< Joshua 18 >

1 And alle the sones of Israel weren gaderid in Silo, and there thei `settiden faste the tabernacle of witnessing; and the lond was suget to hem.
Esi Israelviwo xɔ anyigba vɔ megbe la, wo katã wova kpe ta ɖe Silo, eye wotu Yehowa ƒe Agbadɔ ɖe afi ma.
2 Sotheli seuene linagis of the sones of Israel dwelliden, that hadden not yit takun her possessiouns.
Womema anyigba na Israel ƒe to adre haɖe o.
3 To whiche Josue seide, Hou longe faden ye `bi cowardise, `ethir slouthe, and entren not to welde the lond, which the Lord God of youre fadris yaf to you?
Ale Yosua bia Israelviwo be, “Va se ɖe ɣe ka ɣie mialala hafi anya ame siwo le anyigba si Yehowa, mia Mawu la na mi la dzi?
4 Chese ye of ech lynage thre men, that Y sende hem, and thei go, and cumpasse the lond; and that thei discryue `the lond bi the noumbre of ech multitude, and brynge to me that, that ye han discriued.
Mitia ame etɔ̃ tso to ɖe sia ɖe me, eye madɔ wo ɖa be woayi aɖatsa ŋku le afi siwo dzi míeɖu haɖe o la dzi, ale be woana manya woƒe lolome kple anyigba la ƒe lolome si to ɖe sia ɖe adi be yeaxɔ, ekema mate ŋu amae na mi.
5 Departe ye the lond to you in to seuene partis; Judas be in hise termes at the south coost, and `the hows of Joseph at the north;
Mama anyigba la ɖe akpa adre me: Yuda ƒe viwo anɔ woƒe anyigba dzi le dziehe, eye Yosef ƒe viwo anɔ anyiehe.
6 discryue ye `the myddil lond bitwixe hem in to seuene partis; and thanne ye schulen come to me, that Y sende lot to you here bifor youre Lord God;
Miŋlɔ nu tso anyigba la ƒe akpa adreawo ŋu tsɔ vɛ nam. Ekema mada akɔ ɖe edzi le Yehowa, míaƒe Mawu la ŋkume ale be manya ale si mama anyigba lae.
7 for the part of Leuytis is not among you, but the preesthod of the Lord, this is the eritage `of hem. Forsothe Gad, and Ruben, and the half lynage of Manasses hadden take now her possessiouns ouer Jordan, at the eest coost, whiche possessiouns Moises, the `seruaunt of the Lord, yaf to hem.
Ke miɖo ŋku edzi be womama anyigba na Levitɔwo o, elabena Yehowa ƒe nunɔlawo wonye, eye woƒe nunɔladɔe nye woƒe domenyinu wɔnuku la. Gad ƒe viwo kple Ruben ƒe viwo kple Manase ƒe viwo ƒe afã magaxɔ anyigba aɖeke o, elabena woxɔ anyigba xoxo le Yɔdan tɔsisi la ƒe ɣedzeƒe, afi si ŋugbe Mose do na wo.”
8 And whanne the men hadden rise to go, to discryue the lond, Josue comaundide to hem, and seide, Cumpasse ye the lond, and discryue it, and turne ayen to me, that Y sende lot to you here in Silo, bifore youre Lord God.
Ame siwo wotia la dze mɔ be woata anyigba la vɛ na Yosua ekema ate ŋu ama anyigba la na toawo to akɔdada le Yehowa ŋkume me.
9 And so thei yeden, and cumpassiden that lond, and departiden `in to seuene partis, writynge in a book; and thei turneden ayen to Josue, in to the castels in Silo.
Ame tiatiawo wɔ abe ale si woɖo na wo ene. Woma anyigba la ɖe akpa adre me, woŋlɔ du siwo nɔ mama ɖe sia ɖe me la da ɖi, eye wotrɔ va Yosua gbɔ le asaɖa la me le Silo.
10 Which Josue sente lottis bifor the Lord God in Silo, and departide the lond to the sones of Israel, in to seuene partis.
Le afi ma, le asaɖa la me le Silo la, Yehowa fia Yosua to akɔdada la me, ale si wòama anyigba lae na to vovovoawo.
11 And the firste lot of the sones of Beniamyn, bi her meynees, stiede, that thei schulden welde the lond bitwixe the sones of Juda and the sones of Joseph.
Anyigba si wotsɔ na Benyamin ƒe viwo la nɔ Yuda ƒe viwo kple Yosef ƒe viwo ƒe anyigbawo dome.
12 And the terme of hem was ayens the north fro Jordan, and passide bi the side of Jerico of the north coost; and it stiede fro thennus ayens the west to the hilli places, and it cam to the wildirnesse of Bethauen;
Benyamin ƒe viwo ƒe anyigba ƒe anyiehe dze egɔme tso Yɔdan tɔsisi la to, yi Yeriko ƒe anyiehe, to tonyigba la kple Bet Aven gbegbe la dzi.
13 and it passide bisidis Luza to the south; thilke is Bethel; and it goith doun in to Astoroth Adar, in to the hil which is at the south of lowere Betheron; and is bowid,
Liƒo la tso afi ma ɖo ta dziehe yi Luz, afi si wogayɔna be Betel, heyi Atarot Ada, le Bet Horon ƒe tonyigba dzi le dziehe.
14 and cumpassith ayens the see, at the south of the hil that biholdith Betheron ayens the north; and the outgoyngis therof ben in to Cariathbaal, which is clepid also Cariathiarym, the citee of the sones of Juda; this is the greet coost ayens the see, at the west.
Liƒo la trɔ tso afi ma ɖo ta dziehe, eto to si le Bet Horon kasa le dziehe hewu nu ɖe Kiriat Baal, du si wogayɔna be Kiriat Yearim, si nye Yuda ƒe viwo ƒe duwo dometɔ ɖeka la gbɔ. Esiae nye Benyamin ƒe viwo ƒe anyigba ƒe ɣetoɖoƒeliƒo.
15 Sotheli fro the south, bi the part of Cariathiarym, the terme goith out ayens the see, and cometh til to the wel of watris of Nepthoa;
Anyigba la ƒe anyigbemeliƒo tso Kiriat Yearim du la to, yi Efrɔn to la dzi, yi Naftoa vudo la gbɔ,
16 and it goith doun in to the part of the hil that biholdith the valei of the sones of Ennon, and is ayens the north coost, in the laste part of the valey of Raphaym; and Jehennon, that is, the valei of Ennon, goith doun bi the side of Jebusei, at the south, and cometh to the welle of Rogel,
heyi to si le Ben Hinom ƒe Balime le Refaim ƒe balime ƒe anyiehe gome. Etso afi ma, heto Hinom ƒe balime hetrɔ yi dziehe gome, afi si Yebusitɔwo nɔ, eye wòyi ɖatɔ En Rogel.
17 and passith to the north, and goith out to Emsemes, that is, the welle of the sunne,
Tso En Rogel la, liƒo la ɖo ta anyiehe kple ɣedzeƒe gome yi En Semes kple Gelilot le Adumim ƒe akpa kemɛ. Etrɔ tso afi ma ɖo ta Bohan, Ruben ƒe vi ƒe kpe la gbɔ,
18 and passith to the litle hillis that ben ayens the stiyng of Adomyn; and it goith doun to Taben Boen, that is, the stoon of Boen, sone of Ruben, and passide bi the side of the north to the feeldi places; and it goith doun in to the pleyn,
eye wòzɔ Bet Araba ƒe anyieheliƒo la ŋu heyi Araba.
19 and passith forth ayens the north to Bethagala; and the outgoyngis therof ben ayens the arm of the salteste see, fro the north, in the ende of Jordan at the south coost,
Egaɖo ta dziehe, dze le Bet Hogla ŋu, eye wòwu nu ɖe Dzeƒu la to. Teƒe siae nye Yɔdan tɔsisi la ƒe seƒe le dziehe gome.
20 which is the terme therof fro the eest. This is the possessioun of the sones of Beniamyn, bi her termes in cumpas, and bi her meynees;
Yɔdan tɔsisi lae nye anyigba sia ƒe ɣedzeƒeliƒo. Anyigba siae wotsɔ na Benyamin ƒe viwo.
21 and the citees therof weren Jerico, and Bethagla, and the valei of Casis,
Du blaeve-vɔ-ade siwo nɔ anyigba sia dzi la woe nye: Yeriko, Bet Hogla, Emek Keziz,
22 Betharacha, and Samaraym,
Bet Araba, Zemaraim, Betel,
23 and Bethel, and Anym, and Affara,
Avim, Para, Ofra,
24 and Offira, the toun of Hesmona, and Offym, and Gabee, twelue citees, and `the townes of tho;
Kefar Amoni, Ofni, Geba. Du wuieve kple woƒe kɔƒeduwo.
25 Gabaon, and Rama,
Gibeon, Rama, Beerot,
26 and Beroth, and Mesphe, and Caphera, and Ammosa,
Mizpeh, Kefira, Moza,
27 and Recem, Jarephel, and Tharela,
Rekem, Irpeel, Tarala,
28 and Sela, Heleph, and Jebus, which is Jerusalem, Gabaath, and Cariath, fouretene citees and `the townes of tho; this is the possessioun of the sones of Beniamyn, bi her meynees.
Zela, Haelef, Yebus (alo Yerusalem), Gibea kple Kiriat Yearim. Wo katã le du wuiene. Wotsɔ du wuiene siawo kple kɔƒe siwo katã ƒo xlã wo la na Benyamin ƒe ƒome la.

< Joshua 18 >