< Luke 24 >

1 But in o dai of the woke ful eerli thei camen to the graue, and brouyten swete smellynge spices, that thei hadden arayed.
A NIN tapin wik, nin soran kaualap re pwara dong sousou o, wado potik kai me re kaonopadar;
2 And thei founden the stoon turned awei fro the graue.
Irail ari diaradar, me takai o kadapura sang sousou o,
3 And thei yeden in, and founden not the bodi of the Lord Jhesu.
O irail lao pedelong ong lole, ap sota diarada kalep en Kaun Iesus.
4 And it was don, the while thei weren astonyed in thouyt of this thing, lo! twei men stoden bisidis hem in schynynge cloth.
Kadekadeo irail lao insensued kidar, kilang, ol riamen, me likau kida likau linang, ap pwara dong irail.
5 And whanne thei dredden, and boweden her semblaunt in to the erthe, thei seiden to hem, What seken ye hym that lyueth with deed men?
Irail lao masapwekadar o ikiokidi nan pwel, ira ap masani ong irail: Da me komail raparapaki me maur amen ren me melar akan?
6 He is not here, but is risun. Haue ye mynde, hou he spak to you, whanne he was yit in Galile,
A soer kotikot met, a iasadar. Tamanda, me a kotin masani ong komail ni a kotikoteta Kaliläa,
7 and seide, For it bihoueth mannys sone to be bitakun in to the hondis of synful men, and to be crucified, and the thridde dai to rise ayen.
Mamasani: Nain aramas pan pangalang ni pa en me dipan akan, o lopuela, o ni ran kasilu a pan iasada.
8 And thei bithouyten on hise wordis.
Ir ari tamanda a masan akan.
9 And thei yeden ayen fro the graue, and telden alle these thingis to the enleuene, and to alle othir.
O purodo sang nin sousou o, ap kaireki mepukat ong ekamen ko o ong me tei kan karos.
10 And ther was Marie Mawdeleyn, and Joone, and Marie of James, and other wymmen that weren with hem, that seiden to apostlis these thingis.
Maria men Makdala, o Ioana, o Maria in en Iokopus, o me tei ko me iang irail, me kaireki mepukat ong wanporon akan.
11 And these wordis weren seyn bifor hem as madnesse, and thei bileueden not to hem.
A arail kasoi likamata kasoi likam pot re’rail, ap sota kamelele.
12 But Petir roos vp, and ran to the graue; and he bowide doun, and say the lynen clothis liynge aloone. And he wente bi him silf, wondrynge on that that was don.
Petrus ap uda tangalang sousou o, rukedi ong lole, ap diarada, me likau linen akan ta wonon wasa kis, ap purodo sang o puriamui kida me wiauier.
13 And lo! tweyne of hem wenten in that dai in to a castel, that was fro Jerusalem the space of sixti furlongis, bi name Emaws.
A kilang ni ran ota riamen re’rail momaitelang kisin kanim eu ad a Emaus; a doo sang Ierusalem mail wonu de isu.
14 And thei spaken togidir of alle these thingis that haddun bifallun.
Ira ari kasokasoi penaer duen mepukat karos.
15 And it was don, the while thei talkiden, and souyten bi hem silf, Jhesus hym silf neiyede, and wente with hem.
Kadekadeo ni ara kasokasoi o idedok pena, pein Iesus ap kotin pwara dong ira o iang ira kotila.
16 But her iyen weren holdun, that thei knewen him not.
A mas ara me atiat, pwe re de asa i.
17 And he seide to hem, What ben these wordis, that ye speken togidir wandrynge, and ye ben sorewful?
I ari kotin masani ong ira: Da me koma kasokasoi pena ni oma alialu, o da me koma insensued kila?
18 And oon, whos name was Cleofas, answerde, and seide, Thou thi silf art a pilgrym in Jerusalem, and hast thou not knowun, what thingis ben don in it in these daies?
Amen ira, me ad a Kleopas, ap sapeng indang i: Koe men wai ta men nan Ierusalem, me sasa, me wiauier wasa o ni ran pukat?
19 To whom he seide, What thingis? And thei seiden to hym, Of Jhesu of Nazareth, that was a man prophete, myyti in werk and word bifor God and al the puple;
A kotin masani ong ira: Pwe dakot? Ira ap indang i: Duen Iesus en Nasaret, me saukop manaman amen ni a wiawia o masan akan mon Kot o aramas karos.
20 and hou the heiyest preestis of oure princis bitoken hym in to dampnacioun of deeth, and crucifieden hym.
O duen samero lapalap o atail saumas akan ar pangala i pwen pakadeikada ong matala o kalopuela i.
21 But we hopiden, that he schulde haue ayenbouyt Israel. And now on alle these thingis the thridde dai is to dai, that these thingis weren don.
A se kiki ong, me a pan kotin kamaioda wein Israel. Ari ran wet pong sili pong murin mepukat wiauier.
22 But also summe wymmen of ouris maden vs afered, whiche bifor dai weren at the graue; and whanne his bodi was not foundun,
O pil kis at li akai kamasak kin kit ar pwaralang sousou o sangkonai.
23 thei camen, and seiden, that thei syen also a siyt of aungels, whiche seien, that he lyueth.
Ni ar sota diar kalep a, rap puredo indada, me re diaradar sansal en tounlang kai, me katitiki, me a iasadar,
24 And summe of oure wenten to the graue, and thei founden so as the wymmen seiden, but thei founden not hym.
O kis at kai kolang sousou o, ap diaradar, duen li oko kasokasoida, a i me re sota diarada.
25 And he seide to hem, A! foolis, and slowe of herte to bileue in alle thingis that the prophetis han spokun.
A kotin masani ong ira: O koma meid lolepon o pwand nan mongiong omail, en kamelele meakan, me saukop akan kopadar.
26 Whethir it bihofte not Crist to suffre these thingis, and so to entre in to his glorie?
Kaidin i, me udan Kristus en kalokolok ap kodalang a lingan?
27 And he bigan at Moises and at alle the prophetis, and declaride to hem in alle scripturis, that weren of hym.
A ap kotin kawewe ong ira kisin likau kan duen pein i, tapiada ni Moses kokodo lel saukop akan.
28 And thei camen nyy the castel, whidur thei wenten. And he made countenaunce that he wolde go ferthere.
Irail ap koren iong kanim, me irail koko ong. I ari kasongesong ira, dene a pan kotin daulul.
29 And thei constreyneden hym, and seiden, Dwelle with vs, for it drawith to nyyt, and the dai is now bowid doun.
Ira ap ngidingidiki i potoan ong: Kom kotikoteta re at, pwe a pan wasa pongier o ran wet koren iong imwisokela. A ap kotilong ong nan im o, pwen mimieta re ra.
30 And he entride with hem. And it was don, while he sat at the mete with hem, he took breed, and blesside, and brak, and took to hem.
Kadekadeo ni a kotin iang ira ni tepel o, a kotin limada prot, laolaoki, a lao pilitiki pena, a kotiki ong ira.
31 And the iyen of hem weren openyd, and thei knewen hym; and he vanyschide fro her iyen.
Mas ara ap pad pasanger, ira ap asa i. A ap kotin soredi sang mo’ra.
32 And thei seiden togidir, Whether oure herte was not brennynge in vs, while he spak in the weie, and openyde to vs scripturis?
Ira ap inda nan pung ara: Mongiong ata sota mokimokid ni a kotin mamasani ong kita pon al o, ni a kotin kawewe ong kita kisin likau kan?
33 And thei risen vp in the same our, and wenten ayen in to Jerusalem, and founden the enleuene gaderid togidir, and hem that weren with hem,
Ira ari uda ni auer ota o purelang Ierusalem, o diarada ekamen ko, o me iang ir, kot pena wasa takis,
34 seiynge, That the Lord is risun verrili, and apperide to Symount.
Katitiki: Nan melel Kaun o kotin iasadar o pwara dong Simon,
35 And thei tolden what thingis weren don in the weie, and hou thei knewen hym in brekyng of breed.
Ira ap kasokasoi, me wiauier nani al o, o duen ara asaki i a pilitiki pasang prot.
36 And the while thei spaken these thingis, Jhesus stood in the myddil of hem, and seide to hem, Pees to you; Y am, nyle ye drede.
A ni ar masan pena mepukat, pein Iesus ap kotin pwara dong nan pung arail masani ong ir: Komail popol!
37 But thei weren affraied and agast, and gessiden hem to se a spirit.
Irail ari masapwekadar o wapondar, o re kiki ong, me ani men, me re udial.
38 And he seide to hem, What ben ye troblid, and thouytis comen vp in to youre hertis?
A kotin masani ong irail: Da me komail masak ki? O menda lamelam pukat mi nan mongiong omail?
39 Se ye my hoondis and my feet, for Y my silf am. Fele ye, and se ye; for a spirit hath not fleisch and boonys, as ye seen that Y haue.
Komail kilang pa i kat o na i kat, pwe pein ngai ta. Doke ia o kilang, pwe ani sota kin uduk o ti, duen omail kilang ia.
40 And whanne he hadde seid this thing, he schewide hoondis and feet to hem.
A lao masani mepukat, ap kasale ong irail lim a o aluwilu a kan.
41 And yit while thei bileueden not, and wondriden for ioye, he seide, Han ye here ony thing that schal be etun?
A ni ar sota non kamelele pweki ar peren o puriamuiki, ap kotin masani ong irail: Sota kan omail met?
42 And thei proferden hym a part of a fisch rostid, and an hony combe.
Rap ki ong i kisan mam inin o onik.
43 And whanne he hadde etun bifore hem, he took that that lefte, and yaf to hem;
I ari konot mo’rail.
44 and seide `to hem, These ben the wordis that Y spak to you, whanne Y was yit with you; for it is nede that alle thingis ben fulfillid, that ben writun in the lawe of Moises, and in prophetis, and in salmes, of me.
A kotin masani ong irail: I masan akan, me I ki ong komail er, ni ai mimieta re omail, pwe karos en pwaida, me intingidier duen ngai nan kapung en Moses, o saukop akan, o psalm akan.
45 Thanne he openyde to hem wit, that thei schulden vnderstonde scripturis.
I ap kotin kalolikongi irail, pwe ren dedeki kisin likau kai.
46 And he seide to hem, For thus it is writun, and thus it bihofte Crist to suffre, and ryse ayen fro deeth in the thridde dai;
O kotin masani ong irail iduen a intingidier, o iduen udan kalokolok en Kristus, ap maureda sang ren me melar akan ni ran kasilu,
47 and penaunce and remyssioun of synnes to be prechid in his name `in to alle folkis, bigynnynge at Jerusalem.
O padapadaki ong wei karos ni mar a, ren kalula, pwe dip akan en lapwada, a pan tapida nan Ierusalem.
48 And ye ben witnessis of these thingis.
A komail me saunkadede en mepukat.
49 And Y schal sende the biheest of my fadir in to you; but sitte ye in the citee, til that ye be clothid with vertu from an hiy.
A kilang, I pan kadara dong komail, me Sam ai inaukidar. A komail pan mimieta nan kanim o, komail lao audaudekier manaman sang poa.
50 And he ledde hem forth in to Betanye, and whanne his hondis weren lift vp, he blesside hem.
A kotin kalua ir alang Petanien, kotikida lim a, kapai irail ada.
51 And it was don, the while he blesside hem, he departide fro hem, and was borun in to heuene.
Kadekadeo ni a kotin kapal ir ada, a kotiwei sang irail, kotidala nanlang.
52 And thei worschipiden, and wenten ayen in to Jerusalem with greet ioye,
Irail ari kaudok ong i, ap pure dong Ierusalem perenda kaualap;
53 and weren euermore in the temple, heriynge and blessynge God.
O re potopot nan im en kaudok kapinga o kaudok ong Kot.

< Luke 24 >