< Genesis 10 >

1 These ben the generaciouns of the sones of Noe, Sem, Cham, and Jafeth. And sones weren borun to hem aftir the greet flood.
Hæ sunt generationes filiorum Noe, Sem, Cham, et Iapheth: natique sunt eis filii post diluvium.
2 The sones of Jafeth weren Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Jauan, and Tubal, and Mosoth, and Thiras.
Filii Iapheth: Gomer, et Magog, et Madai, et Iavan, et Thubal, et Mosoch, et Thiras.
3 Forsothe the sones of Gomer weren Asseneth, and Rifath, and Thogorma.
Porro filii Gomer: Ascenez et Riphath et Thogorma.
4 Forsothe the sones of Jauan weren Helisa, and Tharsis, Cethym, and Dodanym;
Filii autem Iavan: Elisa et Tharsis, Cetthim et Dodanim.
5 of these sones the ylis of hethen men weren departid in her cuntrees, ech bi his langage and meynees, in hise naciouns.
Ab his divisæ sunt insulæ Gentium in regionibus suis, unusquisque secundum linguam suam et familias suas in nationibus suis.
6 Sotheli the sones of Cham weren Thus, and Mesraym, and Futh, and Chanaan.
Filii autem Cham: Chus, et Mesraim, et Phuth, et Chanaan.
7 Forsothe the sones of Thus weren Saba, and Euila, and Sabatha, and Regma, and Sabatacha. The sones of Regma weren Saba, and Dadan.
Filii Chus: Saba, et Hevila, et Sabatha, et Regma, et Sabatacha. Filii Regma: Saba, et Dadan.
8 Forsothe Thus gendride Nemroth; he bigan to be myyti in erthe,
Porro Chus genuit Nemrod: ipse cœpit esse potens in terra,
9 and he was a strong huntere of men bifore the Lord; of hym a prouerbe yede out, as Nemroth, a strong huntere bifore the Lord.
et erat robustus venator coram Domino. Ob hoc exivit proverbium: Quasi Nemrod robustus venator coram Domino.
10 Sotheli the bigynnyng of his rewme was Babiloyne, and Arach, and Archad, and Thalamye, in the lond of Sennaar.
Fuit autem principium regni eius Babylon, et Arach, et Achad, et Chalanne, in terra Sennaar.
11 Assur yede out of that lond, and bildide Nynyue, `and stretis of the citee,
De terra illa egressus est Assur, et ædificavit Niniven, et plateas civitatis, et Chale.
12 and Chale, and Resen bitwixe Nynyue and Chale; this is a greet citee.
Resen quoque inter Niniven et Chale: hæc est civitas magna.
13 And sotheli Mesraym gendride Ludym, and Anamym, and Laabym, Neptuym, and Ferrusym, and Cesluym;
At vero Mesraim genuit Ludim, et Anamim, et Laabim, Nephthuim,
14 of which the Filisteis and Capturym camen forth.
et Phetrusim, et Chasluim: de quibus egressi sunt Philisthiim et Caphtorim.
15 Forsothe Chanaan gendride Sidon, his firste gendride sone, Ethei, and Jebusei,
Chanaan autem genuit Sidonem primogenitum suum, Hethæum,
16 and Amorrei, Gergesei,
et Iebusæum, et Amorrhæum, Gergesæum,
17 Euei, and Arathei,
Hevæum, et Aracæum: Sinæum,
18 Ceney, and Aradie, Samarites, and Amathei; and puplis of Chananeis weren sowun abrood bi these men.
et Aradium, Samaræum et Amathæum: et post hæc disseminati sunt populi Chananæorum.
19 And the termes of Chanaan weren maad to men comynge fro Sidon to Gerara, til to Gasa, til thou entre in to Sodom and Gomore, and Adama, and Seboyne, til to Lesa.
Factique sunt termini Chanaan venientibus a Sidone Geraram usque Gazam, donec ingrediaris Sodomam et Gomorrham, et Adamam, et Seboim usque Lesa.
20 These weren the sones of Cham, in her kynredis, and langagis, and generaciouns, and londis, and folkis.
Hi sunt filii Cham in cognationibus, et linguis, et generationibus, terrisque et gentibus suis.
21 Also of Sem weren borun the fadris of alle the sones of Heber, and Japhet was the more brother.
De Sem quoque nati sunt, patre omnium filiorum Heber, fratre Iapheth maiore.
22 The sones of Sem weren Elam, and Assur, and Arfaxath, and Lud, and Aram.
Filii Sem: Ælam et Assur, et Arphaxad, et Lud, et Aram.
23 The sones of Aram weren Vs, and Hul, and Gether, and Mes.
Filii Aram: Us, et Hul, et Gether, et Mes.
24 And sotheli Arfaxath gendride Sale, of whom Heber was borun.
At vero Arphaxad genuit Sale, de quo ortus est Heber.
25 And twei sones weren borun to Heber, the name to o sone was Faleg, for the lond was departid in hise daies; and the name of his brothir was Jectan.
Natique sunt Heber filii duo: nomen uni Phaleg, eo quod in diebus eius divisa sit terra: et nomen fratris eius Iectan.
26 And thilke Jectan gendride Elmodad, and Salech,
Qui Iectan genuit Elmodad, et Saleph, et Asarmoth, Iare,
27 and Asamoth, Jare, and Adhuram, and Vsal,
et Aduram, et Uzal, et Decla,
28 and Deda, and Ebal, and Abymahel, Saba, and Ofir, and Euila, and Jobab;
et Ebal, et Abimael, Saba,
29 alle these weren the sones of Jectan.
et Ophir, et Hevila, et Iobab. Omnes isti, filii Iectan.
30 And the habitacioun of hem was maad fro Messa, as `me goith til to Sefar, an hil of the eest.
Et facta est habitatio eorum de Messa pergentibus usque Sephar montem orientalem.
31 These ben the sones of Sem, bi kynredis, and langagis, and cuntrees, in her folkis.
Isti filii Sem secundum cognationes et linguas, et regiones in gentibus suis.
32 These ben the meynees of Noe, bi her puplis and naciouns; folkis in erthe weren departid of these aftir the greet flood.
Hæ familiæ Noe iuxta populos et nationes suas. Ab his divisæ sunt gentes in terra post diluvium.

< Genesis 10 >