< Judges 21 >

1 Now the men of Israel had sworn in Mizpah, saying, “None of us will give his daughter to Benjamin as a wife.”
Te dongah Israel hlang loh Mizpah ah ol a caeng uh tih, “Mamih khuiah pakhat long khaw a tanu te Benjamin yuu la pae boel saeh,” a ti uh.
2 The people came to Bethel and sat there until evening before God, and lifted up their voices, and wept severely.
Te phoeiah pilnam te Bethel la cet uh tih BOEIPA mikhmuh ah kholaeh duela ngol uh. Te vaengah a rhah ol a huel uh tih hluk hluk rhap uh.
3 They said, “The LORD, the God of Israel, why has this happened in Israel, that there should be one tribe lacking in Israel today?”
Te dongah “Israel Pathen BOEIPA aw, Israel koca pakhat khui lamloh hloep aka buel uh ham te tihnin ah balae tih Israel taengah a om,” a ti uh.
4 On the next day, the people rose early and built an altar there, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings.
A vuen ah pilnam te thoo tih hmueihtuk a suem uh. Te phoeiah hmueihhlutnah neh rhoepnah te a nawn uh.
5 The children of Israel said, “Who is there among all the tribes of Israel who didn’t come up in the assembly to the LORD?” For they had made a great oath concerning him who didn’t come up to the LORD to Mizpah, saying, “He shall surely be put to death.”
Tedae, “BOEIPA taengah Mizpah la aka cet pawt tah duek rhoela duek saeh,” a ti tih olhlo puei a om dongah Israel ca rhoek loh, “Israel koca boeih khuiah BOEIPA taengkah hlangping lakli la aka mop pawt te ulae,” a ti uh.
6 The children of Israel grieved for Benjamin their brother, and said, “There is one tribe cut off from Israel today.
Te daengah Israel ca rhoek loh a manuca Benjamin soah damti uh tih, “Israel khuiah koca pakhat tah tihnin ah pat coeng.
7 How shall we provide wives for those who remain, since we have sworn by the LORD that we will not give them of our daughters to wives?”
Mah tanu te amih yuu la paek pawt ham mamih loh BOEIPA taengah n'toemngam uh dongah aka sueng rhoek ham a yuu metlam m'vawt uh eh,” a ti uh.
8 They said, “What one is there of the tribes of Israel who didn’t come up to the LORD to Mizpah?” Behold, no one came from Jabesh Gilead to the camp to the assembly.
Te dongah, “Israel koca khuikah pakhat khaw BOEIPA taengah Mizpah la aka mop pawt te melae,” a ti uh daengah Jabesh Gilead rhaehhmuen lamkah te hlangping taengah hlang pakhat khaw tarha mop pawh.
9 For when the people were counted, behold, there were none of the inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead there.
Te dongah pilnam te a boel uh hatah te Jabesh Gilead khosa rhoek khui lamkah pakhat khaw om tangloeng pawh.
10 The congregation sent twelve thousand of the most valiant men there, and commanded them, saying, “Go and strike the inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead with the edge of the sword, with the women and the little ones.
Te dongah tatthai hlang khui lamkah rhaengpuei la hlang thawng hlai hnih te a tueih uh tih amih te a uen uh hatah, “Cet uh lamtah Jabesh Gilead kah huta camoe khosa rhoek te cunghang ha neh ngawn uh.
11 This is the thing that you shall do: you shall utterly destroy every male, and every woman who has lain with a man.”
Te phoeiah tongpa boeih hekah olka bangla saii uh lamtah thingkong dongah tongpa neh aka ming uh huta te khaw boeih thup uh,” a ti nah.
12 They found among the inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead four hundred young virgins who had not known man by lying with him; and they brought them to the camp to Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan.
Te dongah Jabesh Gilead kah khosa rhoek khuiah tongpa kah thingkong neh tongpa aka ming pawh hula, oila ya li a hmuh uh te khaw Kanaan kho kah Shiloh rhaehhmuen la a khuen uh.
13 The whole congregation sent and spoke to the children of Benjamin who were in the rock of Rimmon, and proclaimed peace to them.
Te phoeiah rhaengpuei pum te a tueih uh tih Rimmon thaelpang kah Benjamin ca rhoek te a voek uh. Te vaengah rhoepnah neh amih te a khue uh.
14 Benjamin returned at that time; and they gave them the women whom they had saved alive of the women of Jabesh Gilead. There still weren’t enough for them.
Benjamin khaw te vaeng khohnin ah ha mael coeng. Te dongah Jabesh Gilead lamkah huta aka hing duen te amih yuu la a paek uh dae amih ham rhoeh tah dang uh pawh.
15 The people grieved for Benjamin, because the LORD had made a breach in the tribes of Israel.
Tedae BOEIPA loh Israel koca khuiah a puut a saii coeng dongah Benjamin ham khaw pilnam khaw hal van.
16 Then the elders of the congregation said, “How shall we provide wives for those who remain, since the women are destroyed out of Benjamin?”
Te dongah hlangboel khuikah a hamca rhoek, “Benjamin nu he a mitmoeng coeng dongah aka sueng rhoek ham a yuu metlam m'vawt pa eh,” a ti uh.
17 They said, “There must be an inheritance for those who are escaped of Benjamin, that a tribe not be blotted out from Israel.
Te phoeiah, “Benjamin rhalyong rhoek kah rho he Israel koca lamkah long khaw hmata boel saeh.
18 However, we may not give them wives of our daughters, for the children of Israel had sworn, saying, ‘Cursed is he who gives a wife to Benjamin.’”
Te phoeiah, 'Benjamin taengah huta aka pae tah thaephoei thil saeh,’ a ti tih Israel ca rhoek loh a toemngam coeng dongah mamih nu khui lamkah he amih taengah a yuu la pae ham khaw coeng pawh,” a ti uh.
19 They said, “Behold, there is a feast of the LORD from year to year in Shiloh, which is on the north of Bethel, on the east side of the highway that goes up from Bethel to Shechem, and on the south of Lebonah.”
Te phoeiah, “A kum kum kah BOEIPA khotue te Shiloh ah om oem ta te. Shiloh he Bethel tlangpuei, Bethel, Shekhem lamloh Lebonah tuithim duela aka luei longpuei kah khocuk ah om ta,” a ti uh.
20 They commanded the children of Benjamin, saying, “Go and lie in wait in the vineyards,
Te dongah Benjamin ca rhoek te a uen a uen uh tih, “Cet uh lamtah misur kung ah rhongngol uh.
21 and see, and behold, if the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in the dances, then come out of the vineyards, and each man catch his wife of the daughters of Shiloh, and go to the land of Benjamin.
Te vaengah so uh lamtah lam dongah thum ham Shiloh nu rhoek pawk ha thoeng uh ni. Te vaengah misur kung lamloh cuk thil uh lamtah namamih ham tu uh. Hlang boeih loh Shiloh nu te Benjamin kho ah na yuu la caeh puei uh.
22 It shall be, when their fathers or their brothers come to complain to us, that we will say to them, ‘Grant them graciously to us, because we didn’t take for each man his wife in battle, neither did you give them to them; otherwise you would now be guilty.’”
Te vaengah a napa rhoek khaw, a nganpa rhoek khaw halo vetih mamih taengah aka ho khaw om ni. Tedae amih te, 'Kaimih he ng'rhen uh mai, caemtloek vaengah a yuu la hlang ka dang pa uh oeh pawh. Amih te a tuetang vaengah nangmih loh na pae uh pawt koinih na lolh uh ni,’ ka ti na uh bitni,” a ti nauh.
23 The children of Benjamin did so, and took wives for themselves according to their number, of those who danced, whom they carried off. They went and returned to their inheritance, built the cities, and lived in them.
Te dongah Benjamin ca rhoek loh a saii uh tih amamih tarhing ah huta a khuen uh. Aka lam rhoek khui lamkah te a tuuk uh daengah cet uh tih a rho te a paan uh. Te phoeiah khopuei te a khoeng uh tih a khuiah kho a sak uh.
24 The children of Israel departed from there at that time, every man to his tribe and to his family, and they each went out from there to his own inheritance.
Israel ca rhoek khaw tekah khohnin daengah te lamkah te amah koca rhoek neh a huiko taengla nong uh tih amah rho te rhip a paan uh.
25 In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did that which was right in his own eyes.
Te vaeng tue ah khaw Israel khuiah manghai tal tih hlang boeih loh a mik dongkah a thuem sak bangla a saii uh.

< Judges 21 >