< Jeremiah 23 >

1 Wo to the scheepherdis, that scateren and to-drawen the floc of my lesewe, seith the Lord.
woe! to pasture to perish and to scatter [obj] flock pasturing my utterance LORD
2 Therfor the Lord God of Israel seith these thingis to the scheepherdis, that feeden my puple, Ye han scaterid my floc, and han cast hem out, and han not visitid hem; lo! Y schal visite on you the malice of youre studies, seith the Lord.
to/for so thus to say LORD God Israel upon [the] to pasture [the] to pasture [obj] people my you(m. p.) to scatter [obj] flock my and to banish them and not to reckon: visit [obj] them look! I to reckon: visit upon you [obj] evil deed your utterance LORD
3 And Y schal gadere togidere the remenauntis of my floc fro alle londis, to whiche Y schal caste hem out thidur; and Y schal turne hem to her feeldis, and thei schulen encreesse, and schulen be multiplied.
and I to gather [obj] remnant flock my from all [the] land: country/planet which to banish [obj] them there and to return: return [obj] them upon pasture their and be fruitful and to multiply
4 And Y schal reise schepherdis on hem, and thei schulen feede hem; thei schulen no more drede, and schulen not be aferd; and noon schal be souyt of the noumbre seith the Lord.
and to arise: establish upon them to pasture and to pasture them and not to fear still and not to to be dismayed and not to reckon: missing utterance LORD
5 Lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and Y schal reise a iust buriownyng to Dauid; and he schal regne a kyng, and he schal be wijs, and he schal make doom and riytfulnesse in erthe.
behold day to come (in): come utterance LORD and to arise: establish to/for David branch righteous and to reign king and be prudent and to make: do justice and righteousness in/on/with land: country/planet
6 In tho daies Juda schal be sauid, and Israel schal dwelle tristili; and this is the name which thei schulen clepe hym, The Lord oure riytful.
in/on/with day his to save Judah and Israel to dwell to/for security and this name his which to call: call to him LORD Righteousness our
7 For this thing lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and thei schulen no more seie, The Lord lyueth, that ledde the sones of Israel out of the lond of Egipt;
to/for so behold day to come (in): come utterance LORD and not to say still alive LORD which to ascend: establish [obj] son: descendant/people Israel from land: country/planet Egypt
8 but, The Lord lyueth, that ledde out, and brouyte the seed of the hous of Israel fro the lond of the north, and fro alle londis to whiche Y hadde cast hem out thidur; and thei schulen dwelle in her lond.
that if: except if: except alive LORD which to ascend: establish and which to come (in): bring [obj] seed: children house: household Israel from land: country/planet north [to] and from all [the] land: country/planet which to banish them there and to dwell upon land: soil their
9 To the prophetis; Myn herte is contrit in the myddis of me, alle my boonys trembliden togidere; Y am maad as a man drunkun, and as a man weet of wyn, of the face of the Lord, and of the face of the hooli wordis of hym;
to/for prophet to break heart my in/on/with entrails: among my be weak all bone my to be like/as man drunken and like/as great man to pass him wine from face: because LORD and from face: because word holiness his
10 for the lond is fillid with auowteris. For the erthe mourenede of the face of cursyng; the feeldis of desert ben maad drie, the cours of hem is maad yuel, and her strengthe is vnlijk.
for to commit adultery to fill [the] land: country/planet for from face: because oath to mourn [the] land: country/planet to wither habitation wilderness and to be running their bad: evil and might their not right
11 For whi the profete and the prest ben defoulid; and in myn hous, seith the Lord, Y foond the yuel of hem.
for also prophet also priest to pollute also in/on/with house: temple my to find distress: evil their utterance LORD
12 Therfor the weie of hem schal be as slidur in derknessis, for thei schulen be hurtlid, and schulen falle doun therynne; for Y schal bringe on hem yuels, the yeer of visitacioun of hem, seith the Lord.
to/for so to be way: journey their to/for them like/as smoothness in/on/with darkness to thrust and to fall: fall in/on/with her for to come (in): bring upon them distress: harm year punishment their utterance LORD
13 And in the profetis of Samarie Y siy fonnednesse, and thei profesieden in Baal, and disseyueden my puple Israel.
and in/on/with prophet Samaria to see: see folly to prophesy in/on/with Baal and to go astray [obj] people my [obj] Israel
14 And in the profetis of Jerusalem Y siy licnesse, auoutrie, and the weie of leesyng; and thei confortiden the hondis of the worste men, that ech man schulde not conuerte fro his malice; alle thei ben maad as Sodom to me, and alle the dwellers therof `ben maad as Gommorre.
and in/on/with prophet Jerusalem to see: see horror to commit adultery and to go: walk in/on/with deception and to strengthen: strengthen hand be evil to/for lest to return: turn back man: anyone from distress: evil his to be to/for me all their like/as Sodom and to dwell her like/as Gomorrah
15 Therfor the Lord of oostis seith these thingis to the prophetis, Lo! Y schal feed hem with wermod, and Y schal yyue drynke to hem with galle; for whi defoulyng is goen out of the profetis of Jerusalem on al the lond.
to/for so thus to say LORD Hosts upon [the] prophet look! I to eat [obj] them wormwood and to water: drink them water poison for from with prophet Jerusalem to come out: come profaneness to/for all [the] land: country/planet
16 The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Nyle ye here the wordis of profetis, that profesien to you, and disseyuen you; thei speken the visioun of her herte, not of the mouth of the Lord.
thus to say LORD Hosts not to hear: hear upon word [the] prophet [the] to prophesy to/for you to become vain they(masc.) [obj] you vision heart their to speak: speak not from lip LORD
17 Thei seien to hem that blasfemen me, The Lord spak, Pees schal be to you; and thei seiden to ech man that goith in the schrewidnesse of his herte, Yuel schal not come on you.
to say to say to/for to spurn me to speak: speak LORD peace: well-being to be to/for you and all to go: follow in/on/with stubbornness heart his to say not to come (in): come upon you distress: harm
18 For whi who is present in the councel of the Lord, and siy, and herde his word? who bihelde, and herde the word of hym?
for who? to stand: stand in/on/with counsel LORD and to see: see and to hear: hear [obj] word his who? to listen (word his *Q(K)*) and to hear: hear
19 Lo! the whirlewynd of the Lordis indignacioun schal go out, and tempest brekynge schal come on the heed of wickid men.
behold tempest LORD rage to come out: come and tempest to twist: dance upon head wicked to twist: dance
20 The strong veniaunce of the Lord schal not turne ayen, til that he do, and til that he fille the thouyt of his herte. In the laste daies ye schulen vndurstonde the councel of hym.
not to return: turn back face: anger LORD till to make: do he and till to arise: establish he plot heart his in/on/with end [the] day to understand in/on/with her understanding
21 Y sente not the profetis, and thei runnen; Y spak not to hem, and thei profesieden.
not to send: depart [obj] [the] prophet and they(masc.) to run: run not to speak: speak to(wards) them and they(masc.) to prophesy
22 If thei hadden stonde in my councel, and hadde maad knowun my wordis to my puple, forsothe Y hadde turned hem awei fro her yuel weie, and fro her worste thouytis.
and if to stand: stand in/on/with counsel my and to hear: proclaim word my [obj] people my and to return: turn back them from way: conduct their [the] bad: evil and from evil deed their
23 Gessist thou, whether Y am God of niy, seith the Lord, and not God afer?
God from near I utterance LORD and not God from distant
24 A man schal not be priuy in hid places, and Y schal not se hym, seith the Lord. Whether Y fille not heuene and erthe? seith the Lord.
if: surely yes to hide man: anyone in/on/with hiding and I not to see: see him utterance LORD not [obj] [the] heaven and [obj] [the] land: country/planet I to fill utterance LORD
25 Y herde what thingis the profetis seiden, profesiynge a leesyng in my name, and seiynge, Y dremede dremes.
to hear: hear [obj] which to say [the] prophet [the] to prophesy in/on/with name my deception to/for to say to dream to dream
26 Hou longe is this thing in the herte of profetis, profesiynge a leesyng, and profesiynge the disseite of her herte?
till how there in/on/with heart [the] prophet to prophesy [the] deception and prophet deceitfulness heart their
27 Whiche wolen make, that my puple foryete my name for the dremes of hem, which ech man tellith to his neiybore, as the fadris of hem foryaten my name for Baal.
[the] to devise: think to/for to forget [obj] people my name my in/on/with dream their which to recount man: anyone to/for neighbor his like/as as which to forget father their [obj] name my in/on/with Baal
28 A profete that hath a dreme, telle a dreem; and he that hath my word, speke verili my word. What is with chaffis to the wheete? seith the Lord.
[the] prophet which with him dream to recount dream and which word my with him to speak: speak word my truth: faithful what? to/for straw with [the] grain utterance LORD
29 Whether my wordis ben not as fier brennynge, seith the Lord, and as an hamer al to-brekynge a stoon?
not thus word my like/as fire utterance LORD and like/as hammer to shatter crag
30 Therfor lo! Y am redi to the profetis, seith the Lord, that stelen my wordis, ech man fro his neiybore.
to/for so look! I upon [the] prophet utterance LORD to steal word my man: anyone from with neighbor his
31 Lo! Y to the profetis, seith the Lord, that taken her tungis, and seien, The Lord seith.
look! I upon [the] prophet utterance LORD [the] to take: take tongue their and to prophesy utterance
32 Lo! Y to the profetis, dremynge a leesyng, seith the Lord; which telden tho, and disseyueden my puple in her leesyng, and in her myraclis, whanne Y hadde not sente hem, nether hadde comaundide to hem; whiche profitiden no thing to this puple, seith the Lord.
look! I upon to prophesy dream deception utterance LORD and to recount them and to go astray [obj] people my in/on/with deception their and in/on/with recklessness their and I not to send: depart them and not to command them and to gain not to gain to/for people [the] this utterance LORD
33 Therfor if this puple, ether profete, ether prest, axith thee, and seith, What is the birthun of the Lord? thou schalt seie to hem, Ye ben the birthun, for Y schal caste you awei, seith the Lord;
and for to ask you [the] people [the] this or [the] prophet or priest to/for to say what? oracle LORD and to say to(wards) them [obj] what? oracle and to leave [obj] you utterance LORD
34 and a profete, and a prest, and the puple, that seith, The birthun of the Lord, Y schal visite on that man, and on his hous.
and [the] prophet and [the] priest and [the] people which to say oracle LORD and to reckon: punish upon [the] man [the] he/she/it and upon house: household his
35 Ye schulen seie these thingis, ech man to his neiybore, and to his brother, What answeride the Lord? and what spak the Lord?
thus to say man: anyone upon neighbor his and man: anyone to(wards) brother: male-sibling his what? to answer LORD and what? to speak: speak LORD
36 For the birthun of the Lord schal no more be remembrid, and the word of ech man schal be birthun to hym; and ye han peruertid the wordis of lyuynge God, of the Lord of oostis, youre God.
and oracle LORD not to remember still for [the] oracle to be to/for man word his and to overturn [obj] word God alive LORD Hosts God our
37 Thou schalt seie these thingis to the profete, What answeride the Lord to thee? and what spak the Lord?
thus to say to(wards) [the] prophet what? to answer you LORD and what? to speak: speak LORD
38 Forsothe if ye seien, The birthin of the Lord, for this thing the Lord seith these thingis, For ye seiden this word, The birthun of the Lord, and Y sente to you, and Y seide, Nyle ye seie, The birthun of the Lord; therfor lo!
and if oracle LORD to say to/for so thus to say LORD because to say you [obj] [the] word [the] this oracle LORD and to send: depart to(wards) you to/for to say not to say oracle LORD
39 Y schal take you awei, and schal bere, and Y schal forsake you, and the citee which Y yaf to you, and to youre fadris, fro my face.
to/for so look! I and to forget [obj] you to lift: raise and to leave [obj] you and [obj] [the] city which to give: give to/for you and to/for father your from upon face my
40 And Y schal yyue you in to euerlastynge schenschipe, and in to euerlastynge sclaundir, that schal neuere be doon awei bi foryetyng.
and to give: give upon you reproach forever: enduring and shame forever: enduring which not to forget

< Jeremiah 23 >