< Zephaniah 3 >

1 Woe to her who is rebellious and polluted, the oppressing city!
Ole kwa mji ulioasi! Mji wenye vurugu umenajisiwa.
2 She didn’t obey the voice. She didn’t receive correction. She didn’t trust in the LORD. She didn’t draw near to her God.
Haukuisikiliza sauti ya Mungu, wala haukupokea masahihisho kutoka kwa Yahwe. Hakumtumaini Yahwe na hatamkaribia Mungu wake.
3 Her princes within her are roaring lions. Her judges are evening wolves. They leave nothing until the next day.
Wafalme wao ni simba wanaounguruma miongoni mwao. Waamuzi wao ni mbwa mwitu wa jioni wasiobakiza kitu ambacho kitakuwa kimemung'unywa asubuhi yake.
4 Her prophets are arrogant and treacherous people. Her priests have profaned the sanctuary. They have done violence to the law.
Manabii wake wanakiburi na wanaume wasaliti. Makuhani wake wamepanajisi mahali patakatifu na wameifanyia vurugu sheria.
5 The LORD, within her, is righteous. He will do no wrong. Every morning he brings his justice to light. He doesn’t fail, but the unjust know no shame.
Yahwe ni mwenye haki miongoni mwao. Hawezi kufanya makosa. Kila asubuhi husimamia haki yake! Haitafichika nuruni, hata hivyo watu wasio wenye haki hawajui kuona aibu.
6 I have cut off nations. Their battlements are desolate. I have made their streets waste, so that no one passes by. Their cities are destroyed, so that there is no man, so that there is no inhabitant.
Nimeyaharibu mataifa; ngome zao zimeharibiwa. Nimeifanya mitaa yao magofu, hivyo hakuna hata mmoja anayepitia kwake. Miji yao imeharibiwa kwa hiyo hakuna mtu anayeikaa.
7 I said, “Just fear me. Receive correction,” so that her dwelling won’t be cut off, according to all that I have appointed concerning her. But they rose early and corrupted all their doings.
Nikasema, 'Hakika mtaniogopa mimi. Pokeeni masahihisho na msikatiliwe mbali kutoka kwenye miji yenu kwa yote yale niliyokuwa nimeyapanga kuyafanya kwenu.' Lakini walikuwa na shauku kuanza kila siku kwa kuharibu matendo yao yote.
8 “Therefore wait for me”, says the LORD, “until the day that I rise up to the prey, for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms to pour on them my indignation, even all my fierce anger, for all the earth will be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.
Kwa hiyo ningojeni - hili ni tamko la Yahwe - mpaka siku ambayo nitainuka kwa ajili ya waathirika. Uaamuzi wangu nikuwakusanya mataifa, kuzikusanya falme, na kumwaga juu yao hasira yangu, uchungu wangu wote mkali, hivyo nchi yote itamezwa kwa moto wa hasira yangu.
9 For then I will purify the lips of the peoples, that they may all call on the LORD’s name, to serve him shoulder to shoulder.
Ndipo nitawapa midomo safi watu, kuwaita wote kwa jina la Bwana kunitumikia wakisimama bega kwa bega.
10 From beyond the rivers of Cush, my worshipers, even the daughter of my dispersed people, will bring my offering.
Kutoka ng'ambo ya mto Ethiopia waniabuduo - watu wangu waliotawanyika - wataleta dhabihu kwa sababu yangu.
11 In that day you will not be disappointed for all your doings in which you have transgressed against me; for then I will take away out from among you your proudly exulting ones, and you will no more be arrogant in my holy mountain.
Katika siku hiyo hamtawekwa kwenye woga kwa matendo yenu yote ambayo mmeyafanya dhidi yangu, tangu wakati ule nitaondoa kutoka kwenu wale waliosherehekea fahari yenu, na kwa sababu hamtakuwa na muda mrefu kufanya majivuno juu ya mlima wangu mtakatifu.
12 But I will leave among you an afflicted and poor people, and they will take refuge in the LORD’s name.
Lakini nitawaacha kama wa chini zaidi na watu masikini, na mtapata kimbilio katika jina la Yahwe.
13 The remnant of Israel will not do iniquity nor speak lies, neither will a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth, for they will feed and lie down, and no one will make them afraid.”
Mkazi wa Israeli si muda mrefu hatafanya udhalimu au kusema uongo, na hakuna ulimi wa udanganyifu utakaoonekana mdomoni mwao; hivyo watalisha na kulala chini, na hakuna hata mmoja atakayewafanya kuogopa.”
14 Sing, daughter of Zion! Shout, Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, daughter of Jerusalem.
Imba, binti Sayuni! Piga kelele, Israeli. Ufurahi na kushangilia kwa moyo wako wote, binti wa Yerusalemu.
15 The LORD has taken away your judgments. He has thrown out your enemy. The King of Israel, the LORD, is among you. You will not be afraid of evil any more.
Yahwe ameiondoa hukumu yako; amewafukuzia mbali adui zako! Yahwe ni mfalme wa Israeli miongoni mwenu. Kamwe hamtamwogopa tena mwovu!
16 In that day, it will be said to Jerusalem, “Don’t be afraid, Zion. Don’t let your hands be weak.”
Katika siku hizo watasema kwa Yerusalemi, “Usiogope, Sayuni. Usiiache mikono yako ilegee.
17 The LORD, your God, is among you, a mighty one who will save. He will rejoice over you with joy. He will calm you in his love. He will rejoice over you with singing.
Yahwe Mungu wako yuko katikati yenu, mwenye nguvu wa kuwaokoa. Atasherehekea juu yenu na kwa furaha atakuwa kimya juu yenu kwa upendo wake. Atakuwa na furaha juu yenu na atashangilia kwa furaha,
18 I will remove those who grieve about the appointed feasts from you. They are a burden and a reproach to you.
katika siku maalumu ya sherehe. Nitaondoa maafa kutoka kwenu; si muda mrefu hamtabeba aibu kwa ajili yake.
19 Behold, at that time I will deal with all those who afflict you; and I will save those who are lame and gather those who were driven away. I will give them praise and honor, whose shame has been in all the earth.
Tazama, Niko tayari kuwashughulikia watesi wenu wote. Katika wakati ule, Nitawaokoa waliolemaa na kuwakusanya waliotupiliwa mbali. Nitawafanya kuwa sifa, na nitaibadilisha aibu yao iwe sifa katika dunia yote.
20 At that time I will bring you in, and at that time I will gather you; for I will give you honor and praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before your eyes, says the LORD.
Katika wakati ule nitawaongoza; katika wakati ule nitawakusanya pamoja. Nitawafanya mataifa yote ya dunia kuwaheshimu na kuwasifu, wakati mtakapoona hivyo, Nitakuwa nimewarudisha”, asema Yahwe.

< Zephaniah 3 >