< Isaiah 47 >

1 “Come down and sit in the dust, virgin daughter of Babylon. Sit on the ground without a throne, daughter of the Kasdim. For you will no longer be called tender and delicate.
Njoo chini na ukae kwenye mavumbi, binti bikira wa Babeli; kaa juu ya aridhi pasipo enzi, ewe binti wa Wakaldayo. Hautaitwa tena mpenda anasa na maisha ya anasa.
2 Take the millstones and grind flour. Remove your veil, lift up your skirt, uncover your legs, and wade through the rivers.
Chukua jiwe la kusagia na usage unga; ondoa pazia lako, ondoa mavazi yako, ondoa viatu miguuni, na vuka mkondo wa maji.
3 Your nakedness will be uncovered. Yes, your shame will be seen. I will take vengeance, and will spare no one.”
Uchi wako utafunuliwa, ndio, na aibu yako itaonekana; Nitachukua kizazi na sitamuacha mtu,
4 Our Redeemer, the LORD of Hosts is his name, is the Holy One of Israel.
Mkombozi, Yahwe wa majeshi ndilo jina lake, Mtakatifu wa Israeli.
5 “Sit in silence, and go into darkness, daughter of the Kasdim. For you shall no longer be called the mistress of kingdoms.
Kaa kimya na nenda katika giza, ewe binti wa Wakaldoyo; maana hautaitwa tena malikia wa falme.
6 I was angry with my people. I profaned my inheritance and gave them into your hand. You showed them no mercy. You laid a very heavy yoke on the aged.
Nilikuwa na hasira na watu wangu; Nimeunajisi urithi wangu na kuwakabidhi nyie katika mkono wenu, lakini hamkuomyesha huruma; umeweka nira kubwa kwa wazee.
7 You said, ‘I will be a princess forever,’ so that you didn’t lay these things to your heart, nor did you remember the results.
Umesema, ''Nitaongoza daima kama malikia huru.'' Haukuvichukua vitu hivi katika moyo, wala hakutafakari jinsi hivi vitu vitakavyojeuka.
8 “Now therefore hear this, you who are given to pleasures, who sit securely, who say in your heart, ‘I am, and there is no one else besides me. I won’t sit as a widow, neither will I know the loss of children.’
Hivyo sasa sikiliza hili, Ewe upendae anasa na kukaa salama; ewe usemae katika moyo wako, 'Ninaishi, na hakuna mwingine kama mimi; Sitakaa kama mjane wala sitazoea kufiwa na watoto.
9 But these two things will come to you in a moment in one day: the loss of children and widowhood. They will come on you in their full measure, in the multitude of your sorceries, and the great abundance of your enchantments.
''Lakini vitu hivi vitakuja kwako siku moja katika kipindi cha siku moja; kwa nguvu za kutosha yatakuja kwako, japo uchawi wako na dua zako na hirizi.
10 For you have trusted in your wickedness. You have said, ‘No one sees me.’ Your wisdom and your knowledge has perverted you. You have said in your heart, ‘I am, and there is no one else besides me.’
Umeweka imani katika mapungufu yako; na kusema, ''Hakuna anayeniona mimi''; hekima na maarifa yako yanakupoteza, lakini unasema katika moyo wako, ''Nipo na hakuna hata mmoja kama mimi.''
11 Therefore disaster will come on you. You won’t know when it dawns. Mischief will fall on you. You won’t be able to put it away. Desolation will come on you suddenly, which you don’t understand.
Maafa yatakuzidi wewe; hautaweza kuyaondoa kwa dua zako mwenyewe. Uharibifu utakuwa juu yako; hautaweza kuukata. Maafa yatakuangamiza ghafla, kabla haujajua kitu.
12 “Stand now with your enchantments and with the multitude of your sorceries, in which you have labored from your youth, as if you might profit, as if you might prevail.
Endeleni kutoa uganga wako na wachawi wengi ambao mlioaminishwa kusoma toka utotoni mwao; labda utafanikiwa, labda utayashinda maafa.
13 You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels. Now let the astrologers, the stargazers, and the monthly prognosticators stand up and save you from the things that will happen to you.
Umejaribu sana kwa kushauriwa sana; waache hao watu wasimame na kukuokoa wewe- wale wanaoangalia mbingu na wanoangalia nyota, wale wanotangaza mwenzi mpya- waache wawaokoe nyie kutoka kwenye yaliyowapata.
14 Behold, they are like stubble. The fire will burn them. They won’t deliver themselves from the power of the flame. It won’t be a coal to warm at or a fire to sit by.
Tazama, watakuwa kama mabua. Moto utayachoma juu. Hayataweza kujisaidia yenyewe kutoka kwenye mkono wa moto. Hakuna makaa kuwapa joto wao na hakuna moto uliowekwa pembeni kwa ajili yao!
15 The things that you labored in will be like this: those who have trafficked with you from your youth will each wander in his own way. There will be no one to save you.
Hivi ndio wamekuwa kwako, wale unaofanya nao kazi, na unauza na kununua na wao toka ulipo kuwa mdogo, na wale wanaendelea kufanya mambo yao ya kijinga; na unapolia kuhitaji msaada, hakuna hata mmjoa ambaye atakukomboa wewe.''

< Isaiah 47 >