< 1 Chronicles 24 >

1 Forsothe to the sones of Aaron these porciouns schulen be; the sones of Aaron weren Nadab, and Abyud, Eleazar, and Ythamar;
Aronovi su sinovi imali svoje redove. Sinovi Aronovi bili su: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar i Itamar.
2 but Nadab and Abyud weren deed with out fre children bifor her fadir, and Eleazar and Ythamar weren set in presthod.
Ali su Nadab i Abihu umrli prije oca i nisu imali djece; zato su svećeničku službu vršili Eleazar i Itamar.
3 And Dauith departide hem, that is, Sadoch, of the sones of Eleazar, and Achymelech, of the sones of Ithamar, by her whiles and seruyce;
David je razdijelio na redove njih i Sadoka, od Eleazarovih sinova, i Ahimeleka, od Itamarovih sinova, po njihovu redu u njihovoj službi.
4 and the sones of Eleazar weren founden many mo in the men princes, than the sones of Ythamar. Forsothe he departide to hem, that is, to the sones of Eleazar, sixtene prynces bi meynees; and to the sones of Ythamar eiyte prynces bi her meynees and howsis.
Ali se u Eleazarovih sinova našlo više muških poglavara nego u Itamarovih sinova, pa kad ih podijeliše, od Eleazarovih je sinova bilo šesnaest porodičnih poglavara, a od Itamarovih sinova samo osam porodičnih poglavara.
5 Sotheli he departide euer eithir meynees among hem silf bi lottis; for there weren princes of the seyntuarye, and princes of the hows of God, as wel of the sones of Eleazar as of the sones of Ithamar.
Zato su ih razdijelili ždrebovima, jedne i druge, jer su posvećeni knezovi i Božji knezovi bili i od Eleazarovih sinova i od Itamarovih sinova.
6 And Semeye, the sone of Nathanael, a scribe of the lynage of Leuy, discriuede hem bifore the king and pryncis, and bifor Sadoch, the preest, and Achymelech, the sone of Abiathar, and to the prynces of meynees of the preestis and of the dekenes; he discriuyde oon hows of Eleazar, that was souereyn to othere, and `the tother hows of Ithamar, that hadde othere vndir hym.
Popisao ih je Netanelov sin Šemaja, pisar od Levijeva plemena, pred kraljem, knezovima, svećenikom Sadokom, Ebjatarovim sinom Ahimelekom, pred poglavarima porodica među svećenicima i levitima, uzevši po jednu porodicu za Eleazara, a po jednu opet za Itamara.
7 Forsothe the firste lot yede out to Joiarib, the secounde to Jedeie,
Prvi je ždrijeb pao na Jojariba, drugi na Jedaju,
8 the thridde to Aharym, the fourthe to Seorym,
treći na Harima, četvrti na Seorima,
9 the fyuethe to Melchie,
peti na Malkiju, šesti na Mijamina,
10 the sixte to Maynan, the seuenthe to Accos,
sedmi na Hakosa, osmi na Abiju,
11 the eiythe to Abia, the nynthe to Hieusu, the tenthe to Sechema, the elleuenthe to Eliasib,
deveti na Ješuu, deseti na Šekaniju,
12 the tweluethe to Jacyn,
jedanaesti na Elijašiba, dvanaesti na Jakima,
13 the thrittenthe to Opha, the fourtenthe to Isbaal,
trinaesti na Hupu, četrnaesti na Ješebaba,
14 the fiftenthe to Abelga, the sixtenthe to Emmer,
petnaesti na Bilgu, šesnaesti na Imera,
15 the seuententhe to Ezir, the eiytenthe to Ahapses, the nyntenthe to Pheseye,
sedamnaesti na Hezira, osamnaesti na Hapisesa,
16 the twentithe to Jezechel,
devetnaesti na Petahju, dvadeseti na Ezekiela,
17 the oon and twentithe to Jachym, the two and twentithe to Gamul, the thre and twentithe to Dalayam,
dvadeset i prvi na Jakina, dvadeset i drugi na Gamula,
18 the foure and twentithe to Mazzian.
dvadeset i treći na Delaju, dvadeset i četvrti na Maazju.
19 These weren the whilis of hem bi her mynysteries, that thei entre in to the hows of God, and bi her custom vndur the hond of Aaron, her fadir, as the Lord God of Israel comaundide.
To je njihov red u službi kojim treba da idu u Jahvin Dom, po svom pravilu, primljenu od oca im Arona, kako mu je zapovjedio Jahve, Bog Izraelov.
20 Forsothe Sebahel was prince of the sones of Leuy that weren resydue, of the sones of Amram; and the sone of Sebahel was Jedeie;
Od ostalih Levijevih sinova bio je od Amramovih sinova Šubael; od Šubaelovih sinova Jehdeja;
21 also Jesie was prince of the sones of Roobie.
od Rehabje, od Rehabjinih sinova poglavar Jišija;
22 Sotheli Salomoth was prince of Isaaris; and the sone of Salamoth was Janadiath;
od Jisharovaca Šelomot; od Šelomotovih sinova Jahat.
23 and his firste sone was Jeriuans, `Amarie the secounde, Azihel the thridde, `Jethmoan the fourthe.
Od Jerijinih sinova: drugi Amarja, treći Jahaziel, četvrti Jekaman.
24 The sone of Ozihel was Mycha; the sone of Mycha was Samyr;
Od sinova Uzielovih Mika; od Mikinih sinova Šamir;
25 the brother of Mycha was Jesia; and the sone of Jesia was Zacharie.
Mikin brat Jišija; od Jišijinih sinova Zaharija;
26 The sones of Merary weren Mooli and Musi; the sone of Josyan was Bennon;
Merarijevi sinovi: Mahli i Muši; sinovi Jaazije, njegova sina.
27 and the sone of Merarie was Ozian, and Soen, and Zaccur, and Hebri.
Merarijevi sinovi po Jaaziji, njegovu sinu: Šoham, Zakur i Ibri;
28 Sotheli the sone of Mooli was Eleazar, that hadde not fre sones; forsothe the sone of Cys was Jeremyhel;
po Mahliju Eleazar, koji nije imao djece;
29 the sones of Musy weren Mooli,
po Kišu, Kišovi sinovi, Jerahmeel.
30 Eder, Jerymuth. These weren the sones of Leuy, bi the housis of her meynees.
Mušijevi sinovi: Mahli, Eder i Jerimot. To su bili levitski sinovi po svojim porodicama.
31 Also and thei senten lottis ayens her britheren, the sones of Aaron, bifor Dauid the kyng, and bifor Sadoch, and Achymelech, and the princes of meynees of preestis and of dekenes; lot departide euenli alle, bothe the gretter and the lesse.
I oni su bacali ždrebove kao njihovi rođaci, Aronovi sinovi, pred kraljem Davidom, Sadokom, Ahimelekom i porodičnim poglavarima među svećenicima i levitima, i to jednako glavar obitelji kao i njegov najmlađi brat.

< 1 Chronicles 24 >