< Jonah 4 >

1 And Jonas was turmentid with greet turment, and was wrooth.
Et afflictus est Jonas afflictione magna, et iratus est:
2 And he preiede the Lord, and seide, Lord, Y biseche, whether this is not my word, whanne Y was yit in my lond? For this thing Y purposide, for to fle in to Tharsis; for Y woot, that thou, God, art meke and merciful, pacient, and of merciful doyng, and foryyuynge on malice.
et oravit ad Dominum, et dixit: Obsecro, Domine, numquid non hoc est verbum meum cum adhuc essem in terra mea? propter hoc præoccupavi ut fugerem in Tharsis: scio enim quia tu Deus clemens et misericors es, patiens et multæ miserationis, et ignoscens super malitia.
3 And now, Lord, Y preie, take my soule fro me; for deth is betere to me than lijf.
Et nunc, Domine, tolle, quæso, animam meam a me, quia melior est mihi mors quam vita.
4 And the Lord seide, Gessist thou, whether thou art wel wrooth?
Et dixit Dominus: Putasne bene irasceris tu?
5 And Jonas wente out of the citee, and sat ayens the eest of the citee, and made to hym a schadewyng place there; and sat vndur it in schadewe, til he sai what bifelle to the citee.
Et egressus est Jonas de civitate, et sedit contra orientem civitatis: et fecit sibimet umbraculum ibi, et sedebat subter illud in umbra, donec videret quid accideret civitati.
6 And the Lord God made redy an yuy, and it stiede vp on the heed of Jonas, that schadewe were on his heed, and kyueride hym; for he hadde trauelid. And Jonas was glad on the yuy, with greet gladnesse.
Et præparavit Dominus Deus hederam, et ascendit super caput Jonæ, ut esset umbra super caput ejus, et protegeret eum (laboraverat enim): et lætatus est Jonas super hedera lætitia magna.
7 And God made redi a worm, in stiyng up of grei dai on the morewe; and it smoot the yuy, and it driede up.
Et paravit Deus vermen ascensu diluculi in crastinum: et percussit hederam, et exaruit.
8 And whanne the sunne was risun, the Lord comaundide to the hoot wynd and brennyng; and the sunne smoot on the heed of Jonas, and he swalide. And he axide to his soule that he schulde die, and seide, It is betere to me for to die, than for to lyue.
Et cum ortus fuisset sol, præcepit Dominus vento calido et urenti: et percussit sol super caput Jonæ, et æstuabat: et petivit animæ suæ ut moreretur, et dixit: Melius est mihi mori quam vivere.
9 And the Lord seide to Jonas, Gessist thou, whether thou art wel wrooth on the yuy? And he seide, Y am wel wrooth, til to the deth.
Et dixit Dominus ad Jonam: Putasne bene irasceris tu super hedera? Et dixit: Bene irascor ego usque ad mortem.
10 And the Lord seide, Thou art sori on the yuy, in which thou trauelidist not, nether madist that it wexide, which was growun vndur o nyyt, and perischide in o nyyt.
Et dixit Dominus: Tu doles super hederam in qua non laborasti, neque fecisti ut cresceret; quæ sub una nocte nata est, et sub una nocte periit:
11 And schal Y not spare the grete citee Nynyue, in which ben more than sixe score thousynde of men, which witen not what is betwixe her riyt half and left, and many beestis?
et ego non parcam Ninive, civitati magnæ, in qua sunt plus quam centum viginti millia hominum qui nesciunt quid sit inter dexteram et sinistram suam, et jumenta multa?

< Jonah 4 >