< Genesis 8 >

1 God remembered Noah, all the animals, and all the livestock that were with him in the ship; and God made a wind to pass over the earth. The waters subsided.
И помяну Бог Ноа, и вся звери, и вся скоты, и вся птицы, и вся гады пресмыкающыяся, елика беху с ним в ковчезе: и наведе Бог дух на землю, и преста вода.
2 The deep’s fountains and the sky’s windows were also stopped, and the rain from the sky was restrained.
И заключишася источницы бездны и хляби небесныя: и удержася дождь от небесе.
3 The waters continually receded from the earth. After the end of one hundred fifty days the waters receded.
И вспять пойде вода идущая от земли: и умаляшеся вода по сте пятидесятих днех.
4 The ship rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on Ararat’s mountains.
И седе ковчег в месяц седмый, в двадесять седмый день месяца, на горах Араратских.
5 The waters receded continually until the tenth month. In the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tops of the mountains were visible.
Вода же уходящи умаляшеся даже до десятаго месяца: и в десятый месяц, в первый день месяца явишася верси гор.
6 At the end of forty days, Noah opened the window of the ship which he had made,
И бысть до четыредесятих днех отверзе Ное оконце ковчега, еже сотвори,
7 and he sent out a raven. It went back and forth, until the waters were dried up from the earth.
и посла врана (видети, аще уступила вода от лица земли): и изшед не возвратися, дондеже изсяче вода от земли.
8 He himself sent out a dove to see if the waters were abated from the surface of the ground,
И посла голубицу по нем видети, аще уступила вода от лица земли:
9 but the dove found no place to rest her foot, and she returned into the ship to him, for the waters were on the surface of the whole earth. He put out his hand, and took her, and brought her to him into the ship.
и не обретши голубица покоя ногама своима, возвратися к нему в ковчег, яко вода бяше по всему лицу всея земли: и простер руку свою, прият ю и внесе ю к себе в ковчег.
10 He waited yet another seven days; and again he sent the dove out of the ship.
И премедлив еще седмь дний, паки посла голубицу из ковчега.
11 The dove came back to him at evening and, behold, in her mouth was a freshly plucked olive leaf. So Noah knew that the waters were abated from the earth.
И возвратися к нему голубица к вечеру, и имеяше сучец масличен с листвием во устех своих: и позна Ное, яко уступи вода от лица земли.
12 He waited yet another seven days, and sent out the dove; and she didn’t return to him any more.
И премедлив еще седмь дний других, паки посла голубицу, и не приложи возвратитися к нему потом.
13 In the six hundred first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from the earth. Noah removed the covering of the ship, and looked. He saw that the surface of the ground was dry.
И бысть в первое и шестьсотное лето жития Ноева, в первый день перваго месяца, изсяче вода от лица земли: и откры Ное покров ковчега, егоже сотвори, и виде, яко изсяче вода от лица земли.
14 In the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth was dry.
В месяц же вторый, в двадесять седмый день месяца изсше земля.
15 God spoke to Noah, saying,
И рече Господь Бог Ноеви, глаголя:
16 “Go out of the ship, you, your wife, your sons, and your sons’ wives with you.
изыди из ковчега ты и жена твоя, и сынове твои и жены сынов твоих с тобою:
17 Bring out with you every living thing that is with you of all flesh, including birds, livestock, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply on the earth.”
и вся звери, елицы суть с тобою, и всяку плоть от птиц даже до скотов, и всяк гад движущийся по земли изведи с собою: и раститеся и множитеся на земли.
18 Noah went out, with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives with him.
И изыде Ное и жена его, и сынове его и жены сынов его с ним,
19 Every animal, every creeping thing, and every bird, whatever moves on the earth, after their families, went out of the ship.
и вси зверие, и вси скоти, и вся птицы и вси гади движущиися по роду своему на земли изыдоша из ковчега.
20 Noah built an altar to the LORD, and took of every clean animal, and of every clean bird, and offered burnt offerings on the altar.
И созда Ное жертвенник Господеви: и взя от всех скотов чистых и от всех птиц чистых и вознесе во всесожжение на жертвенник.
21 The LORD smelled the pleasant aroma. The LORD said in his heart, “I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake because the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth. I will never again strike every living thing, as I have done.
И обоня Господь воню благоухания. И рече Господь Бог размыслив: не приложу ктому прокляти землю за дела человеческая, зане прилежит помышление человеку прилежно на злая от юности его: не приложу убо ктому поразити всякую плоть живущую, якоже сотворих:
22 While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night will not cease.”
во вся дни земли сеятва и жатва, зима и зной, лето и весна, день и нощь не престанут.

< Genesis 8 >

A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark
A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark