< Leviticus 7 >

1 And this is the lawe of sacrifice for trespas; it is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis.
“‘Amanne a ɛfa afɔdi afɔrebɔ a ɛyɛ kronkron ho no ni:
2 Therfor where brent sacrifice is offrid, also the sacrifice for trespas schal be slayn; the blood therof schal be sched bi the cumpas of the auter.
Wobekum aboa a wɔde no rebɔ afɔdi afɔre no wɔ beae a wokum aboa a wɔde no bɔ ɔhyew afɔre no na wɔde ne mogya no apete afɔremuka no ho ahyia.
3 Thei schulen offre the tail therof, and the fatnesse that hilith the entrailis,
Ɔsɔfo no de aboa no mu srade nyinaa, ne dua,
4 the twei litle reynes, and the fatnesse which is bisidis ilioun, and the calle of the mawe, with the litle reynes.
nʼasaabo abien ne ne sisia srade ne ne bɔnwoma kotoku no nyinaa begu nkyɛn de abɔ saa afɔre no.
5 And the preest schal brenne tho on the auter; it is encense of the Lord, for trespas.
Ɔsɔfo no bɛhyew no afɔremuka no so sɛ aduan afɔrebɔ a wɔde rema Awurade. Ɛyɛ afɔdi afɔre.
6 Ech male of the preestis kyn schal ete these fleischis in the hooli place, for it is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis.
Ɔbarima a ɔfra asɔfo abusua mu no mu tumi we nam no bi. Ɛsɛ sɛ wɔwe wɔ beae a ɛhɔ yɛ kronkron, efisɛ ɛyɛ afɔrebɔde a ɛho tew yiye.
7 As a sacrifice is offrid for synne, so and for trespas, o lawe schal be of euer eithir sacrifice; it schal perteyne to the preest, that offrith it.
“‘Amanne koro no ara na wɔbɛfa so abɔ bɔne afɔre ne afɔdi afɔre no. Ɛyɛ ɔsɔfo a ɔyɛɛ mpata maa wɔn no de.
8 The preest that offrith the beeste of brent sacrifice, schal haue the skyn therof.
Ɔsɔfo a odii ɔhyew afɔrebɔ no ho dwuma no betumi afa aboa no ho nwoma no.
9 And ech sacrifice of wheete flour, which is bakun in an ouene, and what euer is maad redi in a gridile, ethir in a friyng panne, it schal be that preestis, of whom it is offrid,
Sɛ asɔfo a wɔbɔ atoko ho afɔre ma Awurade no wie saa afɔrebɔ no a, wɔde atoko no nkae bɛma wɔn. Sɛ afɔrebɔde no, wɔto o, wɔkyew o, wɔnoa o, amanne koro no ara ase na ɛhyɛ.
10 whether it is spreynt with oile, ethir is drye. To alle the sones of Aaron euene mesure schal be departyd, `to ech `bi hem silf.
Atoko afɔrebɔ biara a aka no, sɛ wɔde ngo fra anaa wɔamfa ngo amfra a, ɛyɛ Aaron mmabarima nyinaa dea.
11 This is the lawe of `the sacrifice of pesible thingis, which is offrid to the Lord.
“‘Amanne a ɛfa asomdwoe afɔre sononko a wɔbɔ ma Awurade no ho no ni:
12 If the offryng is for doyng of thankyngis, thei schulen offre looues without sour dow spreynt with oile, and `therf looues sodun in watir, that ben anoyntid with oile; and thei schulen offre wheete flour bakun, and thinne looues spreynt to gidere with the medlyng of oile.
“‘Sɛ ɛyɛ asomdwoe afɔre a, wɔmfa brodo a mmɔkaw nni mu a wɔde ngo afra nka ho. Saa ara na wɔmfa brodo ntrantraa bi a wɔde ngo agu so ne asikresiam mfrafrae a wɔde afra ngo nka saa afɔrebɔde no ho.
13 Also thei schulen offre `looues diyt with sour dow, with the sacrifice of thankyngis which is offrid for pesible thingis;
Wɔmfa brodo a emu piw a wɔde mmɔkaw afra nka saa aseda asomdwoe afɔre yi ho.
14 of whiche o loof schal be offrid to the Lord for the firste fruytis, and it schal be the preestis that schal schede the blood of the sacrifice,
Wɔde saa afɔrebɔde yi bi begyina afɔremuka no anim na wɔahim wɔ afɔremuka no anim akɔ fa aba fa de akyerɛ sɛ wɔde ama Awurade. Afei, wɔbɛdan afɔrebɔde no ama ɔsɔfo a ɔpete aboa a wɔde no bɛbɔ afɔre no mogya a ɔboa dwumadi no.
15 whose fleischis schulen be etun in the same dai, nether ony thing of tho schal dwelle til the morewtid.
Sɛ wɔde aboa no bɔ Awurade afɔre de ma no sɛ asomdwoe afɔrebɔ de kyerɛ sɛ ɛyɛ anisɔ ne asedade a, ɛsɛ sɛ wɔwe ne nam da no ara. Ɛnsɛ sɛ bi ka ma ade kye so.
16 If a man offrith a sacrifice bi a vow, ethir bi fre wille, it schal be etun in lijk maner in the same dai; but also if ony thing dwellith `in to the morew, it is leueful to ete it;
“‘Na sɛ obi de afɔrebɔde bi ba a ɛnyɛ asomdwoe afɔre na mmom, sɛ ɛyɛ bɔhyɛ anaa efi ne koma mu na ɔde rebrɛ Awurade de a, nea ɛbɛka biara wɔ afɔrebɔ no akyi no, sɛ ade kye so a, wotumi we.
17 sotheli fier schal waaste, whateuer thing the thridde day schal fynde.
Afɔrebɔ nam biara a ebedi nnansa no de, wɔnhyew.
18 If ony man etith in the thridde dai of the fleischis of sacrifice of pesible thingis, his offryng schal be maad voide, nethir it schal profite to the offerere; but rather whateuer soule defoulith hym silf with suche mete, he schal be gilti of `brekyng of the lawe.
Sɛ obi we nea adi nnansa no bi a, Awurade rennye afɔrebɔde no; na ɛrenni mu sɛ afɔrebɔde, na onipa a ɔde bae sɛ wɔmfa mmɔ saa afɔre no rennya so mfaso biara. Ɔsɔfo a ɔbɛwe no nso bedi ho fɔ, efisɛ ɛyɛ akyiwade ma Awurade; na onipa a ɔbɛwe saa nam no, ɛsɛ sɛ oyi ne ho ano wɔ saa bɔne no ho.
19 Fleisch that touchith ony vnclene thing, schal not be etun, but it schal be brent bi fier; he that is clene, schal ete it.
“‘Nam biara a ɛka biribi a wɔntew ho no, wɔnnwe; wɔnhyew. Nam biara a aka de, obiara a ne ho tew wɔ ho kwan sɛ ɔwe.
20 A pollutid soule, that etith of the fleischis of the sacrifice of pesible thingis, which is offrid to the Lord, schal perische fro hise puplis.
Ɔsɔfo biara a ne ho ntew na obedi asomdwoe afɔre no bi no, wobetwa no asu, efisɛ wagu ade kronkron ho fi.
21 And he that touchith vnclennesse of man, ether of beeste, ether of alle thing that may defoule, and etith of suche fleischis, schal perische fro hise puplis.
Obiara a ɔde ne nsa bɛka biribi a ɛho ntew no, sɛ ɛyɛ onipa anaa aboa na oguu ho fi na obedii asomdwoe afɔrebɔde no bi no, wobetwa no asu, efisɛ wagu ade kronkron ho fi.’”
22 And the Lord spak to Moises,
Afei, Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose se,
23 and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, Ye schulen not ete the ynnere fatnesse of a scheep, of an oxe, and of a geet;
“Ka kyerɛ Israelfo no se wonnni srade, sɛ efi anantwi, nguan anaa mmirekyi mu.
24 ye schulen haue in to dyuerse vsis the ynnere fatnesse of a carkeis deed by it silf, and of that beeste which is takun of a rauenus beeste.
Sɛ ɔyare bi bɔ aboa bi na owu anaasɛ mmoa bɔne bi taataa aboa foforo bi kum no a, wonnni ne srade na mmom, wɔmfa nyɛ ade foforo.
25 If ony man etith the ynnere fatnesse, that owith to be offrid in to encense of the Lord, he schal perische fro his puple.
Obiara a obedi srade a efi afɔrebɔde a wɔbɔ no ogya so de ma Awurade no, ɛsɛ sɛ wotwa no asu.
26 Also ye schulen not take in mete the blood of ony beeste, as wel of briddis as of beestis;
Munnni mogya—sɛ ɛyɛ nnomaa anaa ntɔteboa.
27 ech man that etith blood schal perische fro his puplis.
Obiara a ɔbɛyɛ saa no, ɛsɛ sɛ wotwa no asu.”
28 And the Lord spak to Moises,
Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose se,
29 and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, He that offrith a sacrifice of pesible thingis to the Lord, offre togidere also a sacrifice, that is, fletynge offryngis therof.
“Ka kyerɛ Israelfo se obiara a ɔpɛ sɛ ɔbɔ Awurade asomdwoe afɔre no, ɔno ara nkita mmra.
30 He schal holde in the hondis the ynnere fatnesse of the sacrifice, and the brest; and whanne he hath halewid bothe offrid to the Lord, he schal yyue to the preest,
Ɔmfa afɔrebɔde a ɛyɛ srade ne ne yan a wobehim wɔ afɔremuka no anim de ama Awurade no mmra.
31 which schal brenne the ynnere fatnesse on the auter; sotheli the brest schal be Aarons and hise sones;
Afei, ɔsɔfo no bɛhyew srade no wɔ afɔremuka no so na ne yan no de, Aaron ne ne mmabarima bɛfa.
32 and the riyt schuldur of the sacrifices of pesible thingis schal turne in to the firste fruytis of the preest.
Ɛsɛ sɛ mode mo asomdwoe afɔrebɔde no srɛ nifa no ma ɔsɔfo no sɛ mo fam de.
33 He that of Aarons sones offrith the blood, and the ynnere fatnesse, schal haue also the riyt schuldur in his porcioun.
Na Aaron mmabarima no mu nea ɔde mogya ne srade a efi afɔrebɔde no mu no bɛba afɔremuka no so no na ɔbɛfa srɛ nifa no.
34 For Y haue take fro the sones of Israel the brest of reisyng, and the schuldur of departyng, of the pesible sacrifices `of hem, and Y haue youe to Aaron the preest and to hise sones, bi euerlastynge lawe, of al the puple of Israel.
Mahyɛ sɛ wɔmfa ne yan no ne ne srɛ no mma sɛ akyɛde a efi Israelfo nkyɛn a wɔde rebrɛ Aaron mmabarima. Bere biara, wɔmfa saa afɔrebɔde no kyɛfa yi no mma Aaron ne ne mmabarima.”
35 This is the anoyntyng of Aaron, and of hise sones, in the cerymonyes of the Lord, in the dai where ynne Moises offride hem that thei schulden be set in preesthod,
Wɔn akatua ne no: Ɔhyew afɔrebɔ no, wɔde bɛto nkyɛn na wɔde ama wɔn a wɔayi wɔn sɛ Awurade asɔfo a ɛyɛ Aaron ne ne mmabarima no.
36 and whiche thingis the Lord comaundide to be youun to hem of the sones of Israel, bi euerlastynge religioun in her generaciouns.
Efisɛ da a Awurade sraa wɔn ngo no, ɔhyɛɛ sɛ Israelfo mfa saa kyɛfa no mma wɔn; ɛyɛ wɔn kyɛfa daa daa wɔ awo ntoatoaso ɛbɛba nyinaa mu.
37 This is the lawe of brent sacrifice, and of sacrifice for synne, and for trespas, and for halewyng, and for the sacrifices of pesible thingis;
Eyinom ne amanne a ɛfa ɔhyew afɔrebɔ, atoko afɔrebɔ, bɔne afɔrebɔ, afɔdi afɔrebɔ, ahotew afɔrebɔ ne asomdwoe afɔrebɔ ho.
38 which lawe the Lord ordeynede to Moises in the hil of Synay, whanne he comaundide to the sones of Israel that thei schulden offre her offryngis to the Lord, in the deseert of Synay.
Awurade de saa mmara yi maa Mose wɔ Sinai Bepɔw so sɛ ɔno nso mfa mma Israelfo no, sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ a wobehu ɔkwan a ɛsɛ sɛ wɔfa so bɔ wɔn afɔre ahorow no de ma Onyankopɔn wɔ Sinai sare so hɔ.

< Leviticus 7 >