< 2 Chronicles 20 >

1 Aftir these thingis the sones of Moab, and the sones of Amon, and with hem of Idumeis, weren gaderid togidere to Josaphat, for to fiyte ayens hym.
Eyi akyi no, Moabfo, Amonfo ne Maonfo asraafo bi tuu Yehosafat so sa.
2 And messangeris camen, and schewiden to Josaphat, seiden, A greet multitude of tho placis that ben biyondis the see, and of Sirie, is comun ayens thee; and, lo! thei stonden in Asasonthamar, which is Engaddi.
Abɔfo bɛka kyerɛɛ Yehosafat se, “Asraafo bebree fi Nkyene Po no akyi wɔ Edom rebɛko atia wo. Wɔadu Hasason-Tamar” (En-Gedi din baako ne no).
3 Forsothe Josaphat was aferd by drede, and `yaf hym silf al for to preye `the Lord, and prechide fastynge to al Juda.
Yehosafat tee saa asɛm no, ne ho yeraw no nti, obisaa Awurade hɔ akwankyerɛ. Ɔhyɛɛ sɛ obiara a ɔwɔ Yuda no nni abuada.
4 And Juda was gaderid togidere for to preye the Lord, but also alle men camen fro her citees for to biseche hym.
Na nnipa a wɔwɔ Yuda nkurow nyinaa so baa Yerusalem, bɛhwehwɛɛ Awurade.
5 And whanne Josaphat hadde stonde in the myddis of the cumpeny of Juda and of Jerusalem, in the hows of the Lord, bifor the newe large place,
Na Yehosafat sɔre gyinaa Yudafo ne Yerusalemfo anim wɔ Awurade Asɔredan no adiwo foforo hɔ.
6 he seide, Lord God of oure fadris, thou art God in heuene, and thou art lord of alle rewmes of folkis; strengthe and power ben in thin hond, `and noon may ayenstonde thee.
Ɔbɔɔ mpae se, “Awurade, yɛn agyanom Nyankopɔn, wo nko ne Onyankopɔn a wote ɔsoro. Wo na wudi ahenni a ɛwɔ asase nyinaa so. Woyɛ otumfo ne ɔkɛse a obiara ntumi ne wo nni asi.
7 Whether not thou, oure God, hast slayn alle the dwelleris of this lond bifor thi puple Israel, and hast youe it to the seed of Abraham, thi freend, withouten ende?
Yɛn Nyankopɔn, bere a wo nkurɔfo bedui no, woampam wɔn a na wɔte asase yi so no ana? Na woamfa saa asase yi amma wʼadamfo Abraham asefo afebɔɔ ana?
8 And thei dwelliden therynne, and bildiden therinne a seyntuarie to thi name, and seiden,
Wo nkurɔfo tenaa ha sii saa Asɔredan yi maa wo.
9 If yuelis comen on vs, the swerd of doom, pestilence, and hungur, we schulen stonde bifor this hows withouten ende in thi siyt, in which hows thi name is clepid, and we schulen crie to thee in oure tribulaciouns; and thou schalt here vs, and schalt make vs saaf.
Wɔkaa se, ‘Sɛ ɔhaw bi te sɛ ɔko, ɔyare anaa ɔkɔm bi to yɛn a, yebetumi aba wʼanim wɔ saa Asɔredan yi mu, baabi a wɔahyɛ wo din anuonyam no. Yebetumi asu afrɛ wo sɛ, gye yɛn nkwa, na wubetie yɛn, agye yɛn.’
10 Now therfor lo! the sones of Amon and of Moab and the hil of Seir, bi whiche thou grauntidist not to the sones of Israel for to passe, whanne thei yeden out of Egipt, but thei bowiden awei fro hem, and killiden not hem,
“Na afei, hwɛ nea Amonfo, Moabfo ne Seir asraafodɔm reyɛ. Woamma yɛn agyanom anni saa aman no so nkonim bere a Israel fii Misraim no, na mmom, wɔfaa wɔn ho a wɔansɛe wɔn.
11 thei doon ayenward, and enforsen to caste vs out of the possessioun, which thou, oure God, hast youe to vs;
Afei, hwɛ sɛnea wɔretua yɛn so ka. Wɔaba sɛ, wɔrebetu yɛn afi wʼasase a wode maa yɛn sɛ agyapade no so.
12 therfor whether thou schalt not deme hem? Treuli in vs is not so greet strengthe, that we moun ayenstonde this multitude, that felde yn on vs; but sithen we witen not what we owen to do, we `han oneli this residue, that we dresse oure iyen to thee.
Yɛn Nyankopɔn, worensiw wɔn ano? Yenni ahoɔden sɛ asraafodɔm kɛse yi a wɔpɛ sɛ wɔbɛtow hyɛ yɛn so yi. Yenhu nea yɛnyɛ, na yɛhwɛ kwan sɛ wobɛboa yɛn.”
13 Sotheli al Juda stood bifor the Lord, with her litle children and wyues and fre children.
Bere a Yuda mmarima nyinaa ne wɔn nkokoaa, wɔn yerenom ne wɔn mma gyina Awurade anim no.
14 Forsothe Hiaziel, the sone of Zacarie, sone of Ananye, sone of Hieyel, sone of Machanye, was a dekene, and of the sones of Asaph, on whom the Spirit of the Lord was maad in the myddis of the cumpeny,
Awurade Honhom baa mmarima a wogyinagyina hɔ no mu baako so. Na ne din de Yahasiel a ɔyɛ Sakaria babarima a ɔno nso yɛ Benaia babarima, na ɔno nso yɛ Yeiel babarima, na ɔno nso yɛ Lewini Matania, a ɔyɛ Asaf aseni no babarima.
15 and he seide, Al Juda, and ye that dwellen in Jerusalem, and thou, king Josaphat, perseyue ye, the Lord seith these thingis to you, Nyle ye drede, nether be ye aferd of this multitude, for it is not youre batel, but Goddis batel.
Ɔkae se, “Ɔhene Yehosafat, tie! Mo Yudafo ne Yerusalemfo nyinaa, muntie! Sɛnea Awurade se ni: Munnsuro. Mommma asraafodɔm kɛse ntu mo koma, efisɛ ɔko no nyɛ mo dea, na ɛyɛ Onyankopɔn dea.
16 To morewe ye schulen stie `ayens hem; for thei schulen stie bi the side of the hil, `bi name Seys, and ye schulen fynde hem in the hiynesse of the stronde, which is ayens the wildirnesse of Jheruhel.
Ɔkyena, muntu nten nkɔ wɔn so. Mubehu sɛ wofi Sis atrapoe a ɛwɔ obon no fa a epue Yeruel sare no so hɔ reba.
17 For it schulen not be ye, that schulen fiyte; but oneli stonde ye trustili, and ye schulen se the help of the Lord on you. A! Juda and Jerusalem, nyle ye drede, nether be ye aferd; to morewe ye schulen go out ayens hem, and the Lord schal be with you.
Na ɛho nhia mpo sɛ mobɛko. Munnyinagyina mo afa, monyɛ dinn na monhwɛ Awurade nkonimdi. Ɔka mo ho, Yuda ne Yerusalem manfo. Munnsuro, na mommma mo koma ntu. Ɔkyena, monkɔ hɔ, na Awurade ka mo ho.”
18 Therfor Josaphat, and Juda, and alle the dwelleris of Jerusalem, felden lowli on the erthe bifor the Lord, and worschypiden hym.
Na ɔhene Yehosafat sii ne ti ase, na Yuda ne Yerusalem manfo no nyinaa nso yɛɛ saa, de som Awurade.
19 Forsothe the dekenes of the sones of Caath, and of the sones of Chore, herieden the Lord God of Israel with greet vois an hiy.
Na Lewifo a wofi Kohat ne Kora mmusua mu sɔre gyina teɛɛ mu dennen sɔree Awurade, Israel Nyankopɔn.
20 And whanne thei hadden rise eerli, thei yeden not bi the deseert of Thecue; and whanne thei `hadden gon forth, Josaphat stood in the myddis of hem, and seide, Juda and alle the dwelleris of Jerusalem, here ye me; bileue ye in `youre Lord God, and ye schulen be sikur; bileue ye to hise prophetis, and alle prosperitees schulen come.
Ade kyee nʼanɔpahema no, Yuda asraafo no kɔɔ Tekoa sare so. Bere a wɔrekɔ no, Yehosafat gyina kae se, “Muntie me, mo Yudafo ne Yerusalemfo nyinaa. Munnye Awurade, mo Nyankopɔn, nni na mubetumi agyina pintinn. Munnye nʼadiyifo no nni, na mubedi nkonim.”
21 And he yaf counsel to the puple, and he ordeynede the syngeris of the Lord, that thei schulden herye hym in her cumpanyes, and that thei schulden go bifor the oost, and seie with acordynge vois, Knouleche ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his merci is `in to the world.
Ɔhene no ne nnipa no ntuanofo dii nkitaho wiei no, oyii nnwontofo bi sɛ wonni asraafo no anim, nto dwom mma Awurade, nkamfo no wɔ nʼanuonyam kronkron no nti. Dwom no mu nsɛm ni: “Monna Awurade ase na nʼadɔe wɔ hɔ daa!”
22 And whanne thei bigunnen to synge heriyngis, the Lord turnede the buyschementis of hem `in to hem silf, that is, of the sones of Amon and of Moab and of the hil of Seir, that yeden out to fiyte ayens Juda; and thei weren slayn.
Bere a wɔpagyaw ayeyi dwom no, Awurade maa Amon, Moab ne bepɔw Seir asraafo no twaa wɔn ho koe.
23 For whi the sones of Amon and of Moab risiden togidere ayens the dwelleris of the hil of Seir, to sle, and to do awey hem; and whanne thei hadden do this in werk, thei weren `turned also `in to hem silf, and felden doun togidere bi woundis ech of othere.
Moab ne Amon asraafo no dan wɔn ani kyerɛɛ mmarima a wofi bepɔw Seir so no, kunkum wɔn nyinaa. Wowiee Seir asraafo no, wotwaa wɔn ho koe.
24 Certis whanne Juda was comun to the denne, that biholdith the wildirnesse, he siy afer al the large cuntrei ful of deed bodies, and that noon was left, that miyte ascape deeth.
Na Yuda asraafo no duu baabi a wogyina a wuhu sare no so no, wohuu sɛ afunu gugu fam kɔ akyiri. Atamfo no mu baako mpo antumi anguan.
25 Therfor Josaphat cam, and al the puple with hym, to drawe awey the spuylis of deed men, and thei founden among the deed bodies dyuerse purtenaunce of houshold, and clothis, and ful preciouse vessels; and thei rauyischiden in dyuerse maneres, so that thei myyten not bere alle thingis, nether thei myyten take awei the spuylis bi thre daies, for the greetnesse of prey.
Ɔhene Yehosafat ne nʼakofo no kɔtasee asade. Wonyaa adwumayɛ nneɛma, ntade ne nneɛma a ɛsom bo a wontumi nsoa. Na asade no dɔɔso enti wɔde nnansa na ɛtase ne nyinaa.
26 Sotheli in the fourthe dai thei weren gaderid togidere in the valey of Blessyng; `forsothe for thei blessiden the Lord there, thei clepiden that place the valei of Blessyng `til in to present dai.
Nnaanan so no, wɔboaa wɔn ho ano wɔ Nhyira Bon mu. Wɔtoo obon no din saa da no, efisɛ ɛhɔ na nnipa no kamfoo Awurade, daa no ase. Wɔda so frɛ no Nhyira Bon nnɛ yi.
27 And ech man of Juda turnede ayen, and the dwelleris of Jerusalem, and Josaphat bifor hem, in to Jerusalem with greet gladnesse; for the Lord God hadde youe to hem ioye of her enemyes.
Afei, Yehosafat dii wɔn anim ne wɔn san kɔɔ Yerusalem anigye so sɛ, Awurade ama wɔadi wɔn atamfo so nkonim.
28 And thei entriden in to Jerusalem with sawtrees, and harpis, and trumpis, in to the hows of the Lord.
Wɔbɔɔ mmɛnta, asankuten ne ntorobɛnto tuu nten kɔhyɛn Yerusalem na wɔkɔɔ Awurade Asɔredan no mu.
29 Forsothe the drede of the Lord felde on alle the rewmes of londis, whanne thei hadden herd, that the Lord hadde fouyte ayens the enemies of Israel.
Bere a ahenni a atwa hɔ ahyia no tee sɛ Awurade no ankasa ako atia Israel atamfo no, Awurade ho suro baa wɔn so.
30 And the rewme of Josaphat restide; and the Lord yaf `pees to hym `bi cumpas.
Na ɛmaa asomdwoe baa Yehosafat ahenni mu, efisɛ ne Nyankopɔn maa no ahomegye wɔ afanan nyinaa.
31 Therfor Josaphat regnede on Juda; and he was of fyue and thritti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne; sotheli he regnede fyue and twenti yeer in Jerusalem; and the name of his modir was Azuba, the douytir of Selathi.
Na Yehosafat dii hene wɔ Yuda asase so. Bere a odii hene no, na wadi mfe aduasa anum. Ɔtenaa Yerusalem dii hene mfe aduonu anum. Na ne na din de Asuba a ɔyɛ Silhi babea.
32 And he yede in the weie of Asa his fadir, and bowide not fro it, and he dide what euer thingis weren plesaunt bifor the Lord.
Na Yehosafat yɛ ɔhene a oye. Ɔyɛɛ nea nʼagya Asa yɛe. Ɔyɛɛ nea ɛsɔ Awurade ani.
33 Netheles he dide not awei hiy thingis; yit the puple hadde not dressid her herte to the Lord God of her fadris.
Nanso nʼahenni mu no, wammubu abosonsomfo nsɔree so no, na ɔmanfo no nso amfa wɔn koma nyinaa amma wɔn agyanom Nyankopɔn no.
34 Forsothe the residue of the formere and the laste dedis of Josaphat ben writun in the book of Hieu, the sone of Anany, which he ordeynede in the book of kyngis of Israel.
Yehosafat ahenni ho nsɛm nkae, fi mfiase kosi awiei no, wɔakyerɛw agu Hanani babarima Yehu nhoma a wɔde aka Israel Ahemfo nhoma no ho.
35 After these thingis Josaphat, kyng of Juda, made frendschipis with Ocozie, kyng of Israel, whose werkis weren ful yuele;
Nanso ɛrekɔ nʼasetena awiei no, ɔhene Yehosafat ne Israelhene Ahasia a ne tirim yɛ den no kaa wɔn ho bɔɔ mu.
36 and he was parcener that thei maden schippis, that schulden go in to Tharsis; and thei maden o schip in to Asiongaber.
Wɔyɛɛ Po so aguadi ahyɛn bebree wɔ Esion-Geber hyɛngyinabea.
37 Sotheli Eliezer, sone of Dodan, of Maresa, profesiede to Josaphat, and seide, For thou haddist boond of pees with Ocozie, the Lord smoot thi werkis; and the schippis ben brokun, and myyten not go in to Tharsis.
Na Dodafahu babarima Elieser a ofi Maresa hyɛɛ nkɔm, de tiaa Yehosafat. Ɔkae se, “Esiane sɛ wo ne ɔhene Ahasia ayɛ baako nti, Awurade bɛsɛe wʼadwuma.” Enti ahyɛn no bobɔe a wɔantumi amfa ankodi gua.

< 2 Chronicles 20 >