< Psalms 79 >

1 A Psalm by Asaph. God, the nations have come into your inheritance. They have defiled your holy temple. They have laid Jerusalem in heaps.
Asaph kah Tingtoenglung Pathen aw, namtom rhoek loh na rho a kun uh thil tih, na bawkim cim te a poeih uh. Jerusalem te lairhok bangla a khueh uh.
2 They have given the dead bodies of your servants to be food for the birds of the sky, the flesh of your holy ones to the animals of the earth.
Na sal rhoek kah a rhok te vaan kah vaa taengah, na hlangcim rhoek kah a saa te diklai mulhing taengah cakok la a paek uh.
3 They have shed their blood like water around Jerusalem. There was no one to bury them.
Amih thii te Jerusalem kaepvai ah tui bangla a hawk uh tih aka up om pawh.
4 We have become a reproach to our neighbors, a scoffing and derision to those who are around us.
Kaimih he imben rhoek kah kokhahnah, ka taengvai kah tamdaengnah neh soehsalnah la ka om uh.
5 How long, LORD? Will you be angry forever? Will your jealousy burn like fire?
BOEIPA aw me hil nim na thin a toek ve? Na thatlainah te hmai bangla rhong yoeyah aya?
6 Pour out your wrath on the nations that don’t know you, on the kingdoms that don’t call on your name,
Nang aka ming pawh namtom rhoek so neh na ming aka khue mueh ram soah na kosi hawk thil lah.
7 for they have devoured Jacob, and destroyed his homeland.
Jakob te a yoop uh tih a tolkhoeng te a pong sakuh.
8 Don’t hold the iniquities of our forefathers against us. Let your tender mercies speedily meet us, for we are in desperate need.
Lamhm a kathaesainah a rho kaimih taengah thoelh boel lamtah dikdik ka tlayae uh dongah na haidamnah kaimih koe n'doe uh saeh.
9 Help us, God of our salvation, for the glory of your name. Deliver us, and forgive our sins, for your name’s sake.
Kaimih kah daemnah Pathen aw na thangpomnah ming ham kaimih m'bom dae. Na ming kongah kaimih n'huul lamtah kaimih kah tholhnah te han dawth dae.
10 Why should the nations say, “Where is their God?” Let it be known among the nations, before our eyes, that vengeance for your servants’ blood is being poured out.
Balae tih namtom rhoek loh, A Pathen khaw melae?,” a ti uh eh. Na sal rhoek kah thii aka hawk namtom taengah tawnlohnah loh kaimih mikhmuh ah aka thoeng te namtom rhoek loh ming uh saeh.
11 Let the sighing of the prisoner come before you. According to the greatness of your power, preserve those who are sentenced to death.
Thongtl a kah a kiinah loh namah taengla ha pawk saeh. Dueknah cadil rhoek te na boeilennah bantha neh sueng sak.
12 Pay back to our neighbors seven times into their bosom their reproach with which they have reproached you, Lord.
Te vaengah kaimih kah imben rhoek te voeirhih la thuung lah. A kodang ah amih kah kokhahnah neh Boeipa namah ni m'veet uh coeng te.
13 So we, your people and sheep of your pasture, will give you thanks forever. We will praise you forever, to all generations.
Te dongah na pilnam kaimih neh na rhamtlim kah boiva long tah, namah te kumhal duela kan uem uh ni. Cadilcahma neh cadilcahma hil nang koehnah te ka tae uh ni.

< Psalms 79 >