< Matthew 27 >

1 But whanne the morowtid was comun, alle the princis of prestis, and the eldre men of the puple token counsel ayens Jhesu, that thei schulden take hym to the deeth.
A LAO ran pasanger, samero lapalap akan o saumas akan en toun sap o kapukapungada duen Iesus pwen kamatala.
2 And thei ledden him boundun, and bitoken to Pilat of Pounce, iustice.
Irail lao saliedi i, ap wawei, ki ong ren kopina Pontius Pilatus.
3 Thanne Judas that bitraiede hym, say that he was dampned, he repentide, and brouyte ayen the thretti pans to the princis of prestis, and to the elder men of the puple,
A Iudas, me pangala i lao kilanger me a pakadeikadar, en kamatala, ap kalukila o purekido moni sileisok ren samero lapalap akan o saumas akan.
4 and seide, Y haue synned, bitraiynge riytful blood. And thei seiden, What to vs? bise thee.
Indada: Ngai me wiadar dip, ni ai pangalar nta makelekel. A irail inda: Menda re at? Koe en pein wia.
5 And whanne he hadde cast forth the siluer in the temple, he passide forth, and yede, and hongide hym silf with a snare.
I ari kasedi moni ko nan im en kaudok, ap koieilar lusiamalar.
6 And the princis of prestis token the siluer, and seide, It is not leueful to putte it in to the treserie, for it is the prijs of blood.
A samero lapalap akan ale moni ko indada; A sota pung kitail en ki ong nan deun mairong, pwe pwain pan nta.
7 And whanne thei hadden take counsel, thei bouyten with it a feeld of a potter, in to biryyng of pilgrymys.
Irail ari kapukapung, ap netiadar sap en saun wia dal, wasa me men liki pan seredi ia,
8 Herfor thilke feeld is clepid Acheldemac, that is, a feeld of blood, in to this dai.
I me wasa o adaneki sap en nta kokodo lel ran wet.
9 Thanne that was fulfillid, that was seid bi the prophete Jeremye, seiynge, And thei han takun thretti pans, the prijs of a man preysid, whom thei preiseden of the children of Israel;
I dokan a pwaidar, me lokidor ren saukop Ieremia, me masani: Irail ari aleer moni sileisok i pwaine pan i, me re netiada ren men Israel.
10 and thei yauen hem in to a feeld of a potter, as the Lord hath ordenyd to me.
O pwaine kida sap en saun wia dal, duen me Kaun o kotin masani ong ia.
11 And Jhesus stood bifor the domesman; and the iustice axide him, and seide, Art thou king of Jewis?
Iesus ari kotikot mon kopina; kopina ap kainoma re a masani: Nanmarki en Sus akan komui? A Iesus kotin masani ong i: Komui me masani.
12 Jhesus seith to hym, Thou seist. And whanne he was accusid of the princis of prestis, and of the eldere men of the puple, he answeride no thing.
Samero lapalap akan o saumas akan lao karaune kin i, a sota kotin sapeng.
13 Thanne Pilat seith to him, Herist thou not, hou many witnessyngis thei seien ayens thee?
Pilatus ap masani ong i: Komui sota rong duen ar karakarauni komui kaualap?
14 And he answeride not `to hym ony word, so that the iustice wondride greetli.
I ari sota kotin masani ong i meakot. Kopina ap poneponeki kaualap.
15 But for a solempne dai the iustice was wont to delyuere to the puple oon boundun, whom thei wolden.
Ari, ni kamadip o kopina kin lapwa ong irail amen me salidi, meamen, me re mauki,
16 And he hadde tho a famous man boundun, that was seid Barrabas.
A i ansau o ol amen, ad a Parapas, me salidi re’rail.
17 Therfor Pilate seide to hem, whanne thei weren to gidere, Whom wolen ye, that Y delyuere to you? whether Barabas, or Jhesu, that is seid Crist?
Irail lao pokon penaer, Pilatus ap masani ong irail: Is me komail mauki, i en lapwa dang komail, Parapas de Iesus, me maraneki Kristus?
18 For he wiste, that bi enuye thei bitraieden hym.
Pwe a asaer, ar peirin, me re pang kilar i.
19 And while he sat for domesman, his wijf sente to hym, and seide, No thing to thee and to that iust man; for Y haue suffrid this dai many thingis for hym, bi a visioun.
A lao kaipokedi pon deun kadeik, a paud ilokilang i indada: Komui der wia meakot ong ol pung men et, pwe i auramandar duen i, me i lokelokeki laud ran wet.
20 Forsothe the prince of prestis, and the eldere men counseiliden the puple, that thei schulden axe Barabas, but thei schulden distrye Jhesu.
A samero lapalap akan o saumas akan sairen kila pokon o, ar poekipoeki Parapas o kamatala Iesus.
21 But the iustice answeride, and seide to hem, Whom of the tweyn wolen ye, that be delyuerit to you? And thei seiden, Barabas.
A kopina sapeng masani ong irail: Is re’ra, me komail mauki, i en lapwadang komail? Irail potoan ong: Parapas.
22 Pilat seith to hem, What thanne schal Y do of Jhesu, that is seid Crist?
Pilatus ap masani ong irail: Da me i en wiaki Iesus, me maraneki Kristus? Irail karos potoan ong: A en kalopuela!
23 Alle seien, `Be he crucified. The iustice seith to hem, What yuel hath he doon? And thei crieden more, and seiden, Be he crucified.
A kopina masani: Pwe sued da, me a wiadar? A re kalaudela ar weriwer: A pan kalopuela!
24 And Pilat seynge that he profitide no thing, but that the more noyse was maad, took watir, and waischide hise hondis bifor the puple, and seide, Y am giltles of the blood of this riytful man; bise you.
Pilatus lao kilang, me a sota kak wiada meakot, pwe moromorong pan wiaui, ap ale pil, omiom mo’rail masani: Ngai makelekel sang ntan ol pung men et, komail pan wia.
25 And al the puple answeride, and seide, His blood be on vs, and on oure children.
Aramas karos ap wiaki eu sapeng indada: Nta en kapokon ong kit o nait seri kan!
26 Thanne he deliuerede to hem Barabas, but he took to hem Jhesu scourgid, to be crucified.
A ap lapwa dong irail Parapas, a Iesus me a woki ap mueid ong irail, en kalopuela i.
27 Thanne knyytis of the iustice token Jhesu in the moot halle, and gadriden to hym al the cumpeny `of knyytis.
Nain kopina saunpei kan ap ale Iesus kalualong ong nan im en kadeik o, ap kapokon pena saunpei karos;
28 And thei vnclothiden hym, and diden aboute hym a reed mantil;
Irail ap ki sang i sapwilim a likau kan, ap id kalikauwie kida i likau waitata;
29 and thei foldiden a coroun of thornes, and putten on his heed, and a rehed in his riyt hoond; and thei kneliden bifore hym, and scornyden hym, and seiden, Heil, kyng of Jewis.
Ap pada al en tek eu, ap kida pon kadokenmai, o ki ong sokon apot ni lim a maun, o kelepukidi mo a o kapikapidi i indada: Iong Nanmarki en Sus akan!
30 And thei speten on hym, and tooken a rehed, and smoot his heed.
Irail kondipe ong i, o re ale sokon o, o pokieki kadokenmai.
31 And aftir that thei hadden scorned him, thei vnclothiden hym of the mantil, and thei clothiden hym with hise clothis, and ledden hym to `crucifien hym.
Irail lao kapiti i, ap kisang likau waitata, ap kapure ong i udan sapwilim a likau o kaluawei, pwen kalopuela.
32 And as thei yeden out, thei founden a man of Cirenen comynge fro the toun, Symont bi name; thei constreyneden hym to take his cross.
Ni arail kotikot kokola, rap diarada aramas en Kirene men, me ad a Simon, i me re iton ong, en wadala sapwelim a lopu.
33 And thei camen in to a place that is clepid Golgatha, that is, the place of Caluarie.
Irail lao lel ong wasa o, me ad a Kolkata, iet wewe: Wasa en pondal en monga.
34 And thei yauen hym to drynke wyne meynd with galle; and whanne he hadde tastid, he wolde not drynke.
Irail ki ong i pinika, me doleki edi. A lao kotin song kis, a sota urak.
35 And aftir that thei hadden crucified hym, thei departiden his clothis, and kesten lotte, to fulfille that is seid bi the prophete, seiynge, Thei partiden to hem my clothis, and on my clooth thei kesten lott.
Irail lao kalopuelar i, ap nek pasang sapwilim a likau kadoropwe kidar.
36 And thei seten, and kepten him;
Irail ari mondi ong wasa o masamasan i.
37 and setten aboue his heed his cause writun, This is Jhesu of Nazareth, kyng of Jewis.
O ponangin kadokenmai re pasuredier inting o, me a pukoki: Iet Nanmarki en Sus akan.
38 Thanne twey theues weren crucified with hym, oon on the riythalf, and oon on the lefthalf.
Lolap riamen iang i lopuelar, amen mi ni pali maun, a amen ni pali maing.
39 And men that passiden forth blasfemeden hym,
Me dadaulul akan lalaue i, dueduälok.
40 mouynge her heedis, and seiynge, Vath to thee, that distriest the temple of God, and in the thridde dai bildist it ayen; saue thou thi silf; if thou art the sone of God, come doun of the cross.
Katiti: Koe me kin kawela im en kaudok ap id kauada pong sili pong, en pein dore uk ala; ma Sapwilim en Kot koe, en keredi sang nin lopu en!
41 Also and princis of prestis scornynge, with scribis and elder men,
A samero lapalap, o saunkawewe, o saumas akan pil dueta kapikapiti i indada:
42 seiden, He made othere men saaf, he may not make hym silf saaf; if he is kyng of Israel, come he now doun fro the crosse, and we bileuen to hym;
A dorelar akai, ap sota kak dorela pein i; ma i Nanmarki en Israel, i en keredi sang ni lopu en, a kitail pan kamelele i.
43 he tristide in God; delyuer he hym now, if he wole; for he seide, That Y am Goddis sone.
A liki Kot, i en kotin dorela, ma a kotin kupura i, pwe a indada: Ngai Sapwilim en Kot.
44 And the theues, that weren crucified with hym, vpbreididen hym of the same thing.
Lolap oko, me iang i lopuelar, pil lalaue i.
45 But fro the sixte our derknessis weren maad on al the erthe, to the nynthe our.
Sang ni auer kawonu lel auer kaduau rotorot kipadi sap o.
46 And aboute the nynthe our Jhesus criede with a greet vois, and seide, Heli, Heli, lamazabatany, that is, My God, my God, whi hast thou forsake me?
Ni auer kaduau Iesus ap kotin ngil laud masani: Eli, eli lama asaptani! Iet wewe: Ai Kot, ai Kot, da me komui likitmalia kin ia la?
47 And summen that stoden there, and herynge, seiden, This clepith Helye.
Akai me u wasa o, rongadar me, ap indada: A eker Elias.
48 And anoon oon of hem rennynge, took and fillide a spounge with vynegre, and puttide on a rehed, and yaf to hym to drynke.
A amen irail pitipit tang ale lim eu, kaduedi ong nan pinika kauong ni alek apot, kidang i en urak,
49 But othir seiden, Suffre thou; se we whether Helie come to deliuer hym.
A akai me inda: Iermen, kitail en kilang mas, ma Elias pan pwarado dorela i.
50 Forsothe Jhesus eftsoone criede with a greet voyce, and yaf vp the goost.
Iesus pil kotin ngil laud, ap kadarala ngen e.
51 And lo! the veil of the temple was to-rent in twey parties, fro the hiest to the lowest. And the erthe schoke, and stoonus weren cloue; and birielis weren openyd,
A kilang, perepa likau en im en kaudok o ap dei pasang, sang pali poa lel pa, o sap rereda, o paip akai rongkilar,
52 and many bodies of seyntis that hadden slepte, rysen vp.
O sousou kai sara pasang, o war en me saraui kan toto, me mamair, ap iasadar.
53 And thei yeden out of her birielis, and aftir his resurreccioun thei camen in to the holi citee, and apperiden to many.
O murin ar iasadar, irail koda sang nan sousou kan, kolang kanim saraui, pwara dong me toto.
54 And the centurien and thei that weren with hym kepinge Jhesu, whanne thei saien the erthe schakynge, and tho thingis that weren doon, thei dredden greetli,
Senturion o me iang i sinsila Iesus, kilanger sap a rereda, o meakan, me wiauier, rap masakadar kaualap, katiti: Melel i, me Sapwilim en Kot!
55 and seiden, Verili this was Goddis sone. And ther weren there many wymmen afer, that sueden Jhesu fro Galilee, and mynystriden to hym.
O li toto mi kailewei, kilekilang me wiaui, iei irail, me idauendo Iesus sang Kaliläa papa i.
56 Among whiche was Marie Magdalene, and Marie, the modir of James, and of Joseph, and the modir of Zebedees sones.
Maria men Makdala, o Maria in en Iakopus i Ioses, o in en nain Sepedäus akan mi nan pung arail.
57 But whanne the euenyng was come, ther cam a riche man of Armathi, Joseph bi name, and he was a disciple of Jhesu.
A lao sautik penaer, ol kapwapwa men pwarado, men Arimatia, me ad a Iosep, me pil tounpadak en Iesus amen.
58 He wente to Pilat, and axide the bodi of Jhesu.
I ari poto dong Pilatus poeki kalep en Iesus. Pilatus ap masani, a en pangalang i.
59 Thanne Pilat comaundide the bodie to be youun. And whanne the bodi was takun, Joseph lappide it in a clene sendel,
Iosep ari ale kalep o, kidimiki pena likau makelekel o kaselel;
60 and leide it in his newe biriel, that he hadde hewun in a stoon; and he walewide a greet stoon to the dore of the biriel, and wente awei.
Ap nekidedi nan pein a sousou kap, me a weiradar nan paip; i ap kadapure ong takai kalaimun eu nan au en sousou o, ap kotila sang,
61 But Marie Maudelene and anothir Marie weren there, sittynge ayens the sepulcre.
A Maria men Makdala, o Maria teio momod sal ong sousou o.
62 And on `the tother dai, that is aftir pask euen, the princis of prestis and the Farisees camen togidere to Pilat,
A mandan ran o, ran en kaonop, samero lapalap o Parisär akan pokon pena ren Pilatus.
63 and seiden, Sir, we han mynde, that thilke giloure seide yit lyuynge, Aftir thre daies Y schal rise ayen to lijf.
Indada: Maing, kit tamandar, me ol sued men et katitiki ni a memaur: I pan maureda murin ran silu.
64 Therfor comaunde thou, that the sepulcre be kept in to the thridde dai; lest hise disciplis comen, and stelen hym, and seie to the puple, He hath rise fro deeth; and the laste errour schal be worse than the formere.
Komui ari masani, me ren sinsila sousou o lel ran kasilu, pwe a tounpadak kan de kodo pirapela, ap indang aramas: A kotin iasadar sang ren me melar akan, pwe pakotau wet pan sued sang men mas,
65 Pilat seide to hem, Ye han the kepyng; go ye, kepe ye as ye kunnen.
Pilatus masani ong irail: let silepa ko, komail kowei sinsila sousou o duen komail kak ong.
66 And thei yeden forth, and kepten the sepulcre, markynge the stoon, with keperis.
Irail ari koieila, kileledier takai o, o kasilaki sousou o saunpei kai.

< Matthew 27 >