< Leviticus 7 >

1 And this is the lawe of sacrifice for trespas; it is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis.
Intoy ty fetse o engan-dilatseo, ie miava-do’e;
2 Therfor where brent sacrifice is offrid, also the sacrifice for trespas schal be slayn; the blood therof schal be sched bi the cumpas of the auter.
amy fandentañe o hisoroñañeoy ty fandentañe ty engan-dilatse; le hadasi’e añariari’ i kitreliy ty lio.
3 Thei schulen offre the tail therof, and the fatnesse that hilith the entrailis,
Ty hengae’e, le ty safo’e iaby: i hofa’e vondrakey naho ze safo’e mañohoñe o ova’eo,
4 the twei litle reynes, and the fatnesse which is bisidis ilioun, and the calle of the mawe, with the litle reynes.
naho ty voa roe mitraok’ amo safo’e an-demeo, vaho hafaha’e rekets’ i voa rey i kambinatey;
5 And the preest schal brenne tho on the auter; it is encense of the Lord, for trespas.
le hengae’ i mpisoroñey an-katoeñe amy kitreliy, hisoroñañe am’ Iehovà, soron-dilatse izay.
6 Ech male of the preestis kyn schal ete these fleischis in the hooli place, for it is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis.
Ho fikamà’ ze hene lahilahy amo mpisoroñeo; ho kamaeñe amy toe-miavakey ao; ie miava-do’e.
7 As a sacrifice is offrid for synne, so and for trespas, o lawe schal be of euer eithir sacrifice; it schal perteyne to the preest, that offrith it.
Tsy mifañova amy engan-kakeoy ty engan-dilatse; fetse raike ty a’ i roroey; a i mpisoroñe mañefetse ama’ey izay.
8 The preest that offrith the beeste of brent sacrifice, schal haue the skyn therof.
Ty mpisoroñe mañenga ty fisoroña’ ondaty, le a i mpisoroñey ty holi’ i nisoroñañey.
9 And ech sacrifice of wheete flour, which is bakun in an ouene, and what euer is maad redi in a gridile, ethir in a friyng panne, it schal be that preestis, of whom it is offrid,
Le ze hene enga-mahakama atoñak’ an-toñak’ ao naho ze hene endazeñe am-balàñe ndra an-kapeke, le a i mpisoroñe mañenga azey.
10 whether it is spreynt with oile, ethir is drye. To alle the sones of Aaron euene mesure schal be departyd, `to ech `bi hem silf.
Ze enga-mahakama ila’e, ke linaro menake ke maike, le ho zaraeñe mira amo ana’ i Aharoneo.
11 This is the lawe of `the sacrifice of pesible thingis, which is offrid to the Lord.
Intoy ty fetsem-pisoroñañe o engam-pañanintsiñe banabanaeñe am’ Iehovào:
12 If the offryng is for doyng of thankyngis, thei schulen offre looues without sour dow spreynt with oile, and `therf looues sodun in watir, that ben anoyntid with oile; and thei schulen offre wheete flour bakun, and thinne looues spreynt to gidere with the medlyng of oile.
naho engae’e ho fañandriañañe, le hatrao’e amy engam-pañandriañañey ty mofo po-dalivay linaro menake naho mofo pisake po-dalivay nihosorañe menake, ndra mofo ami’ty mona nigoñahe’ ty menake.
13 Also thei schulen offre `looues diyt with sour dow, with the sacrifice of thankyngis which is offrid for pesible thingis;
Le vonga-mofo aman-dalivay ty ho banabanae’e miharo amy engam-pañanintsiñe ho fañandriañañey.
14 of whiche o loof schal be offrid to the Lord for the firste fruytis, and it schal be the preestis that schal schede the blood of the sacrifice,
Boak’ amy ze hengae’e iaby sindre andivà’e raike ho banabanae’e am’ Iehovà. A i mpisoroñe nametsake ty lio’ i engam-pañanintsiñey amy kitreliiy izay.
15 whose fleischis schulen be etun in the same dai, nether ony thing of tho schal dwelle til the morewtid.
Ho kamaeñe amy andro añengañ’ azey ty hena’ i soron-kanintsiñe ho fañandriañañey; tsy ho sisàñe ami’ty loak’ andro.
16 If a man offrith a sacrifice bi a vow, ethir bi fre wille, it schal be etun in lijk maner in the same dai; but also if ony thing dwellith `in to the morew, it is leueful to ete it;
Fe naho engam-panta he engan-tsatrin’ arofo i soroñey le ho kamaeñe amy andro nisoroñañe azey, mbore mete kamaeñe ami’ ty loak’ andro ze nisisa;
17 sotheli fier schal waaste, whateuer thing the thridde day schal fynde.
fe horoañe añ’afo ami’ty andro fahatelo ze tsy ri’e amy hena’ i soroñey.
18 If ony man etith in the thridde dai of the fleischis of sacrifice of pesible thingis, his offryng schal be maad voide, nethir it schal profite to the offerere; but rather whateuer soule defoulith hym silf with suche mete, he schal be gilti of `brekyng of the lawe.
Aa naho eo ty hena nisoroñañe amy engam-pañanintsiñey ze kamaeñe amy andro fahateloy, tsy ho no’e, vaho tsy ho volilieñe ama’e; toe tiva izay; le ho vavè’ ze ondaty mikama ama’ey i tahi’ey.
19 Fleisch that touchith ony vnclene thing, schal not be etun, but it schal be brent bi fier; he that is clene, schal ete it.
Tsy ho kamaeñe ze nofotse nioza ami’ty raha tsy malio, fa ho forototoeñe añ’afo. Fa naho o nofotseo, ho kamae’ ze malio.
20 A pollutid soule, that etith of the fleischis of the sacrifice of pesible thingis, which is offrid to the Lord, schal perische fro hise puplis.
Fe haitoeñe am’ondati’eo t’indaty mikama amy hena engam-pañanintsi’ Iehovày ie ama’e ty tsy falio’e.
21 And he that touchith vnclennesse of man, ether of beeste, ether of alle thing that may defoule, and etith of suche fleischis, schal perische fro hise puplis.
Ze ondaty mi­tsapa raha maloto: ke haleora’ ondaty, ke biby maloto, ke inoñ’ inoñe amo raha mampangorìñeo, naho ikama’e ty hena’ i engam-pañanintsi’ ­Iehovày, le haitoañe am’ondati’eo indatiy.
22 And the Lord spak to Moises,
Le hoe ty nitsarae’ Iehovà amy Mosè:
23 and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, Ye schulen not ete the ynnere fatnesse of a scheep, of an oxe, and of a geet;
Misaontsia amo ana’ Israeleo ty hoe: Tsy ho kamae’ areo ty safon’ añombe ndra añondry ndra ose.
24 ye schulen haue in to dyuerse vsis the ynnere fatnesse of a carkeis deed by it silf, and of that beeste which is takun of a rauenus beeste.
Le ty amo safom-biby mate bo­bokeo ndra t’ie nirimitem-biby le azo anoan-draha, fe tsy ho kamae’ areo.
25 If ony man etith the ynnere fatnesse, that owith to be offrid in to encense of the Lord, he schal perische fro his puple.
Ze ondaty mikama ty safom-biby, amo fañenga’ ondaty ho soroñañe am’ Iehovà ro haitoañe am’ondati’eo.
26 Also ye schulen not take in mete the blood of ony beeste, as wel of briddis as of beestis;
Tsy ho kamae’ areo ty liom-boroñe ndra biby, ndra aia’aia amo fitobea’ areoo.
27 ech man that etith blood schal perische fro his puplis.
Ze ondaty mihinan-dio, le haitoañe am’ondati’eo indatiy.
28 And the Lord spak to Moises,
Hoe ty nitsara’ Iehovà amy Mosè,
29 and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, He that offrith a sacrifice of pesible thingis to the Lord, offre togidere also a sacrifice, that is, fletynge offryngis therof.
Misaontsia amo ana’ Israeleo ty hoe: Ty minday ty isoroña’e ho engam-pañanintsiñe am’ Iehovà, le amy engam-pañanintsi’ey ty ho banabanae’e am’ Iehovà.
30 He schal holde in the hondis the ynnere fatnesse of the sacrifice, and the brest; and whanne he hath halewid bothe offrid to the Lord, he schal yyue to the preest,
O fità’eo ty hanese ze hisoroña’e am’ Iehovà. Hasese’e ty safo’e rekets’ i tratra’ey le hahelahela’e i tratra’ey ho engan-kelahela añatrefa’ Iehovà.
31 which schal brenne the ynnere fatnesse on the auter; sotheli the brest schal be Aarons and hise sones;
Le hisoroña’ i mpisoroñey ho hatoeñe amy kitreliy ty safo’e fa a i Aharone naho o ana’eo i tratra’ey.
32 and the riyt schuldur of the sacrifices of pesible thingis schal turne in to the firste fruytis of the preest.
Le hanoe’o engan-kelahela amy mpisoroñey ty tso’e havàna boak’amo engam-pañanintsiñe fisoroña’ areoo.
33 He that of Aarons sones offrith the blood, and the ynnere fatnesse, schal haue also the riyt schuldur in his porcioun.
Anjara ty ana’ i Aharone mañenga ty lio’ i engam-pañanintsiñey naho o safo’ey i tso’e.
34 For Y haue take fro the sones of Israel the brest of reisyng, and the schuldur of departyng, of the pesible sacrifices `of hem, and Y haue youe to Aaron the preest and to hise sones, bi euerlastynge lawe, of al the puple of Israel.
Fa rinambeko amo engam-pañanintsi’ o ana’ Israeleoo ty tratran-kelahela naho ty tsom-pañè vaho natoloko amy Aharone mpisoroñe naho amo ana’eo ho anjara’ iareo boak’ amo ana’ Israeleo nainai’e donia.
35 This is the anoyntyng of Aaron, and of hise sones, in the cerymonyes of the Lord, in the dai where ynne Moises offride hem that thei schulden be set in preesthod,
Amy andro naneseañe iareo hitoroñe Iehovà ho mpisoroñey, ty nañambahañe i anjara zay ho a i Aharone naho ho a o ana’eo amo fisoroñañe am’ Iehovào;
36 and whiche thingis the Lord comaundide to be youun to hem of the sones of Israel, bi euerlastynge religioun in her generaciouns.
inay i nandilia’ Iehovà te hatolo’ o ana’Israeleo am’ iareo amy andro naño­rizañe iareoiy ho fañè tsy modo amo tarira’ iareo mifandimbe nainai’eo.
37 This is the lawe of brent sacrifice, and of sacrifice for synne, and for trespas, and for halewyng, and for the sacrifices of pesible thingis;
Izay ty fetse’ o soroñeo, naho o enga-mahakamao, o engan-kakeoo, o engan-dilatseo, o engam-pañorizañeo, vaho o engam-pañanintsiñe
38 which lawe the Lord ordeynede to Moises in the hil of Synay, whanne he comaundide to the sones of Israel that thei schulden offre her offryngis to the Lord, in the deseert of Synay.
nandilia’ Iehovà amy Mosè am-bohi-Sinay amy andro linili’e o ana’Israeleo ty hanese enga am’ ­Iehovà am-patrambey Sinaiio.

< Leviticus 7 >