< Luke 4 >

1 And Jhesus ful of the Hooli Goost turnede ayen fro Jordan, and was led bi the spirit into desert fourti daies,
A IESUS, me dir en Ngen saraui, puredo sang Iordan, o Ngen kotin kalualang i nan sap tan.
2 and was temptid of the deuel, and eet nothing in tho daies; and whanne tho daies weren endid, he hungride.
O wia songesong pan tewil ran pangaul. A sota kotin konot ni ran oko. Ran akan lao imwisokela ap men konot.
3 And the deuel seide to him, If thou art Goddis sone, seie to this stoon, that it be maad breed.
Tewil ap indai ong i: Ma komui sapwilim en Kot, en masani ong takai wet, a en wiala prot.
4 And Jhesus answeride to hym, It is writun, That a man lyueth not in breed aloone, but in euery word of God.
A Iesus kotin sapeng i masani: A intingidier: Kaidin prot eta, me aramas en memaureki, pwe masan en Kot akan.
5 And the deuel ladde hym in to an hiy hil, and schewide to hym alle the rewmes of the world in a moment of tyme;
Tewil ap kaluadalang i pon nana ileile eu o kasala ong i wein sappa karos ni marep taieu.
6 and seide to hym, Y schal yyue to thee al this power, and the glorie of hem, for to me thei ben youun, and to whom Y wole, Y yyue hem;
Tewil indang i: I pan ki ong komui manaman pukat karos o a lingan, pwe a muei ong ia er, a i pan ki ong, me i mauki.
7 therfor if thou falle doun, and worschipe bifore me, alle thingis schulen be thine.
Ari, ma komui pan pongi ia, karos ap pan sapwilim omui la.
8 And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hym, It is writun, Thou schalt worschipe thi Lord God, and to hym aloone thou schalt serue.
Iesus kotin sapeng i masani: A intingidier: Koe en pongi ong Kaun om Kot; i eta, koe en papa.
9 And he ledde hym in to Jerusalem, and sette hym on the pynacle of the temple, and seide to hym, If thou art Goddis sone, sende thi silf fro hennes doun;
I ap kalualang i Ierusalem o kauada i pon kongkong en im en kaudok o indai ong i: Ma komui sapwilim en Kot, kasedi pein komui,
10 for it is writun, For he hath comaundide to hise aungels of thee, that thei kepe thee in alle thi weies,
Pwe a intingidier: A pan kasilaki sapwilim a tounlang kai komui, pwen apapwali komui.
11 and that thei schulen take thee in hondis, lest perauenture thou hirte thi foote at a stoon.
O wa komui nan lim ar akan, pwe aluwilu omui der dipikelekel ni takai eu.
12 And Jhesus answeride, and seide to him, It is seid, Thou schalt not tempte thi Lord God.
Iesus kotin sapeng masani ong i: A lolokido, koe ender kasongesong Kaun om Kot!
13 And whanne euery temptacioun was endid, the feend wente a wei fro hym for a tyme.
Tewil lao kanikiela songesong karos, ap muei sang i ansau kis.
14 And Jhesus turnede ayen in the vertu of the spirit in to Galilee, and the fame wente forth of hym thorou al the cuntre.
Iesus ap kotin pure dong Kaliläa ni roson en Ngen, ap indand sili nan sap karos me mi imp a.
15 And he tauyte in the synagogis of hem, and was magnyfied of alle men.
A kotin kaukawewe nan ar sinakoke kan, o karos kapinga i.
16 And he cam to Nazareth, where he was norisschid, and entride aftir his custom in the sabat dai in to a synagoge, and roos to reed.
A kotin lel Nasaret, wasa a kotin kakairida ia, ap kotilong song nan sinakoke duen a kin wiada ni ran en sapat o kotida, pwen wadok.
17 And the book of Ysaye, the prophete, was takun to hym; and as he turnede the book, he foond a place, where it was wrytun,
Puk en saukop Iesaia ap wisike dong i a lao lim pasang puk o ap diarada wasa o me intingidier:
18 The Spirit of the Lord on me, for which thing he anoyntide me; he sente me to preche to pore men, to hele contrite men in herte,
Ngen en Kaun kotikot re i, i me a keie kin ia da, pwen padaki ong me samama kan rongamau. A kadar ia do, pwen kaloki ong me salidi kan, me ren saladokela, o me maskun akan pan kilang wasa, o me patau kan pan maioda,
19 and to preche remyssioun to prisoneris, and siyt to blynde men, and to delyuere brokun men in to remissioun; to preche the yeer of the Lord plesaunt, and the dai of yeldyng ayen.
O kaloki saunpar mau en Kaun o.
20 And whanne he hadde closid the book, he yaf ayen to the mynystre, and sat; and the iyen of alle men in the synagoge were biholdynge in to hym.
A kotin lim pena puk o ap kupure ong me papa men o kotidi. Mas en karos nan sinakoke kangkakil i.
21 And he bigan to seie to hem, For in this dai this scripture is fulfillid in youre eeris.
I ari tapiada masani ong irail: Kisin likau wet pwaidar mo’mail ran wet.
22 And alle men yauen witnessyng to hym, and wondriden in the wordis of grace, that camen forth of his mouth. And thei seiden, Whether this is not the sone of Joseph?
Ir karos ap kadede o puriamuiki masan kompok kan, me pwili sang silang i, ap indada: Kaidin i nain Iosep?
23 And he seide to hem, Sotheli ye schulen seie to me this liknesse, Leeche, heele thi silf. The Farisees seiden to Jhesu, Hou grete thingis han we herd don in Cafarnaum, do thou also here in thi cuntre.
A ap kotin masani ong irail: Nan melel, komail pan indang ia karaseras wet: Saunwini, sauasa pein uk! Pwe se rongadar duen song kapuriamui, me wiauier nan Kapernaum; ari kom pil wiada dueta wasa et nan sap omui.
24 And he seide, Treuli Y seie to you, that no profete is resseyued in his owne cuntre.
A kotin masani: Melel I indai ong komail, sota saukop amen me konekon nan sap we.
25 In treuthe Y seie to you, that many widowis weren in the daies of Elie, the prophete, in Israel, whanne heuene was closid thre yeer and sixe monethis, whanne greet hungur was maad in al the erthe;
A melel I indai ong komail, li odi toto mi nan Israel ni muein Elias, ni ansau nanlang matata par silu o saunipong wonu, ni lek lapalap kipadi sap karos;
26 and to noon of hem was Elye sent, but in to Sarepta of Sydon, to a widowe.
A sota amen, me Elias pakadar wong, pwe ren li odi men nan Sarepta nan sap Sidon.
27 And many meseles weren in Israel, vndur Helisee, the prophete, and noon of hem was clensid, but Naaman of Sirye.
O me tuketuk kan me toto nan Israel ni muein saukop Elias, a sota amen re’rail, me kelailadar, pwe Naeman eta men Sirien.
28 And alle in the synagoge herynge these thingis, weren fillid with wraththe.
Karos, me mi nan sinakoke ni ar rongadar mepukat, ap makar kida kaualap,
29 And thei risen vp, and drouen hym out with out the citee, and ledden hym to the cop of the hil on which her citee was bildid, to caste hym doun.
Re udar sikonlar i sang kanim o, o kalualang i pon kailan dol o, wasa ar kanim kakaudar ia, pwen kasedi sang ia,
30 But Jhesus passide, and wente thorou the myddil of hem; and cam doun in to Cafarnaum,
A i kotin weid nan pung ar, kotila sang irail.
31 a citee of Galilee, and there he tauyte hem in sabotis.
I ari kotilang Kapernaum kanim en Kaliläa, o kotin kawewe ong irail ni ran en sapat akan.
32 And thei weren astonyed in his techyng, for his word was in power.
Irail ari puriamuiki a padak, pwe a masan me manaman.
33 And in her synagoge was a man hauynge an vnclene feend, and he criede with greet vois,
A aramas amen mi nan sinakoke, me ngen en tewil saut amen ti po a, me weriwer laud,
34 and seide, Suffre, what to vs and to thee, Jhesu of Nazareth? art thou comun to leese vs? Y knowe, that thou art the hooli of God.
Inda: Ko sang kit, menda re omui kit Iesus en Nasaret! Kom kotido, en kawe kit ala. I asa, me komui nain Kot saraui.
35 And Jhesus blamede hym, and seide, Wexe doumbe, and go out fro hym. And whanne the feend hadde cast hym forth in to the myddil, he wente a wei fro hym, and he noyede hym no thing.
Iesus ap kidaue i masani: Nenenla o ko sang re a. Tewil lao kasedi i nan pung arail, ap koiei sang re a, sota me sued kot a wiai ong i.
36 And drede was maad in alle men, and thei spaken togider, and seiden, What is this word, for in power and vertu he comaundith to vnclene spiritis, and thei gon out?
Irail karos ap puriamui kila, kasokasoi nan pung arail indada: Dakot masan pot et? Pwe a masan manaman o roson ong ngen saut akan, irail ap kin ko wei sang.
37 And the fame was pupplischid of him in to ech place of the cuntre.
I ari indand sili nin sap karos wasa o.
38 And Jhesus roos vp fro the synagoge, and entride in to the hous of Symount; and the modir of Symountis wijf was holdun with grete fyueris, and thei preieden hym for hir.
I ap kotida sang nan sinakoke, ap kotilong ong nan im en Simon. A saulap en Simon me somau karakar. Irail ari poekipoeki i re a.
39 And Jhesus stood ouer hir, and comaundide to the feuer, and it lefte hir; and anoon sche roos vp, and seruede hem.
I ari koti dong i masani ong somau o, ap madang ko sang, i ari madang paurida papa irail.
40 And whanne the sunne wente doun, alle that hadden sijke men with dyuerse langours, ledden hem to hym; and he sette his hoondis on ech bi `hem silf, and heelide hem.
Katipin lao kirilar, rap wa dong i ar luet akan karos. I ari kotikidang amen amen lim a kan, kakelail ir ada.
41 And feendis wenten out fro manye, and crieden, and seiden, For thou art the sone of God. And he blamede, and suffride hem not to speke, for thei wisten hym, that he was Crist.
O tewil akan pil kowei sang ren me toto, me weriwer indada: Komui sapwilim en Kot. I ari kotin kidau ir ada, o sota mueid ong irail, en lokaia, pwe re asa, me i Kristus.
42 And whanne the dai was come, he yede out, and wente in to a desert place; and the puple souyten hym, and thei camen to hym, and thei helden hym, that he schulde not go a wei fro hem.
A lao wasa ran a kotilang wasa rir, a pokon o raparapaki i, re pokon dong i o kolekol i pwen der koti wei sang irail.
43 To whiche he seide, For also to othere citees it bihoueth me to preche the kyngdom of God, for therfor Y am sent.
A i kotin masani ong ir: I pil pan padaki rongamau en wein Kot nan kanim tei ko, pwe i me I pakadar kidor.
44 And he prechide in the synagogis of Galilee.
A i kotin padapadak nan sinakoke en Kaliläa kan.

< Luke 4 >