< Jeremiah 49 >

1 `Go ye to the sones of Amon. The Lord seith these thingis. Whether no sones ben of Israel, ether an eir is not to it? whi therfor weldide Melchon the eritage of Gad, and the puple therof dwellide in the citees of Gad?
Ny amin’ ny taranak’ i Amona, Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah: Moa tsy manan-janakalahy va Isiraely? Ary tsy manan-kandova va izy? Koa nahoana Gada no lasan’ ny mpanjakany, ary ny vahoakany monina ao amin’ ny tanànany?
2 Lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and Y schal make the gnaisting of batel herd on Rabath of the sones of Amon; and it schal be distried in to noise, and the vilagis therof schulen be brent with fier, and Israel schal welde hise welderis, seith the Lord.
Koa, indro, avy ny andro, hoy Jehovah, izay hampandrenesako akoran’ ady amin’ ny famelezana an’ i Raban’ ny taranak’ i Amona, ary ho tanànaolo rava izy, ary ny zana-bohiny hodorana amin’ ny afo; Ary ny Isiraely hahalasa ny an’ izay nahalaza azy, hoy Jehovah.
3 Yelle ye, Esebon, for Hay is distried; crie, ye douytris of Rabath, girde you with heiris, weile ye, and cumpasse bi heggis; for whi Melchon schal be lad in to passyng ouer, the prestis therof and princes therof togidere.
Midradradradrà, ry Hesbona, fa rava Ay! Mitaraina, ianareo zanakavavin’ i Raba! Misikìna lamba fisaonana ianareo; Manaova fisaonana, ary mivoivoiza eo anaty fefy; Fa lasan-ko babo ny mpanjakany, dia ny mpisorony sy ireo mpanapaka azy.
4 What hast thou glorie in valeis? Thi valeis fleet awei, thou delicat douyter, that haddist trist in thi tresours, and seidist, Who schal come to me?
Nahoana no ny lohasaha no ataonao ho reharehanao, dia ny lohasahanao mahavokatra be. Ry zanakavavy mpiodina, izay mitoky amin’ ny rakiny ka manao hoe: Iza moa no ho afa-miakatra atỳ amiko?
5 Lo! Y schal bringe in drede on thee, seith the Lord God of oostis, God of Israel, of alle men that ben in thi cumpasse; and ye schulen be scaterid, ech bi hym silf, fro youre siyt, and noon schal be, that gadere hem that fleen.
Indro Aho hahatonga tahotra aminao avy amin’ izay rehetra manodidina anao, hoy Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro; Ary horoahina samy hizotra amin’ izay hitsiny avy ianareo rehetra, sady tsy hisy hamory izay mandositra.
6 And after these thingis Y schal make the fleeris and prisoneris of the sones of Amon to turne ayen, seith the Lord.
Ary rehefa afaka izany, dia hampodiko ihany avy amin’ ny fahababoana ny taranak’ i Amona, hoy Jehovah.
7 To Ydumee the Lord God of oostis seith these thingis. Whether wisdom is no more in Theman? Councel perischide fro sones, the wisdom of hem is maad vnprofitable.
Ny amin’ i Edoma. Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro: Tsy misy fahendrena intsony va ao Temana? Very saina va ny olon-kendry? Lany va ny fahendreny?
8 Fle ye, and turne ye backis; go doun in to a swolowe, ye dwelleris of Dedan, for Y haue brouyt the perdicioun of Esau on hym, the tyme of his visitacioun.
Mandosira, miambohoa ianareo, mamitsaha ao amin’ ny lalina, ry mponina any Dedana, fa ny loza ho an’ i Esao dia nataoko nihatra taminy, dia ny andro hamaliako azy.
9 If gadereris of grapis hadden come on thee, thei schulden haue left a clustre; if theues in the niyt, thei schulden haue rauyschid that that suffiside to hem.
Raha tonga ao aminao ny mpioty voaloboka, dia tsy hamela voaloboka sisa hotsimponina akory izy; Raha avy alina ny mpangalatra, dia handrava mandra-pahafa-pony izy.
10 Forsothe Y haue vnhilid Esau, and Y haue schewid the hid thingis of hym, and he mai not mow be hid; his seed is distried, and hise britheren, and hise neiyboris, and it schal not be.
Izaho dia nampitanjaka an’ i Esao, ary naharihariko ny fiereny, ka tsy mahazo miery izy; Ringana ny zanany sy ny rahalahiny ary ny namany, ka tsy ao intsony ireny.
11 Forsake thi fadirles children, and Y schal make hem to lyue, and thi widewis schulen hope in me.
Ilaozy ny zanakao ho kamboty, fa Izaho no hamelona azy, ary aoka Izaho no hitokian’ ny vadinao mpitondratena.
12 For the Lord seith these thingis, Lo! thei drynkynge schulen drynke, to whiche was no doom, that thei schulden drynke the cuppe. And `schalt thou be left as innocent? thou schalt not be innocent, but thou drynkynge schalt drynke.
Fa izao no lazain’ i Jehovah: Indro, fa na dia izay tsy tokony hisotro amin’ ny kapoaka aza dia hisotro tokoa, ka moa ho afa-potsiny va ianao? Tsy ho afa-potsiny ianao, fa tsy maintsy hisotro tokoa.
13 For Y swoor bi my silf, seith the Lord, that Bosra schal be in to wildirnesse, and in to schenschipe, and in to forsakyng, and in to cursyng; and alle the citees therof schulen be in to euerlastynge wildirnessis.
Fa ny tenako no nianianako, hoy Jehovah, fa ho tonga figagana Bozra sy ho fandatsa sy ho rava ary ho fanozonana, ary ny tanànany rehetra ho lao mandrakizay.
14 I herde an heryng of the Lord, and Y am sent a messanger to hethene men; be ye gaderid togidere, and come ye ayens it, and rise we togidere in to batel.
Fa efa nahare filazana avy tamin’ i Jehovah aho, ary nisy iraka nalefa ho any amin’ ny jentilisa hanao hoe: Mivoria ianareo, ka mankanesa hamely azy, ary mitsangàna hanafika.
15 For lo! Y haue youe thee a litil oon among hethene men, despisable among men.
Fa, indro, hataoko tsinontsinona eo amin’ ny firenena ianao sy fanazimbazimba eo amin’ ny olona,
16 Thi boost, and the pride of thin herte, hath disseyued thee, that dwellist in the caues of stoon, and enforsist to take the hiynesse of a litil hil; whanne thou as an egle hast reisid thi nest, fro thennus Y schal drawe thee doun, seith the Lord.
Ry ilay monina ao an-tsefatsefaky ny harambato, Izay mifikitra amin’ ny tampon’ ny havoana, ny fahatahorana anao sy ny avonavon’ ny fonao no namitaka anao; Fa na dia ataonao eny amin’ ny avo tahaka ny an’ ny voromahery aza ny akaninao, dia havariko avy eny ianao, hoy Jehovah.
17 And Ydumee schal be forsakun; ech man that schal passe bi it, schal wondre, and schal hisse on alle the woundis therof;
Ary ho figagana Edoma: Izay rehetra mandalo azy dia ho gaga ka hisitrisitra noho ny loza rehetra efa namelezana azy.
18 as Sodom and Gommor is distried, and the niy citees therof, seith the Lord. A man schal not dwelle there, and the sone of man schal not enhabite it.
Ary toy ny nandravana an’ i Sodoma sy Gomora mbamin’ ny tanàna teny akaikiny, hoy Jehovah, no tsy hisian’ olona honina any, na zanak’ olombelona hivahiny any.
19 Lo! as a lioun he schal stie, fro the pride of Jordan to the strong fairnesse; for Y schal make hym renne sudenli to it; and who schal be the chosun man, whom Y schal sette bifore hym? For who is lijk to me, and who schal suffre me? and who is this scheepherde, that schal ayenstonde my cheer?
Indro, toy ny fiakatry ny liona avy any amin’ ny kirihitrala eny amoron’ i Jordana no hiakarany ho any amin’ ny misy ahitra mateza; Fa hampandosiriko tampoka Edoma hiala ao, ary izay olona iray voafidy no hotendreko hanapaka azy. Fa iza no tahaka Ahy, ary iza no hifandahatra amiko, ary iza moa no mpiandry ondry mahajanona eo anatrehako?
20 Therfor here ye the councel of the Lord, which he took of Edom, and his thouytis, whiche he thouyte of the dwelleris of Theman. If the litle of the floc caste not hem doun, if thei distrien not with hem the dwellyng of hem, ellis no man yyue credence to me.
Koa henoy ny saina avy amin’ i Jehovah, Izay nosaininy hamelezana an’ i Edoma, sy ny heviny izay noheveriny hamelezana ny mponina ao Temana: Hoviraviraina tokoa ireny, dia ny kely indrindra amin’ ny ondry; Ho gaga azy tokoa ny saha fiandrasana azy.
21 The erthe was mouyd of the vois of fallyng of hem; the cry of vois therof was herd in the reed see.
Tamin’ ny fiezinezin’ ny fianjerany dia nihorohoro ny tany; Ny feon’ ny fitarainany dia re hatrany amin’ ny Ranomasina Mena.
22 Lo! as an egle he schal stie, and fle out, and he schal sprede abrood hise wynges on Bosra; and the herte of the strong men of Idumee schal be in that dai, as the herte of a womman trauelynge of child.
Indro, hanidina hiakatra toy ny voromahery izy ka hamelatra ny elany eny ambonin’ i Bozra; Ary amin’ izany andro izany ny fon’ ny lehilahy maherin’ i Edoma dia ho tahaka ny fon’ ny vehivavy mihetsi-jaza.
23 To Damask. Emath is schent, and Arphath, for thei herden a ful wickid heryng; thei weren disturblid in the see, for angwisch thei miyten not haue reste.
Ny amin’ i Damaskosy. Very hevitra Hamata sy Arpada, fa nandre filazan-doza izy ka kivy; Misamboaravoara ny ranomasina ka tsy mety tafatoetra.
24 Damask was discoumfortid, it was turned in to fliyt; tremblyng took it, angwischis and sorewis helden it, as a womman trauelynge of child.
Efa ketraka Damaskosy ka mihodìna handositra, fa, toran-kovitra izy; Ary azon’ ny faharariana sy ny fanaintainana, toy ny vehivavy raha miteraka.
25 How forsoken thei a preisable citee, the citee of gladnesse?
Nahoana re no tsy nilaozana ny tanàna malaza, tanana fifaliako!
26 Therfor the yonge men therof schulen falle in the stretis therof, and alle men of batel schulen be stille in that dai, seith the Lord of oostis.
Ka dia hiampatrampatra eny an-kalalahana ny zatovony. Ary ny miaramila rehetra ho ringana avokoa amin’ izany andro izany, hoy Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro.
27 And Y schal kyndle fier in the wal of Damask, and it schal deuoure the bildyngis of Benadab.
Ary hisy afo hampirehetiko ao anatin’ ny mandan’ i Damaskosy, handevona ny lapan’ i Beni-hadada.
28 To Cedar, and to the rewme of Azor, which Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, smoot, the Lord seith these thingis. Rise ye, and stie to Cedar, and distrie ye the sones of the eest.
Ny amin’ i Kedara sy ny fanjakan’ i Hazora, izay resin’ i Nebokadnezara, mpanjakan’ i Babylona. Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah: Mitsangàna ianareo, ka miakara hamely an’ i Kedara, ary aringano ny zanaky ny atsinanana.
29 Thei schulen take the tabernaclis of hem, and the flockis of hem; thei schulen take to hem the skynnes of hem, and alle the vessels of hem, and the camels of hem; and thei schulen clepe on hem inward drede in cumpas.
Halainy ny lainy sy ny ondry aman’ osiny, ho entin’ ny ambain-dainy mbamin’ ny fanaka rehetra sy ny ramevany, sady hiantsoantso hilaza aminy hoe izy: Misy fampangorohoroana manodidina!
30 Fle ye, go ye awei greetli, ye that dwellen in Asor, sitte in swolewis, seith the Lord. For whi Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, hath take councel ayens you, and he thouyte thouytis ayens you.
Mandosira, ka mandehana lavitra! Mamitsaha ao amin’ ny lalina, ry mponina any Hazora! hoy Jehovah; Fa Nebokadnezara, mpanjakan’ i Babylona, nanao saina hamelezany anareo sy namoron-kevitra hamelezany anareo.
31 Rise ye togidere, and stie ye to a pesible folk, and dwellinge tristili, seith the Lord; not doris nether barris ben to it, thei dwellen aloone.
Mitsangàna, iakaro ny firenena miadana izay tsy manana ahiahy, hoy Jehovah. Dia izay tsy misy vavahady mirindrina na mihidy sady mitoka-monina.
32 And the camels of hem schulen be in to rauyschyng, and the multitude of her beestis in to prey; and Y schal schatere hem in to ech wynd, that ben biclippid on the long heer, and bi ech coost of hem Y schal brynge perischyng on hem, seith the Lord.
Ho babo ny ramevany, ary horobaina ny omby aman’ ondriny betsaka, haeliko ho any amin’ ny rivotra rehetra ireo voahety sisim-bolo; Ary ho entiko avy amin’ ny manodidina rehetra ny loza hanjo azy, hoy Jehovah,
33 And Asor schal be in to a dwellyng place of dragouns; it schal be forsakun `til in to withouten ende; a man schal not dwelle there, nether the sone of man schal enhabite it.
Ary Hazora dia ho fonenan’ ny amboadia sy ho tany lao mandrakizay; Tsy hisy olona honina any, Na zanak’ olombelona hivahiny any.
34 The word of the Lord that was maad to Jeremye, the profete, ayens Elam, in the bigynnyng of the rewme of Sedechie,
Ny tenin’ i Jehovah izay tonga tamin’ i Jeremia mpaminany ny amin’ i Elama tamin’ ny niandohan’ ny nanjakan’ i Zedekia, mpanjakan’ ny Joda, hoe:
35 kyng of Juda, and seide, The Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal breke the bowe of Elam, and Y schal take the strengthe of hem.
Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro: Indro, hotapatapahiko ny tsipìkan’ i Elama, Izay fototry ny heriny.
36 And I schal bringe on Elam foure wyndis; fro foure coostis of heuene, and Y schal wyndewe hem in to alle these wyndis, and no folc schal be, to which the fleeris of Elam schulen not come.
Ary hitondra Avotra efatra avy amin’ ny lafiny efatry ny lanitra Aho hamelezana an’ i Elama, ary haeliko ho amin’ izany rivotra rehetra izany izy, ka tsy hisy firenena izay tsy halehan’ ny voaroaka avy any Elama.
37 And Y schal make Elam for to drede bifore her enemyes, and in the siyt of men sekynge the lijf of hem; and Y schal brynge on hem yuel, the wraththe of my strong veniaunce, seith the Lord; and Y schal sende after hem a swerd, til Y waste hem.
Fa hampivadi-po an’ i Elama eo anoloan’ ny fahavalony sy eo anoloan’ izay mitady ny ainy Aho ka hahatonga loza aminy, dia ny firehetan’ ny fahatezerako, hoy Jehovah; Ary hampanenjehiko azy ny sabatra Mandra-pandaniko azy;
38 And Y schal sette my kyngis seete in Elam, and Y schal leese therof kyngis, and princes, seith the Lord.
Dia hapetrako ao Elasma ny seza fiandrianako. Ary hofongorako tsy hisy intsony any na ny mpanjaka na ny mpanapaka, hoy Jehovah.
39 But in the laste daies Y schal make the prisoneris of Elam to turne ayen, seith the Lord.
Nefa any am-parany dia mbola hampodiko avy amin’ ny fahababoany ihany Elama, hoy Jehovah.

< Jeremiah 49 >