< Genesis 16 >

1 Therfor Sarai, wijf of Abram, hadde not gendrid fre children; but sche hadde a seruauntesse of Egipt, Agar bi name, and seide to hir hosebonde, Lo!
Ary Saray, vadin’ i Abrama, tsy mba niteraka; ary izy nanana mpanompovavy Egyptiana, Hagara no anarany.
2 the Lord hath closid me, that Y schulde not bere child; entre thou to my seruauntesse, if in hap Y schal take children, nameli of hir. And whanne he assentide to hir preiynge, sche took Agar Egipcian,
Ary hoy Saray tamin’ i Abrama: Indro, efa tsy nanome zanaka ahy Jehovah; masìna ianao, mivadia amin’ ny mpanompovaviko; angamba hahazo zaza aminy aho. Dia neken’ i Abrama ny tenin’ i Saray.
3 hir seruauntesse, after ten yeer aftir that thei begunne to enhabite in the lond of Chanaan, and sche yaf Agar wiif to hir hosebonde.
Ary rehefa nonina folo taona teo amin’ ny tany Kanana Abrama, dia nalain’ i Saray, vadin’ i Abrama, Hagara Egyptiana mpanompovaviny, ka nomeny an’ i Abrama vadiny mba hovadiny.
4 And Abram entride to Agar; and Agar seiy that sche hadde conseyued, and sche dispiside hir ladi.
Dia nivady tamin’ i Hagara izy, ka nanan’ anaka ravehivavy; ary rehefa hitany fa efa manan’ anaka izy, dia nataony toy ny tsinontsinona ny tompovaviny.
5 And Saray seide to Abram, Thou doist wickidli ayens me; I yaf my seruauntesse in to thi bosum, which seeth, that sche conseyuede, and dispisith me; the Lord deme betwixe me and thee.
Ary hoy Saray tamin’ i Abrama: Hanody anao anie ny fahoriako; fa efa nomeko ho andefimandrinao ny mpanompovaviko, ary nony hitany fa efa manan’ anaka izy, dia nataony toy ny tsinontsinona aho; Jehovah anie hitsara ahy sy ianao.
6 And Abram answerde and seide to hir, Lo! thi seruauntesse is in thin hond; vse thou hir as `it likith. Therfor for Sarai turmentide hir, sche fledde awei.
Ary hoy Abrama tamin’ i Saray: Indro, eo an-tananao ihany ny mpanompovavinao; ataovy aminy izay sitraponao. Ary raha nampahorin’ i Saray Hagara, dia nandositra ny tavany izy.
7 And whanne the aungel of the Lord hadde founde hir bisidis a welle of watir in wildernesse, which welle is in the weie of Sur in deseert,
Ary Ilay Anjelin’ i Jehovah nahita azy teo anilan’ ny loharano anankiray tany an-efitra, dia teo anilan’ ilay loharano eo amin’ ny lalana mankany Sora.
8 he seide to hir, Fro whennus comest thou Agar, the seruauntesse of Sarai, and whidur goist thou? Which answerde, Y fle fro the face of Sarai my ladi.
Ary hoy Izy: Ry Hagara, andevovavin’ i Saray, avy taiza ianao? Ary hankaiza? Ary hoy izy; Mandositra ny tavan’ i Saray tompovaviko aho.
9 And the aungel of the Lord seide to hir, Turne thou ayen to thi ladi, and be thou mekid vndur hir hondis.
Ary hoy Ilay Anjelin’ i Jehovah taminy: Miverena any amin’ ny tompovavinao ka miareta izay ataony aminao.
10 And eft he seide, Y multipliynge schal multiplie thi seed, and it schal not be noumbrid for multitude.
Ary hoy koa Ilay Anjelin’ i Jehovah taminy: Hataoko maro indrindra ny taranakao, ka tsy ho azo isaina izy noho ny hamaroany.
11 And aftirward he seide, Lo! thou hast conseyued, and thou schalt bere a sone, and thou schalt clepe his name Ismael, for the Lord hath herd thi turment;
Ary hoy indray Ilay Anjelin’ i Jehovah taminy: Indro, manan’ anaka ianao ka hiteraka zazalahy, ary ny anarany hataonao hoe Isimaela, satria efa nihaino ny fahorianao Jehovah.
12 this schal be a wielde man; his hond schal be ayens alle men, and the hondis of alle men schulen be ayens him; and he schal sette tabernaclis euene ayens alle his britheren.
Ary izy ho lehilahy toy ny boriki-dia; ny tànany hamely ny olona rehetra, ary ny tanan’ ny olona rehetra kosa hamely azy; ary honina eo tandrifin’ ny rahalahiny rehetra izy.
13 Forsothe Agar clepide the name of the Lord that spak to hir, Thou God that seiyest me; for sche seide, Forsothe here Y seiy the hynderere thingis of him that siy me.
Ary Hagara nanao ny anaran’ i Jehovah, Izay niteny taminy hoe: Hianao no Andriamanitra Izay mahita; fa hoy izy: Tsy teto va no mbola velona aho aorian’ ny fahitana?
14 Therfor sche clepide thilke pit, the pit of hym that lyueth and seeth me; thilk pit is bitwixe Cades and Barad.
Izany no nanaovana ny lavaka fantsakana hoe: Bera-lahai-roy; indro, eo anelanelan’ i Kadesy sy Bareda izany.
15 And Agar childide a sone to Abram, which clepide his name Ismael.
Ary Hagara dia niteraka zazalahy tamin’ i Abrama; ary ny anaran’ ny zanany izay naterany dia nataon’ i Abrama hoe Isimaela.
16 Abram was of `eiyti yeere and sixe, whanne Agar childide Ysmael to hym.
Ary efa enina amby valo-polo taona Abrama, raha Hagara niteraka an’ Isimaela taminy.

< Genesis 16 >