< Luke 8 >

1 And it came to pass afterwards that He went through every city and village, preaching and declaring the good tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with Him;
После тога иђаше Он по градовима и по селима учећи и проповедајући јеванђеље о царству Божијем, и дванаесторица с Њим.
2 and some women that had been cured of evil spirits and other infirmities, as Mary Magdalene, out of whom were cast seven demons,
И неке жене које беху исцељене од злих духова и болести: Марија, која се зваше Магдалина, из које седам ђавола изиђе,
3 and Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, who assisted Him with their substance.
И Јована, жена Хузе пристава Иродовог, и Сусана, и друге многе које служаху Њему имањем својим.
4 And when a great multitude was gathered together, of those that came to Him out of every city, He spake a parable saying,
А кад се сабра народа много, и из свих градова долажаху к Њему, каза у причи:
5 A sower went out to sow his seed, and as he was sowing, some fell by the way-side, and was trodden down, and the birds of the air devoured it.
Изиђе сејач да сеје семе своје; и кад сејаше, једно паде крај пута, и погази се, и птице небеске позобаше га,
6 And some fell upon stony ground, and as soon as it sprung up, it withered away, because it had no moisture.
А друго паде на камен, и изникавши осуши се, јер немаше влаге.
7 And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up with it and choked it.
И друго паде у трње, и узрасте трње, и удави га.
8 But some fell on good ground, and sprang up and yielded fruit an hundred-fold. And as He said these things He cried out, "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."
А друго паде на земљу добру, и изникавши донесе род сто пута онолико. Говорећи ово повика: Ко има уши да чује нека чује.
9 And his disciples asked Him, what might be the meaning of this parable.
А ученици Његови питаху Га говорећи: Шта значи прича ова?
10 And He said, To you it is granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but I speak to others in parables, that in seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.
А Он рече: Вама је дано да знате тајне царства Божијег; а осталима у причама, да гледајући не виде, и чујући не разумеју.
11 Now this is the meaning of the parable, The seed is the word of God:
А прича ова значи: Семе је реч Божија.
12 and those by the way-side, are such as hear indeed; but then the devil cometh and taketh away the word from their hearts, least they should believe and be saved.
А које је крај пута то су они који слушају, али потом долази ђаво, и узима реч из срца њиховог, да не верују и да се не спасу.
13 And those on stony-ground are such as when they hear, receive the word with joy; but have no root, and so believe only for a while, and in the time of trial fall away.
А које је на камену то су они који кад чују с радости примају реч; и ови корена немају који за неко време верују, а кад дође време кушања отпадну.
14 And that which fell among thorns, are those who when they have heard the word go away and are choked with the cares and riches, and pleasures of life, and bring no fruit to perfection.
А које у трње паде, то су они који слушају, и отишавши, од бриге и богатства и сласти овог живота загуше се, и род не сазри.
15 But that on the good ground, are those who having heard the word, retain it in a good and honest heart, and bring forth fruit with patience.
А које је на доброј земљи то су они који реч слушају, и у добром и чистом срцу држе, и род доносе у трпљењу. Ово говорећи повика: Ко има уши да чује нека чује.
16 No man when he hath lighted a candle covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a couch; but setteth it on a candlestick, that they who come in may see the light.
Нико, пак, свеће не поклапа судом кад је запали, нити меће под одар, него је метне на свећњак да виде светлост који улазе.
17 (For there is nothing secret, that shall not be made manifest: nor any thing concealed, which shall not be made known and come to light.)
Јер нема ништа тајно што неће бити јавно, ни сакривено што се неће дознати и на видело изићи.
18 Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever improveth what he hath, to him shall more be given; and whosoever hath not, even what he seemeth to have shall be taken from him.
Гледајте, дакле, како слушате; јер ко има, даће му се, а ко нема, узеће се од њега и оно што мисли да има.
19 Now his mother and his brethren came to Him, and could not come at Him for the croud:
Дођоше пак к Њему мати и браћа Његова, и не могаху од народа да говоре с Њим.
20 and it was told Him, Thy mother and thy brethren stand without desiring to see thee.
И јавише Му говорећи: Мати Твоја и браћа Твоја стоје напољу, хоће да Те виде.
21 And He answered and said unto them, My mother and my brethren are these that hear the word of God and do it.
А Он одговарајући рече им: Мати моја и браћа моја они су који слушају реч Божију и извршују је.
22 And it came to pass on one of the days that He went into a ship, Himself and his disciples, and He said to them, Let us go over to the other side of the lake.
И догоди се у један дан Он уђе с ученицима својим у лађу, и рече им: Да пређемо на оне стране језера. И пођоше.
23 And they launched forth: but as they were failing, He fell asleep: and a storm of wind came down upon the lake, and they were filled with water, and were in great danger.
А кад иђаху они Он заспа. И подиже се олуја на језеру, и топљаху се, и беху у великој невољи.
24 And they came to Him and awoke Him, saying, Master, master, we are perishing. Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and the raging of the water, and they ceased, and there was a calm.
И приступивши пробудише Га говорећи: Учитељу! Учитељу! Изгибосмо. А Он устаде, и запрети ветру и валовима; и престадоше и поста тишина.
25 And He said unto them, Where is your faith? But they were struck with awe and amazement, and said one to another, who is this? for He commandeth even the winds and the sea, and they obey Him.
А њима рече: Где је вера ваша? А они се поплашише, и чуђаху се говорећи један другом: Ко је Овај што и ветровима и води заповеда, и слушају Га?
26 And they sailed to the country of the Gadarenes, which is over against Galilee.
И дођоше у околину гадаринску која је према Галилеји.
27 And when He was landed, there met Him a man out of the city, who had been possessed by demons a long while, and wore no clothes, and abode in no dwelling but the tombs.
А кад изиђе Он на земљу, срете Га један човек из града у коме беху ђаволи од много година, и у хаљине не облачаше се, и не живљаше у кући, него у гробовима.
28 But when he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down to Him, and said with a loud voice, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I beseech thee, do not torment me.
А кад виде Исуса, повика и припаде к Њему и рече здраво: Шта је теби до мене, Исусе, Сине Бога Највишег? Молим Те, не мучи ме.
29 (For He commanded the impure spirit to come out of the man; which had oftentimes seized him so violently, that tho' he was bound with chains and fetters, yet he broke the bands asunder, and was driven by the demon into those lonely places.)
Јер Исус заповеди духу нечистом да изиђе из човека: јер га мучаше одавно, и метаху га у вериге и у пута да га чувају, и искида свезе, и тераше га ђаво по пустињи.
30 And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? and he said, Legion: because many demons were entred into him.
А Исус га запита говорећи: Како ти је име? А он рече: Легеон; јер многи ђаволи беху ушли у њ.
31 And they besought Him that He would not command them to go into the abyss: (Abyssos g12)
И мољаху Га да им не заповеди да иду у бездан. (Abyssos g12)
32 but as there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the mountain, they intreated Him that He would suffer them to enter into them, and He permitted them.
А онде пасаше по гори велико крдо свиња, и мољаху Га да им допусти да у њих уђу. И допусти им.
33 So the demons went out of the man and entred into the swine: and the herd ran violently down the hill into the lake and were drowned.
Тада изиђоше ђаволи из човека и уђоше у свиње; и навали крдо с брега у језеро, и утопи се.
34 And when those that looked after them saw what was done they fled; and went and told it in city and country:
А кад видеше свињари шта би, побегоше и јавише у граду и по селима.
35 and the people went out to see what was done, and came to Jesus; and found the man, from whom the demons were gone out, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind:
И изиђоше људи да виде шта је било, и дођоше к Исусу, и нађоше човека из кога ђаволи беху изишли, а он седи обучен и паметан код ногу Исусових; и уплашише се.
36 and they were afraid, for those that saw it told them how the demoniac was healed.
А они што су видели казаше им како се исцели бесни.
37 And all the people of the country round about the Gadarenes desired Him to depart from them; for they were seized with great fear: and He went into the ship and returned.
И моли Га сав народ из околине гадаринске да иде од њих; јер се беху врло уплашили. А Он уђе у лађу и отиде натраг.
38 Now the man from whom the demons were gone out, prayed Him to let him be with Him: but Jesus sent him away,
Човек, пак, из кога изиђоше ђаволи мољаше да би с Њим био; али га Исус отпусти говорећи:
39 saying, Return home, and relate what God hath done for thee. So he went away publishing through the whole city what great things Jesus had done to him.
Врати се кући својој, и казуј шта ти учини Бог. И отиде проповедајући по свему граду шта му Исус учини.
40 And when Jesus returned, a great multitude of people received Him; for they were all waiting for Him.
А кад се врати Исус, срете Га народ, јер Га сви очекиваху.
41 And behold there came a man whose name was Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, and he fell at the feet of Jesus, and intreated Him to come into his house:
И гле, дође човек по имену Јаир, који беше старешина у зборници, и паде пред ноге Исусове, и мољаше Га да уђе у кућу његову;
42 for he had an only daughter, about twelve years old, and she was dying. (But as He was going, the people crouded Him:
Јер у њега беше јединица кћи од дванаест година, и она умираше. А кад иђаше Исус, туркаше Га народ.
43 and a woman who had been in a flux twelve years, and had spent her whole livelyhood upon physicians,
И беше једна болесна жена од течења крви дванаест година, која је све своје имање потрошила на лекаре и ниједан је није могао излечити,
44 but could not be healed by any, came close behind Him and touched the hem of his garment, and immediately her flux was stopt.
И приступивши састраг дотаче се скута од хаљине Његове, и одмах стаде течење крви њене.
45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied it, Peter, and those that were with him, said, Sir, the multitudes throng and press thee, and dost thou ask, Who was it that touched me?
И рече Исус: Ко је то што се дотаче мене? А кад се сви одговараху, рече Петар и који беху с њим: Учитељу! Народ Те опколио и турка Те, а Ти кажеш: Ко је то што се дотаче мене?
46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive a peculiar virtue is gone out of me.
А Исус рече: Неко се дотаче мене; јер ја осетих силу која изиђе из мене.
47 And when the woman saw that she was not concealed, she came trembling, and fell down to Him, and declared before all the people, for what reason she had touched Him, and how she was healed immediately.
А кад виде жена да се није сакрила, приступи дрхћући, и паде пред Њим, и каза Му пред свим народом зашто Га се дотаче и како одмах оздрави.
48 And He said unto her, Daughter, be comforted, thy faith has healed thee, go in peace.)
А Он јој рече: Не бој се, кћери! Вера твоја поможе ти; иди с миром.
49 While He was yet speaking, there cometh one from the ruler of the synagogue's, and said to Him, Thy daughter is dead, trouble not the Master.
Док Он још говораше, дође неко од куће старешине зборничког говорећи му: Умре кћи твоја, не труди учитеља.
50 But Jesus hearing it, answered saying, Fear not, only believe, and she shall be recovered.
А кад чу Исус, одговори му говорећи: Не бој се, само веруј, и оживеће.
51 And when He came to the house, He suffered none to go in but Peter, and James, and John, and the father and mother of the child.
А кад дође у кућу, не даде ниједноме ући осим Петра и Јована и Јакова, и девојчиног оца и матере.
52 And they were all weeping and bewailing her: but He said, Weep not; she is not dead, but sleepeth.
А сви плакаху и јаукаху за њом; а Он рече: Не плачите, није умрла него спава.
53 And they laughed at Him, knowing that she was dead.
И подсмеваху Му се знајући да је умрла.
54 But He turned them all out, and taking hold of her hand, called to her, saying, Child, arise.
А Он изагнавши све узе је за руку, и зовну говорећи: Девојко! Устани!
55 And her spirit returned, and immediately she stood up: and He ordered something to be given her to eat.
И поврати се дух њен, и устаде одмах; и заповеди да јој дају нека једе.
56 And her parents were exceedingly astonished: but He charged them to tell no one what was done.
И дивише се родитељи њени. А Он им заповеди да никоме не казују шта је било.

< Luke 8 >