23 schulen not se the lond for which Y swore to her fadris, nethir ony of hem that bacbitide me, schal se it.
Keiman apute apateu ka teppihna gam chu a amu lou beh diu, Amaho lah’a koi tobang eidou dal ho jouse chu imacha amu lou beh ding ahi.
24 Y schal lede my seruaunt Caleph, that was ful of anothir spirit, and suede me, in to this lond, which he cumpasside, and his seed schal welde it.
Ahin lah ka lhachapa Caleb vang hi midang hotoh alungel’a kibah louna aum in Caleb hin hom tho tah’in eihou jing in hi ti ahijeh achu agam kholna muna chu ka pui lhung tei ding ahi, Caleb le achilhahte jouse hiche gam chu aboncha a alo soh hel diu ahi.
25 For Amalech and Cananei dwellen in the valeis, to morewe moue ye tentis, and turne ye ayen in to wildirnesse bi the weie of the reed see.
Tun nangma ki nunghei tan, nangman Amalek teho, Canan miteho chenna lang chu na jot lou beh ding, jing teng nangma kipat doh in gamthip lam nama no ding ahi, ati.
26 And the Lord spak to Moises and to Aaron, and seide,
Hichun Pakaiyin Mose le Aaron henga hiti hin aseiyin ahi.
27 Hou long grutchith this werste multitude ayens me? Y haue herd the pleyntis of the sones of Israel.
Itihchan hiche migilou namho toh hin ka chenkhom’a ka umpi jing ding ham? Kipah lou lunglhai louva ka chung’a aum jing uhin ipi avetsah hi tantem, ati.
28 Therfor seie thou to hem, Y lyue, seith the Lord; as ye spaken while Y herde, so Y schal do to you;
Tun amaho chu seipeh un. Keima hi Pathen ka hin ka umjing in nangma na sei doh na geldoh lou chu ka bol peh ding na hi tauve.
29 youre careyns schulen ligge in this wildirnesse. Alle ye that ben noumbrid, fro twenti yeer and aboue, and grutchiden ayens me,
Nangho gamthipma thiden ding nahi tauve, ka chunga lungkim louna na neitah jeh un kum som nia pat chunglam sen thina ato ding ahi, ati.
30 schulen not entre in to the lond, on which Y reiside myn hond, that Y schulde make you to dwelle outakun Caleph, the sone of Jephone, and Josue, the sone of Nun.
Katepna gamsung na lo tahlou diu, Caleb, Jephanneth chapa chule amani Joshua, Nun chapa amani bou chun alo lhon ding ahi.
31 Forsothe Y schal lede in youre litle children, of whiche ye seiden that thei schulden be preyes `ethir raueyns to enemyes, that thei se the lond which displeside you.
Ahinlah nachate khangthah ho nanghon mi thagam ding bep a na gel hou chu keiman ka panpi ding agam leiset na deimo sau gam chu a toupha diu ahi.
32 Forsothe youre careyns schulen ligge in the wildirnesse;
Amavang nangho jouse na thilong uchu hiche gamthip nelgam ahi kivui lhum ding ahi tai.
33 youre sones schulen be walkeris aboute in the deseert bi fourti yeer, and thei schulen bere youre fornycacioun, til the careyns of the fadris ben wastid in the deseert,
Na chate ho nachilhah hou vang hikom gam thip lah’a kum somli-le-li gei kelngoi chinga pang ding ahi tauve. Hi tobang’a chu nanghon nalou chalna hou na mu diu hiche nelgam ahi na thi soh heldiu ahiye.
34 by the noumbre of fourti daies, in whiche ye bihelden the loond; a yeer schal be arettid for a dai, and bi fourti yeer ye schulen resseyue youre wickidnesse, and ye schulen knowe my veniaunce.
Ijeh inem itileh, na lamkai hon ni somli jen lutna gam leiset kholla cheuva ahin na chonset jeh’a kisuh genthei ding na hitai nikhat lampi chu kum somli jen na jot ding u ahi tai. Hiche teng chule nanghon Pathen toh melma a umhi itobang’a hahsa ham ti nahet doh diu ahi.
35 For as Y spak, so Y schal do to al this werste multitude, that roos to gidere ayens me; it schal faile, and schal die in this wildirnesse.
Keima Pakai, Pathen kahin na ka hin toh pan ding ahi tai hiche mipi ho lah’a eidou’a pang jing ho chu hikom nelgam ma hi suh gentheiya umdiu chule amaho chu a hinkho kicha soh hel diu ahi.
36 Therfor alle the men whyche Moises hadde sent to see the lond, and whiche turniden ayen, and maden al the multitude to grutche ayens hym, and depraueden the lond, that it was yuel,
Pasal som ho lah’a Mose gam velhi dinga asol ho lah’a ami khat Pathen douna ana tong gopa chu ahi.
37 weren deed, and smytun in the siyt of the Lord.
Pathen henga amapa chu pul in athi tai.
38 Sotheli Josue, the sone of Nun, and Caleph, the sone of Jephone, lyueden, of alle men that yeden to se the lond.
Gam kholchin lah’a pasal somle ni ahiuvin amaho lah achu Joshua le Caleb bou asoh cha uvin ahi.
39 And Moises spak alle these wordis to alle the sones of Israel, and the puple mourenyde gretli.
Mose’n Pathen thu cheng seidoh jouse chu Israel ho lah a asei peh phat chun mipi ho chun nopma asah thei lheh jeng un ahi.
40 And, lo! thei riseden in the morewtid first, and `stieden in to the cop of the hil, and seiden, We ben redi to stie to the place, of which the Lord spak, for we synneden.
Amaho chu a Jing nikho in, jingkah matah in aki thou un mol chungvum laitah a akaldoh un, aki hou uvin, Pathen douna a chonset natoh ibol doh’u ahitai, tun vang Pakai jin ei teppeh na’u gam chu jon tauhite aki tiuve.
41 To whiche Moises seide, Whi passen ye the word of the Lord, that schal not bifalle to you in to prosperite?
Ahinlah Mose’n a donbut in ibola nangho Pathen thupeh palkeh dia na got uva, Gamthip gam a kile ding na kisah u baham?
42 Nyle ye stie, for the Lord is not with you, lest ye fallen bifor youre enemyes.
Tun nanghon hiche gam-tep gam lam’a lut ding jong got datauvin, na melmateu khut ah gamlha bepseu un nate, Ajeh chu Pathen in na kithopi louhel diu ahitai.
43 Amalech and Cananei ben bifor you, bi the swerd of whiche ye schulen falle, for ye nolden assente to the Lord, nether the Lord schal be with you.
Nanghon Amalek mite le Cannan mite na ki dinte pi teng uleh amahon na tha gamhel lo diu ahi tai. Ajeh chu ama nana dalhah tah jeh uva, Pathen in nang ho jong na dalhah’u ahitai.
44 And thei weren maad derk, and stieden in to the cop of the hil; forsothe the ark of the testament of the Lord and Moises yeden not awey fro the tentis.
Hinlah mipin atum tentun uvin, Mose jong pang lou, Pakai thingkong jong jao talou hel in, aki tol uvin thinglhang lam chu ama no tauve.
45 And Amalech cam doun, and Chananei, that dwelliden in the hil, and he smoot hem, and kittide doun, and pursuede hem til Horma.
Hichun thing lhang molchung lamma pansa ho chu Amalek mite leh Canaan miten ahin bulhu tauvin, hiti chun Hormah chan ahin del tauvin ahi.

< Numbers 14 >