< Matthew 18 >

1 In that our the disciplis camen to Jhesu, and seiden, Who, gessist thou, is gretter in the kyngdom of heuenes?
NI auer ota tounpadak kan poto dong Iesus potoan ong: Iaduen is me pan lapalap nan wein nanlang?
2 And Jhesus clepide a litil child, and putte hym in the myddil of hem;
Iesus lao kotin molipeido kisin seri amen, ap kotin kotiki ong nan pung arail,
3 and seide, Y seie treuthe to you, but ye be turned, and maad as litle children, ye schulen not entre in to the kyngdom of heuenes.
Masani: Melel I indai ong komail, ma komail sota pan wukila, wiala song en kisin seri, komail sota pan kak ko ong nan wein nanlang.
4 Therfor who euer mekith hym as this litil child, he is gretter in the kyngdom of heuenes.
Ari, meamen pan kasapwiledi pein i, dueta kisin seri men et, i me pan lapalap nan wein nanlang.
5 And he that resseyueth o siche litil child in my name, resseyueth me.
O ma amen apwali kisin seri men due met ni ad ai, i me kin apwali ia.
6 But who so sclaundrith oon of these smale, that bileuen in me, it spedith to hym that a mylnstoon `of assis be hangid in his necke, and he be drenchid in the depnesse of the see.
A meamen me pan kamakar amen ir, me tikitik, me poson ia, a mau ong, takai en plaua eu en sali ong tapin wor a, ap kamopela nan madau wasa me lol.
7 Woo to the world, for sclaundris; for it is nede that sclaundris come; netheles wo to thilke man bi whom a sclaundre cometh.
Suedi ong sappa pweki a men kamakar akan, Ari so, men kamakar akan udan mia; suedi ong aramas o, me men kamakar pan tapi sang ia.
8 And if thin hoond or thi foot sclaundreth thee, kitte it of, and caste awei fro thee. It is betere to thee to entre to lijf feble, ethir crokid, than hauynge tweyne hoondis or twey feet to be sent in to euerlastynge fier. (aiōnios g166)
A ma apali en pa om de apali en nä om pan kamakar uk, lepuke sang, o kase sang uk, pwe a mau ong uk ko ong maur ni om dangidang de sikilikil, sang om pa de nä pokon mia, ap ko ong kisiniai soutuk. (aiōnios g166)
9 And if thin iye sclaundre thee, pulle it out, and caste awei fro thee. It is betere to thee with oon iye to entre in to lijf, thanne hauynge tweyn iyen to be sent in to the fier of helle. (Geenna g1067)
O ma apali en mas om pan kamakar uk, waikada sang o kase sang uk, pwe a mau ong uk, ko ong maur ni om mas pali, sang mas om pokon mia ap lokidokila nan iai en pweleko. (Geenna g1067)
10 Se ye, that ye dispise not oon of these litle. For Y seie to you, that the aungels of hem in heuenes seen euermore the face of my fadir that is in heuenes.
Kalaka, pwe komail der mamaleki amen tikitik pukat; pwe I indai ong komail, me arail tounlang kan, me mi nanlang, kin ariri Sam ai, me kotikot nanlang.
11 For mannus sone cam to saue that thing that perischide.
Pwe Nain aramas kodon dorela, me salongalar akan.
12 What semeth to you? If ther weren to sum man an hundrid scheep, and oon of hem hath errid, whethir he schal not leeue nynti and nyne in desert, and schal go to seche that that erride?
Da me komail lamelame, ma aramas amen, naineki sip epuki, a amen irail pan salongala, a so pan pwilikidi duekduamen pon nana, ap kola raparapaki me salongala?
13 And if it falle that he fynde it, treuli Y seie to you, that he schal haue ioye theron more than on nynti and nyne that erriden not.
A ma a pan diar, melel I indai ong komail, a pan peren kida, me men en sang duekduamen, me sota salongalar.
14 So it is not the wille bifor youre fadir that is in heuenes, that oon of these litle perische.
Iduen Sam omail, me kotikot nanlang, sota kotin men, amen kisin seri pukat en salongala.
15 But if thi brother synneth ayens thee, go thou, and repreue hym, bitwixe thee and hym aloone; if he herith thee, thou hast wonnun thi brother.
A ma ri om ol wia dip ong uk, en kelep kila i, kapung ong i dip a; ma a pan rong uk, nan koe kasapaledo ri om.
16 And if he herith thee not, take with thee oon or tweyne, that euery word stonde in the mouth of tweyne or thre witnessis.
A ma a sota pan rong uk, ap ukada amen de riamen, pwe meakaros en mi ren saunkadede riamen de silimen.
17 And if he herith not hem, seie thou to the chirche. But if he herith not the chirche, be he as an hethen and a pupplican to thee.
A ma a kang rong irail, ap kaireki momodisou, a ma a pil kang rong momodisou, ap wia kin i men liki o saunopwei men.
18 Y seie to you treuli, what euer thingis ye bynden on erthe, tho schulen be boundun also in heuene; and what euer thingis ye vnbynden on erthe, tho schulen be vnboundun also in heuene.
Melel I indai ong komail, me komail pan saliedi nin sappa, pan salidi nanlang, o me komail pan lapwada nin sappa, pan lapwada nanlang.
19 Eftsoone Y seie to you, that if tweyne of you consenten on the erthe, of euery thing what euer thei axen, it schal be don to hem of my fadir that is in heuenes.
I pil indai ong komail, ma riamen nin sappa pan minimin pene ni meakot, me re men poeki, a pan pwai ong ira sang Sam ai, me kotikot nanlang.
20 For where tweyne or thre ben gaderid in my name, there Y am in the myddil of hem.
Pwe wasa kis, me riamen de silimen pokon pena ni ad ai, i wasa I kin mi nan pung arail.
21 Thanne Petre cam to hym, and seide, Lord, how ofte schal my brother synne ayens me, and Y schal foryyue hym?
Petrus ap kai dong i potoan ong: Maing, pan pak depa i en makeki ong ri ai ol o, me wia dip ong ia? A itar ma a pan me isepak?
22 Whether til seuen tymes? Jhesus seith to hym, Y seie not to thee, til seuene sithis; but til seuenti sithis seuene sithis.
Iesus kotin masani ong i: I indai ong uk, kaidin isepak eta, a pan pak isu wad iseisok.
23 Therfor the kyngdom of heuenes is licned to a kyng, that wolde rekyn with hise seruauntis.
I me wein nanlang rasong nanmarki amen, me pan kapukapung na ladu kan.
24 And whanne he bigan to rekene, oon that ouyte ten thousynde talentis, was brouyt to hym.
A ni a tapiada kapukapung, amen ap wisike dong i, me pwaipwandeki talent nen.
25 And whanne he hadde not wherof to yelde, his lord comaundide hym to be seld, and his wijf, and children, and alle thingis that he hadde, and to be paied.
A ni sota a men pwain, a monsap ap masanier, me a pan netila, o a paud, o na seri kan, o karos, me a aneki, pwen pwainda.
26 But thilke seruaunt felde doun, and preiede hym, and seide, Haue pacience in me, and Y schal yelde to thee alle thingis.
A ladu o ap poridi mo a pongi, potoan ong: Maing kom kotin kanongama ong ia, i pan pwain ong komui karos.
27 And the lord hadde merci on that seruaunt, and suffride hym to go, and foryaf to hym the dette.
A monsap en ladu o ap pokela, ap lapwada o makeki ong i a pwaipwand.
28 But thilke seruaunt yede out, and foonde oon of his euen seruauntis, that ouyte hym an hundrid pens; and he helde hym, and stranglide hym, and seide, Yelde that that thou owest.
A ladu ota ap koieila, diaradar kis a ladu amen, me pwaipwand ong i denar epuki; i ari koledi i, padik pena tapin wor a indada: Kapungala, ma om pwaipwand mia.
29 And his euen seruaunt felle doun, and preyede hym, and seide, Haue pacience in me, and Y schal quyte alle thingis to thee.
Ladu ap poridi mo a, poeki indada: Kom kotin kanongama ong ia, i pan pwain ong komui.
30 But he wolde not; but wente out, and putte hym in to prisoun, til he paiede al the dette.
A a kang, ap koieila, kasedi ong nan imateng lao a kapungala a pwaipwand.
31 And hise euen seruauntis, seynge the thingis that weren don, soreweden greetli. And thei camen, and telden to her lord alle the thingis that weren don.
A kis a ladu kan lao kilanger me wiauier, rap mauk kaualap, koieila kaireki arail monsap karos, me wiauier.
32 Thanne his lord clepide hym, and seide to hym, Wickid seruaunt, Y foryaf to thee al the dette, for thou preiedist me.
A monsap ap ekere dong i, masani ong i: Koe meid ladu sued amen! I make ki ong uk er om pwaipwand karos pweki om poeki re i.
33 Therfor whether it bihouede not also thee to haue merci on thin euen seruaunt, as Y hadde merci on thee?
Menda koe sota kadek ong ri om ladu, duen i kin kadek ong uk er?
34 And his lord was wroth, and took hym to turmentouris, til he paiede al the dette.
A monsap ap makar kidar o pangalang i ren saun kalokolok lao a kapungalar a pwaipwand karusia.
35 So my fadir of heuene schal do to you, if ye foryyuen not euery man to his brother, of youre hertes.
Iduen Sam ai nanlang, pan pil wia ong komail, ma komail sota pan makeki sang nan mongiong omail ong ri omail.

< Matthew 18 >