< 1 Thessalonians 4 >

1 Therfor, britheren, fro hennus forward we preien you, and bisechen in the Lord Jhesu, that as ye han resseyued of vs, hou it bihoueth you to go and to plese God, so walke ye, that ye abounde the more.
ARI, ri ai kan, se pil poeki re omail o panaui kin komail Kaun Iesus, duen me komail aleer sang kit, o duen me komail en kekeideki wei, o kaperenda Kot, iduen omail kakairida.
2 For ye witen what comaundementis Y haue youun to you bi the Lord Jhesu.
Pwe komail asa duen kusoned akan, me se pang ong komail ren Kaun Iesus.
3 For this is the wille of God, youre holynesse, that ye absteyne you fro fornycacioun.
Pwe iet kupur en Kot, omail sarauila, pwe komail en liki sang nenek.
4 That ech of you kunne welde his vessel in holynesse, and onour;
Amen amen en kanai ong pein war a, pwen saraui o wau o liki sang inong sued,
5 not in passioun of lust, as hethene men that knowen not God.
Kaidin ni dender ong inong sued duen men liki kan, me so asa Kot;
6 And that no man ouergo, nethir disseyue his brothir in chaffaring. For the Lord is venger of alle these thingis, as we biforseiden to you, and han witnessid.
O sota me pan piti de kasapungi ong ri a ni meakot, pwe Kaun o pan kotin iki ong i, duen me kit inda o kadede ong komail er mas o.
7 For God clepide not vs in to vnclennesse, but in to holynesse.
Pwe Kot sota molipei kitail ong samin, a pwen saraui.
8 Therfor he that dispisith these thingis, dispisith not man, but God, that also yaf his holi spirit in vs.
A ma amen komail pan mamaleki mepukat, kaidin aramas me a pan mamaleki pwe Kot, me pil kotiki ong komail er sapwilim a Ngen saraui.
9 But of the charite of britherhed we hadden no nede to write to you; ye silf han lerud of God, that ye loue togidere;
A duen limpok en saulang, menda i en intingki wong komail, pwe pein komail padakki sang ren Kot, me komail en poke pena.
10 for ye don that in to alle britheren in al Macedonye. And, britheren, we preyen you, that ye abounde more; and taken kepe, that ye be quyet;
Nan met komail kin wiai ong saulang karos, me mimi Masetonien pon. A se panaui kin komail ri at akan, komail en kakairida.
11 and that ye do youre nede, and `ye worche with youre hoondis, as we han comaundid to you;
O komail nenenla o inong iong apwali pein omail dodok, kadokeki pein pa omail, duen me se padaki ong komail er,
12 and that ye wandre onestli to hem that ben with outforth, and that of no mannus ye desir ony thing.
Pwe komail en sansal mau mon me mi liki kan, o komail der mau ong amen en apwali komail.
13 For, britheren, we wolen not, that ye vnknowe of men that dien, that ye be not soreuful, as othere that han not hope.
Ri ai kan, se sota men oki sang komail duen me mairelar akan, pwe komail der insensued dueta irail, me sota ar kaporopor.
14 For if we bileuen, that Jhesu was deed, and roos ayen, so God schal lede with hym hem that ben deed bi Jhesu.
Pwe ma kitail kamelele, me Iesus matala ap iasadar, nan iduen me mairelar ren Iesus, Kot pil pan kalua ir ala re a.
15 And we seien this thing to you in the word of the Lord, that we that lyuen, that ben left in the comyng of the Lord, schulen not come bifor hem that ben deed.
Pwe ieteten me se indang komail ni masan en Kaun o, kit me memaureta lao Kaun o pan kotin pwarado, sota pan ko wei mon me mair akan.
16 For the Lord hym silf schal come doun fro heuene, in the comaundement, and in the vois of an archaungel, and in the trumpe of God; and the deed men that ben in Crist, schulen rise ayen first.
Pwe pein Kaun o pan kotido sang nanlang ki masan laud, o kapiti en toulang lapalap amen, o koronete en Kot; me melar akan ren Kristus ap pan maureda mas.
17 Afterward we that lyuen, that ben left, schulen be rauyschid togidere with hem in cloudis, metinge Crist `in to the eir; and so euere more we schulen be with the Lord.
Kit me memaureta luadi ap pan iang ir peukadala nan dapok kan, ko ong ren Kaun o nan wäwä, kitail ap pan mimieta ren Kaun o kokolata.
18 Therfor be ye coumfortid togidere in these wordis.
Komail ari kamaiteki komail la padak pot et.

< 1 Thessalonians 4 >