< Mark 1 >

1 The bigynnyng of the gospel of Jhesu Crist, the sone of God.
Jesu kilisiti U Tienu bijua, ya laabaalihamo cilima.
2 As it is writun in Ysaie, the prophete, Lo! Y sende myn aungel bifor thi face, that schal make thi weie redi bifor thee.
Nani lan diani maama o saawalipualo Esayi tili maama ki yedi: N soani a liiga n mawangikoa wan bogini a sanu.
3 The vois of a crier in desert, Make ye redi the weie of the Lord, make ye hise paththis riyt.
Li tie yua n kpaani mi fanpienma nni yaa nialu: Bogini mani o diedo sanu, ki piini ti sanbuodi.
4 Joon was in desert baptisynge, and prechynge the baptym of penaunce, in to remissioun of synnes.
Jan den doagidi mi fanpienma nni ki batisi bi niba ki tua: lebidi mani yi yama ki ha yi tuonbiadi.
5 And al the cuntre of Judee wente out to hym, and alle men of Jerusalem; and thei weren baptisid of hym in the flom Jordan, `and knoulechiden her synnes.
Jude dogu nni yaaba leni yaaba n ye Jelusalema kuli den kpenda o kani ki doagidi bi tuonbiadi ki cedi ke o batisi ba Judana kpenu nni.
6 And Joon was clothid with heeris of camels, and a girdil of skyn was about hise leendis; and he ete hony soukis, and wilde hony, and prechide,
Jan den yie ti yuoyuokobidi ki luo ku gbanñagigu o den di i gbangbanli leni ti siadi.
7 and seide, A stronger than Y schal come aftir me, and Y am not worthi to knele doun, and vnlace his schoone.
O den maadi ki tua: nitoa hua n puoli yua n pia u paalu ki cie nni mii pundi ba yua n ba lodi opo o cacaabaabu.
8 Y haue baptisid you in watir; but he schal baptise you in the Hooli Goost.
Mini n batisi yi leni mi ñima ama wani o baa batisi yi leni U Tienu fuoma yua.
9 And it was don in tho daies, Jhesus cam fro Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptisid of Joon in Jordan.
Laa yogunu Jesu den ñani Nasaleti ki gedi Galile ke Jan batisi o Judana kpenu nni; wan den ña mi ñima yaa yogunu tanpoli den luodi ke
10 And anoon he wente up of the watir, and saye heuenes opened, and the Hooli Goost comynge doun as a culuer, and dwellynge in hym.
U Tienu fuoma den jiidi opo nani ki kpaajiega
11 And a vois was maad fro heuenes, Thou art my loued sone, in thee Y am plesid.
ke u nialu ñani tanpoli ki yedi: fini n tie n bijabuadiga n pali n mani yua yaa po.
12 And anoon the Spirit puttide hym forth in to deseert.
Lanyogunu U Tienu fuoma yua den gedini Jesu mi fanpienma nni
13 And he was in deseert fourti daies and fourti nyytis, and was temptid of Sathanas, and he was with beestis, and aungels mynystriden to hym.
wan den tieni naani dana piina ke Sutaani den tulini o, o den ye leni ti fuayandi malekinba den tuuni opo.
14 But aftir that Joon was takun, Jhesus cam in to Galilee, and prechide the gospel of the kyngdoom of God,
Ban den cuo jan Jesu den galile ki ban wangi U Tienu laabaalihamo.
15 and seide, That the tyme is fulfillid, and the kyngdoom of God schal come nyy; do ye penaunce, and bileue ye to the gospel.
O den tua: u yogunu pundi U Tienu diema nagini lebidi mani yi pala ki daani o laabaalihamo.
16 And as he passide bisidis the see of Galilee, he say Symount, and Andrew, his brother, castynge her nettis in to the see; for thei weren fisscheris.
Nani Jesu n den pendi Galile kpenu kani, o den la Simono leni o waalo Andile ke bi lu bi taalu mi ñima nni kelima bi den tie jankpaanla,
17 And Jhesus seide to hem, Come ye aftir me; Y schal make you to be maad fisscheris of men.
Jesu den yedi ba ŋoadi mani nni n baa teni moala liiga yin yaa ji lingi npo bi niba;
18 And anoon thei leften the nettis, and sueden hym.
lanyogunu bi den ŋa bi taali ki ŋoadi o.
19 And he yede forth fro thennus a litil, and siy James of Zebedee, and Joon, his brother, in a boot makynge nettis.
Wan den suagi liiga waamu o den la jaka leni sebede bijua leni o waalo jan ke bani moko ŋanbidi bi taalu.
20 And anoon he clepide hem; and thei leften Zebedee, her fadir, in the boot with hiryd seruauntis, and thei suweden hym.
Lan yogunu Jesu den yini ba ke bi ŋa bi ba sebede leni bi naacenba ku ñinbiagu nni ki hoadi o.
21 And thei entriden in to Capharnaum, and anoon in the sabatys he yede in to a synagoge, and tauyte hem.
Bi den gedi kapenayuma U Tienu fuodima daali Jesu den kua li balimaama bangidieli nni ki bangi
22 And thei wondriden on his teching; for he tauyte hem, as he that hadde power, and not as scribis.
o bangima den cuo bi pala kelima o den bangi leni li bali kaa ta leni li balimaama bangikaaba.
23 And in the synagoge of hem was a man in an vnclene spirit, and he criede out,
Li den sua ke li balimaama bangi dieli nni pia ya nilo n pia ki cicibiadiga ke o kpaani ki tua:
24 and seide, What to vs and to thee, thou Jhesu of Nazareth? hast thou come to distrie vs? Y woot that thou art the hooli of God.
be n ye tinba leni fini siiga Nasaleti yua Jesu n bani han tie yua a cua ki ba bolini ti a tie U Tienu n gandi yua.
25 And Jhesus thretenede hym, and seide, Wex doumbe, and go out of the man.
Jesu den funi leni ga ki yedi o: suo ki ña o joa ne niinni;
26 And the vnclene spirit debreidynge hym, and criynge with greet vois, wente out fro hym.
ki den digibi leni u paalu leni ku fuciangu ki ñani o joa yeni niini.
27 And alle men wondriden, so that thei souyten with ynne hem silf, and seiden, What thing is this? what newe doctrine is this? for in power he comaundith to vnclene spiritis, and thei obeyen to hym.
Ti jawaaciandi den cuo bi kuli hali ke bi buali bi yaba be mo n yeni bangi canme kelima o maadi leni a cicibiada leni li bali ke bi tuodi ki tiendi wan yedi yaala.
28 And the fame of hym wente forth anoon in to al the cuntree of Galilee.
Lanyogunu o laabaalo den pundi galile gaanilindima kuli.
29 And anoon thei yeden out of the synagoge, and camen into the hous of Symount and of Andrewe, with James and Joon.
Ban den ñani U Tienu diegu nni wan leni Jaka leni Jan den gedi Simono leni Andile denpo.
30 And the modir of Symountis wijf lay sijk in fyueris; and anoon thei seien to hym of hyr.
Simono cuadina den dua leni ti gbannanbiendi lanyogunu bi den maadi Jesu o maama
31 And he cam nyy, and areride hir, and whanne he hadde take hir hoond, anoon the feuer lefte hir, and sche seruede hem.
o den nagini o kani ki cuo o buagu ki fiini o, lanyogunu o gbannanbiendi den gbeni ke o ga bi cangu.
32 But whanne the euentid was come, and the sonne was gon doun, thei brouyten to hym alle that weren of male ese, and hem that hadden fendis.
Ku yenjuagu ki yenga n den kua ya yagunu, bi den cuani Jesu kani a yiama leni o cicibiada n ye yaaba yaa niinni kuli.
33 And al the citee was gaderid at the yate.
U dogu nni yaaba kuli den taani Simono buliñoabu kani.
34 And he heelide many, that hadden dyuerse sijknessis, and he castide out many feendis, and he suffride hem not to speke, for thei knewen hym.
O den paagi bi niba boncianla yaaba n den pia yianbuolibuoli o go den deli a cicibiada ban ye yaaba ya niinni. waa den tuodi ke mu cicibiadimu maadi kelima mu den bani wan tie yua.
35 And he roos ful eerli, and yede out, and wente in to a desert place, and preiede there.
Lan den goa a yenda po, lan da den biigi ya yogunu Jesu den ñani ki gedi mi fanpienma po wan den jaandi naani.
36 And Symount suede hym, and thei that weren with hym.
Simono leni yaaba n den ye leni o kuli den cili ki lingi o.
37 And whanne thei hadden founde hym, thei seiden to hym, That alle men seken thee.
Ban den ban la o, bi den yedi o bi niba kuli lingi a.
38 And he seide to hem, Go we in to the next townes and citees, that Y preche also there, for her to Y cam.
Jesu den yedi ba tin gedi mani i tinkundogi nni min ban waani bani moko o laabaali hamo kelima n ñani li yaa po yo.
39 And he prechide in the synagogis of hem, and in al Galilee, and castide out feendis.
O den goadi Galile diema nni kuli, ki koa li balimaama bangi diena nni ki wangi U Tienu maama, ki go deli a cicibiada.
40 And a leprouse man cam to hym, and bisouyte, `and knelide, and seide, If thou wolt, thou maist clense me.
O kpaado den cua Jesu kani ki gbaani ki mia o ki yedi o: a yaa bua a baa fidi ki hanbi nni.
41 And Jhesus hadde mercy on hym, and streiyte out his hoond, and towchyde hym, and seide to hym, I wole, be thou maad cleene.
Mi niŋima den cuo Jesu opo ke o tandi o nu ki sii o ki yedi: N bua hanbi.
42 And whanne he hadde seide this, anoon the lepre partyde awey fro hym, and he was clensyd.
Lanyogunu mi gbaadima den gbeni opo ke o ŋanbi.
43 And Jhesus thretenede hym, and anoon Jhesus putte hym out,
Jesu den maadi o leni li bali ki yedi: ŋan kubi a yuli ki da waani niloba yaala n tieni
44 and seyde to hym, Se thou, seye to no man; but go, schewe thee to the pryncys of prestys, and offre for thi clensynge in to wytnessyng to hem, tho thingis that Moyses bad.
ama ŋan gedi o kopadiciamo po ki ban padi a ŋanbima po nani Musa n den diani maama lan tua bi po seedi.
45 And he yede out, and bigan to preche, and publische the word, so that now he myyte not go opynli in to the citee, but be withoutforth in desert placis; and thei camen to hym on alle sidis.
Ama laa joa n den gedi o den ban kpaani laa bonla ŋali maama ke Jesu kan den fidi ki kua laa dogu nni bi niba n nua o yaa yogunu. O den ye niini po mi fanpienma nni bi niba den ña i kaani kuli ki kpendi o kani.

< Mark 1 >