< Jeremiah 45 >

1 The word that Jeremye, the profete, spak to Baruc, the sone of Nerie, whanne he hadde write these wordis in the book, of the mouth of Jeremye, in the fourthe yeer of Joachym, the sone of Josie, kyng of Juda,
The word that Jeremiah the prophet spake unto Baruch the son of Neriah, when he had written these words in a book at the mouth of Jeremiah, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, saying,
2 and seide, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis to thee, Baruc.
Thus saith YHWH, the Elohim of Israel, unto thee, O Baruch;
3 Thou seidist, Wo to me wretche, for the Lord encreesside sorewe to my sorewe; Y trauelide in my weilyng, and Y foond not reste.
Thou didst say, Woe is me now! for YHWH hath added grief to my sorrow; I fainted in my sighing, and I find no rest.
4 The Lord seith these thingis, Thus thou schalt seye to hym, Lo! Y distrie hem, whiche Y bildide, and Y drawe out hem, whiche Y plauntide, and al this lond.
Thus shalt thou say unto him, YHWH saith thus; Behold, that which I have built will I break down, and that which I have planted I will pluck up, even this whole land.
5 And sekist thou grete thingis to thee? nyle thou seke, for lo! Y schal brynge yuel on ech man, seith the Lord, and Y schal yyue to thee thi lijf in to helthe, in alle places, to whiche euer places thou schalt go.
And seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not: for, behold, I will bring evil upon all flesh, saith YHWH: but thy life will I give unto thee for a prey in all places whither thou goest.

< Jeremiah 45 >