< Matthew 4 >

1 Thanne Jhesus was led of a spirit in to desert, to be temptid of the feend.
IESUS ap kotin kakaluadala ren Ngen nan sap tan, pwen songesong ren tewil.
2 And whanne he hadde fastid fourti daies and fourti nyytis, aftirward he hungride.
A lao kotin kaisesolar ran pangaul o pon pangaul ap men sak.
3 And the tempter cam nyy, and seide to hym, If thou art Goddis sone, seie that thes stoones be maad looues.
Men kasongesong ap pwara dong i indada: Ma komui Sapwilim en Kot, en masani, takai pukat en wiala prot.
4 Which answeride, and seide to hym, It is writun, Not oonli in breed luyeth man, but in ech word that cometh of Goddis mouth.
A kotin sapeng masani: A intingidier: Kaidin prot eta, me aramas kin memaureki, pwe masan akan karos, me kin pwili sang nin silang in Kot.
5 Thanne the feend took hym in to the hooli citee, and settide hym on the pynacle of the temple,
Tewil ap kalualang i nan kanim saraui o kauada i pon kongkong en kaudok,
6 and seide to hym, If thou art Goddis sone, sende thee adoun; for it is writun, That to hise aungels he comaundide of thee, and thei schulen take thee in hondis, lest perauenture thou hirte thi foot at a stoon.
Indang i: Ma komui Sapwilim en Kot, kasedi pein komui, pwe a intingidier: A pan kasilaki sapwilim a tounlang kan komui, o irail pan wa komui ni lim ar akan, pwe aluwilu omui ede dipikelekel ni takai eu.
7 Eftsoone Jhesus seide to hym, It is writun, Thou shalt not tempte thi Lord God.
Iesus kotin masani ong i: A pil intingidier: Koe der kasongesong Kot om Kaun.
8 Eftsoone the feend took hym in to a ful hiy hil, and schewide to hym alle the rewmes of the world, and the ioye of hem;
Tewil ap pil kaluadalang i pon nana ileile kaualapia eu o kasale ong i wein sappa karos o a lingan,
9 and seide to hym, Alle these `Y schal yyue to thee, if thou falle doun and worschipe me.
Indang i: Mepukat karos i pan ki ong komui, ma komui men poridi o pongi ong ia.
10 Thanne Jhesus seide to hym, Goo, Sathanas; for it is writun, Thou schalt worschipe thi Lord God, and to hym aloone thou shalt serue.
Iesus ap kotin masani ong i: Ko sang ia Satan, pwe a intingidier: Koe en pongi ong Kot om Kaun, i eta koe en papa.
11 Thanne the feend lafte hym; and lo! aungels camen nyy, and serueden to hym.
Tewil ap muei sang i, a kilang, tounlang kan ap pwarado papa ong i.
12 But whanne Jhesus hadde herd that Joon was takun, he wente in to Galilee.
A lao mangier, me Ioanes salidier, ap kotilang Kaliläa,
13 And he lefte the citee of Nazareth, and cam, and dwelte in the citee of Cafarnaum, biside the see, in the coostis of Zabulon and Neptalym,
O a kotin muei sang Nasaret, kotido kaukausonla Kapernaum, me mi ni kailan sed impan sap Sepulon o Naptalim;
14 that it shulde be fulfillid, that was seid by Ysaie, the profete, seiynge,
Pwen pwaida, me lokido ren saukop Iesaia me masani:
15 The lond of Sabulon and the lond of Neptalym, the weie of the see ouer Jordan, of Galilee of hethen men,
Sap Sepulon o sap Naptalim, me sal ong sed, palilan Iordan, o Kaliläa en men liki kan,
16 the puple that walkide in derknessis saye greet liyt, and while men satten in the cuntre of shadewe of deth, liyt aroos to hem.
Aramas akan, me momod nan rotorot, kilanger marain lapalap eu, o irail me momod nan sap en mot en mela, marain eu dakar irail adar.
17 Fro that tyme Jhesus bigan to preche, and seie, Do ye penaunce, for the kyngdom of heuenes schal come niy.
I dokan Iesus kotin tapiadar padapadak o mamasani: Kalula, pwe wein nanlang korendor.
18 And Jhesus walkide bisidis the see of Galilee, and saye twei britheren, Symount, that is clepid Petre, and Andrewe, his brothir, castynge nettis in to the see; for thei weren fischeris.
A lao kotikot sili pon oror en lein Kaliläa, ap masanier pirien eu, Simon, me adaneki Petrus, o ri a Andreas, me kadukaduedi ara uk nan sed, pwe ira me saused.
19 And he seide to hem, Come ye aftir me, and Y shal make you to be maad fisscheris of men.
A ap kotin masani ong ira: Idauen ia do, I pan wia kin koma saused en aramas!
20 And anoon thei leften the nettis, and sueden hym.
Ira madang muei sang uk akan o idauenla i.
21 And he yede forth fro that place, and saie tweyne othere britheren, James of Zebede, and Joon, his brother, in a schip with Zebede, her fadir, amendynge her nettis, and he clepide hem.
A ni a kotila sang wasa o, ap pil masani eu pirien, Iakopus, nain Sepedäus o ri a Ioanes, me mi nin sop ren sam ara Sepedäus, wonewone ara uk akan. I ari kotin molipe ira do.
22 And anoon thei leften the nettis and the fadir, and sueden hym.
Ira madang muei sang sop o sam ara ap idauenla i.
23 And Jhesus yede aboute al Galilee, techynge in the synagogis of hem, and prechynge the gospel of the kyngdom, and heelynge euery languor and eche sekenesse among the puple.
Iesus ari kotin kakan sili nan Kaliläa kaukawewe nan arail sinakoke kan o padapadak rongamau en wei, o kotin kakelada song en somau o luet akan karos nan pung en aramas akan.
24 And his fame wente in to al Sirie; and thei brouyten to hym alle that weren at male ese, and that weren take with dyuerse languores and turmentis, and hem that hadden feendis, and lunatike men, and men in palesy, and he heelide hem.
I ari indant sili nan Sirien pon. O irail wa dong i me somau kan karos, me aneki song en somau o wairok kai, o me tewil ti poa kan, o me pwepwe kan, o me rerer akan, i ari kotin kakela ir ada.
25 And ther sueden hym myche puple of Galile, and of Decapoli, and of Jerusalem, and of Judee, and of biyende Jordan.
Pokon kalaimun me idauenla i sang Kaliläa o Dekapolis, o Ierusalem, o Iudäa, o sang palilan Iordan.

< Matthew 4 >