< 2 Chronicles 34 >

1 Josie was of eiyte yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede in Jerusalem oon and thritti yeer.
Josiah a manghai vaengah kum rhet lo ca pueng tih Jerusalem ah kum sawmthum kum khat manghai.
2 And he dide that, that was riytful in the siyt of the Lord; and yede in the waies of Dauid, his fadir, and bowide not to the riyt side nether to the left side.
Tedae BOEIPA mikhmuh ah a thuem a saii phoeiah a napa David kah longpuei ah a pongpa dongah banvoei bantang la phael pawh.
3 Forsothe in the eiytethe yeer of the rewme of his empire, whanne he was yit a child, he bigan to seke God of his fadir Dauid; and in the tweluethe yeer after that he bigan, he clenside Juda and Jerusalem fro hiy places, and wodis, and similacris, and grauun ymagis.
A manghai hang vaengah kum rhet lo tih amah camoe pueng dae a napa David kah Pathen te toem hamla a tong. Kum hlai nit vaengah Judah neh Jerusalem te caihcil hamla a tong tih hmuensang neh Asherah, mueidaep neh mueihlawn khaw a khoe.
4 And thei destrieden bifor hym the auteris of Baalym, and thei destrieden the symylacris, that weren put aboue. Also he hewide doun the wodis, and grauun ymagis, and brak to smale gobetis; and scateride abrood `the smale gobetis on the birielis of hem, that weren wont to offre `to tho.
Baal rhoek kah hmueihtuk te anih mikhmuh ah a palet uh tih a so hang kah bunglawn neh Asherah te khaw a top. Mueidaep neh mueihlawn te a dae tih a tip sak. Te phoeiah tah te rhoek taengkah aka nawn rhoek kah phuel hman ah a haeh.
5 Ferthermore he brente the boonys of preestis in the auteris of idols, and he clenside Juda and Jerusalem.
Khosoih rhoek kah a rhuh te khaw amah hmueihtuk, hmueihtuk ah a hoeh tih Judah neh Jerusalem te a caihcil.
6 But also he destriede alle idols in the citees of Manasses, and of Effraym, and of Symeon, `til to Neptalym.
Manasseh khopuei rhoek neh Ephraim ah khaw, Simeon neh tlang kah Naphtali khaw, a kaepvai kah amih im te a cunghang neh a saii pah.
7 And whanne he hadde scateride the auteris, and hadde al to-broke in to gobetis the wodis, and grauun ymagis, and hadde destried alle templis of ydols fro al the lond of Israel, he turnede ayen in to Jerusalem.
Hmueihtuk te a palet uh tih Asherah neh mueidaep te khaw a tip la a phop. Israel khohmuen tom kah bunglawn boeih te a top phoeiah Jerusalem la mael.
8 Therfor in the eiytenthe yeer of his rewme, whanne the lond and temple `of the Lord was clensid nowe, he sente Saphan, the sone of Helchie, and Masie, the prince of the citee, and Joa, the sone of Joachaz, chaunceler, that thei schulden reparele the hous `of his Lord God.
A manghai te kum hlai rhet vaengah tah khohmuen neh im caihcil hamla Azaliah capa Shaphan a tueih. A Pathen BOEIPA im aka duel ham te khocil aka khoem Jehoahaz capa Joah neh khopuei mangpa Maaseiah te a khueh.
9 Whiche camen to Helchie, the grete preest; and whanne thei hadden take of hym the money, which was brouyt in to the hows of the Lord; and which monei the dekenes and porteris hadden gaderid of Manasses, and of Effraym, and of alle the residue men of Israel, and of al Juda and Beniamyn, and of the dwelleris of Jerusalem,
Te phoeiah khosoih puei Hilkiah taengla cet uh tih Pathen im la aka pawk tangka te a paek uh. Te te cingkhaa aka tawt Levi rhoek loh Manasseh, Ephraim kut lamkah neh Israel kah a meet boeih taeng lamkah, Judah boeih neh Benjamin taeng lamkah ni a coi. Te phoeiah khosa rhoek neh Jerusalem la mael uh.
10 thei yauen it in the hondis of hem that weren souereyns of the werk men in the hows of the Lord, that thei schulden restore the temple, and reparele alle feble thingis.
Te phoeiah tah BOEIPA im kah bitat saii a khueh kut ah a paek uh. Te te bitat aka saii khaw, BOEIPA im aka saii khaw, im tlaihvong ham neh duel vaengkah ham khaw a paek uh.
11 And thei yauen that monei to the crafti men and masouns, for to bie stoonys hewid out of the `delues, ether quarreris, and trees to the ioynyngis of the bildyng, and to the coupling of housis, whiche the kingis of Juda hadden destried.
Kutthai taeng neh im aka sa taengah khaw, lungrhaih lung neh thing aka lai ham khaw, hnarhui neh Judah manghai rhoek loh a phae tangtae im a tung nah ham khaw a paek uh.
12 Whiche men diden feithfuli alle thingis. Sotheli the souereyns of worcheris weren Jabath, and Abdie, of the sones of Merari; Zacarie, and Mosallam, of the sones of Caath; whiche hastiden the werk; alle weren dekenes, kunnynge to synge with orguns.
Hlang rhoek long khaw bitat dongah uepomnah neh a saii uh. Amih soah te Merari koca lamkah Levi Jahath neh Obadiah, aka mawt ham te Kohathi koca lamkah Zekhariah neh Meshullam, lumlaa tumbael aka yakming Levi boeih te khaw a thum sak.
13 Sotheli ouer them that baren birthuns to dyuerse vsis weren the scribis, and maistris of the dekenes, and porteris.
Hnophuei soah khaw, thothuengnah neh thothuengnah ham bitat aka saii boeih soah aka mawt la om uh. Levi lamkah rhoek tah cadaek, rhoiboei neh thoh tawt la om uh.
14 And whanne thei baren out the monei, that was borun in to the temple of the Lord, Helchie, `the preest, foond the book of the lawe of the Lord bi the hond of Moises.
BOEIPA im la aka pawk tangka te a loh uh vaengah khosoih Hilkiah loh Moses kut dong lamkah BOEIPA olkhueng cabu te a hmuh.
15 And he seide to Saphan, the writere, Y haue founde the book of the lawe in the hows of the Lord.
Hilkiah loh cadaek Shaphan te a voek tih, “BOEIPA im ah olkhueng cabu ka hmuh,” a ti nah. Te phoeiah Hilkiah loh cabu te Shaphan taengah a paek.
16 And Helchie took to Saphan, and he bar in the book to the king; and telde to hym, and seide, Lo! alle thingis ben fillid, whiche thou hast youe in to the hondis of thi seruauntis.
Shaphan loh cabu te manghai taengla a khuen. Manghai te ol koep a mael tih, “Na sal rhoek kut dongah na paek bangla boeih a saii uh.
17 Thei han wellyd togidere the siluere, which is foundun in the hous of the Lord; and it is youun to the souereyns of the crafti men, and makynge dyuerse werkis;
BOEIPA im ah a hmuh tangka te a khok uh coeng. Te te aka soep kut dong neh bitat aka saii kut ah a paek uh,” a ti nah.
18 ferthermore Helchie, the preest, took to me this book. And whanne he hadde rehersid this book in the presence of the kyng,
Te phoeiah cadaek Shaphan te manghai taengla puen tih, “Khosoih Hilkiah loh kai taengah cabu m'paek,” a ti nah tih te te Shaphan loh manghai mikhmuh ah a tae.
19 and he hadde herd the wordis of the lawe, he to-rente hise clothis; and he comaundide to Helchie,
Tedae manghai loh olkhueng ol te a yaak vaengah a himbai te a phen.
20 and to Aichan, the sone of Saphan, and to Abdon, the sone of Mycha, and to Saphan, the scryuen, and to Asaie, the seruaunt of the kyng,
Te dongah manghai loh Hilkiah neh Shaphan capa Ahikam, Maikah capa Abdon, cadaek Shaphan, manghai kah sal Asaiah te a uen.
21 and seide, Go ye, and preie the Lord for me, and for the resydue men of Israel and of Juda, on alle the wordis of this book, which is foundun. For greet veniaunce of the Lord hath droppid on vs, for oure fadris kepten not the wordis of the Lord, to do alle thingis that ben writun in this book.
Amih te, “Cet uh, kai ham khaw, Israel khui neh Judah khuikah aka sueng rhoek ham khaw BOEIPA te toem uh. Cabu dongkah aka thoeng ol bangla mamih soah aka bo BOEIPA kah kosi he len coeng. Te khaw he cabu dongkah a daek bang boeih la vai hamla a pa rhoek loh BOEIPA ol he a ngaithuen pawt dongah ni,” a ti nah.
22 Therfor Helchie yede, and thei that weren sent togidere of the king, to Olda, the prophetesse, the wijf of Sellum, sone of Thecuath, sone of Asra, kepere of clothis, which Olda dwellide in Jerusalem in the secounde warde; and thei spaken to hir the wordis, whiche we telden bifore.
Te phoeiah Hilkiah neh manghai taengkah rhoek te Himbai aka khoem Hasrah koca Tikvah capa Shallum yuu, tonghmanu Huldah taengla cet. Anih te Jerusalem kah a hnukthoi ah kho a sak tih tahae kah bangla amah taengah a thui uh.
23 And sche answeride to hem, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Seie ye to the man, that sente you to me,
Te vaengah amih te, “Israel Pathen BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. Kai taengla nangmih aka tueih hlang taengah khaw thui uh.
24 The Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal brynge ynne yuels on this place, and on the dwelleris therof, and alle the cursyngis that ben writun in this book, which thei redden bifor the kyng of Juda.
BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. Kai loh he hmuen so neh a khuikah khosa rhoek soah Judah manghai mikhmuh ah a tae bangla cabu khuikah a daek thaephoeinah cungkuem neh yoethaenah ka thoeng sak coeng.
25 For thei han forsake me, and han sacrified to alien goddis, for to terre me to wrathfulnesse in alle the werkis of her hondis; therfor my strong veniaunce schal droppe on this place, and it schal not be quenchid.
Kai n'hnawt uh tih a phum khaw a kut dongkah khoboe cungkuem neh kai veet hamla pathen tloe rhoek taengah a phum uh. Te dongah ka kosi loh he hmuen he a bo thil vetih daeh mahpawh.
26 But speke ye thus to the kyng of Juda, that sente you to preye the Lord, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, For thou herdist the wordis of the book,
BOEIPA toem hamla nangmih aka tueih Judah manghai te khaw amah taengah he he thui pah. Israel Pathen BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. Tekah ol te na yaak coeng.
27 and thin herte is maad neisch, and thou art mekid in the siyt of the Lord of these thingis that ben seide ayens this place and the dwelleris of Jerusalem, and thou hast reuerensid my face, and hast to-rente thi clothis, and hast wepte bifor me; also Y haue herd thee, seith the Lord.
Na thinko phoena tih Pathen mikhmuh ah na kunyun coeng. Amah ol te he hmuen ham neh amah khosa rhoek ham na yaak. Te vaengah ka mikhmuh ah khaw na kunyun. Na himbai te na phen tih ka mikhmuh ah na rhah vaengah khaw ka yaak. He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni.
28 For now Y schal gadere thee to thi fadris, and thou schalt be borun in to thi sepulcre in pees; and thin iyen schulen not se al yuel, which Y schal brynge yn on this place, and on the dwelleris therof. Therfor thei telden to the king alle thingis, whiche Olda hadde seid.
Kai loh nang te na pa rhoek taengla kang khoem sak vetih namah phuel ah ngaimong la n'up uh bitni ne. He hmuen so neh amah khosa rhoek soah yoethae cungkuem ka khuen te na mik loh hmu mahpawh,” a ti nah. Te dongah manghai te ol a mael uh.
29 And aftir that he hadde clepid togidere alle the eldere men of Juda and of Jerusalem,
Te phoeiah manghai loh Judah neh Jerusalem kah a hamca boeih te a tah tih a coi.
30 he stiede in to the hows of the Lord, and togidere alle the men of Juda, `and the dwelleris of Jerusalem, preestis, and dekenes, and al the puple, fro the leeste `til to the moste; to whiche herynge in the hows of the Lord, the kyng redde alle the wordis of the book.
Manghai neh Judah hlang boeih khaw, Jerusalem kah khosa rhoek khaw, khosoih rhoek neh Levi rhoek khaw, pilnam boeih khaw a kangham lamloh tanoe hil khaw BOEIPA im la cet. Te phoeiah tah amih hna ah BOEIPA im kah a hmuh paipi cabu dongkah ol boeih te a tae pah.
31 And he stood in his trone, and smoot a boond of pees bifor the Lord, for to `go aftir hym, and to kepe the comaundementis, and witnessyngis, and iustifiyngis of hym, in al his herte and in al his soule; and to do tho thingis that weren writun in that book, which he hadde red.
Manghai te amah paihmuen ah pai tih BOEIPA hnukah pongpa ham neh a olpaek neh a olphong khaw, a oltlueh te a thinko boeih neh, a hinglu boeih neh ngaithuen ham, te cabu dongah a daek paipi ol te vai hamla BOEIPA mikhmuh ah paipi te a saii.
32 And he chargide greetli on this thing alle men, that weren foundun in Jerusalem and Beniamyn; and the dwellers of Jerusalem diden aftir the couenaunt of the Lord God of her fadris.
Jerusalem neh Benjamin kah a hmuh boeih taengah khaw a cak sak. Te dongah Jerusalem kah khosa rhoek long khaw a napa rhoek kah Pathen taengah Pathen kah paipi bangla a saii uh.
33 Therfor Josie dide awei alle abhomynaciouns fro alle the cuntreis of the sones of Israel; and he made alle men, that weren residue in Israel, to serue her Lord God; in alle the daies of his lijf thei yeden not awei fro the Lord God of her fadris.
Josiah loh tueilaehkoi boeih te tah Israel ca rhoek kah khohmuen tom lamloh a khoe. Israel kah aka phoe boeih te khaw amamih kah Pathen BOEIPA taengah thothueng sak ham tho a thueng. Anih tue khuiah tah a napa rhoek kah Pathen BOEIPA hnuk lamloh nong uh pawh.

< 2 Chronicles 34 >