< Deuteronomy 6 >

1 These ben the comaundementis, and cerymonyes, and domes, whiche youre Lord God comaundide that Y schulde teche you, and that ye do tho in the lond to which ye passen ouer to welde;
Hæc sunt præcepta, et ceremoniæ, atque iudicia, quæ mandavit Dominus Deus vester ut docerem vos, et faciatis ea in Terra, ad quam transgredimini possidendam:
2 that thou drede thi Lord God, and kepe alle hise comaundementis, and heestis, whiche Y comaunde to thee, and to thi sones, and sones of sones, in alle the daies of thi lijf, that thi daies be lengthid.
ut timeas Dominum Deum tuum, et custodias omnia mandata et præcepta eius, quæ ego præcipio tibi, et filiis, ac nepotibus tuis, cunctis diebus vitæ tuæ, ut prolongentur dies tui.
3 Thou Israel, here, and kepe, that thou do tho thingis whiche the Lord comaundide to thee, and that it be wel to thee, and thou be multiplied more, as the Lord God of thi fadris bihiyte, to yyue to thee a lond flowynge with mylk and hony.
Audi Israel, et observa ut facias quæ præcepit tibi Dominus, et bene sit tibi, et multipliceris amplius, sicut pollicitus est Dominus Deus patrum tuorum tibi terram lacte et melle manantem.
4 Thou Israel, here, thi Lord God is o God.
Audi Israel, Dominus Deus noster, Dominus unus est.
5 Thou schalt loue thi Lord God of al thin herte, and of al thi soule, and of al thi strengthe.
Diliges Dominum Deum tuum ex toto corde tuo, et ex tota anima tua, et ex tota fortitudine tua.
6 And these wordis whiche Y comaunde to thee to dai, schulen be in thin herte;
Eruntque verba hæc, quæ ego præcipio tibi hodie, in corde tuo:
7 and thou schalt telle tho to thi sones, and thou schalt thenke on tho, sittynge in thin hows, and goynge in the weie, slepynge, and rysinge.
et narrabis ea filiis tuis, et meditaberis in eis sedens in domo tua, et ambulans in itinere, dormiens atque consurgens.
8 And thou schalt bynde tho as a signe in thin hond; and tho schulen be, and schulen be moued bifor thin iyen; and thou schalt write tho in the lyntel,
Et ligabis ea quasi signum in manu tua, eruntque et movebuntur inter oculos tuos,
9 and in the doris of thin hows.
scribesque ea in limine, et ostiis domus tuæ.
10 And whanne thi Lord God hath brouyt thee in to the lond, for which he swoor to thi fadris, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and hath youe to thee grete citees, and beeste, whiche thou bildidist not,
Cumque introduxerit te Dominus Deus tuus in Terram, pro qua iuravit patribus tuis Abraham, Isaac, et Iacob: et dederit tibi civitates magnas et optimas, quas non ædificasti,
11 housis fulle of alle richessis, whiche thou madist not, and cisternes, which thou diggedist not, `places of vynes, and `places of olyues, whiche thou plauntidist not,
domos plenas cunctarum opum, quas non extruxisti, cisternas, quas non fodisti, vineta et oliveta, quæ non plantasti,
12 and thou hast ete, and art fillid,
et comederis, et saturatus fueris:
13 be war diligentli, lest thou foryete the Lord, that ladde thee out of the lond of Egipt, fro the hows of seruage. Thou schalt drede thi Lord God, and thou schalt serue hym aloone, `bi seruyce due to God onely, and thou schalt swere bi his name.
cave diligenter ne obliviscaris Domini, qui eduxit te de Terra Ægypti, de domo servitutis. Dominum Deum tuum timebis, et illi soli servies, ac per nomen illius iurabis.
14 Ye schulen not go aftir alien goddis, of alle hethen men that ben `in youre cumpas;
Non ibitis post deos alienos cunctarum Gentium, quæ in circuitu vestro sunt:
15 for God is a feruent louyere, thi Lord God is in the myddis of thee, lest ony tyme the `strong veniaunce of thi Lord God be wrooth ayens thee, and do awei thee fro `the face of the erthe.
quoniam Deus æmulator Dominus Deus tuus in medio tui: nequando irascatur furor Domini Dei tui contra te, et auferat te de superficie terræ.
16 Thou schalt not tempte thi Lord God, as thou temptidist in the place of temptyng.
Non tentabis Dominum Deum tuum, sicut tentasti in loco tentationis.
17 Kepe thou the comaundementis of thi Lord God, and the witnessyngis, and cerymonyes, whiche he comaundide to thee;
Custodi præcepta Domini Dei tui, ac testimonia et ceremonias, quas præcepit tibi:
18 and do thou that that is plesaunt and good in the siyt of the Lord, that it be wel to thee, and that thou entre, and welde the beste lond, of which the Lord swoor to thi fadris,
et fac quod placitum est et bonum in conspectu Domini, ut bene sit tibi: et ingressus possideas terram optimam, de qua iuravit Dominus patribus tuis,
19 that he schulde do awey alle thin enemyes bifor thee, as he spak.
ut deleret omnes inimicos tuos coram te, sicut locutus est.
20 And whanne thi sone schal axe thee to morewe, that is, in tyme comyng, and schal seie, What wolen these witnessyngis, and cerymonyes, and domes to hem silf, whiche oure Lord God comaundide to vs?
Cumque interrogaverit te filius tuus cras, dicens: Quid sibi volunt testimonia hæc, et ceremoniæ, atque iudicia, quæ præcepit Dominus Deus noster nobis?
21 thou schalt seie to hym, We weren `seruauntis of Farao in Egipt, and the Lord ledde vs out of Egipt, in strong hond;
dices ei: Servi eramus Pharaonis in Ægypto, et eduxit nos Dominus de Ægypto in manu forti:
22 and he dide myraclis, and grete wondris, and werste, `that is, moost peyneful veniaunces, in Egipt, ayens Farao and al his hows, in oure siyt.
fecitque signa atque prodigia magna et pessima in Ægypto contra Pharaonem, et omnem domum illius in conspectu nostro,
23 And he ledde vs out therof, that he schulde yyue to vs led yn, the lond of which he swoor to oure fadris.
et eduxit nos inde, ut introductis daret Terram, super qua iuravit patribus nostris.
24 And the Lord comaundide to vs, that we do alle these lawful thingis, and drede oure Lord God, that it be wel to vs in alle the daies of oure lijf, as it is to dai.
Præcepitque nobis Dominus ut faciamus omnia legitima hæc, et timeamus Dominum Deum nostrum, ut bene sit nobis cunctis diebus vitæ nostræ, sicut est hodie.
25 And he schal be merciful to vs, if we schulen do and kepe alle hise heestis, bifor oure Lord God, as he comaundide to vs.
Eritque nostri misericors, si custodierimus et fecerimus omnia præcepta eius coram Domino Deo nostro, sicut mandavit nobis.

< Deuteronomy 6 >