< 1 Corinthians 4 >

1 So a man gesse vs, as mynystris of Crist, and dispenderis of the mynysteries of God.
Aicae loe Kri toksah kami hoi kathuk Sithaw ih lok pakuem kami ah minawk mah poek o nasoe.
2 Now it is souyt here among the dispenderis, that a man be foundun trewe.
Toe kathuk Sithaw ih lok pakuem kami loe oep kaom kami ah oh han angaih.
3 And to me it is for the leest thing, that Y be demyd of you, or of mannus dai; but nether Y deme my silf.
Toe nangcae mah maw, to tih ai boeh loe kami lokcaekhaih hoiah maw lok nang caek o cadoeh, kai hanah loe tidoeh na ai ni: ue, kai loe kaimah hoi kaimah lok kang caek vai ai.
4 For Y am no thing ouer trowynge to my silf, but not in this thing Y am iustified; for he that demeth me, is the Lord.
Kai lokcaek hanah sakpazaehaih tidoeh ka panoek ai; toe to tiah ka thuih naah zaehaih ka tawn ai, tih haih ih na ai ni: toe kai lokcaekkung loe Angraeng ni.
5 Therfor nyle ye deme bifore the tyme, til that the Lord come, which schal liytne the hyd thingis of derknessis, and schal schewe the counseils of hertis; and thanne preisyng schal be to ech man of God.
To pongah khoving thungah kanghawk hmuennawk to amtuengsak moe, palung thung ih poekhaihnawk kamtuengsak thaih, Angraeng angzohhaih atue pha ai karoek to lokcaek o hmah: to pacoengah ni kami boih mah Sithaw khae hoi pakoehhaih to hnu o tih.
6 And, britheren, Y haue transfigurid these thingis in to me and in to Apollo, for you; that in vs ye lerne, lest ouer that it is writun, oon ayens another be blowun with pride for another.
Nawkamyanawk, kaihnik khae hoi nam tuk o moe, kaminawk mah cabu thungah tarik ih lok pong kamthlai ah poek o han ai, maeto hoi maeto nam oek o thuih o han ai ah, kaimah hoi Apollo hae nangcae han patahhaih ah ka patoh.
7 Who demeth thee? And what hast thou, that thou hast not resseyued? And if thou hast resseyued, what gloriest thou, as thou haddist not resseyued?
Mi mah maw nangcae to minawk hoi anghmong ai ah kaomsak? Nangcae mah hak ai ih hmuen timaw na tawnh o? Nangcae khaeah paek boeh nahaeloe tipongah paek ai baktiah nam oek o loe?
8 Nowe ye ben fyllid, now ye ben maad riche; ye regnen with outen vs; and Y wolde that ye regnen, that also we regnen with you.
Vaihi loe na tawnh o mang boeh, vaihi loe nang raeng o boeh, kaicae loe to tiah ka om o ai, nangcae loe siangpahrangnawk baktiah na oh o boeh: kaicae doeh nangcae hoi nawnto ka uk o thai toeng hanah, na uk o tangtang han kang koeh o haih.
9 And Y gesse, that God schewide vs the laste apostlis, as thilke that ben sent to the deth; for we ben maad a spectacle to the world, and to aungels, and to men.
Patoeh ih kami ah kaom kaicae loe, hum han suek ih kami baktiah, Sithaw mah hnukkhuem koekah amtuengsak boeh, tiah ka poek: kaicae loe long kaminawk, van kaminawk hoi kaminawk mah khet han koiah suek boeh.
10 We foolis for Crist, but ye prudent in Crist; we sike, but ye stronge; ye noble, but we vnnoble.
Kaicae loe Kri pongah kam thu o, toe nangcae loe Kri ah palungha kami ah na oh o; kaicae loe tha ka zok o, toe nangcae loe tha na cak o; nangcae loe pakoeh ih kami ah na oh o, toe kaicae loe patoek ih kami ah ni ka oh o.
11 Til in to this our we hungren, and thirsten, and ben nakid, and ben smytun with buffatis,
Kaicae loe vaihi tue khoek to zok amthlam, tui anghae ah ka oh o; bangkrai ah ka oh o moe, minawk mah ang boh o, ohhaih ahmuen tangtang doeh ka tawn o ai;
12 and we ben vnstable, and we trauelen worchynge with oure hondis; we ben cursid, and we blessen; we suffren persecucioun, and we abiden longe; we ben blasfemyd, and we bisechen;
tha ka pathok o moe, kaimacae ban roe hoiah tok ka sak o: minawk mah ang zoeh o naah, tahamhoihhaih ka paek o; minawk mah pacaekthlaek naah, palungsawkhaih hoiah ka pauep o:
13 as clensyngis of this world we ben maad the `out castyng of alle thingis `til yit.
minawk mah ahmin kasae thuih naah, tahmenhaih ka hnik o: kaicae loe vaihi khoek to kamhnong long nui ih hmuen baktih, phraek cuu ih anghnoeng baktiah ni ang suek o.
14 Y write not these thingis, that Y confounde you, but Y warne as my moste dereworthe sones.
Nangcae azat hanah hae hmuennawk hae tarik ih na ai ni, toe palung ih ka caanawk baktiah ni kang thuitaek o.
15 For whi if ye han ten thousynde of vndur maistris in Crist, but not many fadris; for in Crist Jhesu Y haue gendrid you bi the gospel.
Kri ah patukkung sang hato na tawnh o cadoeh, Ampa loe na tawn o mang ai: kahoih tamthanglok rang hoiah nangcae loe Kri Jesu ah ka caa ah na oh o.
16 Therfor, britheren, Y preye you, be ye foleweris of me, as Y of Crist.
To pongah ka sak ih baktih pazui kami ah na oh o hanah, kang pacae o.
17 Therfor Y sente to you Tymothe, which is my most dereworthe sone, and feithful in the Lord, which schal teche you my weies, that ben in Crist Jhesu; as Y teche euery where in ech chirche.
To tiah na sak o han ih ni Angraeng ah oep kaom, ka palung ih capa Timote to nangcae khaeah kang patoeh, kai Kri ah ka ohhaih kawng hoi kricabu ohhaih ahmuen kruekah ka patuk ih lok to anih mah na thui o tih.
18 As thouy Y schulde not come to you, so summe ben blowun with pride;
Kai nangcae khaeah kang zo mak ai, tiah a poek o pongah, thoemto kaminawk loe amoek o.
19 but Y schal come to you soone, if God wole; and Y schal knowe not the word of hem that ben blowun with pride, but the vertu.
Toe Angraeng koehhaih ah om nahaeloe, akra ai ah nangcae khaeah kang zoh han, to naah amoek kaminawk ih lok na ai ah, nihcae toksak thaihaih to ka panoek tih boeh.
20 For the rewme of God is not in word, but in vertu.
Sithaw mah siangpahrang ah uk ih prae loe lokthuihaih ah om ai, thacakhaih ah ni oh.
21 What wole ye? Schal Y come to you in a yerde, or in charite, and in spirit of myldenesse?
Nangcae loe timaw na koeh o? Nangcae khaeah bohhaih cung hoiah maw kang zoh han? To tih ai boeh loe amlunghaih hoi kanaem poekhaih palungthin hoiah?

< 1 Corinthians 4 >