< Luke 14 >

1 And it was don, whanne he hadde entrid in to the hous of a prince of Farisees, in the sabat, to ete breed, thei aspieden hym.
Et factum est cum intraret Iesus in domum cuiusdam principis Pharisæorum Sabbato manducare panem, et ipsi observabant eum.
2 And lo! a man sijk in the dropesie was bifor hym.
Et ecce homo quidam hydropicus erat ante illum.
3 And Jhesus answerynge spak to the wise men of lawe, and to the Farisees, and seide, Whethir it is leeueful to heele in the sabat?
Et respondens Iesus dixit ad legis peritos, et Pharisæos, dicens: Si licet Sabbato curare?
4 And thei helden pees. And Jhesus took, and heelide hym, and let hym go.
At illi tacuerunt. Ipse vero apprehensum sanavit eum, ac dimisit.
5 And he answeride to hem, and seide, Whos asse or oxe of you schal falle in to a pit, and `he schal not anoon drawe hym out in the dai of the sabat?
Et respondens ad illos dixit: Cuius vestrum asinus, aut bos in puteum cadet, et non continuo extrahet illum die Sabbati?
6 And thei myyten not answere to hym to these thingis.
Et non poterant ad hæc respondere illi.
7 He seide also a parable to men bodun to a feeste, and biheld hou thei chesen the first sittyng placis, and seide to hem,
Dicebat autem et ad invitatos parabolam, intendens quomodo primos accubitus eligerent, dicens ad illos:
8 Whanne thou art bodun to bridalis, sitte not `at the mete in the firste place; lest perauenture a worthier than thou be bodun of hym,
Cum invitatus fueris ad nuptias, non discumbas in primo loco, ne forte honoratior te sit invitatus ab illo,
9 and lest he come that clepide thee and hym, and seie to thee, Yyue place to this, and thanne thou schalt bigynne with schame to holde the lowest place.
et veniens is, qui te et illum vocavit, dicat tibi: Da huic locum: et tunc incipias cum rubore novissimum locum tenere.
10 But whanne thou art bedun to a feste, go, and sitte doun in the laste place, that whanne he cometh, that bad thee to the feeste, he seie to thee, Freend, come hiyer. Thanne worschip schal be to thee, bifor men that sitten at the mete.
Sed cum vocatus fueris, vade, recumbe in novissimo loco: ut, cum venerit qui te invitavit, dicat tibi: Amice, ascende superius. Tunc erit tibi gloria coram simul discumbentibus:
11 For ech that enhaunsith hym, schal be lowid; and he that meketh hym, schal be hiyed.
quia omnis, qui se exaltat, humiliabitur: et qui se humiliat, exaltabitur.
12 And he seide to hym, that hadde bodun hym to the feeste, Whanne thou makist a mete, or a soper, nyle thou clepe thi freendis, nether thi britheren, nethir cosyns, nethir neiyboris, ne riche men; lest perauenture thei bidde thee ayen to the feeste, and it be yolde ayen to thee.
Dicebat autem et ei, qui invitaverat: Cum facis prandium, aut cœnam, noli vocare amicos tuos, neque fratres tuos, neque cognatos, neque vicinos divites: ne forte te et ipsi reinvitent, et fiat tibi retributio.
13 But whanne thou makist a feeste, clepe pore men,
Sed cum facis convivium, voca pauperes, debiles, claudos, et cæcos:
14 feble, crokid, and blynde, and thou schalt be blessid; for thei han not wherof to yelde thee, for it schal be yoldun to thee in the risyng ayen of iust men.
et beatus eris, quia non habent retribuere tibi: retribuetur enim tibi in resurrectione iustorum.
15 And whanne oon of hem that saten togider at the mete hadde herd these thingis, he seide to hym, Blessid is he, that schal ete breed in the rewme of God.
Hæc cum audisset quidam de simul discumbentibus, dixit illi: Beatus, qui manducabit panem in regno Dei.
16 And he seide to hym, A man made a greet soper, and clepide many.
At ipse dixit ei: Homo quidam fecit cœnam magnam, et vocavit multos.
17 And he sent his seruaunt in the our of soper, to seie to men that weren bodun to the feeste, that thei schulden come, for now alle thingis ben redi.
Et misit servum suum hora cœnæ dicere invitatis ut venirent, quia iam parata sunt omnia.
18 And alle bigunnen togidir to excusen hem. The firste seide, Y haue bouyt a toun, and Y haue nede to go out, and se it; Y preye thee, haue me excusid.
Et cœperunt simul omnes excusare. Primus dixit ei: Villam emi, et necesse habeo exire, et videre illam: rogo te habe me excusatum.
19 And the tother seide, Y haue bouyt fyue yockis of oxun, and Y go to preue hem; Y preye thee, haue me excusid.
Et alter dixit: Iuga boum emi quinque, et eo probare illa: rogo te habe me excusatum.
20 And an othir seide, Y haue weddid a wijf; and therfor Y may not come.
Et alius dixit: Uxorem duxi, et ideo non possum venire.
21 And the seruaunt turnede ayen, and tolde these thingis to his lord. Thanne the hosebonde man was wrooth, and seide to his seruaunt, Go out swithe in to the grete stretis and smal stretis of the citee, and brynge ynne hidir pore men, and feble, blynde, and crokid.
Et reversus servus nunciavit hæc domino suo. Tunc iratus paterfamilias, dixit servo suo: Exi cito in plateas, et vicos civitatis: et pauperes, ac debiles, et cæcos, et claudos introduc huc.
22 And the seruaunt seide, Lord, it is don, as thou hast comaundid, and yit there is a void place.
Et ait servus: domine, factum est ut imperasti, et adhuc locus est.
23 And the lord seide to the seruaunt, Go out in to weies and heggis, and constreine men to entre, that myn hous be fulfillid.
Et ait dominus servo: Exi in vias, et sepes: et compelle intrare, ut impleatur domus mea.
24 For Y seie to you, that noon of tho men that ben clepid, schal taaste my soper.
Dico autem vobis quod nemo virorum illorum, qui vocati sunt, gustabit cœnam meam.
25 And myche puple wenten with hym; and he turnede, and seide to hem,
Ibant autem turbæ multæ cum eo: et conversus dixit ad illos:
26 If ony man cometh to me, and hatith not his fadir, and modir, and wijf, and sones, and britheren, and sistris, and yit his owne lijf, he may not be my disciple.
Si quis venit ad me, et non odit patrem suum, et matrem, et uxorem, et filios, et fratres, et sorores, adhuc autem et animam suam, non potest meus esse discipulus.
27 And he that berith not his cross, and cometh aftir me, may not be my disciple.
Et qui non baiulat crucem suam, et venit post me, non potest meus esse discipulus.
28 For who of you willynge to bilde a toure, whether he `first sitte not, and countith the spensis that ben nedeful, if he haue to perfourme?
Quis enim ex vobis volens turrim ædificare, non prius sedens computat sumptus, qui necessarii sunt, si habeat ad perficiendum,
29 Lest aftir that he hath set the foundement, and mowe not perfourme, alle that seen, bigynnen to scorne hym, and seie, For this man bigan to bilde,
ne, posteaquam posuerit fundamentum, et non potuerit perficere, omnes, qui vident, incipiant illudere ei,
30 and myyte not make an ende.
dicentes: Quia hic homo cœpit ædificare, et non potuit consummare?
31 Or what kyng that wole go to do a bataile ayens anothir kyng, whether he sittith not first, and bithenkith, if he may with ten thousynde go ayens hym that cometh ayens hym with twenti thousynde?
Aut quis rex iturus committere bellum adversus alium regem, non sedens prius cogitat, si possit cum decem millibus occurrere ei, qui cum viginti millibus venit ad se?
32 Ellis yit while he is afer, he sendynge a messanger, preieth tho thingis that ben of pees.
Alioquin adhuc illo longe agente, legationem mittens rogat ea, quæ pacis sunt.
33 So therfor ech of you, that forsakith not alle thingis that he hath, may not be my disciple.
Sic ergo omnis ex vobis, qui non renunciat omnibus, quæ possidet, non potest meus esse discipulus.
34 Salt is good; but if salt vanysche, in what thing schal it be sauerid?
Bonum est sal. Si autem sal evanuerit, in quo condietur?
35 Nethir in erthe, nethir in donghille it is profitable, but it schal be cast out. He that hath eeris of herynge, here he.
Neque in terram, neque in sterquilinium utile est, sed foras mittetur. Qui habet aures audiendi, audiat.

< Luke 14 >