< Luke 10 >

1 And aftir these thingis the Lord Jhesu ordeynede also othir seuenti and tweyn, and sente hem bi tweyn and tweyn bifor his face in to euery citee and place, whidir he was to come.
Hiteng zawkciang in Topa in a dang sawm sali teal a, ama pai na mun tu khua le mun tatuam ah ni veu ni veu kop in paikholsak hi.
2 And he seide to hem, There is myche ripe corn, and fewe werke men; therfor preie ye the lord of the ripe corn, that he sende werke men in to his ripe corn.
Taciang Topa in amate tung ah, Tang at tu tampi om napi, naseam tu tawm hi: tua ahikom, tang at tu Topa in naseam tu te tang at na mun ah sawl tu in thungen vun.
3 Go ye, lo! Y sende you as lambren among wolues.
Pai tavun: en vun, ngia hon sung ah tuuno bang in hong tha khi hi.
4 Therfor nyle ye bere a sachel, nethir scrippe, nethir schoon, and greete ye no man bi the weie.
Dangka bawm, thung le peangdap te keng heak vun: lamkal ah ngual dang paupui heak vun.
5 In to what hous that ye entren, first seie ye, Pees to this hous.
Inn khatpo ah na tum uh ciang in, a masabel in, hi innsung ah thinnopna om tahen, ci vun.
6 And if a sone of pees be there, youre pees schal reste on hym; but if noon, it schal turne ayen to you.
Tua inn ah thinnopna tapa a om le, na thinnop na uh a tung ah om tu hi: a om bua a hile, note tung ah hong heakkik tu hi.
7 And dwelle ye in the same hous, etynge and drynkynge tho thingis that ben at hem; for a werk man is worthi his hire. Nyle ye passe from hous in to hous.
Tua inn ah tam nginge vun a, hongpiak po ne in, dawn vun: banghangziam cile naseam te thaman nga tu kilawm hi. Inn khat pan a dang inn khat ah kikhin heak vun.
8 And in to what euer citee ye entren, and thei resseyuen you, ete ye tho thingis that ben set to you;
Khua khatpo ah na tum uh ciang in, hong sang uh a hile, na mai uh ah hong lui te ne vun:
9 and heele ye the sijke men that ben in that citee. And seie ye to hem, The kyngdom of God schal neiye in to you.
Tua khua sung a om cina te damsak vun a, amate tung ah, Pathian kumpingam hong nai zo hi, ci in hil vun.
10 In to what citee ye entren, and thei resseyuen you not, go ye out in to the streetis of it,
Ahihang khuapi khatpo ah na tum uh ciang in, hong sang bua a hile, na tum na uh lampi pan ma in pusuakkik vun a,
11 and seie ye, We wipen of ayens you the poudir that cleued to vs of youre citee; netheles wite ye this thing, that the rewme of God schal come nyy.
Ka peang tung uh ah a bang leivui te cikteak sia, note langpan tu in nawl khu hi: ahihang Pathian kumpingam hong nai zo hi, ci tel thiang tavun, ci tavun.
12 Y seie to you, that to Sodom it schal be esiere than to that citee in that dai.
Ahihang kong son tu hi, tua ni ciang in Sodom thuak na sia tua khuapi sang in thuak nop zaw tu hi.
13 Wo to thee, Corosayn; wo to thee, Bethsaida; for if in Tyre and Sidon the vertues hadden be don, whiche han be don in you, sum tyme thei wolden haue sete in heyre and asches, and haue don penaunce.
Maw Chorazin! na mailam bing hi, maw Bethsaida! na mailam bing hi, banghangziam cile na sung ah a ki vawt vanglian nasep te Tyre le Sidon khua ah ki vawt hile, khau-ip puan le vut sung ah to in a mawna uh a ki sikkik zawk ngei zo tu hi.
14 Netheles to Tire and Sidon it schal be esiere in the doom than to you.
Ahihang thukhenna ni ciang Tyre le Sidon sia nang sang in a thuakna uh ol zaw tu hi.
15 And thou, Cafarnaum, art enhaunsid `til to heuene; thou schalt be drenchid `til in to helle. (Hadēs g86)
Taciang nang, Capernaum, van dong hong ki lamsang zo napi, hell sung dong in khiaksuk kik na hi tu hi. (Hadēs g86)
16 He that herith you, herith me; and he that dispisith you, dispisith me; and he that dispisith me, dispisith hym that sente me.
Na thu hong ni te sia ka thu hong ni te a hi uh hi; note hong zawngsak te keima hong zawngsak a hihi; keima hong zawngsak te keima hong sawl pa zawngsak a hihi, ci hi.
17 And the two and seuenti disciplis turneden ayen with ioye, and seiden, Lord, also deuelis ben suget to vs in thi name.
Sawm sali te lungdamna taw hong heakkik uh a, Topa awng, doai ngilo te nangawn in na min hang in ka thu uh hong ni hi, ci uh hi.
18 And he seide to hem, Y saiy Sathnas fallynge doun fro heuene, as leit.
Taciang Jesus in amate tung ah, Khualeng bang in van pan Satan a taksuk ka mu hi.
19 And lo! Y haue youun to you power to trede on serpentis, and on scorpyouns, and on al the vertu of the enemy, and nothing schal anoye you.
En vun, ngul te le ai-kam te sikcil tu in vangletna kong pia hi, taciang ngal te vangletna theampo tung ah zong vangletna kong pia hi: taciang bangma peuma in hong susia thei ngawl tu hi.
20 Netheles nyle ye ioye on this thing, that spiritis ben suget to you; but ioye ye, that youre names ben writun in heuenes.
Ahihang thaa te in na thu uh hong nit hu in lungdam heak vun; tua sang in na min uh vantung ah ki at zo ahikom in lungdam zaw vun, ci hi.
21 In thilk our he gladide in the Hooli Goost, and seide, Y knouleche to thee, fadir, Lord of heuene and of erthe, for thou hast hid these thingis fro wise men and prudent, and hast schewid hem to smale children. Yhe, fadir, for so it pleside bifor thee.
Tua hun laitak in Jesus sia Thaa sung ah lungdam a, Maw ka Pa, lei le van Topa, mipil le mi thiam te tung ah na phualseal te, patangno te tung ah na pualak hu in lungdam kong ko hi: hi tahen, maw ka Pa awng; banghangziam cile na mu na ah hisia in pha hi.
22 Alle thingis ben youun to me of my fadir, and no man woot, who is the sone, but the fadir; and who is the fadir, but the sone, and to whom the sone wole schewe.
Ka pa in na theampo kei hong pia zo hi: Tapa a kua ziam, ci Pa simngawl kuama in a he bua hi; taciang, Pa sia a kua ziam, ci Tapa le, ama Tapa i a pualak te bek in a he uh hi, ci hi.
23 And he turnede to hise disciplis, and seide, Blessid ben the iyen, that seen tho thingis that ye seen.
Jesus a nungzui te sang ah kihei a, Na mu uh thu te a mu mitte thuphatoai a hihi:
24 For Y seie to you, that many prophetis and kyngis wolden haue seie tho thingis, that ye seen, and thei sayn not; and here tho thingis, that ye heren, and thei herden not.
Kei kong cina pan, kamsang le kumpi tampi te in na mu uh thu te mu nuam napi, mu tha ngawl hi; na zak uh thu te za nuam napi za tha ngawl uh hi, ci a tuam in son hi.
25 And lo! a wise man of the lawe ros vp, temptynge hym, and seiynge, Maister, what thing schal Y do to haue euerlastynge lijf? (aiōnios g166)
Taciang, en vun, thukhamhil khat hong ding a, Syapa awng, tawntung nuntakna ka lua natu bang vawt tu khi ziam? ci in ze-et hi. (aiōnios g166)
26 And he seide to hym, What is writun in the lawe? hou redist thou?
Jesus in ama tung ah, Thukham laibu sung ah bang ki at ziam? bangbang sim ni ziam? ci hi.
27 He answeride, and seide, Thou schalt loue thi Lord God of al thin herte, and of al thi soule, and of alle thi strengthis, and of al thi mynde; and thi neiybore as thi silf.
Tua pa in, Topa na Pathian sia na thinsung theampo, na nuntakna theampo, na hatna theampo le na ngaisutna theampo taw it in; nangma le nangma na ki it bang in na innpam te it in, ci in zo hi.
28 And Jhesus seide to hym, Thou hast answerid riytli; do this thing, and thou schalt lyue.
Jesus in, Na zo na man hi: hi te vawt in a, na nungta tu hi, ci hi.
29 But he willynge to iustifie hym silf, seide to Jhesu, And who is my neiybore?
Ahihang thukhamhil pa in ama le ama ki thutangsak nuam ahikom, Jesus tung ah, ka innpam te a kua ziam? ci hi.
30 And Jhesu biheld, and seide, A man cam doun fro Jerusalem in to Jerico, and fel among theues, and thei robbiden hym, and woundiden hym, and wente awei, and leften the man half alyue.
Tasiaciang Jesus in, Khatvei mikhat Jerusalem pan Jericho ah pai hi, phalak te taw ki si a, a nikten puansil teng sutsak in velcip hi, nasia mama in liam a, a thi dektak in nusia hi.
31 And it bifel, that a prest cam doun the same weie, and passide forth, whanne he hadde seyn hym.
Thiampi khat tua lampi tawn luilam a; tua pa a mu ciang in, a langkhat pan pial in paisan hi.
32 Also a dekene, whanne he was bisidis the place, and saiy him, passide forth.
Tabangma in Levi khat zong tua mun ah hongpai a, a et zawkciang in, a langkhat pan pial in paisan hi.
33 But a Samaritan, goynge the weie, cam bisidis hym; and he siy hym, and hadde reuthe on hym;
Ahihang Samaria mi khat, tua lampi ah khualhaw in hongpai a, tua cina pa a mu ciang in, a tung ah hesuakna nei hi,
34 and cam to hym, and boond togidir hise woundis, and helde in oyle and wynne; and leide hym on his beest, and ledde in to an ostrie, and dide the cure of hym.
Taciang a kung ah pai in, a meima te sathau le sapittui buaksak in tuamsak hi, taciang ama nganno tung ah suan a, zintun inn ah paipui in khoi hi.
35 And another dai he brouyte forth twey pans, and yaf to the ostiler, and seide, Haue the cure of hym; and what euer thou schalt yyue ouer, Y schal yelde to thee, whanne Y come ayen.
A zingciang a paikik tu ciang in, dangka tang ni sua a, zintun inn keampa pia hi, taciang hi sia pa na khoi in a; na bo thua na teng theampo sia, kong paikik ciang in hong pia tu khi hi, ci hi.
36 Who of these thre, semeth to thee, was neiybore to hym, that fel among theues?
Hi te thum sung pan, phalak te taw a ki si pa i innpam sia a kua hi tu ngaisun ni ziam? ci in dong hi.
37 And he seide, He that dide merci in to hym. And Jhesus seide to hym, Go thou, and do thou on lijk maner.
Thukhamhil pa in, cina pa tung ah hesuakna a nei pa, ci in zo hi. Taciang Jesus in ama tung ah, Pai tan a, nang zong tabang in ngamta in, ci hi.
38 And it was don, while thei wenten, he entride in to a castel; and a womman, Martha bi name, resseyuede hym in to hir hous.
Jesus le a nungzui te pai uh a, khua khat ah theng uh hi; taciang Martha a kici numei khat in Jesus sia a inn ah sang hi.
39 And to this was a sistir, Marie bi name, which also sat bisidis the feet of the Lord, and herde his word.
Martha in Mary a kici naunu khat nei a, ama sia Jesus peang kung ah to in, thu ngai hi.
40 But Martha bisiede aboute the ofte seruyce. And sche stood, and seide, Lord, takist thou no kepe, that my sistir hath left me aloone to serue? therfor seie thou to hir, that sche helpe me.
Ahihang Martha sia nasep tam hu in a thintoi a, Jesus kung ah pai in, Topa, ka naunu in nasep theampo keima nguak i sep tu in hong awn hi, phamaw sa ngawl ni ziam? tua ahikom keima nasep hu tu in sawl in, ci hi.
41 And the Lord answerde, and seide to hir, Martha, Martha, thou art bysi, and art troublid aboute ful many thingis;
Taciang Jesus in, Martha, Martha, nang sia na tam mama thintoi le buaipui ni hi:
42 but o thing is necessarie. Marie hath chosun the best part, which schal not be takun awei fro hir.
Ahihang a kisam tatak khat bek om hi: tasia Mary in teal zo a, kuama in ama tung pan in laksak kik thei nawn ngawl tu hi, ci hi.

< Luke 10 >