< Mark 1 >

1 The bigynnyng of the gospel of Jhesu Crist, the sone of God.
Hatseto mawotich oochu Jesus Christ, Tikeaootli ma chue;
2 As it is writun in Ysaie, the prophete, Lo! Y sende myn aungel bifor thi face, that schal make thi weie redi bifor thee.
Takeh nichatinkles akehe koonachatya kehe, Oosooasi sakewotihche nachatyea atghuni oochu naaootle.
3 The vois of a crier in desert, Make ye redi the weie of the Lord, make ye hise paththis riyt.
Hligi otyesta tike kemweh toowe ooli, Atghuni oochu ahasoonesun, aghahati tsiwoeseh kwetooyakehe.
4 Joon was in desert baptisynge, and prechynge the baptym of penaunce, in to remissioun of synnes.
John tane tukeghingklit kemweh, hatse tane tatilon tunaghakeooskliti ahtilon otlwechi keochehlalon kehe aghametseli oneochetolel asilon.
5 And al the cuntre of Judee wente out to hym, and alle men of Jerusalem; and thei weren baptisid of hym in the flom Jordan, `and knoulechiden her synnes.
Kahchu yinkhadeshalon tike okehe otsi Judaea, kahchu aghatane yateh otsi Jerusalem, kuihe sahke Jordan aghanetye tukukeghinklilon, koometselihi kooatuoochatihi.
6 And Joon was clothid with heeris of camels, and a girdil of skyn was about hise leendis; and he ete hony soukis, and wilde hony, and prechide,
John ghatai manatsunne ghigheze gha eghayulon natun atyetlalon atazi syeh kahchu atazi syeh ihe nanihklulon: oohchu yaskesi yu achalinoo yu ayilai yetsetlon;
7 and seide, A stronger than Y schal come aftir me, and Y am not worthi to knele doun, and vnlace his schoone.
Oochu toowe ooli yehtilon, yetsi ootelon, Hligi sooniya sataihchi anati, nakyeklule aghoo atu enasoo machi chunoostyeli mamakeoosut.
8 Y haue baptisid you in watir; but he schal baptise you in the Hooli Goost.
Suni la tu ihe naghakyeihklit: ahwole atai tu ihe naghakyeihlili Atsinde Oochu ihe.
9 And it was don in tho daies, Jhesus cam fro Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptisid of Joon in Jordan.
Occhu gheise wazeluh ayi dzine, Jesus otsidesha Ion Nazareth Galilee otsi, John tuyakeghinklilon Jesus Jordan otsi.
10 And anoon he wente up of the watir, and saye heuenes opened, and the Hooli Goost comynge doun as a culuer, and dwellynge in hym.
Kwete tu tsi tghatyeza tsiwohzon, wailon yake kwa matahatsataghiolon, yakeotine yetsi natezalon oietli etye:
11 And a vois was maad fro heuenes, Thou art my loued sone, in thee Y am plesid.
Oochu otech yake otsi atitsuklon, toowela ooli oti ihe, Nila otaihchi nwasti Sachue.
12 And anoon the Spirit puttide hym forth in to deseert.
Kwete atsinde achu tike tsi yatehalon kemwehchi.
13 And he was in deseert fourti daies and fourti nyytis, and was temptid of Sathanas, and he was with beestis, and aungels mynystriden to hym.
Koochi kemwehchi atu tane nuklechi tioketi dzineke kooali, yakaotehun Metseli aghaghatai; kahchu ghatai metseli ihkyateslon; kahchu oochu woei oochu yetsinatilon.
14 But aftir that Joon was takun, Jhesus cam in to Galilee, and prechide the gospel of the kyngdoom of God,
Kootoo John kwechaghinhtyilon tane kwechaghinhtyinti, Jesus yuhchidesha Galilee, koohootyeh otech oochu Nagha Tgha makaoonadzutti otsi,
15 and seide, That the tyme is fulfillid, and the kyngdoom of God schal come nyy; do ye penaunce, and bileue ye to the gospel.
Kahchu toowela ooli, Tyeneti Nagha Tgha kyeyi: naghametselihi kyechahli, oochu otech oochu aha kootahti.
16 And as he passide bisidis the see of Galilee, he say Symount, and Andrew, his brother, castynge her nettis in to the see; for thei weren fisscheris.
Ihtyezon tu chok Galilee tghamweh klontyesha, yailon Simon yu Andrew yu mekye yu tyemil tayesklu tu chok: atai tane taesklu tane eli.
17 And Jhesus seide to hem, Come ye aftir me; Y schal make you to be maad fisscheris of men.
Oochu Jesus toowela ooli yehti, Sakyetahtyel, kooh hanahooslihi oohchu hluge kehchi enahooslihi tane niyutooleli chon otsi.
18 And anoon thei leften the nettis, and sueden hym.
Kwete taghatyemile echaghanelelon kikyehtyeshalon.
19 And he yede forth fro thennus a litil, and siy James of Zebedee, and Joon, his brother, in a boot makynge nettis.
Oohchu oontsutli tontyo tyesha, yaih James Zebedee machue, kahchu John mekye, atilon tachin ela ehkye atyi tyemil keyatinklulon.
20 And anoon he clepide hem; and thei leften Zebedee, her fadir, in the boot with hiryd seruauntis, and thei suweden hym.
Kwete tyechi yehtilon: kwa taghata echughanelilon tachin ela ehkye atyi Zebedee oochu keotihche yu, oohchu kikyetyesklit.
21 And thei entriden in to Capharnaum, and anoon in the sabatys he yede in to a synagoge, and tauyte hem.
Oohchu kochi ghatyestyetl Capernaum; kahchu kwete taneghaotatyech kwa kwiya menejitti dzineneh tane chehotyeh.
22 And thei wondriden on his teching; for he tauyte hem, as he that hadde power, and not as scribis.
Oneghanintyellon yaotihche: kooatinti yaotatiheh otech oochu tatihi natsuti kehchi ayihoo mawoochuli, atu adeskles tane kehchi.
23 And in the synagoge of hem was a man in an vnclene spirit, and he criede out,
Oohchu iehti kweh atiih hligi teze ta kwa taneghaotatyech yaghati metseli ayiih; kahchu ootyestalon,
24 and seide, What to vs and to thee, thou Jhesu of Nazareth? hast thou come to distrie vs? Y woot that thou art the hooli of God.
Toowe ooli, Atu aghaititaniah; atu ooli nagha assitli iyo aoohti, nuni Jesus Nazareth otsi? Yuhchitiyala aghayaonila? Atanasti nelesi Nagha Tgha Maatsinde Oochu ooih.
25 And Jhesus thretenede hym, and seide, Wex doumbe, and go out of the man.
Jesus toowela ooli yehti, yachioote, Atu oonatih yehti, setseghatiyah yetsun tsi.
26 And the vnclene spirit debreidynge hym, and criynge with greet vois, wente out fro hym.
Kootoo aghaghatai tsunale too yayaghinchil, oohtye ootyestalo, yetsi hadesha.
27 And alle men wondriden, so that thei souyten with ynne hem silf, and seiden, What thing is this? what newe doctrine is this? for in power he comaundith to vnclene spiritis, and thei obeyen to hym.
Aghanetye ooghatesta, aghanetye chu koohtaghoati, tiyeohtye, yetike aloontye? ye tane tsi oochatihi koonte? Aha kootesti otech oochu gha saghatai mayis atu natset.
28 And the fame of hym wente forth anoon in to al the cuntree of Galilee.
Koohchu oonthe atyeh meghoyuh yito kwa Galilee.
29 And anoon thei yeden out of the synagoge, and camen into the hous of Symount and of Andrewe, with James and Joon.
Ayite otsi, ghaghatestyetlon taneghaotatyechi kwa otsi, kweghaghintyetl Simon yu Andrew yu kwa, James chu John chu.
30 And the modir of Symountis wijf lay sijk in fyueris; and anoon thei seien to hym of hyr.
Simon tsiyue ma tyelasatyi teskoone ayila, oohchu koohoohati.
31 And he cam nyy, and areride hir, and whanne he hadde take hir hoond, anoon the feuer lefte hir, and sche seruede hem.
Yechidesha yila inchut, kahchu tahyatinti; kwete ayi teskoone ayila yecheli, ayi oota yakeotihch.
32 But whanne the euentid was come, and the sonne was gon doun, thei brouyten to hym alle that weren of male ese, and hem that hadden fendis.
Hatse kahkachi, naghioo, kiya nanila yatitine, yaghi chu mazichi yaghatai metselihi.
33 And al the citee was gaderid at the yate.
Kahchu atghe ehlaititi tane natihti tyechiklaghatati tusklahti.
34 And he heelide many, that hadden dyuerse sijknessis, and he castide out many feendis, and he suffride hem not to speke, for thei knewen hym.
Kahchu atghazi tatihi akooyilalon ayeeah natlone yehtanintyelon, kooyaghatai metselihi natlon oonteslalon; kahchu atu ketselihoo wahti iyao-ohti, achi atayatilon ayiwooh ayehti.
35 And he roos ful eerli, and yede out, and wente in to a desert place, and preiede there.
Kahchu hatlindo, setsehto tsitike satalon, hadesha, kahchu koondeshalon aghasuchalechi, kahchu iehti yachutatyeheh.
36 And Symount suede hym, and thei that weren with hym.
Kahchu Simon yehkyatehchi kikyehtestyetllon.
37 And whanne thei hadden founde hym, thei seiden to hym, That alle men seken thee.
Kikihtitsi, toowela ooli kiyehtilon, Atghe tane ninkhaghanatgha.
38 And he seide to hem, Go we in to the next townes and citees, that Y preche also there, for her to Y cam.
Towehchu yehti, Tane natehtsi otsidooshai kooche oohoostihi oochu, kootatooshigha lasasta aoontye.
39 And he prechide in the synagogis of hem, and in al Galilee, and castide out feendis.
Kahchu tane tsiwoghintalon taneghaotatyech kwa kwe Galilee, kahchu atsinde metseli ghayatehalon.
40 And a leprouse man cam to hym, and bisouyte, `and knelide, and seide, If thou wolt, thou maist clense me.
Kahchu machitatestyel tane tsusachi yaghoone yatsi nioonunisit, kahchu machi nachustachaklih, kahchu toowela ooli yehtilon Kooh koodinti ate oochu asaghoonlehassi.
41 And Jhesus hadde mercy on hym, and streiyte out his hoond, and towchyde hym, and seide to hym, I wole, be thou maad cleene.
Kahchu Jesus, atyetastihtoo madzye tatilon nati gha tiesunni ihe, yetsi tahtatitichlon, kahchu yakatehtich lon, kahchu toowela ooli yehtilon, Kooh koosti; kwakoola oochu anatyeh.
42 And whanne he hadde seide this, anoon the lepre partyde awey fro hym, and he was clensyd.
Tsiwohzon otatyech otye, susuchi yetselilon, kahchu oochu oohtyelon.
43 And Jhesus thretenede hym, and anoon Jhesus putte hym out,
Kahchu yatatilon tsiwohzon itintiah, kahchu oochu tyehalon;
44 and seyde to hym, Se thou, seye to no man; but go, schewe thee to the pryncys of prestys, and offre for thi clensynge in to wytnessyng to hem, tho thingis that Moyses bad.
Kahchu toowela ooli yehtilon, Atu kahchu ooli ataoonti niwotine: kahchu achutiya, nazi yueh taneghaotatyech metihi, kahchu khaniah naoochu oohtyi ihe yaghi Moses za kyehchi, ata kiyutihi.
45 And he yede out, and bigan to preche, and publische the word, so that now he myyte not go opynli in to the citee, but be withoutforth in desert placis; and thei camen to hym on alle sidis.
Kahchu hadesha, oohtye awonetye khootawootyelon, kahchu tike okehe khootawotyelon, kwa hlilon Jesus atu tanetghakweya tyetachatlihi kwa iyu meheaoontye, ahwole kemwehchi tike alilon, kahchu kiyinkhatestyetllon ewonetyetsi otsi.

< Mark 1 >