< 2 Kings 13 >

1 In the thre and twentithe yeer of Joas, sone of Ocozie, kyng of Juda, Joachaz, sone of Hieu, regnede on Israel, in Samarie seuentene yeer.
A shekara ta ashirin da uku ta Yowash ɗan Ahaziya, sarkin Yahuda, Yehoyahaz ɗan Yehu, ya zama sarkin Isra’ila a Samariya, ya kuwa yi mulki shekaru goma sha bakwai.
2 And he dide yuel bifor the Lord, and he suede the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne; and he bowide not awei fro tho.
Ya aikata mugunta a gaban Ubangiji ta wurin bin zunuban Yerobowam ɗan Nebat, wanda ya sa Isra’ila ta aikata, bai kuwa guje musu ba.
3 And the strong veniaunce of the Lord was wrooth ayens Israel, and he bitook hem in to the hondis of Azael, kyng of Sirie, and in the hond of Benadab, sone of Asael, in alle daies.
Saboda haka fushin Ubangiji ya ƙuna a kan Isra’ila, kuma da daɗewa ya sa su a ƙarƙashin ikon Hazayel sarkin Aram da Ben-Hadad ɗansa.
4 Forsothe Joachaz bisouyte the face of the Lord, and the Lord herde hym; for he siy the anguysch of Israel, for the kyng of Sirie hadde al to brokun hem.
Sai Yehoyahaz ya nemi tagomashin Ubangiji, Ubangiji kuwa ya saurare shi, domin ya gan irin matsin da sarkin Aram yake yi wa Isra’ila.
5 And the Lord yaf a sauyour to Israel, and he was delyuered fro the hond of the kyng of Sirie; and the sones of Israel dwelliden in her tabernaclis, as yistirdai and the thridde dai ago.
Sai Ubangiji ya tā da mai ceto wa Isra’ila, suka kuma kuɓuta daga ikon Aram. Ta haka Isra’ilawa suka yi zama a gidajensu yadda suka yi a dā.
6 Netheles thei departiden not fro the synnes of the hows of Jeroboam, that made Israel to do synne; thei yeden in tho synnes; sotheli also the wode dwellide in Samarie.
Sai dai ba su bar yin zunuban gidan Yerobowam ba, wanda ya sa Isra’ila ta aikata; suka ci gaba da yinsu. Haka ma, ginshiƙin Ashera ta kasance a tsaye a cikin Samariya.
7 And to Joacham weren not left of the puple, no but fyue hundrid kniytis, and ten charis, and ten thousynde of foot men; for the kyng of Sirie hadde slayn hem, and hadde dryue hem as in to poudur in the threischyng of a cornfloor.
Ba abin da ya rage na rundunar Yehoyahaz sai mahayan dawakai hamsin, kekunan yaƙi goma da kuma sojoji ƙasa dubu goma. Gama sarkin Aram ya hallaka sauran, ya kuma yi kaca-kaca da su kamar ƙura a masussuka.
8 Forsothe the residue of wordis of Joachaz, and alle thingis whiche he dide, and the strength of hym, whether these ben not wrytun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel?
Game da sauran ayyukan mulkin Yehoyahaz, dukan abubuwan da ya yi da kuma nasarorinsa, duk a rubuce suke a cikin littafin tarihin sarakunan Isra’ila.
9 And Joachaz slepte with hise fadris, and thei birieden hym in Samarie; and Joas, his sone, regnyde for hym.
Yehoyahaz ya huta da kakanninsa, aka binne shi a Samariya, Yehowash ɗansa kuma ya gāje shi.
10 In the seuenthe and threttithe yeer of Joas, king of Juda, Joas, sone of Joachaz, regnede on Israel in Samarie sixtene yeer.
A shekaru talatin da bakwai ta Yowash sarkin Yahuda, Yehowash ɗan Yehoyahaz ya zama sarkin Isra’ila a Samariya, ya kuma yi mulki shekaru goma sha shida.
11 And he dide that, that is yuel in the siyt of the Lord; for he bowide not awei fro alle the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne; he yede in tho synnes.
Ya aikata mugunta a gaban Ubangiji, bai juya ga barin zunuban Yerobowam ɗan Nebat ba, wanda ya sa Isra’ila ta aikata, ya ci gaba da yinsu.
12 Forsothe the residue of wordis of Joas, and alle thingis whiche he dide, but also his strengthe, hou he fauyt ayens Amasie, kyng of Juda, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel?
Game da sauran ayyukan mulkin Yowash, da dukan abubuwan da ya yi, da kuma nasarorinsa, haɗe da yaƙin da ya yi da Amaziya sarkin Yahuda, duk a rubuce suke a cikin littafin tarihin sarakunan Isra’ila.
13 And Joas slepte with hise fadris; forsothe Jeroboam sat on his trone. Sotheli Joas was biried in Samarie with the kyngis of Israel.
Yowash ya huta da kakanninsa, Yerobowam kuwa ya gāje shi. Aka binne Yehowash a Samariya tare da sarakunan Isra’ila.
14 Forsothe Elisee was sijk in sikenesse, bi which and he was deed; and Joas, kyng of Israel, yede doun to hym, and wepte bifor hym, and seide, My fadir! my fadir! the chare of Israel, and the charietere therof!
To, Elisha ya kamu da ciwon da ya kashe shi. Yowash sarkin Isra’ila ya gangara don yă gan shi, ya kuma yi kuka dominsa. Ya yi kuka yana cewa, “Babana! Babana, keken yaƙin Isra’ila da mahayan dawakanta!”
15 And Elisee seide to hym, Brynge thou a bouwe and arowis. And whanne he hadde brouyte to Elisee a bouwe and arowis,
Elisha ya ce wa Yehowash, “Ka samo baka da kibiyoyi,” ya kuwa yi haka.
16 he seide to the kyng of Israel, Set thin hond on the bouwe. And whanne he hadde set his hond, Elisee settide his hondis on the hondis of the
Sai ya ce wa Yehowash sarkin Isra’ila, “Ka ɗauki baka a hannunka.” Da ya ɗauka, sai Elisha ya sa hannunsa a hannuwan sarki.
17 kyng, and seide, Opene thou the eest wyndow. And whanne he hadde openyd, Elisee seide, Schete thou an arewe; and he schete. And Elisee seide, It is an arewe of helthe of the Lord, and an arowe of helthe ayens Sirie; and thou schalt smyte Sirie in Affeth, til thou waste it.
Ya ce masa, “Ka buɗe taga wajen gabas,” sai ya buɗe. Sai Elisha ya ce, “Ka harba!” Sai ya harba. Elisha ya ce, “Kibiyar nasara ta Ubangiji, kibiyar nasara a kan Aram! Za ka hallaka Arameyawa sarai a Afek.”
18 And Elisee seide, Take awei the arowis. And whanne he hadde take awei, Elisee seide eft to him, Smyte thou the erthe with a dart. And whanne he hadde smyte thre tymes,
Sa’an nan ya ce, “Ka ɗauki kibiyoyi,” sai sarkin ya ɗauko. Sai Elisha ya ce, “Ka caki ƙasa.” Sai ya caka sau uku sa’an nan ya daina.
19 and hadde stonde, the man of God was wrooth ayens hym, and seide, If thou haddist smyte fyue sithis, ether sixe sithis, ethir seuen sithis, thou schuldist haue smyte Sirie `til to the endyng; now forsothe thou schalt smyte it thre sithis.
Sai mutumin Allah ya yi fushi da shi ya ce, “Da a ce ka caki ƙasar sau biyar ko shida; da za ka yi nasara a kan Aram ka kuma hallaka ta sarai. Amma yanzu za ka yi nasara a kanta sau uku ne kawai.”
20 Therfor Elisee was deed, and thei birieden hym. And the theuys of Moab camen in to the lond in that yeer.
Elisha ya mutu, aka kuma binne shi. To, mahara Mowabawa sun saba kawo hari a ƙasar Isra’ila a kowace bazara.
21 Forsothe sum men birieden a man, and thei siyen the theues, and thei castiden forth the deed bodi in the sepulcre of Elisee; and whanne it hadde touchid the bonys of Elisee, the man lyuede ayen, and stood on his feet.
Wata rana yayinda waɗansu Isra’ilawa suke binne wani mutum, farat ɗaya sai ga mahara; saboda haka suka jefar da gawar mutumin a kabarin Elisha. Da gawar ta taɓa ƙasusuwan Elisha, sai mutumin ya farka, ya tashi ya tsaya da ƙafafunsa.
22 Therfor Azael, kyng of Sirie, turmentide Israel in alle the daies of Joachaz.
Hazayel sarkin Aram ya musguna wa Isra’ila a duk tsawon mulkin Yehoyahaz.
23 And the Lord hadde merci on hem, and turnede ayen to hem for his couenaunt, which he hadde with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and he nolde distrie hem, nether cast awei outirli, til in to present tyme.
Amma Ubangiji ya nuna musu alheri, ya ji tausayinsu, ya kuma damu da su saboda alkawarinsa da Ibrahim, Ishaku da Yaƙub. Har yă zuwa yau bai yarda yă hallaka su ko yă shafe su daga gabansa ba.
24 Forsothe Azael, kyng of Sirie, diede; and Benadad, his sone, regnede for hym.
Hazayel sarkin Aram ya mutu, sai Ben-Hadad ɗansa ya gāje shi.
25 Forsothe Joas, sone of Joachas, took awei citees fro the hond of Benadad, sone of Asael, which he hadde take bi the riyt of batel fro the hoond of Joachaz, his fadir; Joas smoot hym thre tymes, and he yeldide the citees of Israel.
Sa’an nan Yowash ya sāke ƙwato garuruwan da Ben-Hadad ya ci da yaƙi a hannun mahaifinsa Yehoyahaz. Sau uku Yehowash ya yi nasara a kansa, ta haka kuwa ya ƙwace garuruwan Isra’ilawa.

< 2 Kings 13 >